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Page 6

by Imari Jade

Charisma pointed. “There’s a clump of cacti.”

  “It’s the desert.”

  “So, it’s deserted and no one is around.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very. My bra is getting tight across my nipples. They’re begging for relief.”

  “Damn crazy woman.”

  Shakir ordered Nuri to the ground, helped Charisma off and pulled Nuri’s rein toward the cactus. Charisma skipped off in front of him. She slipped off her blouse. Shakir quickened his pace. The bra followed. She kicked out of her shoes, bent over and scooped them up. The shorts she wore rose up her hips, exposing her white lacy panties. She unzipped the shorts while she ran and kicked out of them. It was a spectacular sight. She was free and hot. Luckily it was a big sturdy cactus. He hooked Nuri’s rein to it and dashed behind it. He found Charisma there, nude and waiting for him.

  “Don’t make me beg, Prince Shakir. Please service me.”

  Shakir stripped out of his clothes. “Did you at least search the area for scorpions and snakes?”

  “No, there’s only one snake I’m interested in at the moment and its right between your legs.”

  Shakir groaned and dropped to his knees. They didn’t have time for foreplay. She didn’t need it. She was sopping wet when he entered her.

  “Deeper,” she moaned.

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll hurt you without lube.”

  “You can kiss me down there and lube me up.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” He reached for one of her breasts and squeezed it.

  “I have all kinds of dirty things going through my mind,” she teased.

  Shakir gulped. “Like what?”

  “Like us doing it in every position ever invented.”

  “Go on.”

  “Even anal.”

  “Oh.” The come rushed through his balls. “Don’t tease me.”

  “You’ll spread my cheeks and you’ll do naughty things back there with your tongue.”

  Shakir groaned. “You’re killing me, Chrissy.”

  “I like it when you call me that. What about oral?”

  “What about it?”

  “I’d like to try it on you.”

  “We don’t have time, and this is not the proper setting.”

  She panted. “What kind of things would you like to do to me?” She eased her way down his length slowly.

  “Ah.” His vision blurred. Shakir wiped the sweat away. “I’d like to prop you up on some pillows and push into you until my balls go inside of you.”

  “Harder, my prince.”

  Shakir pushed in further. He picked up the pace.

  “Uh, uh, oh. Shakir! I’m coming. Ahh…”

  Shakir let go and exploded inside of her. He sank down, covering her. “Where did you learn to talk dirty like that?”

  “Late night cable television.”

  Shakir chuckled. Nuri made a noise. He rose and peeped around the cactus to make sure that they were still alone. They were. “We have to go.”

  “Just one more minute.” She lay there and then sat up. “Where are my panties?”

  “I think you’re sitting on them.”

  Shakir and Charisma dressed. “How am I going to explain these wrinkled clothes?”

  “It’s your own fault.”

  She giggled. “I was just trying to make it comfortable for us.”

  “I have a pack on the camel, but you couldn’t wait, with your oohing and aahing and sexy talk.”

  “Can I help it if you’re so damn sexy?”

  “I had nothing to do with it. It was this damn camel you’re hot for.”

  She marched around the cactus. Shakir followed. He unhooked Nuri. “Maybe I should walk the rest of the way.”

  “Don’t be silly. Khartoum is still a long way off.”

  She took out her brush and fixed her hair. “But the camel’s motion might set me off again.”

  “So, I’ll just find another clump of cacti, or maybe we should have taken the car.”

  “Yes, we should have. Why didn’t we?”

  “Because I wanted to teach you a lesson about camels.”

  “What? That they’re vibrators?”



  “What now?”

  “I think I have sand in my crotch.”

  Shakir gasped. “Shush, American woman.”

  “Go on, make fun of me. Anyway, I’m too sore to ride.”


  “Don’t be. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.”

  Chapter Five

  The look on Robert’s face when she stepped inside of the mansion could stop time. “Where were you? We were worried.” He pulled her into his arms and she pushed him away.

  “It takes time to get here by camel.”

  He grabbed her arm. “By what? Are you crazy? That thing nearly killed you yesterday.”

  Carmen freed her from Robert and hugged her. “Well, I’m glad that you’re here.”

  “I need a bath,” Charisma replied. “I’m covered in sand.”

  Shakir entered and Robert jumped him. “Why did you bring her here on a camel?”

  “To conquer her fears. Besides, she enjoyed it so much she wants one of her own.”

  “Sure do,” Charisma agreed. “It’s very therupedic.”

