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Accidental Trifecta

Page 16

by Avery Gale

  His body was reacting to the fantasy as if it was real and leaning against the cushions of the yacht’s bow seating was becoming painful. Just as he shifted his weight to give his throbbing erection some much-needed relief, Craig heard the clicking of heels on the boat’s wood deck. The annoying sound brought him fully out of the fantasy he’d been enjoying. Why do women think that click-clacking is attractive? Drives me fucking nuts. He’d been enjoying his fictional romp with Cameron and Carl so much he’d nearly forgotten his “cover.” Sherry had been more than happy to share her taxi at the airport. Craig had known the moment CeCe had felt him watching her, he could only hope she hadn’t recognized him as they’d gotten into the cab parked in front of the Towne car that met the Barnes. Once he’d been alone with Sherry, it had been easy to convince the brainless blonde to join him on his father’s yacht for a few days. What kind of bimbo agrees to go with a man she doesn’t know onto a boat? Dizzy bitch. “Hey, you didn’t forget about me, did you? What are you doing out here anyway? Is that your house?”

  Christ, I should just throw her snooping ass overboard now. “No, I was just looking for a beach for us to enjoy tomorrow. That one looks great. We’ll take the jet skis over and take a look tomorrow.”

  She seemed pacified and nodded, “Okay. I have the wine poured and your staff made dinner. Come on, let’s eat before we find a way to pass the time under the stars.” Had he not noticed in the cab that her voice was annoying? He was going to have to concentrate on not strangling her until she’d served her purpose. Once his parents finally signed over the last of the company’s majority shares to him they had no longer served any purpose, so they’d become a liability. It had merely been a tragic coincidence when they died just a couple of months later. Yes, a tragic coincidence, indeed. He’d taken over the company and then promptly put his trusted attorney at the helm and left for Houston to win Cam’s heart. The man he’d left in charge had been more than happy to send the luxurious boat to St. Maarten if it meant keeping his plumb position a little longer.

  “Hey, I’m getting lonely in there all by myself.” Yeah, that whining is good enough reason to drown her. He got to his feet and followed her inside. He had no intentions of fucking her, but he’d practice his oral skills and make sure she fell asleep in a well-satisfied stupor. A couple of great orgasms and she’d leave him alone for the rest of the night. If things went according to his plan, he’d be able to take care of the illustrious Dr. Barnes tomorrow and hell, maybe Lady Luck would take a shine to him and he’d be able to pin the whole thing on Miss Buxom Bimbo. He’d make nice over dinner then buy her loyalty with a couple of mind-blowing releases. Yeah, a couple of scream the walls down orgasms later she wouldn’t even notice he hadn’t fucked her. Women were great as friends and he didn’t mind using them as a means to an end—but they certainly didn’t do anything for him sexually.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aspen dropped the tiny capsule in Craig’s wineglass and watched it bubble for a few seconds before all trace of the sedative disappeared. That ought to knock his ass out for a few hours. Pissant. Turning her attention to the man looking through a scope at Cameron and Cecelia Barnes’ beach home, she shook her head. How big did his ego have to be in order to think he’d simply “picked her up” in the airport? Hell, she’d been tailing him since New York. Yeah, Kyle and Kent were going to owe her big time for this. But then again, it was colder that fucking Antarctica in New York and the warmth of St. Maarten and a few days of tropical paradise was a sweet way to spend the last of her leave.

  She’d known the West boys and Jax McDonald since they’d all been kids in Austin, so she’d been happy to help when they’d called. She hadn’t even asked how they’d known she was in New York, she’d just assumed that had been Micah Drake’s doing. God, that man was wicked with a computer, she’d heard tales about him for years. Letting him go had been one of the dumbest things Uncle Sam had done in a long time. She hadn’t been surprised to learn Micah and Jax were best friends, but she had been surprised to find out the two men now shared a wife and young daughter.

