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The Duke's Desire

Page 13

by Elizabeth Elliot

  Shaking her head, she moved further into the room and finally took a place on the chaise.

  “My feet are much better, thank you. I am very grateful for the boots you sent.”

  He inclined his head and then there was a very awkward pause. Storm stood staring at her, a million things he wanted to say. When the silence became almost too much to bare, Storm finally found his voice.

  “May I speak with you for a moment?”

  Eleanor smiled with amusement.

  “I believe you already are.”

  Storm cleared his throat, again. Good lord what was going on with him.

  “Yes, of course, I meant that I would like to ask you something personal.”

  When she just stared blankly at him, Storm realized he had not actually asked a question. All he did was make a statement.

  “I… I… oh bloody hell; I have been such an idiot.”

  She smiled then. It was an honest smile. Storm realized how lovely her smile was. Especially when it grinned back at him when she had a witty retort to throw his way.

  “If you are waiting for me to disagree we may be here all night, my lord.”

  Storm felt his own smile widen, and with a chuckle, he shook his head.

  “I fear Miss Pinecrest that upon your first visit here your sister made a comment, and I made an erroneous judgment about you because of it. I was hoping, perhaps for some clarification.”

  She looked at him curiously, but simply nodded her head, waiting for what was to come.

  “Miss Pinecrest…. Eleanor,” he said in a soft voice, “why did you not take care of your father’s rose garden after he passed?”

  Whatever she had expected him to ask, it clearly was not that. He saw panic come immediately to her eyes, and then fear, and then for one brief moment, he thought she may lie to him. But this was Eleanor, and he knew enough of her to know that she was not going to run away from this. From him. Not after the evening they had shared. And again, he was shocked by how amazing she was. She must have made so many sacrifices for her family in her life. He understood her now. She was so much like him in so many ways.

  “Your Grace…”


  She blushed remembering that they were post formalities.

  “Storm, when I was a young girl, my father and I would go to that rose garden every morning at sunrise while the rest of the house was asleep. And at night, we would go back to the rose garden and watch the stars appear in the sky. It was my most favorite place in this whole world. But, as I suspect you know, if there comes a time when you must choose between saving a place you hold close to your heart, or saving your family, the decision is clear.”

  Storm watched as tears came to her eyes and he was so caught up at the sight, he almost missed her soft whisper.

  “It broke my heart to abandon that rose garden.”

  Impulsively, Storm reached out and wiped her tears away. It was a gesture that he was becoming far too adept at. Then she looked into his eyes and Storm actually thought he saw her broken heart.

  “I am so sorry Eleanor. How…how bad…”

  Storm took a seat next to her, his hand resting gently over hers.

  “We came to London with funds enough to get Felicity through one season. I prayed she would find a match. Our solicitor was here yesterday to let us know our manor had been sold. That will cover the rest of what the family owes, and leave a modest dowry for her. After this season, Marcus is heading to the army and I thought I may get a position as a governess or a companion. But if Felicity does not meet someone,” she looked down slightly ashamed, “I fear what will happen. That is why I was wearing those blasted shoes. Every cent we have is going to Felicity. She can never know the truth.”

  And then she did cry. The tears she must have held back for years seemed to be unleashed. So, Storm did the only thing he could do. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as the tears flowed. All this time he had no idea who she really was, and now that he did, he had the unexplainable urge to save her. Unfortunately, he had no idea how to go about doing that. Then, when her soft arms came around him to complete the embrace, the anger he had felt three nights ago returned.

  “Eleanor was your brother responsible…”

  She pulled back from the embrace almost instantly. He felt the loss of her warmth, but he was happy to see her sobs were now just light tears.

  “No. It was papa. Marcus had no idea until father passed that there were any financial problems. Honestly, if it were not for him, I am not sure we would have even managed to survive this long.”

  Then, to his surprise, she fell right back into his arms. Storm just held her closer, his cheek resting against the top of her hair. Right now, there was nothing as precious as Miss Eleanor Pinecrest. He stood holding her for what seemed far too long and far too short at the same time. Finally, she pulled away from him and started confiding in him all the secrets she had been hiding these past few years.

  Storm was fully aware that he needed to listen to her, however, all he was capable of doing was staring at her. Even with tear swollen eyes and the tiredness of carrying such a burden, Eleanor was remarkably pretty. Her eyes were wider than most women, which was very becoming on her. Not to mention those lovely long lashes she had. He had never been able to ignore the effect they could have on a man. But now, when he looked very closely, her lashes were not the most becoming thing about her eyes. When he looked deeply into them, he could swear there were slivers of green that shown through the edges of the brown orbs. How had he failed to notice that before? And how had he failed to notice her lips for that matter. Storm reckoned they were near the most perfect lips he had seen. Full and luscious, and when she paused in her speech he noticed that she would nibble the lower lip as she took a breath. It was alarming what affect that had on a man. For one moment he wondered if they would feel as soft as they looked. Was he actually thinking about kissing Miss Eleanor Pinecrest?

