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Page 8

by Imari Jade

  “Just what I said. We were arguing and the next thing I knew he proposed.”

  Shakir rubbed his temple. This was not going the way he expected. The two of them had shared a wonderful evening together and now this. “Did you accept?”

  “No, he wants me to wait two weeks before I give him a decision. He should be back from the United States by then.”

  “Are you going to accept?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He didn’t expect that either. “What do you mean you don’t know? That’s not the answer I expected after what we shared.”

  “I know,” Charisma replied. “I’m so confused.”

  He had suspected for a while that she still had feelings for Robert.

  “What’s wrong?” Charisma asked.


  “It doesn’t sound like nothing. What am I supposed to do?”

  “It looks like you have a decision to make. You can’t have it both ways.”

  “You don’t have to be so mean about it.”

  “How do you expect me to react? Another man proposes to you and you don’t say no and then you call me and tell me about it. You are not confused my dear, you are delusional if you think I’m going to be the better man and step aside.”

  “No, I thought you’d be a little more understanding. I didn’t have to tell you.”

  “Well you’re wrong. He does not love you…even a blind man can see that. He is only using you to further his political career.”

  “He is not. He does love me in his own way.” She paused. “You don’t understand. Robert and I have history.”

  “Then what are you calling me for? It wasn’t his name you were screaming last night.”

  “I know that but you didn’t have to throw it in my face. You don’t understand. My folks are expecting me to marry Robert.”

  “And you always do what they expect you to do?”

  “No, not always.”

  “Of course you don’t. So why now?”

  “I didn’t say that I was going to accept.”

  “No, but you didn’t say no to him immediately, which means you are considering it.”

  “Why are you being like this?”

  “I think we should end this conversation.”

  “Are you dismissing me like I’m some child?” Charisma asked.

  “Yes. Good-bye.” He hung up the phone.

  * * * *

  “Ooh,” Charisma said angrily. “I hate him so much.” She stormed up to her room, ignoring the stares of the maids who were busy cleaning downstairs. She threw herself on the bed. “I have a good mind never to speak to Shakir again.” The nerve of him treating her like a child. It was a side of him she never seen before. She punched her pillow into submission. He could have at least been a little more understanding. She also had half a mind to accept Robert’s proposal. Who did Shakir think he was anyway? Sleep with a man and he thinks he owns you. She was just about to doze off when someone knocked on her door. “Come in.”

  Carmen walked in. “I just heard the good news. Congratulations.”

  “For what?”

  “On your engagement to Robert.” She sat down in a chair. “I’m so excited for you.”

  Charisma swore under her breath and sat up. “Don’t be. I haven’t accepted yet.”

  “What do you mean you haven’t accepted yet? Are you crazy? Robert’s a good catch.”

  “Yes, I know he is but I’m just not sure that I want to marry him. Anyway, I have two weeks before I have to make a decision.”

  “I don’t see what the problem is?” She paused. “Shakir?”

  Charisma nodded. “Well, he was the problem but after the way he talked to me on the phone I might just accept Robert’s proposal.”

  “Wait, hold it, and back up here. What did Shakir do?”

  “He’s mad at me because I’m thinking of accepting Robert’s proposal.”

  “You told him?”

  Charisma nodded.

  “So what did he say?”

  “He told met that I was delusional.”

  “Why would he say something like that? The two of you are only friends.”

  “No we’re not,” Charisma replied. “I think I’m in love with Shakir.”

  “But the two of you just met.”

  “I can’t help how I feel. That’s the problem. I know I owe Robert some type of explanation.”

  “You sure do.”

  “So tell me what I’m supposed to do?”

  “I can’t tell you that. You have to make up your own mind, but realize you could be passing up an opportunity for a lifetime.”

  “I know that too, but I also feel I’d be missing a bigger opportunity if I let Shakir get away.”

  “Has he proposed?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me.”

  Carmen sighed and rose. “Your uncle and I will stand behind any decision you make.” She opened the door and left.

  Charisma lay back down. Her aunt was disappointed. She sighed and wished that someone would show her a sign to help her with the decision.

  * * * *

  If he didn’t say it now he wouldn’t be able to do it. Robert knocked on the door of Shakir’s office. Guided by Julio’s words of encouragement he decided to let the other man know how he felt. The door was opened by Amon, Shakir’s cousin.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I need to talk with the prince in private.”

  “Let him in,” Shakir replied.

