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Accidental Trifecta

Page 19

by Avery Gale

  Yep, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, this one.

  “I don’t even care that Carl is here, I’ll enjoy being the filling in that hot sandwich.” He tilted his head to the side as if studying her. “I saw them, you know. That night at the school. I was the one who told the Dean. I didn’t think Cameron would take the blame. I thought Carl would leave. And then when I tried to find him that summer, he’d already left for the military.” He kept rattling on, but CeCe had tuned him out as she tried to figure out the strange hand signals the woman was making behind her back. Shit, I have no clue what that means? What do I look like, some gang-banger?

  The man was waving his gun around gesturing wildly as he ranted his way through a fanatical tirade. And suddenly everything seemed like it had been switched to slow motion and happen simultaneously. Craig came back to himself and leveled the gun so that it was pointed right between her eyes, she saw his jaw muscles clench and the muscles in his hand quiver. There wasn’t any doubt that he was going to pull the trigger and all CeCe could see in her mind was a mental picture of Cameron rocking little Chloe. They’d only been home from the hospital for a few days and CeCe had been so tired she hadn’t heard the baby cry. She’d woken up because Cam wasn’t by her side and she never slept well if he wasn’t by her side. When she’d padded barefoot down the thickly carpeted hall, she’d found them in Cam’s office. He was rocking her in his enormous office chair, talking sweetly to her about all the wonderful places he planned to take her. They were illuminated by a single lamp, an island of love in a sea of darkness, and CeCe had stood in the dark—just watching. Now, she knew she’d never get to watch as her little girl learned to ride a bike as her daddy proudly guided her along. She’d miss all Chloe’s precious school performances and graduations. And she wouldn’t get to see Cameron walk her down the aisle someday—all because this delusional asshat thought he had a chance with Cam.

  There was an explosion of activity startling CeCe back to the moment. The woman yelled for her to run just as she launched herself toward Craig. CeCe heard an ear-piercing scream but didn’t realize it had come from her until she realized her throat was burning. She heard the pop of a handgun being fired and a soft moan, then a split second later the crack of a rifle shot split the air. CeCe turned to look behind her as she was running and then froze. Both the man and the woman lay motionless on the sand. She couldn’t move, it was if her feet were trapped in the warm sand. Carl’s arms banded around her squeezing tightly, but she was grateful because her knees folded almost immediately. “Breathe, baby, please just take a breath for me.” His words sent a soft wash of warmth over her cheek to settle right in her heart. “That’s my girl. Now another.”

  The black dots that had been dancing in front of her eyes finally started to fade and she realized Mitch and Cam were both hovering over the woman who had just saved her life. “She saved me. She told me to run and then launched herself at him. I don’t even know her. Why would she be willing to die to save me?” She didn’t have a clear view of the beautiful blonde who had acted so bravely, but it seemed odd that both Mitch and Cam were yelling into their phones about ambulances. Triage. And the suspect being neutralized. Without even realizing she was speaking out loud, CeCe asked, “Neutralized? Why don’t they just say dead? Wouldn’t dead be easier? It’s much clearer.”

  Carl still held her locked against his chest, she could feel his heart beating against her own. He chuckled softly, “You are right. It would be simpler, but since when does the military do anything the easy way? Old habits die hard, baby. And just so you know, I’m fairly certain Captain Andrews isn’t dead. Although as crazy as Mitch is acting, I’m not sure she’s doing very well. And just for the record? That’s what American soldiers do each and every day. They put their lives on the line for people they don’t know.” On a cognitive level, CeCe knew what he’d said was true, but she’d never seen it up close, and it was the most humbling moment of her entire life. Just as that thought worked through her mind every thought faded as the rest of what he’d said soaked through her adrenaline-saturated mind. What? She’s alive? I’m a doctor for heaven’s sake.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Cam paced the small waiting room of the small medical center until he could do it with his eyes closed just by counting the steps. For the first time in his life, he understood the true meaning of fear. When he’d heard Cecelia’s scream his blood had turned to ice, but the two shots that followed had nearly caused his knees to fold out from under him. Running had been pure reflex because that had been the only part of his brain that had been functioning. Cam had only been steps behind Carl—damn, he still runs like the wind—but he’d known when he saw her wrapped in his friend’s arms she was fine. He’d only paused long enough to see Carl’s quick signal indicating their woman was safe before moving to Captain Andrew’s side.

