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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 20

by Michelle Love

  Zane’s face gets a little paler with each thing he sees. “This picture isn’t real. I’ve never made a purchase like that. My God! She’s setting me up for treason.”

  “Yes, she is. So how do we deal with this?” I ask then sit down on the edge of the bed.

  He shakes his head and sits down too. “I have no idea. I suppose we should get some help from the government. But I have no idea who or what branch. The local police would most likely screw it up.”

  “I know.” My head aches with the thoughts that keep running through it. Even running away from her wouldn’t help. If she leaks any of that false information, then I have no idea what kind of shit storm would come down on Zane.

  “Maybe getting all the information deleted and destroyed is the best thing to do,” he says.

  “She’ll just come up with more,” I say. “We have to think harder about what to do.”

  “How could she be so heartless?” he asks me as if I know.

  “I don’t know. But I think this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen anyone do to a person.” My head is throbbing and I fall back to lie on the bed.

  He falls back on the bed too. His arm covers his eyes as he groans. “Damn that woman!”

  “I know. Maybe I should pay her a visit,” I say.

  “No! God, no!” he says as he sits up quickly. “She’ll have your ass thrown in jail if you touch her.”

  “Zane, we have to come up with something. Anything.” No answers seem to be coming to either of us and that’s definitely very bad.

  Leaning up on one arm, he looks down at me and grins. “Maybe a little break from thinking will help us, baby. What do you say? Fancy a poke and tickle.”

  With a laugh, I nod. “With you. Always.”

  Chapter 3


  Sweat covers our bodies as we move against each other. Her nails rake across my back, making a sensual burning sensation that has me growling like a wild animal, “Yes!”

  I sink my teeth into the tender flesh at the base of her neck, making her body arch up to meet my savage thrust as she screams, “Fuck!”

  Pulling her hair back to expose more of her tasty neck, I bite it all over, making her moan as she wraps her legs around me. My cock plunges into her hot, wet core over and over again. Grunts accompany each thrust I make and echo off the wall behind the bed.

  The sound of her breathing does something to me that’s never happened before, it’s making me want to hear it for a very long time. The sound of her working her body so hard to please me is a thing of beauty.

  She grinds up to meet each thrust, her breasts press against my pecs, her nipples are hard as rocks and rub around mine, making them hard too. I run one hand down to grab a handful of her ass, relishing how it’s the perfect mixture of soft and firm.

  My mind is focused like a laser beam only on her and making her feel better than she’s ever felt before. Her legs start shaking as her moan goes higher and higher then I kiss her to soften the scream she’s about to make.

  Her hands move to hold my head as our tongues move insanely around the others. The way her walls quiver, squeeze, and move around my cock has it jerking in response and I eject the silky strands with hard pulses that make her moan with each one.

  Our bodies slow the rhythmic motion until I’m lying still on top of her. When I release her mouth, I see one tear fall over her cheek. As I use my thumb to wipe it away, I say, “I love you, Elizabeth. I think I always have.”

  Her eyes glow as she says, “Me too, Zane. I feel that too. It’s as if I’ve always known you and always loved you.”

  And we’re so close to getting what we want, forever!


  His fingers stroke my shoulder as he lies behind me. His other hand moves over my stomach as his lips touch my ear. “One day that tummy of yours will hold our child, Elizabeth.”

  I laugh a little and think about being pregnant with his child. “You know I never have even given a second thought to having kids. How many would you like?”

  “As many as you’ll give me. It would be the best thing in the world to see a bunch of little you’s mixed with me’s running around. I’ll buy us houses all over the place. Wherever you want.” Small kisses are trailed down my neck until his lips land on my shoulder.

  “As many as I’ll give you, huh?” I ask as I run my hand back to caress his cheek. “Maybe two.”

  “That’s nowhere near enough,” he says a bit too quickly. “At least three, but more would be better.”

  “And where would we want to live, Zane. In a castle in Ireland or Europe?” I ask as I turn in his arms to face him and throw my leg over his thigh.