  Amon stepped aside, allowed Robert in and then the stepped out of the office, closing the door behind him.

  “I’m going to make this short and sweet,” Robert said, declining the seat Shakir offered him. “I know how you feel about Charisma and I know the two of you were together last night.”

  Shakir didn’t deny either accusation. “She was alone and she wanted to see Cairo.”

  “She could have asked me.”

  “But she didn’t. So what was I supposed to do, just let her stay at the bar alone waiting for you to pay her some attention?”

  Robert stepped up angrily. The prince was taller than him but he outweighed him by a couple of pounds. “Yes, that’s exactly what you should have done. Chrissy belongs to me and you need to back off.” He braced up to him.

  “Chrissy does not belong to you or any man. I can’t help it if I satisfy her needs.”

  Robert raised his fist and swung at Shakir.

  Shakir blocked the hit and counter-punched him in the stomach. Robert went down on one knee. Regret registered on the prince’s face. He tried to help him up after he landed on his behind. “I am sorry about that. We can settle this like men.”

  Robert rose. “There’s nothing to settle. I have asked Charisma to marry me. You need to back off.”

  Shakir stepped back. “The decision is not yours. I will back off, as you put it, when Charisma asks me to.”

  “I have given her two weeks to decide. I will be back here by then.” Robert walked toward the door.

  “And what will you do with Halima at that time?”

  Robert stopped in his tracks.

  “You think I wouldn’t find out? There’s nothing that goes on in this hotel that I don’t know about.”

  “It was one night and a man has needs.”

  “So, Halima was just a convenience?” He laughed. “Women have needs too, and when they’re not met they seek out others.”

  “Are you saying that I haven’t met Charisma’s needs?”

  “I’m not saying that.”

  “Then are you saying that you’ve met them?”

  “I’m not saying that, either. I’m just saying she’s too beautiful and intelligent to be ignored. She comes to me because you have pushed her aside for your career.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Shakir smiled smugly. “Oh, don’t I?”

  “Why don’t you ask her for yourself before you leave? Ask her which one of us turns
her on and satisfies her desires. Or better yet ask her how her day went. That should get a look of surprise out of her.”

  Robert ignored him. “No, I shall tell her about your affair with Halima and the other women at the palace.”

  Shakir laughed again. “Go ahead. I have nothing to hide, and nothing to lose.”

  Robert walked to the door fuming. What did the prince know? There was no way he knew more about Charisma than he did.

  * * * *

  Amon entered the office once Robert left and by the way things sounded both men had resorted to hitting. Robert had walked by him so fast that he hardly noticed him standing there eavesdropping. “What happened?” he asked as he closed the door.

  Shakir sat down. “He called me out and warned me to stay away from Charisma.”

  Amon sat down in a chair across from Shakir’s desk. “Are you going to?”

  “No. No one tells me what to do and I wouldn’t do it even if he asked me nicely. He thinks just because he proposed to her, I’m just supposed to step out of the picture.”

  “A good man would.”

  Shakir frowned at him. “I am not a good man. I am an arrogant prince of Africa who does not like to lose.”

  “This is true. So what else happened?”

  “He took a swing at me and before I could restrain myself, I punched him I the gut.”

  Amon started to laugh.

  “This is not funny. I should never raise my hand in anger…not even for a woman.”

  “But he swung at you first.”

  “It does not matter and I apologized.”

  “Do you know that he’s slept with Halima?”

  “The hotel grapevine is notorious. Yes, I’ve already heard. I’m just hoping that Charisma doesn’t find out.” He paused. “Wait, I take that back. Maybe she should find out. What’s wrong with the man? He won’t sleep with Chrissy but he’ll bed someone like Halima?”

  “What’s wrong with Halima?”

  “There is nothing physically wrong with her. She’s a very desirable woman but Halima is all about material gain. I don’t know if she ever loved me but if she feels Robert can do more for her, she’ll make an attempt to get him.”

  “How do you get yourself involved in these situations?” Amon asked.

  Shakir shrugged. “There must be a trouble magnet attached to my butt.”

  * * * *

  There was another knock at his office door just as he was about to leave. “Come in,” Shakir called. Halima slipped in through the door. Pain shot to his forehead. Shakir rubbed his temple. Halima always brought out the worse in him. “Yes?”

  Halima shut the door. “You don’t sound happy to see me.”

  “Yet you’re still here.”