  She’d enjoyed playing super spy donning night vision goggles and laying on the roof of a building just down from the one where her friends had been staying. As a fighter pilot, Aspen didn’t get to play soldier on the ground very often, so she’d had fun watching the skinny weasel as he watched from the shadows. Damn, those goggles were kick-ass. She’d tapped the small button on the side sending several still shots to Micah back in Austin. He’d recognized the guy from Cameron Barnes’ employee files, and was now running him through his face recognition programs. Aspen had no doubt that by the time Micah was done with the jerk laying out on the bow, they’d know everything there was to know about him, including his real name because no one believed the one on his employment information was real. Sighing to herself, she was actually worried this was too easy, because she’d only spent an hour or so with the man and she already knew he had a major hard-on for Cameron Barnes.

  Aspen didn’t know Cameron Barnes personally, but his reputation was well known in military circles and from what she’d heard recently, that was being eclipsed by his reputation as a BDSM club owner and Master. Part of the bargain she’d struck with Kyle and Kent had been a five year membership to Prairie Winds. She would still have two years left by the time she was discharged but at least she’d be able to enjoy a few visits a year until she could really take advantage of her new prize. Taking a deep breath before stepping out on to the boat’s moonlit deck, Aspen shook her head. So often men were just too easy. Put long, tumbling blond curls, a smile fit for a toothpaste commercial, a bit of Texas twang, and a big set of hooters in front of them and they’d follow you over the edge of the Grand Canyon. Idiots. She’d given up looking for a man who could earn her submission by demanding her respect, finding him just seemed too remote of a possibility. But that didn’t mean the hot guy she’d seen standing down the block from her target hadn’t been worth checking out. She’d known he was part of the Prairie Winds' team, but hadn’t been introduced to him since she’d been pulled in to pinch-hit at the last minute. She’d finally gotten Jax to tell her his name right after they’d landed in St. Maarten—yeah, she’d be looking up Mitch Ames the next time she was in Austin, that was for sure. But right now, it was time to get this show on the road. The sooner Allen drank the wine, the sooner she could snoop around and call Jax. She could only hope to find proof this was their guy so she could get away from Mr. Limpy—Fuck me he’s just plain creepy.


  It had taken Carl and Cam both to keep Cecelia from wandering through the house. Cam wanted her to have something to look forward to tomorrow, but even more than that, he wanted to show her a few of the special features in the courtyard and master bath. After stopping in the master suite to grab a few supplies, Cam watched his sweet woman’s face as he pressed buttons on the small remote that had been set on the bedside table just as he’d requested. He heard her small gasp as the entire wall retracted, opening up the large room to the outside paradise. “Come,” he commanded as he took her hand and led her forward. The smooth flagstone path wound through the palms and bright tropical flowers to the waterfall. Tonight the underwater lights were all soft blue and white, but Cam knew they could be changed to suit any mood. With another touch to the remote, music came from the hidden speakers and he saw her expression soften as she recognized the gentle piano music of Brian Crain.

  Turning her so she noticed the retracting wall also opened up the master bath’s shower area, Cam watched her eyes widen in recognition. “How did you know?”

  “Pet, it’s my job to know what your heart desires, even when you don’t voice those desires. Especially when you don’t voice them.” He didn’t say any more, now wasn’t the time for that discussion.

  Without speaking, he moved her into position beside a large boulder, pressing gently between her shoulder blades to lean her over the rock’s curved side. Pulling silk scarves from his pocket, Cam
wrapped her wrists and then secured each of them to small handholds just over the top of the stone. Turning to Carl, he glanced down at her ankles and handed the man the other two silk scarves. Stepping back, Cam watched as Carl moved to behind Cecelia and began stroking his hands up and down her legs as he moved them out further with each pass. Cam stepped to Cecelia’s side and began unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt. Her eyes followed his movements as if she were being hypnotized by them, and even in the dim light Cam could see moisture glistening from her rose-colored lips as she licked them when he unbuttoned the front of his shirt and pulled it from his pants. Tossing it aside, he watched her eyes dilate and begin to cloud with desire. Perfect.