  “What if she would have fallen off again? There are no physicians in the desert to patch her up.”

  “She held on to me tightly.”

  Robert clenched his fists. “I knew it wasn’t a good idea to leave her behind with you. I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

  “Well at least I know that she is alive.” Shakir walked past everyone and went up the stairs.

  Robert turned to her. “What does he mean by that?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “How should I know?”

  Carmen interrupted. “Come on. I’ll show you to your room. You’re not going to believe this place. It’s gorgeous.”

  Robert retreated off in the opposite direction.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Charisma asked.

  “He was just worried. You were in pretty bad shape when we left.”

  “The doctor gave me a clean bill of health.”

  Carmen led her upstairs and then through room after room of amazing African artifacts and relics. Charisma’s keen eyes picked up the rich details in the carvings, hoping to be allowed to capture it with her camera before they returned to the palace compound. Her room, like the room at the palace, was tastefully decorated in yellow and green pastels. Her luggage was already unpacked and stored away since it arrived earlier with Carmen in the car.

  “So, what was it like?” her aunt asked. She was never one to beat around the bush if she wanted to know something.


  “The came ride here with Prince Shakir.”

  Whew, for a moment I thought she was going to ask about the sex. Charisma sat down on the floor because she didn’t want to dirty up anything with sand. “Hot and the best time I’ve had in a long time. We talked and get this; he has sense of humor.”

  “A man with a sense of humor is good. He’ll keep you smiling.”

  “He even has a job when he’s not being a spoiled brat prince. He raises horses and camels.”

  “His mother also told me that he does a lot of humanitarian work. Did you know he’s almost single-handedly responsible for rebuilding the village outside the palace?”

  “No, he never mentioned that.”

  “That’s because he’s so modest. That’s one of the reasons why we’re here in Khartoum. We’ve come to see if we can help them rebuild.”

  “Why can’t the king and queen just give them some money?”

  “Sometimes money just isn’t enough. They need educators and builders. That’s where we fit in. We take the problems back to Washington, we lobby and have fund raisers and get contracted workers and volunteers to come here and help.”

  “Sometimes I feel so out of touch with reality.
I didn’t know you did all of that. I just thought you guys gave a lot of parties and hobnobbed with the rich and famous.”

  Carmen laughed. “I’m afraid not. There is a lot more to being ambassadors than just parties. Take Robert, for instance. He’s really excited about going down to the village tomorrow. He wants to see what he can do. He’s a hard-working guy when it comes to this type of stuff.”

  Charisma sighed. She knew that was coming. Her aunt just had to put Robert’s name in the mix to remind her of the situation that she was now in. “You’re really making this hard.”

  “You’re a smart girl. You will make the right decision.” Carmen walked toward the door. “All that begins tomorrow but tonight, we’re going to take it easy and plot strategy.”

  “How can I help?”

  “That’s why I asked you to bring your camera. The world needs pictures. They need to see what the conditions are like here. You’ll be the eyes of the world.”

  * * * *

  Robert finished the whisky in his glass. The alcohol burned, but went down smooth. Who did Prince Shakir think he was kidding with his suave attitude and impeccable manners? Even a blind man could see that he lusted after Charisma like any normal man would. But he had a problem with this since he and Charisma were dating. “And she’s mine and no amount of money will change that.”

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Robert looked up. It was Ambassador Fuentez. “No, I don’t mind. I need something to distract me right about now.”

  “I’ve been noticing that you’ve been looking a little down in the dumps lately.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  Julio nodded. “You’re angry because another man is encroaching on your turf.”

  “So, I’m not crazy. I haven’t been imagining that Prince Shakir wants Charisma?”

  “No, you aren’t crazy. So what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know. I have half a mind to call him out, but the other half tells me to just ignore it.”

  “I don’t think either of those choices will work. You have to talk to Charisma. You have to tell her how you feel.”

  “I thought she knew that already.”

  Julio laughed. “I’ve been guilty of assumption myself a couple of times in my relationship with Carmen. We take our women for granted. We are the ones who want to be politicians, not them. We drag them to functions, to other countries, and we basically forget about them while we’re shining in the limelight.”

  “I know I’ve been a bit neglectful, but I’m going to change.”

  Julio patted Robert on the back. “He can’t get to her if you don’t let him.”

  Robert nodded. He was going to change. “Thanks.” He finished his drink and the two men went to meet with the rest of the family.