  She sat down in the seat across from him. Her clothes were totally American, a striking navy blue wrap dress that showed off her cleavage and curves. “I’ve come to make amends.”

  “For what?”

  “For putting this strain on our relationship, both business and personal.”

  Shakir pushed his chair back and rose. He looked out of his office window and then turned to face her. “We do not have a personal relationship. You broke up with me and I have moved on. As for the business relationship, I don’t have a problem with your performance.”

  “We do so have a personal relationship. That’s why I’m here. I want to beg your forgiveness for ever doubting your love, and want you to take me back.”

  “It’s too late for that.” He paused. “Aren’t you with Edwards?”

  Halima opened her mouth to protest, and then she stopped.

  “Aren’t you going to deny it?”

  “No. It was only one night and it didn’t mean anything.”

  “So why did you do it?” He leaned against the front of his desk.

  “I don’t know. I was just jealous because Charisma seems so important to both of you. I ran into him in the lounge and we were talking, and the next thing I knew I was in his room. By then, it was too late to back out.”

  “Where do the two of you stand now?”

  “I don’t know. He’s leaving for the United States tomorrow.”

  “He proposed to Charisma.”

  Halima’s eyes widened. “Did she accept?”

  “I don’t think so. At least not yet.”

  “American women are strange.”

  Shakir chuckled and went back to his seat.

  “So does that mean you are going to be free and on the market again if she accepts Robert’s proposal?”

  “No, I haven’t given up on Charisma yet. I’m just giving her some space.”

  “So what about us?” She rose and approached the desk, unwrapped her dress and dropped it to the floor.”

  Shakir closed his eyes. “Put your clothes back on Halima. There is no us.”

  * * * *

  Robert wanted her to marry her. Now, why was that a surprise? Charisma was packing for her trip back to her aunt’s home. But did she really want to marry him? Deep down in her heart she didn’t think so, but her aunt and uncle were counting on their union. She zipped her ball gown into a suit bag and placed it across the bed next to her other suitcases and makeup case. Robert would be heading back to the Unites States tomorrow and in a couple of weeks she would either be engaged to him or lying in seclusion in her room…that is, if she didn’t get kicked out. Now would be the perfect time for some motherly advice from her Aunt Carmen but she already knew how that little conversation would turn out. Carmen had made it perfectly clear where she stood on the subject. There was a knock at her door. Charisma opened it expecting to find a valet coming to take her things down to the car. Instead it was a woman, Shakir’s ex-girlfriend and lover Halima. “Can I help you?”

  Halima pushed her way through the door. “I want you to stay away from Shakir.”

  Charisma closed the door so they wouldn’t cause a scene. “Now do I really look like I care what you want?”

  Halima stopped and leaned against the dresser. “No, but you do look like a smart young woman. Robert is in love with you.”

  Charisma decided to stand and hear what she had to say. “How do you know Robert?”

  “I met him in the bar last night. He and I had a long conversation while he waited for you to come home.”

  This is interesting, she thought. She never had another woman confront her about a man that wasn’t hers…or was he? “About what?”

  “About his future and yours. He may become the President of the United States and you will be the first lady. Why do you want to mess all that up messing with Shakir.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to be the first lady. Has anyone ever thought to ask me what I want? And as far as Shakir goes, he makes me laugh and he makes me feel special.”

  Halima moved. “He makes a lot of women feel special. That is what he does.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that Shakir is a womanizer?”

  “Exactly, but take it anyway you like. Robert is the better man. Shakir will leave you just as soon as another woman with a bigger ass comes his way.” She walked toward the door and left.

  Charisma made sure the door was securely locked behind her. Her face might not show it, but she was fuming. How dare she come preach to her about Robert’s virtues? Did Halima think she was stupid? Even a rock could see that Halima had some interest in both Robert and Shakir. She looked around the room to make sure that she had packed everything. The sooner she got out of the hotel the better her chances were to get some private time to think. There was another knock at her door. This time it was the valet. “What took you so long?” she asked.

  The man just shrugged his shoulders and walked into the room to collect her things.

  Chapter Seven

  Halima stormed back to her office. She opened the door and entered. Paperwork stared at her from her in-basket on her desk. What was she going to do now? The answer to her problem knocked on her door a few seconds later. Robert Edwards walked in. “What are you doing
here?” she asked, not entirely annoyed at seeing him.

  “I just thought I’d drop by to see how you were doing. I was on my way to get something to eat. Would you care to join me?”


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