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Azlo (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 31

by Maia Starr

  “I know. But I had to come,” I said stepping in. She closed the door behind me.

  “We are going to get in so much trouble. You should not have come here. You are going to be found out. We are both going to get in trouble,” she said nervously.

  “I understand. I only came to talk to you,” I said.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I just spoke with the leader about the war games and stopping you and Gina from going,” I said.

  You did?”

  “Yes, but I failed. He would not listen to my reasons why you should not go. He is adamant that you and the other human will be going with the doctor,” I said.

  She sat down on the bench. I could tell that she was scared. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I put my arm around her, trying to comfort her.

  “I know that you are scared. I am sorry, Amber, I failed you. I will see if there is another way. I will try to find a way to get you out of this,” I said.

  “I don't want to go back there. It is too dangerous for me. I am scared, Commander,” she said.

  I rubbed my hand up and down her arm.

  “I know that you are.” I pulled her to me. Pressing her body against mine. I wanted to take all of her fear away from her.

  "No, don't touch me like that. She will find out again,” she said.

  Her words shocked me. “What are you talking about? Who is she?” I asked.

  “Your wife. She came up to me a few weeks ago. She warned me to stay away from you,” Amber said.

  “What? She did what? Why did you not tell me then?” I asked.

  “Because we promised to stay away from each other, so I figured there was no point. Her threats were meaningless because you and I promised to not be together,” she said looking up at me. Her big brown eyes were watery.

  “Do you know how much I regret that promise? There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about how I could take those words back. It is not what I wanted. I want you, Amber. I cannot stop thinking of you. I care for you deeply,” I said.

  "You do? I feel the same way. But it is wrong, Nykon. It is very wrong. We will get into trouble. If she found out, it would not be long until others did,” she said.

  “Then let them find out. We are breaking the laws, it is true, but we are also going to the war games and who knows what is going to happen to us then. This could be my last month alive; you could be captured. So much could happen, and we should now live as though it is our last days,” I said.

  She looked at me and then raised her chin to me. Before I knew it, her lips were pressed against mine. She got up and sat on my lap. I circled my arms around her. It felt good to have my arms around her petite body. I wanted her so badly. It had been too long since I’d touched her. She was the one that I could not stop thinking about. It was unbelievable because I did not have any taste for humans, yet that changed the first time that I kissed her. Even the first time that I laid eyes on her. She was everything.

  She moaned as she wiggled on my lap and put her arms around my neck. She pushed her hands into my hair. I put my hands under her ample bottom and then up her back. I was trying to feel every inch of her as though I could memorize her. I kissed her with hunger, passion, and a desire to remember what her lips felt like. I was lost in the moment of being with this human female.

  Chapter 13

  Amber Lynne

  Two weeks have gone by since I had talked to the commander. I had discovered something in that time that changed everything: I was pregnant. I could not believe it. One night with an alien and this was the result. It had affected me so much that I’d shut down. I could not do anything but think about this pregnancy.

  What would I do? I couldn't go back to Earth now. Earth was no place for an alien-human child. Nykon had told me that he was going to speak to the leaders about preventing me from going to the war games; now it was more important than ever. My child's life was in danger if I went. There was so much confusion and I did not know what to do. I could tell no one. I could not tell the commander; we had promised to stay away from each other. He was in training for the war games, and the outcome could bring peace. I did not want to tell him this news and have him be even more distracted. It could cost him his life, and I would never forgive myself. I could not tell Gina; she would let it slip somehow. She would speak to me about it in the market or some other place that anyone could overhear. So I could not tell her. I had to keep it a secret.

  But I was surprised when the commander showed up at my door. It was dangerous. Anyone could have seen that he came down the hallway: one person in particular. His ex-wife Keirin. I still had not told him about her. I had been limiting my contact with him; I never knew who was watching. Now that I was not treating him, days would go by that I did not see him. I would just catch a glimpse of him as I walked in the training yards. That was always enough to set me on fire.

  Then he showed up at my door. It made me nervous. I was in a panic. But there was also comfort in being alone with him. I wanted to tell him that I was pregnant, but I knew that I could not. But I let another piece of information slip. I told him about his wife threatening me. His response was to protect me, and that response made me feel good. It made me feel so good that I kissed him. I could not help myself. I was lost in the moment. I was lost in the fact that this alien was now the father of my child. I ached to tell him, but I could not. Instead, I just kissed him and let my body do the talking for me.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you. I miss the way you smell and feel,” he whispered.

  “I missed you too,” I whispered back.

  Then he groaned and stood up. He picked me up from the bench. He scooped me into his arms and carried me. I knew that he was carrying me to my bed and I was happy. I wanted him inside of me so badly. I had thought of nothing else for so long. It occupied my mind at all times. I wanted to see him naked, and I wanted to feel his hot blue skin against my naked skin.

