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Mail Order Bride: Westward Dance

Page 4

by Linda Bridey

  I’m not one for beating around the bush. I’m a straight shooter and don’t stop reading after this next part. Tessa told me what happened. I said don’t stop reading!

  The ghost of a smile tugged at her mouth despite being angry with Tessa.

  Don’t worry; the only other person she told was Dean. She’s been really worried about you because you’ve been feeling poorly since it happened. Your sister is a good woman and she cares about everyone and every single thing, it seems. I don’t know where she gets the energy and that’s coming from a guy who herds cattle and tames horses for a living.

  Well, I used to anyway. Not quite two months back I had an accident while bringing a herd home from Chicago. We were attacked by a pack of wild dogs. One of them, an ugly little mutt, started a game of tag with our herd dog around my horse and it got him riled up. Hank, that’s the horse, reared up and went over on me. When a twelve hundred pound horse rolls on you, it’s not fun.

  It broke my collarbone and my leg got broke in two places. It’s on a slow mend, as Dr. Turner puts it. I have no idea if it’s going to be all right or not. So you can see where you and I are somewhat alike. We’ve both been hurt real bad, but in different ways. This is a good place to be when you’re hurt.

  You should come out here and get away from everything there. My Ma used to say that distance can make things look clearer sometimes and I think she’s right. Besides, I could use some company. Your sister has her hands full with taking care of your niece and nephews, not to mention Dean and keeping house. And don’t forget her writing. It’s pretty funny to find little scraps of paper with parts of her writing almost everywhere. Even in the barn sometimes.

  Marcus is our younger brother. Not sure if you know about him. Anyway, he and Dean and the rest of our men have had to pick up some of the slack for me, so they’re working longer days. Marcus has his own place to take care of and Dean has his family.

  They take care of me, too, because there’s a lot of things I can’t do right now. So having someone else here who might need some company, too, would be a good thing. Think it over. Don’t say no right away. Just think about it.


  Maddie sat the letter down. The picture he painted of her sister was amusing and she could well imagine Tessa hastily scribbling on paper and leaving it when she got distracted by something. Seth’s obvious affection for his family and his concern over his future struck a chord in her. She was afraid, angry, and depressed.

  Her grief and fear rose up again and the momentary interest she’d felt in Seth’s letter faded. She rose and walked to the bed. She fell into it and dropped off to sleep again as if exhausted from the effort of reading the letter or letting something intrude into her depression.

  When Maureen came to check on her later, Maddie was still asleep, but she noticed that the letter had been opened. She didn’t want to intrude on her daughter’s privacy, but was too curious not to look at who had signed it. Maureen didn’t read any further, but laid the letter back on the table. She smiled as she left the room, happy that there had been a tiny bit of curiosity about something other than what had happened to her.

  A week later another letter came. Maureen announced it to her daughter and left her again. Maddie rose quicker than the previous time and opened it immediately.

  Dearest Madeline,

  That’s how Tessa says you’re supposed to correctly begin a letter to family or friends, but that’s too womanly for me. What do you think? I didn’t get a letter back, but that’s ok. Maybe you wrote one and it just didn’t get here or maybe you didn’t. Either way, it’s fine.

  I’m glad the weather here has been a little cooler lately. Doc has my leg and hip so wrapped up that my leg feels like it’s in the jungle. I hope you’re doing ok and that you might be a little better. I’ve been thinking on something. Dean says it’s dangerous when I get thinking because I don’t do it that much. I told him to shut his mouth because every time he opens it he sounds like a jackass. He just gave me a dirty look and went on his way. We’re always like that though. Always messing with each other.

  Anyway, I’ve been looking for something to do since I’m starting to be able to think clearer since I don’t have to take it laudanum as often. I have the little dog that caused my accident and his name is Trouble because that’s what he is.

  He was dirty and smelled like hell when I first brought him home. Sadie washed him up for me and it turns out that he’s a light gray instead of black and gray. Tessa says that he’s a poodle, whatever that is, and that they’re good at tricks and stuff. He knows a few tricks, but maybe he could learn more. What do you think?