  Mitch Ames had made the shot of a lifetime. He’d been running toward the trio on the beach when he’d seen Craig Allen take aim at Cecelia. Mitch had seen in a microsecond what the rest of them saw clearly when they reviewed the security footage, Allen had every intention of killing Cecelia. Without breaking stride, he’d drilled Allen almost dead center in the forehead with the M14 he’d been carrying. Hell, shooting that rifle requires precision under ideal conditions and making that shot while running down a fucking rock covered hill is unimaginable. The man is going to be a fucking legend among his peers. What Mitch had done was nothing short of phenomenal and certainly explained why the Pentagon was pressuring the Wests to stop recruiting the cream of their crop.

  During a video conference call with Kyle West and Micah Drake, both men had reviewed the tape calling it the “shot of a lifetime.” He hoped to hell that it was the shot of Cecelia’s lifetime because just the thought of her ever being in that kind of danger again was enough to send him into a panic. It was hard to believe the hero that had saved both women was standing in front of the small room’s windows staring outside even though Cam knew the man wasn’t seeing a thing. Mitch had been in the same parade rest position for hours, he’d barely moved a muscle and at times Cam had wondered if he was even breathing. The only time he’d even responded to a question was when Mrs. Guzman had asked him if he needed anything.

  Carl stepped up beside Cam and nodded toward Mitch, “Is he doing okay?”

  Cam sighed before responding, “He will be, but he’s struggling. I’ve never seen anyone power through an adrenaline crash like he did. Hell, he barely blinked. After what he went through most people would be down for the fucking count, but there he stands—still as a damned statue.” When the door to the waiting room opened, Cam wasn’t all that surprised to see Kent West and Jax McDonald stalk into the room.

  Cam had known they were coming, but the speed with which they’d managed the trip was damned impressive. Kyle had stayed home with Tobi and their children because, to quote his friend, “She’s gonna be hell on wheels when she finds out what’s happened and she wasn’t invited to the party.” The truth was Cecelia probably could have used Tobi’s comfort, but he agreed that adding the fiery Mrs. West to the craziness already surrounding them would be like pouring gas on a raging fire.

  Kent broke off and headed for Mitch while Jax joined him and Carl. “How’s Aspen?”

  “We haven’t heard anything for a while. They don’t have enough medical staff to keep sending someone out with updates.” Jax nodded his head in understanding. “Truthfully, I can’t see how it can possibly take this long. I know there was a lot of damage. Fuck the bullet splintered several ribs as it bounced around ripping holes in her organs. It’s a fucking miracle the internal bleeding alone didn’t kill her before the paramedics got her here.”

  “From what I hear, your wife is the reason she made it this far. The Prairie Winds' team and the U.S. government are both going to owe her—no matter how this ends.”

  Jax had been speaking softly, but Mitch had obviously heard him. “Aspen is alive. She is fighting like hell to stay that way.
Her soul is seeking strength from those of us surrounding her, so please monitor your thoughts.” Cameron knew the former Green Beret had been raised in the Bayou, and the rumor mill had often referred to his voodoo beliefs, but it had always simply been gossip until now. Jax had nodded and Mitch had returned his attention to the window.