  Pressing the small remote in his palm, Cam watched as a large three-part video screen lowered from the tall palms on the opposite side of the small koi pond. When the images appeared, he heard Cecelia’s small gasp and Carl’s muttered, “Fuck that’s hot.” They hadn’t had time to notice the cameras placed around the enclosure, there wasn’t a square inch of the area that couldn’t be projected on the screen. The security team would also be able to see the area, but they were men well versed in the ways of BDSM play so they weren’t going to be shocked by anything they saw. The one feature Micah Drake had insisted Cam include was a program that ensured all videos were stored on a separate server that only Cam had the code to access. He’d still have a recording if there was ever a security issue, but he was the only one with access. In light of the recent threats against his family, Cam was grateful he had heeded his friend’s advice.

  He’d left his black slacks on but removed his belt so the trousers rode low on his hips as he crossed his arms over his bare chest and watched his pet slide further and further into the correct mindset. Cam understood this part of her personality and could interpret even the slightest shift in her body’s language. He could meet each and every one of her physical needs, it was the emotional components that seemed to elude him. Pushing aside that concern, he focused on her every breath, and watched her pulse beating at the base of her neck, the longer he studied her the faster it became. Her breasts were pressed against the surface of the rock, but he knew from experience her nipples would already be tightly beaded and reaching out for his attention.

  When Carl had finished securing her legs, he stood and looked to Cam for further instructions. Both men had been advised one of the club’s employees was being investigated as the person who had made the threats, but they hadn’t told Cecelia yet. Because they knew the man was anchored close by they wouldn’t prolong the exposure, but Cam knew all three of them needed this scene. “Tell me, is our pretty little toy wet for us, Carl?” Cam had deliberately referred to his friend as Carl rather than as Master Carl because he intended to top him as well—the change wasn’t missed by either Carl or Cecelia.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed for just a few heartbeats as Carl moved his fingers through her soaked pussy lips. Holding his glistening fingers up for Cam to see, he answered, “Yes, Sir, she is indeed.” And there is was, the acknowledgment that Carl was ready to play. The words nearly brought Cam to his knees in gratitude.

  Tossing a small tube of lube to Carl, Cam watched as he caught it easily without ever moving his gaze from Cam’s. “I want to watch your cock slide in and out of her sweet ass.” Cecelia’s low moan shifted his attention to her. “Pet? Are you angling for a punishment before we even start?”

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir. I wasn’t protesting, it just that, well…your words turned me on—a lot and it slipped out.” Cam had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. This is one of the down sides of the cameras. He watched her for a few seconds and then nodded. She let out a breath he was willing to bet she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. Christ, is she that worried about displeasing me? I want her submission, but I don’t want her so worried she’ll displease me that she is afraid to show any emotion at all. For the first time since they had been together, Cam realized he really had grown tired of seeing her role in his life in such narrow terms.

  The snap of the cap from the lube bottle opening shifted his attention to Carl. Watching as he spread Cecelia’s cheeks apart and dribbled the cool liquid over the pink rosette of her ass sent a flood of blood to Cam’s already rock hard cock. Her sweet gasp as the cool gel slid over her hot ass and sex added another layer of lust to the raging need already consuming him. It was going to take every bit of the control he was so well known for to hold himself back, because in this moment the only thing he could think about was pushing himself into Carl’s tight ass. Knowing his every thrust was pushing Carl deeper into Cecelia was going to drive him out of his mind once they’d started.

  “Tell me how it feels, pet. Do you like knowing I’m watching as Carl prepares you? Does it arouse you to know how much you are pleasing me?” His voice rasped out the questions, but he was pleased he’d been able to form coherent questions when his brain was being starved for oxygen. If any more blood goes south, I’m not even going to be able to remember my own name.