  I know that might sound silly, a man like me talking about training a poodle, but what else do I have to do? Tessa told me that you trained a dog you had when you were a kid. If you came out here, we could train him. Think about it. I’d draw you a picture of him, but I can’t draw, so I had Jack make you one. Hope you like it.


  Maddie looked at the drawing Seth sent with the letter. It was an adorable depiction of a man lying on a bed or something with a little dog on his lap. A laugh rose in her throat and came out as she saw that Jack had drawn Seth with spiky hair and very red lips. She wondered if that was the way that Seth really looked or just Jack’s perception.

  Her parents would enjoy seeing the picture, but she wasn’t going to show them the letter. She took a glance in the mirror and though she knew she must look hideous, was still shocked to see how awful her appearance was. The dark circles under her eyes and her unkempt hair made her look like an old hag instead of the beautiful young woman she had been. She’d lost weight and her sleeping gown was loose on her.

  Becoming angry, Maddie picked up her brush and tried to unsnarl her blonde locks, but it was an uphill battle and she quit. She fumed as she looked at the image before her. Her anger was directed at Theo, who had betrayed her in the worst possible way, but mostly at herself for being weak. She rested her head on the dressing table and wept angry tears.

  After several minutes of crying, Maddie raised her head and rose from the chair. She rang the servant bell chord by her bed. A few minutes later, her handmaiden, Chloe came in.

  “Yes, Miss Maddie?” she said. She was a young girl, but very proficient at her job and fun besides.

  Maddie said, “Chloe, please draw me bath. It’s time for me to get cleaned up.”

  Chloe flashed her a delighted smile. She had been very worried over her mistress’ decline over the last few months and to see her up and ready to bathe was very encouraging.

  “Yes, miss. Right away,” she said and disappeared to ready the bath.

  Geoffrey sat in his study, going over some documents. Maureen was there with him, working on some business for a charity committee on which she sat. She used one side of Geoffrey’s desk and he used the other. It was a comfortable arrangement and they enjoyed working together, even if they didn’t speak for long periods of time.

  Maureen didn’t know it, but Geoffrey was having a partner’s desk made for Maureen that he intended to place next to his so that she would have a larger space to work since she sometimes really needed to spread out. That way, too, she would have drawers and such in which to keep her things and wouldn’t have to tote them around.

  Maureen looked up from her work to find Geoffrey watching her with a smile on his handsome face.

  “What?” she said.

  “Nothing. Just enjoying the view,” he said. “And thinking that we should lock the door.”

  Maureen colored even though they’d been married for so long. “Geoff, behave,” she said even though she was delighted by his impulsiveness. “I have to finish this for this evening. While you’re a very nice distraction, I must not put this off. If I’m not prepared, Jocelyn Winters will pounce on me. She’s jealous of me and wants my vice president position.”

  Geoffrey sighed. “Well then, we can’t have her pouncing on you can we? However, I reserve the right to pounce on you late

  “Stop that!” Maureen said with a laugh.

  Geoff’s expression changed from amusement to wonder and Maureen could see that he was focused on something behind her. She turned and uttered a gasp of shock.

  Maddie stood in the doorway of the study. She was dressed in a simple dress, but her hair was done attractively. Both of her parents were sad to see how much weight she had lost, but the fact that she was out of bed and dressed was a marvelous step forward.

  Maureen went to her and gave her a hug. “You look wonderful,” she said and kissed her daughter’s cheek.

  Maddie gave her a small smile. “I look awful, but I thank you for saying it anyway.”

  Geoffrey joined them and took his daughter into his embrace. He hated how frail she felt but shared Maureen’s joy that Maddie had cleaned up and come downstairs. He kissed her hair and drew back a little. “You’re mother’s right. You’re beautiful. Come sit down,” he said and led her to the settee along one wall.