  “I want you, Amber. I need you badly,” he said.

  “I want you too,” I said. I wanted to shout that I loved him. I wanted to say, I have your baby inside of me. But I could not. It was a bittersweet hold of my tongue, and all I could do was kiss his neck so that I did not say anything. I moaned eagerly.

  He lay me down softly on the bed. Then he grabbed the tie of my dress on my neck and untied it. He hungrily peeled the fabric off of me. My breasts were exposed, and he devoured them, his lips pressing hard against them. I arched my back up wanting more and more of him.

  “You are so soft, human,” he said.

  “And you are so hard, alien,” I said as I grabbed onto his cock pressing against the fabric of his uniform.

  He moaned as I moved my hand on him up and down.

  “I must have you now,” he said as he placed his body between my thighs.

  “Wait. You are too heavy,” I said pressing my palms against his chest. I suddenly felt a need to protect my belly. I wasn’t sure what it was like to be pregnant with an alien baby. But I felt like we should be careful. He was three times my weight.

  “I want to be on top,” I said.

  He smiled. “I like the sound of that,” he said as he stood up and quickly undressed. Then he lay down on the bed. It reminded me of him lying on the table of the treatment rooms. This was what it had been like to be tortured by his body in front of me. Not being able to do what I really wanted to do to him, but now I could. I rubbed my hands on his chest up and down, happily doing what I wanted to do. I kissed his hard abs and his hard chest. Then I straddled him. He looked at me and smiled.

  This was the beginning of a very long and delicious night.

  Chapter 14

  Commander Nykon Reev

  The war games. We were finally here. Everyone was tense. I stood in the war game complex looking at the field where the competition would take place. Half of the stands were filled with Grantsions Zenkian, and the other half were filled with Waysaw Zenkian. This was going to be either peaceful
games or a surprise battle. All of us were ready for both circumstances.

  “What do you think?” Rizim asked me as he came to my side.

  “I see nothing suspicious yet. But keep an eye out. When you are fighting, focus on the fight. Know that the rest of us, as well as the soldier brigade, will be watching for anything unusual. Remember the signal,” I said.

  “Understood,” Rizim said as he walked away from me and began to warm up with stretches.

  The war complex was loud. Cheering and chaos could be heard. I looked back to the sideline area of the field where Amber stood with the rest of the medical treatment team. I looked at her, but she was not looking at me. She was rigid, as though frozen in fear. I followed her eyes. She was staring across the field at one of the competitors for the Waysaw side. It was Evlon. He was the victor of the war games of the past. He was a high commanding officer; he was second in charge. He was the right-hand soldier of the leader of the Waysaw government. He was going to be the soldier that needed to be beaten in these games. But why was Amber staring at him?

  A human female came to Evlon’s side. I recognized her immediately. Her name was Miranda. She had a very dark past attached to her. She had come to Anvin as an emissary of Earth only to turn on Earth and become part of the Waysaw Government. She was Evlon’s wife now. Together they ruled a large part of the Waysaw armies. It was an unusual and complex arrangement, but with Evlon, she had climbed high. Everyone knew this.

  But why was Amber staring at them like she had seen a ghost? I watched as Miranda made eye contact with Amber and smiled at her. Then Miranda threw her head back and laughed. Evlon laughed alongside her.

  I looked at Amber. She turned her back to them, and I could tell that she was trembling.

  “I am going to have ointment rubbed it on my arms,” I said to Rizim and some of the others. I walked over to the sidelines.

  “What is it? What is wrong?” I whispered to Amber as I went through the motions of handing her the ointment to put on me.

  Tears were in her eyes. “I saw my former masters. I cannot handle seeing them. They terrify me. I feel like at any moment they are going to snatch me away,” she said.

  “Miranda and Evlon? You were there slave?” I asked in shock.

  “Yes. You do not know how evil they are. Miranda is a human; how could she be so cruel to her own kind? You have no idea the things they did to me. I cannot return to them,” she said.

  “I promise you that I will not allow it. They will never touch you again. I promise,” I whispered to her. I looked across the field at Evlon. He was staring right at me. He narrowed his eyes at me. At the moment, I didn't care. She no longer belonged to them. I hated that these were the owners of Amber. I had heard many stories about just how dark they could be. I would do this for Amber. I would defeat him for her.

  “Be careful out there. He is a victor, but only because he cheats. I have seen him do it before. In the last games I watched, a distant scream by some unknown Zenkian caused the soldier to look away for a second. In that second, Evlon took advantage of his distraction and struck a blow to his opponent. Do not to look away, no matter what,” she said.

  “I understand. Do not worry. I will be returning to the village. I have a son,” I said to her.

  Her lip trembled even more when I said that. Her mouth opened slightly, like she was going to tell me something. But then she held her tongue and just said, “Good luck.”