  “I guess you haven’t toured many castles. I’ve toured a couple and they aren’t nearly as comfortable as modern-day mansions. Plus, they’re very drafty and most are haunted,” he says then makes a little moaning noise, making me laugh at him.

  “You’re silly. Okay, so no castles. Got it. Mansions, though. Pretentious, don’t you think?” His handsome face is begging for a kiss, so I leave one on his cheek.

  “Pretentious maybe, but a necessity when you have a large family. Don’t you agree?” He kisses the tip of my nose.

  “We won’t have a large family for quite a while, you know.” I kiss the tip of his nose and when I look at him again, he’s smiling.

  “If you keep kissing me after everything you say we’re going to end up doing that again.”

  “What’s so wrong with that idea?” I ask then kiss his lips.

  His arm goes around me, pulling me even closer to him. The way he makes me feel is out of his world. I’ve never felt very sexy but somehow he makes me feel that way.

  Moving my leg further, I find his cock beginning to pulse back to life and find my insides growing warm with the thought of making love again so soon after one of the most amazing climaxes I’ve ever had.

  His hands move down my body, nice and slow. His mouth is light on mine, not hard like the last time. Slow, soft kisses we give one another until his dick is pressing against me, letting me know he is more than ready.

  Both of his hands move to my waist and he takes me with him as he turns over on his back. Lifting me up, he slowly sets me back down, easing his stiff member into me as I moan.

  I sit up and place my hands on his tight and hilly abs. “What you do to me, Zane.”

  His hands move up my sides until he has them on my breasts. “What you do to me, baby.”

  I start moving my body like a wave over his hard cock as he massages my breasts. His eyes sparkle as he looks at me and I smile at him. “You’re like a dream come true. A dream I hadn’t even had yet. And I’m glad you found out everything and stopped us from being apart.”

  “Well, I haven’t exactly put a stop to anything, yet.”

  I moan as his cock twitches inside me then lean over and grip his biceps. “Yes, Zane.”

  He does it again. “You like that?”

  The moan I make tells him I do and he does it again. “We’ve got to figure out what to do about her. I don’t want to lose you to prison or worse.”

  “Maybe I should hire a hitman,” he says.

  My eyes which had closed as I relished the sensations he’s giving me, open. “Then you will be committing a crime. We’ll have to look over our shoulders forever. So, don’t you dare do that.”

  “Aww, you don’t want me to go to prison,” he says then bucks up a little. “Wanna ride the pony?”

  The pops he makes has me bouncing up and down. I run my arms around my breasts to stop them from jiggling so much. He takes my hands and pulls them away. “Zane!”

  “Uh, uh. I like to watch them bounce,” he says then licks his lips as he continues to buck up and down.

  “You’re such a dude,” I say with a sigh.

  “I am that. All dude. Now tell me to giddy up.”

  “Giddy up,” I tell him as I laugh and know he has to be the man for me because no one has ever made me feel this comforta
ble to bounce on top of them while they watched my tits moving all over the place.

  He has to be the one!

  Chapter 4


  “I’ll make you another drink, Meagan.”

  “No! I’m afraid this one has done me in. I guess I should’ve eaten first,” she says as she lies back on the sofa. Her eyes are drooping and her jaw is growing more and more slack with the hydrocodone I put in the Scotch I made for her. The combination has proven to work as she starts to snore.

  Tossing a throw over her, I call Elizabeth. “She’s out. Come on in.”

  “Be right there.” She’s been waiting near the building Meagan’s apartment’s in.

  I go to find Meagan’s personal computer and snoop through her things just as Elizabeth comes through the door. “Come on, I bet she has an office in one of the two rooms off this one.”

  Turning the handle of the first door, we find her bedroom. A nice, normal bedroom done in gray, kept neat. “No computer in here,” Elizabeth says. “The next room has to be her office.”