  “It feels so good…his hands are touching all the right spots and the anticipation is almost more than I can stand. But the best part? Oh…the very best part is knowing you are pleased with me. And seeing it all on the monitors is so hot…just seeing it all is pushing me so close and Master Carl’s fingers are stretching me and I want to feel him push inside, but first…” Cecelia’s voice had trailed off and a very small sliver of Cam’s brain was grateful because her words had been a hair’s breadth from blowing his control into tiny bits of vaporized matter. But his curiosity about what she hadn’t said pulled him back from the brink.

  “What? Tell your Master what you want first, pet. You have piqued my curiosity.” He was fairly certain he knew what his little voyeur wanted, but he was going to make her say it. He was standing just out of her line of sight but she looked up and met his gaze squarely in the monitor. The wanton look on her flushed face should be in every Dom training manual with the caption, “This is the look you want to see on your submissive’s face.”

  “I want to see you kiss him. I want to see you kiss Carl, make him a part of us.” Carl’s eyes went molten and Cam was stunned at how perfectly she’d read the situation. He’d hoped to ease her into the idea of a permanent ménage, but she was already right where he’d hoped tonight would take her. Shifting his gaze to Carl’s, he quirked a brow in question. The small nod was almost imperceptible, but Cam hadn’t missed it.

  Cam moved closer to Carl and smoothed his hand down the smooth skin of Cecelia’s ass without ever breaking eye contact with Carl. “Do you know what we’re asking of you?” Carl shifted his eyes down for just a second before raising them again. The acknowledgement of Cam’s dominance was unbelievably sexy and he didn’t waste another moment before threading his fingers through Carl’s shaggy blond hair and sealing their lips together. Cam felt his cock harden even more—something he would have sworn wasn’t possible, then Carl opened to his probing and Cam’s knees nearly buckled from the pleasure. Carl tasted as good as he had all those years ago, but there was a new strength in his response that hadn’t been there before. Cam knew it was indication of Carl’s maturity and commitment to what they all three wanted to explore, and it was a fucking turn on.

  Cam had become so lost in the feel of Carl’s lips against his own, the remarkable way the man tasted, and the heady feeling he got from dominating the only man he’d ever wanted to possess, he’d almost forgotten they were being watched by the woman they both wanted. Cam wasn’t sure if it was his own need for oxygen or Cecelia’s quiet, “Holy shit that’s hot,” that had him pulling back, but the very fragile hold he’d had over his control was dangerously close to snapping.

  “Push that beautiful cock of yours into her pretty little asshole. Stretch it, make it burn for you. I want you to take her exactly as I plan to take you.” Cam could only hope he’d be able to hold back long enough to make it memorable for the two of them. Using the remote to zoom the camera in close
on them, he saw Cecelia’s shoulders tense as the large purple domed head of Carl’s cock pressed against her puckered opening. “Don’t try to keep him out, pet. You are better trained than that. Your Master wants this. Will you deny me this pleasure?” The effect of his words was immediate. Cam watched as her muscles relaxed and she pressed back as much as the restraints allowed, as if seeking Carl’s cock. Her back arched perfectly, presenting herself with perfect submission. “Very nice. You make be very proud.”

  “Jesus Christ, she is already pulsing around me and I’m barely inside her. Her sweet ass is literally pulling me deeper. Fucking amazing.” Carl’s voice wasn’t much above a whisper and Cam wasn’t even sure he’d intended to speak out loud.

  “She is amazing. And just so you know, she’ll be just that remarkable each and every time she gives herself to you. She is more generous than she should be and we will have to work together to ensure she doesn’t wear herself out.” Cam knew his friend was listening, even though his attention was focused on Cecelia, his hands stroking over her ass cheeks and lower back in loving strokes meant to relax her so she’d allow his penetration without coming herself. Shifting his attention to the large monitors on the other side of the water, Cam watched as Cecelia’s and Carl’s expressions showed the intensity of the moment. How in the hell am I ever going to get through this? I’m going to blow the moment I’m inside him. The feel of his bare back pressed against my chest is something I’ve dreamt about since we were yanked apart by the school officials that last night at St. Andrew’s.


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