  “Thank you. Both of us are returning home, I guarantee it,” I said to her. Then I walked away to warm up with Rizim.

  Suddenly trumpets played, blasting through the stadium atmosphere. The games ceremony was beginning. The Waysaw leader stood on a podium high in the stands.

  “Welcome to the war games of Anvin! We have gathered in a time of peace to compete in these ancient games, Waysaw against Grantsions. The best of the best compete against each other, but there can only be one victor. Let the games begin!” he shouted.

  The cheers roared across the stadium. I had hoped that this was going to be an actual game and not a trap.

  The first soldiers took to the field. Iroq was the soldier from the Grantsions team to face the Waysaw soldier Giat.

  The challenge was sword battle. The whistle blew, and the fight began. We watched as Iroq expertly fought against the opponent. I kept one eye on the fight and another on the surroundings. I still did not see anything out of the ordinary. I looked over at Amber; she was watching the fight with two hands on her belly. She seemed nervous and scared. I did not blame her.

  “He's got this,” Rizim said by my side. My eyes turned back to the Game. Iroq was winning. The opponent was on his knees. Iroq struck one last blow, killing the man. The crowd went wild. It was a gruesome scene, but these were the war games.

  Two more competitions were played. One was fighting with clubs, the other with a dagger and wrestling. We lost a soldier in the club competition. Rizim played in daggers, and won. Now it was my turn.

  Evlon stepped onto the field. He stood across from me. I stepped onto the field. The game was axes. I held my ax in my hand, tightening my grip on it. Evlon looked at me with an evil stare. He didn't scare me. I remembered the atrocities that came to Amber under his hand. It made me angry. The whistle blew.

  I shouted as I charged at him. We clashed in the center. My ax went flying, swinging at him. It barely missed him. He looked at me with wide eyes; he wasn't expecting my skill. He swung at me, and I jumped up, avoiding contact with the metal.

  We fought together, each of us keeping our own. We ducked and swung at each other. I moved my feet fast, darting around him. I swung my ax around my head and down toward him at an angle. This caught him off-guard, and my ax met his shoulder. He screamed. Blood oozed from his arm. He roared in anger. He came at me charging full force. I jumped out of the way, and he rolled onto the field. I put my ax over my head swinging down.

  Boom! An explosion rocked the air. I remembered what Amber said, and I did not take my eyes off of my target. I swung down at him. He moved out of the way rolling across the grass. He got to his feet and looked at me. Then he ran. It was only then that I looked around. There was complete chaos as I realize that an explosion had gone off in the corner of the stadium. Zenkian were running everywhere, and it wasn't long before I heard the sound of blasters. Just as we thought, it had been a trap!

  Chapter 15

  Amber Lynne

  When I saw Miranda, my body shivered. I remembered the hate and anger that she had toward me. She would put a collar on my neck and drag me around like I was a dog. Her husband, Evlon, would hit me. They would degrade me and make me do horrible things. This was the reason I did not want to come back to the city. I could not handle seeing them again. I was traumatized by everything they had done. But now I had more to care about than just myself. I was pregnant with the commander’s child. There was a moment when I thought about having to raise this child on my own, and it brought great sorrow to me. I did not want to do this without Nykon. But I still could not tell him. I did not want him to lose focus.

  But when he walked over and asked me what was wrong, I could not contain how upset I was in response to seeing Miranda and Evlon. I told him everything.

  He vowed to not let them touch me again. I wanted to believe him, but I knew it was not in his hands.

  When he took to the field to fight, I was so nervous. I had seen Evlon fight before, and there was a reason that he was the winner of the games. He was strong, skilled, sharp, and he sometimes cheated. Something that I warned Nykon about. I could hardly watch as they went at it. Using the ax was a dangerous weapon. One below could kill him instantly. I was on edge and felt sick to my stomach.

  But suddenly a loud boom distracted me from the field. In the corner, I could see fire; a bomb had been set off. Everyone was screaming, and it was chaos all around. Gina grabbed my arm.

  “Shit. What do we do?” she said in panic.

  I watched as the soldiers that were assigned to us quic
kly made a circle around us. They were protecting us; they were shouting something, but I could not pay attention. All I wanted to do was look out on the field. Where was Nykon? Did Evlon to do away with him during that bomb distraction. Was he alive? Was he dead on the field? I couldn't see. There were Zenkian running everywhere, some of them in retreat and some of them fighting each other. It was a trap. I couldn't say that I was that shocked. I expected it from the dirty Waysaw. They were not to be trusted.

  “Amber! Let's go. Listen to the guards!” Gina said, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me. Her face was inches from me. This was the only way she got my attention. I snapped out of it. I heard our guards shouting.

  Let's go! Let's go! The speeder is standing by outside!”

  “But Nykon?” I said trying to get a look at the field.


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