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Lucky Bachelor (The HoliDATE Series Book 2)

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by Heather Young-Nichols

  Eagan chuckled then buried his face in my stomach, shaking me with his laughter. But that only lasted so long before he flicked open the button on my jeans, slid the zipper down and yanked them off me, leaving me naked before him. Him also being naked was the only thing that would’ve made this moment better.

  And he didn’t disappoint.

  Since he had to fall off the end of the bed to get my pants fully off, he stood and pushed his own down, freeing his erection and making my mouth water. I needed him inside of me but I’d let him do his work first.

  Eagan flopped back onto the bed then pushed my legs apart. He kissed his way up my thigh and didn’t stop until he landed at his destination.

  I melted. Eagan’s tongue and fingers worked their magic though to be honest, it didn’t take much. He’d joke about taking care of himself when we were apart, saying that’s why he always needed new pictures of me. But never did the same so by the time we were together I was a live wire ready to pop. After mere minutes of coaxing, my world sprang apart in the best way possible. The pleasure came in waves, battering my body. It almost became too much.

  “Christ, Maggie,” he said pulling back but there was an edge of humor hidden in there.

  “What?” I asked him, breathlessly. I glanced down at him but had to do a double take. My hands were gripping his shoulders tightly, white knuckled and not letting go. “Oh shit.”

  He snorted as he climbed up until we were eye to eye. “You’ve got quite a grip.”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  He snorted again then kissed me. Long and slow, his tongue searching out mine. When he pulled back he said, “You could never hurt me, Maggie.”

  I raised an eyebrow and moved my hand down, cupping his balls. I tightened a notch and said, “You sure about that?”

  “You’re mean.” There was no force behind his words because he knew I wasn’t mean and I certainly would never hurt him in any way but especially in his most sensitive area.

  As I removed my hand, I grabbed another part of him and stroked up then down several times. The moment I made contact, Eagan groaned and closed his eyes.

  He kissed me. I kissed him back. Our hands were everywhere until I Impatience won out and I had to have him. For him to have me. It’d been three long months.

  Eagan pushing into me at exactly the right moment then stilled. Everything about him was exactly what I wanted, what I needed. The weight. The pressure. The moment to acclimate. But once he started moving it was like the rest of the world didn’t even exist. It was him and me and that bed. He murmured in my ear, sweet words I tried to pay attention to but my focus was decidedly somewhere else. He was everywhere yet not in nearly enough places until his movement slowed and I knew this particular experience was about to come to an end.

  Every single time was better than the last. Maybe because each time we were together, I loved him more than the last.

  Chapter Three

  Eagan rolled off of me but didn’t go far as we both laid there trying to catch our breaths. Leaving me particularly breathless was a special talent of his. I often wondered if it’d always be like this between us of if it was so overwhelming because we didn’t get the chance very often. I hoped it was the former but couldn’t wait to find out if it was the latter.

  “Christ, woman. When we live in the same country, you might be the death of me,” he finally said.

  I laughed because I felt the same way about him. Instead I rolled onto my side and slid in under his arm to snuggle right into him. Then I brought the blanket and sheet up to cover me. March in Ireland didn’t exactly bring the warmth.

  “I really hope that’s not the case,” I said back before dropping a kiss on his chest. “That would make me incredibly sad.”

  “It’d be a glorious death.”

  Now I slapped his stomach. “Let’s change that topic, please.”

  Eagan’s chest shook with his chuckle as he rolled me even closer and kissed the top of my head. “My ma will want to see while you’re here. How long are you here for? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not long enough.”

  “I booked the latest flight out Sunday night.”

  He groaned. “See? Not long enough.”

  “I know. But I’m hoping to sleep on the plane so I can make it to my classes on Tuesday. Four full days here was the best I could do.” I propped my chin up on his shoulder to see him and his disappointment. I felt that too. No matter how many days we got together, they left us wanting more.

  “And I appreciate that. It’s just… ”

  “Not long enough.”


  “And part of that will be taken by your family where we can’t get naked,” I said with a smirk.

  I thought he’d laugh but instead his face grew serious, flattening any humor left on his face. “You know that’s not the only reason I want to be with you, right?”

  Now the humor left me. “Eagan. Of course. I love you and I know you love me and that’s why we want to be together. The fact that I also want to use and abuse you sexually is the cherry on top.”

  The goal of making him laugh again worked well because now my whole body shook along with him.

  “Fair enough.”

  It looked like he wanted to say something more but the shrill ring of his phone cut him off. He sighed but began moving down the bed and fiddled with something on the floor. His phone, I assumed, had been in the pocket of his jeans. Finally, he straightened back up with the now not ringing phone.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  “Something wrong?” I clutched the blanket to my chest as I sat up.

  “Ah, it’s Cian,” he said as if that explained anything. I waited for more. “If he’s calling he probably needs help.”

  “But he knows I’m here. He told you to go.”

  Eagan shifted to look at me as he sat at the foot of the bed. “Yeah. He also knew what we’d be doing. So if he’s calling he must really need something.”