  They settled in for the wait and Cam was overwhelmed by the generosity of the locals. Just as they’d been warned, word spread quickly around the small island. Soon they were being inundated with food and drinks. Many came to stand outside and pray for the woman who had saved their new doctor. The steady influx of well-wishers made the time go faster, but Cam still wondered how Cecelia was holding up. Christ, at this point she’d been on her feet for almost forty-eight hours. He had no idea what was sustaining her except a soul deep dedication to helping others. Cameron knew about the stories surrounding his time in the military and the years he’d spent as a private operator. He wasn’t overly smug about the success he’d had, but he also knew it was damned impressive. But he was in awe of what his wife was capable of. She’d pioneered surgical techniques that were used the world over and she’d steadfastly refused to reap any windfall profit from patents. She’d only submitted the applications for patents to keep others from reaping the benefits, claiming saving lives was her only priority. Cam found himself silently adding his voice to the prayers of those around him, pleading for the wellbeing of both women. It had been a long time since he’d spoken to a God he’d often thought didn’t know he existed, but knowing there had to be something greater out there because having her in his life couldn’t possibly have been a coincidence—he simply wasn’t that lucky.


  Carl tried to stay busy greeting the locals and managing calls, anything to keep from reliving the terror that had filled him until he’d been able to hold CeCe in his arms. How she had managed to pull herself back from the edge of exhaustion to care for Aspen Andrews was something he’d never understand. Hell, he’d seen well-trained soldiers leveled by crashes after less. But she’d pushed past the exhaustion to care for Captain Andrews with a single-minded determination that earned her a whole new level of respect in Carl’s view. Sure, he’d liked her on sight and even respected her simply because of the information he’d read in the report he’d been given back in Austin. But this? This was something else entirely—this was the respect of one soldier for another.

  Two doors at opposite ends of the room opened at the same time, Captain Andrew’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Brian Riggs stepped into the room just as CeCe moved through the door Carl knew led to the small medical center. And goddammit if Commander Riggs didn’t make a beeline to CeCe before Carl or Cam could intercept him. “Dr. Barnes, it looks like my timing is perfect for once. I’m Lieutenant Colonel Riggs, how is Captain Andrews?”

  CeCe looked a bit stunned for a moment, but she rallied quickly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir, although I wish it had been under different circumstances.” Everyone in the room watched as she shook the man’s hand and then stepped back to ensure their conversation wasn’t seen as private. “Now, if you’d kindly move back a bit I’d like to address everyone at the same time, I’ve only got a few minutes and I don’t want to waste them repeating the information several times.” Good for you, baby. You grab those reins with either hand or he’ll steamroll you and you'll never even feel the bump. How could he have forgotten how annoying CO’s could be? Sure, the room might have plenty of former military personnel in it, but the woman with the power was a civilian and obviously no shrinking violet. Glancing over at Cameron, Carl saw the corners of his mouth twitching up and knew he was thinking the same thing.

  Cecelia’s voice was crystal clear as she addressed the room, without even a hint of the fatigue she had to be feeling. She patiently explained the details of Captain Andrews’ injuries, how she and Dr. Guzman had managed to repair the multitude of holes and tears caused by the bullet and the slivered pieces of Aspen’s ribs. Carl found himself lost in all the medical jargon but he’d plainly heard the hope in her voice. When Lieutenant Colonel Riggs demanded to know when Captain Andrews would be well enough to return to duty, CeCe had leveled a look at him that would have withered a Brigadier General, “I’m not God, sir. I am a physician, a very tired physician who on occasion can exhibit a bit of a snarky attitude if you are inclined to listen to my husband. I am not one of your underlings, so the tone will not serve you well here.” Every former soldier in the room was suppressing a smile and several had coughed to cover up their snorts of laughter. When CeCe noticed their reactions and Riggs’ shocked expression, her cheeks tinted a lovely shade of pink before she continued, “I promise I will keep you updated if you’ll leave your contact information with Mrs. Guzman. Since St. Maarten’s view of patient confidentiality is considerably more lenient than I’m used to, I will be able to share more information.”

  Carl and Cam moved toward CeCe, flanking her in what he felt certain would quickly become a signature move. She looked up at them, blinking several times as if she was trying to get her tired eyes to focus before she smiled. Cam turned her so she faced him, then tipped her chin up with his fingers, “I’d like for you to eat something before you go back in there, love.” Carl noticed he hadn’t asked her if she was hungry, he’d basically told her he wanted her to eat. When she slowly nodded, Cam turned her to Carl saying, “Take her over into the corner and don’t let anyone close. I’ll make her a small plate.”