  To the next door we go and I find it’s locked. “We need to find the key. It’s probably in her purse,” I say and point to a table by the door where a gold handbag is sitting on a table. “Go see.”

  With a nod, Elizabeth goes to look in the purse and her face freezes once she opens it. “Oh, shit!”

  “What did you find?”

  Her hand moves slowly into the purse and comes back out with a syringe full of some clear liquid. “Why the hell would she need this?” Elizabeth asks. “It’s not insulin. I’ve seen those before.”

  Placing the syringe on the table, she reaches back in and pulls out a tiny pistol and places it on the table too. Walking over to check what else this nut-job is hauling around with her, I find Elizabeth pulling out a bottle of prescription pills.

  My eyes feel like they’ve grown two sizes larger than normal as I read the label. “OxyContin! Wow! And the name on the bottle is Phillip Green.”

  “So, she has a secret drug habit?” Elizabeth asks me as she smiles. “This is very good news for us, Zane. This can be leaked and her chances of ever being taken seriously about anything are over.”

  “She’s a high functioning dope-head, that’s for sure.” I watch the keys come out of her purse and follow Elizabeth to see if one of them will open that door.

  She finds one that looks like it might work and it does on the first try. Her smile is wide as she says, “Here we go, Zane.” She pushes the door open and we find a dark room.

  I flip the switch by the door and a small desk is in the middle of the room. And there’s my picture sitting on one end of it. As we get closer, we see papers strewn all over it and Elizabeth picks one up. Scrawled on it is, Meagan Saunders-White, the first woman president. It’s written about fifteen times in the shaky handwriting.

  Moving papers around, we find some bills that are past due and a few letters from bill collectors. “Seems her money is being used for other purposes,” I say as I pull open her desk drawer. Right on top of a bunch of papers is a card with a phone number on it.

  Elizabeth arches one eyebrow. “Should we use her phone to call it?”

  “I’ll go grab it.” Going back into the living room, I find Meagan hasn’t moved a muscle and is snoring. I pick up her phone and go back into her office where Elizabeth is logging on to her computer.

  “Yep, like you said, it’s the same password. And here are the same files she has on her office computer too. I’m going to send them to your email.”

  Dialing the number on the card, I find a machine answering, “Your order will be delivered at ten tomorrow morning. Goodbye.”

  “Looks like I just got her some kind of a delivery,” I say as I end the call.

  “Use this phone to call the number,” Elizabeth tells me as she pulls a cellphone out of the pocket of her jeans. “It’s one of those pay as you go phones I bought under a fake name so Meagan couldn’t track our calls to each other. I can get another one.”

  Taking it from her, I dial the number and this time I get a real person. “Who gave you this number?” the woman on the other end answers.

  “Wow,” I say. “Sorry, I must have the wrong number. I’m looking for Phillip Green.”

  “Who gave you this number?” the woman demands.

  “Um, I found it. Do you know Phillip Green?” I ask as Elizabeth stops clicking away on the computer and looks at me with worry in her pretty green eyes.

  “Found it?” she asks. “I don’t believe you. Tell me now. Who gave you this number?”

  “May I ask your name?” I ask her.

  “Fuck no! Now give me the name of who gave you this number or I’ll have my men find you and take care of you. Tell me now!” She screams like a damn Nazi.

  “Meagan Saunders,” I say without thinking.

  “Oh, okay. Why didn’t you want to tell me that? Now we can talk business. What can we get for you? And what is your name?” she asks as I go all deer in the headlights and look at Elizabeth for an answer.

  Elizabeth shrugs and mouths, ‘Make something up.’

  “Dungareepore, Dax Dungareepore,” I say as Elizabeth’s face breaks into a smile and she covers her mouth to stifle laughter as she shakes her head.

  I mouth to her, ‘Shut up!”

  Using the name my secretary made up for me the day I met Elizabeth was the only fake name I could think of. I’m not used to making names up for myself.

  “Dax,” the woman says. “What’s your poison?”