  I slapped a hand over my face. Of course he’d know we were getting naked. “Wait. Is that what he meant by ‘have a scuttle’?” I tried out my best fake Irish accent which brought a laugh from Eagan’s much too serious face.


  “Oh jeeze.” I added my other hand to cover my face. I was going to have to kill Cian one day.

  Instead of calling Cian back, Eagan’s thumbs moved over his phone which indicated he’d chosen to text. I just sat there watching until he finally groaned.

  “Apparently he needs my help. Colleen couldn’t get down here and the pub is overrun.”

  I glanced over at his clock. “It’s not dinner time yet. Lunch is over. I thought you slowed down in between.”

  “Usually.” He glanced up at me, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Tourists.”

  After barking out a laugh, I shook my head. “Damn American’s.”

  Now it was his turn to chuckle. We’d joked about the circumstance of how we met so often over the last nine months. It was only by chance. My grandpa had made the reservations for the vacation he wanted to take with my grandma. But she ended up with a medical issue that kept them from coming and he insisted my mom and I go in their places. Eagan’s pub had been the closest one which was why she and I ate there in the first place. Then every day other we were in Ireland. We’d chatted with Eagan every day.

  “Anyway,” I said, “I was a surprise today and don’t expect you to drop everything because I’m here. Go help him. I’ll grab a shower and meet you down there. I’ve been traveling since very early this morning. I need a shower.”

  “You’re just going to sit there while I work?”

  “Well,” I shrugged, “You could feed me. Like I said, I’ve been traveling since very early this morning.”

  “That I can definitely do.”

  He reached over, slid his hand around the back of my head and pull me to him for another kiss.

  “You better get out of here,” I said one he pulled back. “I�
�m sleep, food, and sex deprived. There’s no telling what I’ll do.”

  After another quick kiss, Eagan finally stood up, grabbed his clothes and went for the bathroom. But I flopped back down onto the very soft mattress intending to lay there just a few more minutes.

  But man, Eagan was taking forever in the bathroom and I couldn’t wait any longer. I got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom naked but the door was wide open and the room empty. How odd.

  I shrugged it off and started the shower then pulled my hair back into a bun so it wouldn’t get wet. Didn’t want to take the time to dry it. My stomach was launching a painful assault already.

  Coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, the cooler air made me shiver. Shit. I hadn’t grabbed my bag from the rental car before coming up here. Oh well. Guess that meant I’d have put on the clothes Eagan had taken off me. They weren’t really dirty since I’d only put them on at the airport.

  Then I wanted to go get something to eat. But first I checked the time on my phone and shit again. It was later than I thought. How did that much time pass without me knowing?

  When I entered the pub, it was really busy which must’ve been why Cian called for help. I scanned the room and found him scurrying about the tables dropped off plates of food along with one of the waitresses. But Eagan… he was behind the bar so I knew exactly where I’d be sitting. I climbed up onto the stool and watched him as he moved around, muscled contracting and releasing as he made drinks and dropped plates of food in front of other customers. The only open spot had been at the very end and he hadn’t even glanced my way yet.

  Until finally he did and his cheeks lifted into a huge smile. Damn I missed that face. He stalked right toward me and I couldn’t stop watching him until he stopped in front of me.

  “You made it,” he said then leaned across the bar so that his lips brushed against mine.

  One of the many things I loved about Eagan was that he gave zero fucks about showing affection in public. Even more than I liked to show in public. He was completely open and free about loving me.

  “I told you’d I’d be down,” I said back.

  His eyebrows shot up and he wet his lips with that talented tongue. “Yeah, but that was an hour and a half ago.”

  “What?” I slapped the bar top in surprise. “Are you serious? You just left your apartment.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “When I came out, you’d fallen asleep so I decided to let you sleep.”

  “Aww. You shouldn’t have though. I’d kind of planned to not sleep at all until the plane Sunday night.”

  “And why is that?” The room noise continued behind us and it was like we were in our own little bubble.

  “So I don’t miss a minute with you.”

  Eagan chuckled. “While I love that in theory… Number one, you can’t go four days without sleeping. Number two, one of my favorite things to do is sleep with you beside me and wake up next to you in the morning. So you’re no sleep plan doesn’t really work for me.”

  I bit my lips together to keep from smiling but reached out and trailed my index finger over his jaw bone. “Well, I’ll sleep with you if you insist.”

  “I do.”

  “Can you feed me first? The bagel I had at the airport in Detroit isn’t doing much for me right now.”

  He laughed loudly and said, “I got you. Be right back.”

  Eagan didn’t ask what I wanted to eat but he knew I wasn’t picky. Before too much time had passed, he came back out with a huge burger and fries for me. Basically the same thing I’d eaten almost every day I was there last year. It was too delicious to pass up. He’d said the flavor was so intense because they used fresh local beef but damn it was delicious.

  It was also huge.

  “Thank you,” I said as I grabbed a knife to cut the monstrosity in half. I’d never be able to eat it all. I would’ve loved to but my stomach would’ve exploded. I picked up the still large half and took a nice sized bite. I moaned at the flavor making Eagan chuckle.