  “Thank you, Papa,” Maddie said. It felt like it had been years since she’d been in her father’s study. Memories of sitting on Geoffrey’s lap and pretending to be drawing up important papers and such came to her and she smiled. “I’ve always loved coming in here and visiting with you when you’re working.’

  Geoffrey smiled at Maddie. “And I’ve always loved having you. All of you girls are welcome diversions.”

  Maureen said, “I remember so many times coming in and finding that you had come in to see your father. You would sit on his lap and draw or you would stand and sing for him.”

  Maddie laughed. “I’d forgotten about doing that. Yes, I had dreams of becoming a world famous opera singer.”

  “I enjoyed hearing your sweet little voice. It didn’t matter what you sang, either. It was just joyous to watch you perform,” Geoffrey said.

  Maddie smiled. “You always gave me a standing ovation.”

  “Of course,” Geoffrey said.

  Maddie grew quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry that I’ve worried you so the last few months. I’m going to work on getting better, but I would like to ask you to continue to be patient with me.”

  Maureen said, “Of course we will. You’ve been through a horrible experience.”

  “That may be, but I’ve been raised to face my fears and not let anything keep me down. I’m disappointed in myself so I can just imagine how you must feel,” she said.

  Maureen sat next to her and put an arm around her. “We’re not disappointed in you. We’ve just been terribly worried. It’s hard for a parent to not be able to ease their child’s pain.”

  “It’s not your fault. Something inside me was broken, but maybe it’s starting to heal,” Maddie replied.

  For the first time since Maddie had entered the study, Geoffrey noticed the paper that Maddie carried. “What do you have there?”

  “Oh! I’d almost forgotten that I had this,” Maddie said. “This is a drawing that Jack made of Seth and the little dog that caused Seth’s accident.”

  She handed the drawing to Maureen. Her mother looked at it and began to chuckle. “It’s darling. Look, Geoff.”

  Geoffrey studied it and grinned. “It’s very expressive. Poor Seth looks in a bad way, but the dog seems happy enough. Did Tessa send that to you?”

  “No, oddly enough,” Maddie replied. “Seth did.”

  Geoffrey raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Why would he do that?”

  Maddie lowered her eyes. She wasn’t sure how her father would feel about Seth writing to her or that he knew about what had happened to her. “Tessa told him about my, um, misfortune and he was commiserating with me. This was his second letter.”

  “Damn it! Why did she do that?” Geoff said.

  Maddie sought to alleviate her father’s anger. “Papa, don’t be cross with Tessa. She was concerned, which I already knew and other than Dean, Seth is the only one who knows.”

  Geoffrey was still annoyed, but it was so good to see Maddie taking an interest in something that he kept his disapproval in check. “Why is he writing you?”

  “He’s bored. There’s not much he’s able to do since he is basically immobilized. It’s hard for a man like him to be confined like that,” Maddie said.

  Geoffrey nodded. “Yes, I had much the same reaction when Tessa informed us about his accident.”

  Maddie giggled and Maureen could have cried upon hearing the sound that had been missing in their lives for a long time.

  “Remember little Sinbad?” Maddie asked. She was referring to the pug the girls had had ten years prior.

  Maureen laughed. “Oh yes. He was a bundle of energy and so naughty!”

  “I could have throttled Alex when he showed up with that little black puppy,” Geoff said. “He’d been over to England and brought him home for ‘his girls’. The three of you fell in love with it and we didn’t have the heart to say no to letting you girls keep him.”

  “Well, the dog in that picture with Seth is the one that made his horse fall. He started the whole thing, anyway. Seth kept the dog and it turns out that he is a poodle. Seth named him Trouble,” Maddie informed them.

  Geoffrey pictured the tough cowboy Seth sitting around with a dog that was usually owned by ladies and began to laugh. It started out as a sudden snort, continued into a chuckle and rolled into a full-on belly laugh. “I wonder if he’ll teach it to herd cattle,” Geoff sputtered.

  Maureen and Maddie joined him in laughing as they, too, pictured what that would look like. Eventually their mirth abated enough to continue speaking.