  “Um, I don’t know. You got anything on special?” I ask as I look at Elizabeth for some answers again. She merely shrugs and I can see she’s going to be of no use.

  “On special?” she asks. “Is this your first time ordering anything of this nature?”

  “It is,” I say. “So can you help a guy out?”

  “Interesting,” she mumbles. “How do you like your steaks, thick or thinly cut?”

  “Thick,” I answer and wonder what that has to do with drugs.

  “Where would you like your thick steaks sent to?” she asks.

  Now I feel as if she’s going to send her henchmen after me so I end the call quickly. It rings right back and I throw the phone on the desk. Elizabeth picks it up and turns it all the way off. “At least we know this is a number we can give the authorities when we find the right ones to contact about all of this.”

  “I know this sounds stupid, but even though I used a fake name and used a phone we can get rid of, I’m still nervous as shit,” I tell her then walk around to look at the computer screen and find my name on some bullshit contract for gun sales to Iran of all places. “Fucking bitch!”

  “Tell me about it. It would be great if she died of a drug overdose, wouldn’t it?” Elizabeth asks as she sends that file to my email.

  “Now, I guess I need to tell you not to kill her, baby. I don’t want to look over our shoulders forever about you getting found out either.” Placing my hands on her shoulders, I kiss the top of her head. “Is that the last thing?”

  “Yes, can you take pictures of the weird paper and the picture of you on her desk? I think we also need to document the items in her purse and get the serial number off the gun so we can give that to the authorities too.”

  “I suppose we might have enough evidence right here to get some kind of charge on her,” I say as I walk out to take the pictures.

  The only thing I notice as I walk back into the room is that no one is on the sofa anymore.


  Chapter 5


  A flash of light accompanies a small bang and Zane shouts, “Fuck, Meagan! It’s me!”

  “Zane? What are you doing in my office?” I hear Meagan slur.

  She’s still kind of out of it if she shot at Zane. She must not be seeing too well either. Zane reaches in to close the door and gives me a look that tells me to stay put.

  I’m not about to just sit here, though. I turn the computer off a
nd go over to the closet to hide in there just in case she demands to come in here. As I open the closet door, I find more than I bargained for.

  It’s full of guns. Illegal guns, I’m sure. I suppose she got them to help frame Zane. She really has been quick to stockpile all kinds of things to hurt him with since he and I got together.

  But I suppose with an in on the drug business, guns run right along with that. Another soft bang rings out and then I hear a thumping sound and forget about my own safety as I run out of the room to make sure Zane is okay. As I push the door open, I see Zane standing over Meagan’s body. “Oh shit! You killed her?”

  “No,” he says as he holds up his hand with the needled in it. “I injected whatever this is into her neck. She accidentally pulled the trigger again as I did.” He turns his other side toward me and I see a streak of red on his shirt.

  “Zane!” I shriek as I run to untuck his shirt and see the damage. “Thank God! It’s just a scratch!”

  He exhales and looks relieved. “Thank God. It burns like hell.”

  “Okay, we have to deal with this woman. Give me the syringe and I’ll wipe your fingerprints off of it. We’ll get hers on it and put her back on the sofa,” I tell him as I hurry to the kitchen, sure I’ll find a napkin or something in there to wipe away his prints.

  When I come back into the living room I see he’s placed her back on the sofa and is covering her up. He looks at me with a little fear in his eyes. “What if I’ve given her an overdose?”

  I shrug as I wipe his prints away then take her right hand and place it on the syringe to get hers on it. “Who really cares? Okay, there we go.” I drop the thing on the floor the way it might happen if she’d actually done this to herself.

  “Should I take the gun?” he asks me as he goes to pick it up off the floor where she dropped it.

  “No, I think you should put it back into her purse along with everything else. If she’s used to doing drugs, I’m sure she’s used to waking up without remembering what the fuck happened.”

  He nods and puts everything back into her purse then he goes to lock the office door. “What should we do now?” he asks me.


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