  “I feel like I’ve heard that before,” he said.

  Part of the burger caught in my throat so I held a hand up in front of my mouth, hoping the whole thing didn’t fly out as I choked it down. Note to self… take smaller bites.

  Once I got the thing down I slapped his arm and said, “Don’t do that. I almost choked to death.”

  He didn’t look the least bit sorry. Instead, he picked up the other half and began to eat it.

  “I didn’t say you could have that,” I told him with as serious a tone as possible.

  “Nah. You didn’t. But it’s your fault I’m so hungry so you can share.”

  I didn’t care. I wouldn’t be eating it anyway but giving him a hard time once in a while was a favorite pastime of mine.

  “Sorry to call you down, brother.” Cian appeared next to Eagan and slapped him on the back.

  I glanced around the pub only to find that a lot of the customers had cleared out.

  “It’s fine,” Eagan answered.

  “I got work covered for the rest of the weekend though. You won’t have to work.”

  “Did you get extra for tomorrow?”

  Cian nodded.

  “What’s tomorrow?” I asked them.

  “St. Patrick’s Day,” Cian answered. “We’re always busy as fuck and apparently tourism spokes this weekend as well.”

  “Damn Americans?” I asked. Eagan smiled but Cian kept talking.

  “Ya. I don’t know the fucking draw.”

  “It’s St. Patty’s Day,” I answered but that didn’t seem to explain. “Everyone’s Irish on St, Patty’s Day.”

  “No they aren’t,” he said back seriously.

  I shrugged. “Well, in America they are. Do you guys serve green beer with green pastries?”

  “Why in the fuck would we do that?” Cian asked with the appropriate outrage. “Who’s drinking green beer?” His face pinched together like it was the most disgusting thing he’d heard.

  “Americans,” I answered through a laugh. “We make everything green. The color doesn’t’ affect the flavor. Most of the time.”

  “You’re telling me, that in the states you all dye your food green for St. Patty’s Day?”

  I nodded.

  “Christ.” He looked over at Eagan. “And you want to go live there? Are you cracked in the head?”

  Live there? My gaze flew up and locked on Eagan who raised an eyebrow. We hadn’t actually talked about what we were going to do after graduation. Obviously one of us would move but I’d sort of figured it’d be me. I was the one without the job yet. He had a business here. My family was there but his was here. Either way one of us would be sacrificing but honestly, I hadn’t thought he’d want to move to the states.

  “Uh… ” I stammered, trying to find something to say. That wasn’t a conversation Eagan and were going to have with his brother. “In Chicago, they also dye the river green. I told you. Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.”

  “Christ,” he said again, shook his head and walked away from us.

  “You need to get on the internet more often, man,” I called after him but he didn’t acknowledge.

  Now that he’d left, Eagan and I had a very important conversation to have.

  Chapter Four

  Eagan slid onto the stool beside me and finished his half of my burger then helped me with the fries as well. I only had a few anyway. Pub portions were far too much for me. When I needed a drink refill, he’d hop around back and grab that for me too. He was very attentive to my needs. But the idea of him moving to me nagged at the corner of my mind and while I thought we’d be deciding our future when he came for graduation, it’d come up naturally so there was no reason to ignore it.

  “You’ve talked about moving to America?” I asked him then popped a fry into my mouth.

  “Well, yeah. As one of the options.” He kept looking at me for a good long minute. I’d stopped eating because at this point, hunger was no longer
the driving factor. I was making myself busy. “You finished?” I nodded. “Cian,” he called out which brought his brother out of the kitchen. “We’re heading out.”

  “And ya expect me to clean up after ya?”

  “Obviously.” Eagan said as he twirled his hand over my plate. “Don’t leave it too long.”

  Cian shook his head but still came all the way out to take the plate and wash down the bar top as Eagan folded my hand into his and pulled me toward the door. “Colleen wants you both to come to dinner tomorrow,” he called out before we got through the door.

  “Aye,” was all Eagan said as he kept moving.

  “I thought we were going to drink green beer tomorrow,” I said to him once we were outside.

  “I told ya. There’s no green beer here. Maybe in Dublin.”

  I shook my head though didn’t think he could see is as we were climbing the stairs to his apartment. “I don’t want to go back to Dublin until Sunday.”


  Once we were in the living area of his apartment, a large yawn took me over. I tried to fight it but it was no use. I’d basically been awake since yesterday morning. I’d gotten up for class and had my day but when I tried to go to bed early last night I laid there staring at the ceiling as excited nerves kept me from sleeping. When my alarm went off while it was still night for me I popped right up to get to the airport. I tried to sleep on the plane and that didn’t work so it was no wonder I’d nodded off earlier for a nap. But damn, I was still tired and the last thing I wanted to do was sleep when Eagan was in the same room as me.

  “Why don’t you put some pajamas on. We won’t go anywhere else tonight.”

  “I definitely don’t want to put pajamas on,” I said back. “They’re too comfortable and I’d probably fall asleep.”

  “Then fall asleep.”

  I looked over at him, eyes wide in horror as if sleeping so early was not only unheard of but also a crime. “I just got here.”


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