  * * * *

  “Spill the beans,” Amon said to Shakir later that night after he and Layla arrived. Everyone was in bed except the two of them.

  “What beans?”

  “How was the camel ride here?”

  “No accidents. She enjoyed it and now she has a fondness for camels.”

  “I kind of expected to see the two of you back at the palace a few minutes after you left. I didn’t think she’d go through with it.”

  “She’s stronger than she looks. She didn’t even complain about the heat.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Mustafa called. He wants to order ten more horses. He loved the two he bought from you the other night.”

  “I can handle ten. Mustafa’s money is good and he sends business my way whenever he can.”

  “Do you think the Americans will be of much help with Khartoum?”

  “Yes, I do….even Robert. I might not like the man but I’ve read some good things about him.”

  “Is that a compliment coming from your lips?”

  Shakir laughed. “I’m in a good mood.”

  “I bet.”

  “Hey, enough about me. What about you? How was the drive here with Layla?”

  “Everything is fine in that department. She was very friendly all the way here.”

  “You’ve been friends all of your lives.”

  “No, I mean really friendly. I had to pull the car over a couple of times. Man, her kisses are like wine.”

  Shakir giggled. “No?”


  “Well, I’m glad for the two of you. I always thought that she would make an excellent mate for you.”

  “Speaking of mates, how is the progress coming with Charisma?”

  “I really don’t know, but I have plans of courting her properly when I get back home.”

  “Can you last an entire week?”

  “I have to. There are too many people here and too much work to get done in the next couple of days.”

  * * * *

  A week went by quickly and before she knew it she was back at her aunt’s mansion. Word spread quickly about the work that had been done in Khartoum, and a national magazine wanted her pictures for an upcoming issue of their magazine. Robert was on the phone non-stop, calling everyone he knew for assistance, which unfortunately didn’t leave much time for them to be together. He planned to travel back to Louisiana in a couple of days to help his father with a fund raiser, and her uncle and aunt was hosting one at a hotel in Cairo, Egypt later that evening. They were barely back when her aunt whisked her off to the stores for a formal gown to wear.

  “And nothing black,” Carmen told her. “You’re too young for that color.”

  Something gold lame and shiny caught her eye. Charisma pointed. “That’s the one.”

  Carmen agreed. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

  Charisma fingered the material. “I hope they have it in my size.” Her aunt normally had their special occasion clothes designed but there just wasn’t enough time. She lifted the hanger and took it off to the fitting room. A few minutes later she came out for Carmen’s opinion.

  “You’re going to stop Robert’s heart when he sees you. If this doesn’t get his motor running, nothing will.” She turned Charisma around to see the back of the dress. It plunged dangerously low. “You need to tone that hair down a bit. The present color is going to throw off the effects of the gown.”

  “Do we have time to get my hair done and get back before the guests arrive?”

  “Honey, this is Cairo. There’s a hairdresser in the building of the hotel and I’ve reserved rooms there for us.”

  Charisma was a little disappointed. She had planned to get a good night’s sleep in her own bed. Yet a room at the hotel would give her an excuse to dash off to her room if the event got too boring.

  * * * *

  Robert’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head when she entered the ballroom later in that gown. Old and young men alike gave her more than one or two appreciative looks. “What have you done to your hair?” He took her arm and led her in.

  “Colored it. Do you like it?”

  He nodded. “It’s very becoming. It makes you look like a totally different person.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “In their hotel room. They’re tired from the trip and decided to sit this one out.”

  “Understandable. You can handle it.”

  “You think so?”

  Charisma nodded. “You’re an excellent speaker and it’s a cause that you believe in.”

  “I can’t put my finger on it but you’ve changed.” He grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and handed one to her.

  “In what way?”

  “It’s like you finally get me…like you know how important my work is.”

  Charisma sipped her drink. The bubbles tickled her nose. “I’ve always known how important your work is to you, but this is the first time you’ve allowed me to be a part of it.”

  “Congratulations on the magazine job. Those pictures you took were fabulous. I didn’t know you were such a great photographer.”


  Julio call
ed everyone to their seats and the event began. Three hours later, most of the guests had dug deep in their wallets or promised to help toward Khartoum’s rehabilitation. The party moved down to one of the lounges in the hotel. Julio and Carmen stayed a little while for a drink and then they retired to their room, leaving her and Robert alone. It would have been romantic had it not been for a group of young men whisking him off to talk some more about helping to rebuild Khartoum.


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