  Eleanor stopped speaking. Clearly Storm was not listening to her. She could not quite understand actually what he was doing. He was just staring at her.

  “You are not listening to me at all are you?”

  She could tell that he knew she asked him a question, but she had still not gained his full attention. Eleanor hoped he was not going to be ill.

  “I confess I was distracted. You have my sincere apology. What was it you were saying?”

  She could not explain why, but his words had stung and she felt the tears come to her eyes instantly. All Eleanor could think about was that she finally found someone she could talk to about all the burdens she has had to handle the past two years and he just stopped listening.

  She rose quickly and tried to avoid his gaze.

  “You… you do not have to listen to me prattle on.”

  He was instantly on his feet. Softly reaching out to her he turned her to face him.

  “It was inexcusable of me to lose focus, Eleanor. I truly am here to help you in whatever way I can. It just… well in all honestly… I just realized how very pleasant your face is and it was, to be frank, distracting.”

  “Oh,” Eleanor responded with surprise. Then to confuse her further, he continued.

  “You have the faintest emerald flakes in your eyes that are very enchanting.” Eleanor stared at him for a full minute to try to determine if he was lying to her. Storm held her gaze with only honestly in his eyes.

  “That was very kind of you to say.”

  Eleanor could feel her heart racing. Had he actually just told her she was pretty? They remained silent again for a moment and finally Storm shook his head as if to clear his mind and motioned back to the chaise.

  “Did your solicitor mention who purchased the estate?”

  Eleanor took a seat again and sighed.

  “I did not ask, and he did not offer. In all honestly I am not sure I truly want to know.”

  Eleanor was surprised once more when he gently took her hand.

  “I will do what I can
to get it back for you.”

  This time she looked at him.

  “Oh no, Storm, really that is too much. I could not ask you to do that. I do not want to be in your debt. The friendship of your family this season has made these circumstances barely and money always causes problems between friends. I just needed a few days to accept that the estate is gone now. I just want to spend what little remains of our time here to enjoy the season. After Felicity marries, Marcus will join the military and I will be a governess. It will be hard enough to lose your family when that time comes. I will not let money come between us before then.”

  Storm actually felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach. And he knew, far too well, what that felt like. This might have been worse. The thought of Eleanor becoming a governess and not being able to visit his sisters for tea everyday was unacceptable. Bonnet would be heartbroken.

  “Do you not want to marry?”

  Eleanor laughed.

  “Wanting to marry and being the kind of woman a man would marry, are two entirely different things.”

  Storm frowned.

  “Eleanor, you have many fine qualities a gentleman would desire in a wife.”

  She sighed clearly not convinced. A distant clock chimed midnight. If he did not leave soon someone was bound to notice he was here so late. The last thing he wanted was to ruin her reputation.

  “I should go.”

  They both rose and Eleanor followed him to the door. Quite unexpectedly, Storm turned back to her and cupped her chin.

  “I promise I will find a way to fix this.”

  Smiling weakly, Eleanor met his gaze.

  “You are not responsible for having to save me Storm.”

  He laughed at that, grabbing his hat and cloak and opening the door to leave.

  “Bonnet would have my head if you were unavailable for tea every afternoon.”

  And as suddenly as he arrived, Storm was gone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Storm spend most of the night thinking about Miss Eleanor Pinecrest and her situation. He wanted to help her. Not just because she had become such a dear friend to his sister, nor because he had so wrongly misjudged her. Storm wanted to help her because, now that he really knew her, he could not tolerate the thought of her living the life of a governess. He had not been lying to her that evening. When a man really looked at her, Eleanor was very pleasant to look at. Although she did not have the striking beauty her sister had, she was becoming in a subtler way. Storm thought it represented her personality in a way. One did not notice how good hearted she was until one really tried to discover it, but once it was discovered, she was truly captivating.

  As he paced in his study, he considered how to best approach helping her. He knew she would never allow him to just pay off her debts, although he suspected he had more than enough to do so. The woman, as suddenly charming as she was becoming to him, still had her stubborn pride. Not to mention her brother would never allow such a gesture. They had come here to see Felicity wed, and well, they all knew he could not marry her. Plus, the young Larson fellow was clearly besotted, and although he was not of huge fortune, he was a decent gentleman with a bright future ahead. Storm would help with that as well.

  That would not help Eleanor though. Asking for the young earl to help them would be too much of a burden on him. And Felicity. That he was sure of. The strain it would cause the young lovers would be harsh. But he would be damned if he would see the day when Eleanor would become a governess. Eleanor needed to find a husband. She would make someone a good wife. She clearly knew how to run a household. She was pleasant to both look at and speak with and she had all the qualities of a fine English woman. Once a gentleman took time to notice her, he was rather sure she would catch someone’s eye. Even he had been momently distracted enough to debate kissing her. He frowned. He took a sip of brandy. He began pacing again.

  “If you keep pacing Bonnet will have a lecture for you about ruining the carpets.”