  Leading her across the small room, Carl settled her on his lap. Mitch stepped in front of them and before Carl could protest, he leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. Carl knew the move was part apology and part gratitude even though the man hadn’t spoken a word. Mitch stepped back, turned, spreading his legs apart and crossing his bulging biceps over his broad chest in a move clearly letting everyone know they would have to get through him before disturbing CeCe. Carl had suspected Mitch’s interest in Aspen Andrews was something more than simply professional, but the look of relief that swept over his face as CeCe explained how optimistic she was had validated his suspicion.

  Shifting his attention to the woman leaning against his chest, Carl shifted so he could look into her eyes as he spoke, “You amaze me. I cannot imagine how spent you must be, yet your humble recounting of what happened in that operating room barely hints at what I know you’ve been through.”

  “If my Master hadn’t funded all the upgrades here in his attempt to persuade me to move my practice here—well, we’d have lost her. It wouldn’t have mattered what we would have done, without some of the pieces they’d just set up we’d be dealing with a much different outcome.” The dark circles under eyes were turning darker with every minute and he wondered how long it would be until her body simply refused to cooperate any longer. As a SEAL, Carl had learned how to push his body to its absolute limit, so he recognized the signs and Dr. Cecelia Barnes was getting very close to the edge.

  CeCe was one of the most sensual women Carl had ever met, he’d felt drawn to her from the moment she’d walked into Cam’s office. Hell, that was a lie—he’d practically fallen in love with her just from reading her profile on the way to Houston. But in this moment, having her curled up in his lap—trusting him to shelter her even if just for a few moments, sex was the furthest thing from his mind. Everything he’d ever learned about the responsibility of a Dom to care for his submissive came into crystal clear focus in that moment. Trusting their Dom when they are at their most vulnerable, no matter what’s brought them to that point, is the greatest gift a submissive can give. All the kneeling, collars, and mind-bending orgasms in the world mean nothing without trust.

  Cam pulled a chair around until he could sit down facing CeCe. The significance of the move might not have meant anything to her, but it spoke volumes to Carl. Cameron Barnes would always be an operative. It was in his blood. It was just who he was as a person. So watching him put his back to the room warmed Carl’s heart. As one soldier to an
other, the move had clearly telegraphed his trust in Carl. It was tantamount to shouting to everyone in the room that they were partners. Setting that aside, Carl listened intently as Cam spoke quietly to CeCe. Carl could feel her relaxing in his hold and he understood how his friend’s soothing tone and words were putting her at ease.

  Carl doubted CeCe realized how much she’d eaten from her Master’s hand, and how close she was to falling asleep in his arms. The fruit, meat, and cheese were going to serve her well for the next several hours, she’d get the short-term boost from the fruit’s sugar and the longer-term benefits from the protein in the meat and cheese. Cam had given her just enough of a respite to revive her for the next couple of hours, and the glint in his eyes as he met Carl’s gaze above her head told him the man had a plan to pull her back from that overly relaxed state as well. Carl hadn’t seen that particular look in a long time, but he recognized it immediately—Cam was up to something and he was damned happy about it. Yes, indeed. This ought to be fun to watch.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Cameron had always loved feeding Cecelia from his hand. There was something very powerful about the connection between a Dominant and his submissive when the Dom was providing for one of the sub’s most basic human needs. The unspoken message was “you are mine to care for, your needs are mine to meet” and he’d yet to see the simple act be powerfully effective. Over the years, Doms had often approached him for advice when they didn’t feel as though they’d fully bonded with the sub in their care. Without fail, hand feeding the sub during aftercare had been his first recommendation. And even though they hadn’t just shared a scene, there was no doubt his lovely slave was as vulnerable as he’d ever seen her.


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