  “So, Seth says that he knows some tricks, but figures that he could learn more. He’s writing because it passes the time and I see no harm in it. After all, he is family, in a sense,” Maddie said. She wasn’t about to tell her parents that Tessa wanted her to make the trip to Montana. Maddie wasn’t ready to do anything like that, but decided that writing back to Seth was harmless.

  “Yes, you’re right,” Maureen said. “I hope Jack sends more drawings.”

  Geoff smiled. “Me, too.”

  Maddie got up. “I’m feeling a little hungry. I think I’ll go see what Cook has for a snack.”

  Maureen said, “We can ring for one of the maids, or I could go myself.”

  “No, Mama, I’m fine. It’ll be good to see Cook again,” Maddie assured her mother.

  She gave each of her parents a kiss and left them.

  “Well, how do you like that?” Geoff said. “A letter from Tessa’s brother-in-law did what we could not.”

  “I think it’s a good thing and I don’t mind that he’s writing her if it helps her to improve,” Maureen said.

  Geoff nodded. “I would have to agree with you. This change in our daughter is wonderful and I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  Chapter Six

  Dear Seth,

  I have enjoyed your letters very much and apologize that I haven’t responded until now. Please let Jack know that I treasure his picture of you and Trouble. I appreciate your concern and discretion regarding my situation.

  It has been very distressing, to say the least. The man who attacked me was a close family friend, or so I thought. His name is Theo and we basically grew up together. We had many good times with my sisters and our other friends, too. Perhaps somewhere along the way I gave him the wrong idea, but that gave him no right to do what he did.

  Mama and Papa wanted to have him arrested and go to court. Since there were witnesses, it would have been a good case, but I couldn’t bear the thought of my pain being paraded in front of the public or written about in the papers. Since we are a wealthy, prominent family, we would certainly have been hounded day and night for comments and such. It would have been too degrading. I still feel the same way. It’s taken me a long time, but I just want to move forward with my life. I’m just not sure how.

  So that’s that. Now onto this dog; tell me what tricks and commands he knows. A dog should know basic “manners” as they’re called. Trouble sh
ould be able to sit, shake, lie down, and stay. Will he do more than that?

  As far as coming to Montana, I will think about it. I would love to see Tessa and meet all of you. Tessa say it’s beautiful there and very peaceful. I need to get back on my feet, so to speak, before I make any decision about traveling. I look forward to your next letter.



  Seth could have crushed the letter in his fist when he finished. This Theo deserved to be tied up and whipped and Seth would have been happy to do it. Instead of wadding up the letter, Seth folded it and put it back into the envelope. Trouble nudged his hand.

  Seth looked down into his small dark eyes. Some people wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with the dog that had begun a chain of events that had led to a debilitating accident, but Trouble was just a dog and had no idea that what he was doing was wrong. Seth figured that he’d just been so happy to see a human that he’d gotten overexcited.

  Ever since that day, Trouble had been with Seth almost all the time, except for eating and going outside to the bathroom. It was as if he was trying to make up for Seth getting hurt. Seth petted him and wondered for the hundredth time how Trouble had gotten involved with the vicious dog pack and not gotten eaten himself. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was so small compared to the other dogs and didn’t offer any kind of threat.

  Seth was happy that Maddie had written him back. He’d decided that he was going to just keep writing in the hopes that sooner or later she’d agree to come west. It pleased Seth that he had her intrigued. That was the first step with coaxing a lady into doing what you wanted. The next thing was that he had to give her a reason to do it.

  Unlike Dean, Seth had had many romantic entanglements with women. He’d never become seriously involved with anyone because he’d never envisioned wanting to stay in one place for any length of time. During the winter when it wasn’t safe to travel, Seth went stir crazy from being trapped at the ranch for too long. When there was clear patch of weather, it wasn’t unusual for Seth to ride into Wolfe’s Point to raise a little hell. He was well known there and always welcomed in the saloons and other establishments.


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