  Storm look up to see his brother Hunter enter the room. With a sigh, he collapsed into his chair and motioned to the brandy. When Storm needed most anything, it was Bonnet he turned to, but, over the years, when he was perplexed about an issue, it was his brother who gave him the most clarity. And clearly, he needed some wisdom as to what to do with this situation.

  “What is troubling you this evening? I saw that you left the ball early.”

  Storm raised a brow and Hunter quickly laughed.

  “Yes, yes. It was more like I was told multiple times about your absence from our lovely sister. I am surprised she is not in here right now lecturing you.”

  Storm rolled his eyes and Hunter poured himself a glace of brandy and took the seat across from him. After a long silence, Storm met his gaze.

  “I went to check on Miss Pinecrest.”

  This seemed to catch his brother’s interest.

  “I believe she was at the ball.”

  Storm glared.


  “Oh? You mean the woman you cannot stand to be around?”

  Clearly Hunter was not going to make this easy on him.

  “Do you know?”

  “Know what?”

  Frustrated Storm was on his feet again and pacing. He did not want to betray Eleanor’s trust, but it was very hard to figure out how to help her without his brother’s help.

  “Never mind.”

  His brother let him pace a bit more before putting his drink down and speaking.

  “I know that she is a lovely woman who seems to have been terribly overlooked by most. I also know that she is, for some reason, accepting that as her fate.”

  Storm caught his brothers eye and nodded.

  “Indeed. That is, it exactly. She is just accepting that she is not worthy of a gentleman’s time. I just do not know how to change that.”

  Hunter sat back in his chair, clearly curious why it was he had a change of heart about Eleanor. Knowing he would not get much further without at least some sort of explanation, he continued.

  “I know that I have not been kind to her, but we have both come to an understanding and we have both realized that we have perhaps misjudged each other. That is all I can say.”

  His brother nodded.

  “And yet, you still have no clue how you can change her future?”

  Storm looked to Hunter curiously.

  “Something tells me you do.”

  His brother sighed.

  “You know I am always here for you, Storm, but I think this time, you are going to have to figure it out on your own.”

  For the first time since the season started, Storm really looked at his brother. Hunter had lost some of the spark he always had over the past years. Something had changed in his brother and once again, Storm found himself clueless. How had he come to be so unaware of the things going on in the lives of those closest to him?

  “You know, it is okay if you want to return to Newmarket early.”

  It was Hunter now, who seemed surprised.

  “You are not in this alone Storm. I am where I need to be.”

  “Blade is in town and Coach.”

  Hunter laughed.

  “And Aria has Blade wrapped around her finger and Coach would let Peaches get away with anything. Trust me. I need to be here.”

  Storm took a deep breathe.

  “I am sorry, brother. I know this is not where your heart is.”

  Hunter took a sip of brandy and looked out of the window.

  “My heart is always with my family. As is yours. It is a blessing and a curse, I think,”

  Storm took a drink.

  “It seemed to always be a blessing, but now I do see how it is taking a toll.”

  His brother looked to him for a long time before finishing his drink off in one long sip. Rising from his seat, Hunter locked eyes with him.

  “I know you are rushing into getting married for my sake Storm, but you should know, I would rather you wait to see where your heart
leads then to follow in Miss Pinecrest’s footsteps by accepting a fate that is not meant for you.”

  Storm had never seen his brother so serious.


  But before he could continue, Hunter was gone. And Storm was now left with two problems to solve. How to make sure Eleanor avoided life as a governess, and how to convince Hunter that he would gladly sacrifice his own heart to ensure that all his brothers and sisters were free to follow their own.

  Head pounding, Storm decided it was time to go retire for the evening. At least, it was time to find a secluded place where he could avoid a lecture from Bonnet. He had enough on his mind right now than worrying over his sister as well.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Pinecrest woman arrived early the next morning. Storm could tell that Eleanor had still not slept well, but she appeared to be in better spirits. After staying up all evening Storm had come up with a plan to help her. It would take a bit of work, and he would have to slightly deceive Bonnet, but as his intentions were good, it would not really bother his conscience. Maneuvering his way down stairs he found Bonnet in the drawing room, pencil behind her ear, reading a document. She looked up as he entered with a stern look, but before he could get lectured, he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and smiled.

  “I am very sorry I left the ball last evening, but I assure you it was for a good cause.”


  He knew she was expecting him to explain, but he could hardly tell her he went to pay a call on Eleanor in the middle of the night. Not only would he get an hour lecture about how improper it was, but she would also suspect his interest in the eldest Pinecrest sister was far deeper than it was.

  “As penance, I thought I may escort you and our lovely sisters on your shopping excursion today.”

  This raised her brow further.

  “I am sure you would only grow bored and impatient with us.”

  Flashing her a charming smile he caught her gaze.

  “That is why it would be a penance, my dear. Besides, I had a few things to pick up myself. I can do some shopping of my own while you are all trying on your gowns for the evening.”


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