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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 32

by Michelle Love

  Angela grabbed him and pushed him down onto her bed. She stood there for a few moments, hovering above the bed, taking a moment before diving in. He scanned her body. Her tits were even more perfect than he had imagined. They were full and round and hung in perfect teardrop fashion. He thought to himself wistfully that she could have been on the cover of Playboy. That was how perfect she looked.

  When she slid out of her panties, he could see that she was completely shaved down there. She crawled onto the bed next to him and placed a hand on his erection. She whispered into his ear.

  “I have dreamed of this ever since college. What is your fantasy?”

  “I want to fuck you good, Angela,” said Mark honestly. “I have always dreamed of ravaging that perfect body.”

  “Then let’s get to it.”

  They fucked passionately for close to half-an-hour. Mark’s rhythmic penetration was exactly what Angela had needed. She came a few times during their fuck session, and at last Mark said he was close. She sucked him off the rest of the way and swallowed his manly load. After they finished, they crawled under the covers next to each other and cuddled for what seemed like an eternity.

  Later that evening, after a brief nap in which the two lovers lay nestled in each others’ arms, Angela got up to take a shower. When she came back into her bedroom, there was no sign of Mark. Just a note that he had jotted down and left on her unmade bed. It read:

  “Dear Angela. I had a wonderful time this evening. I don’t want this to turn into one of those ‘things’, so I’ll just say that I’ll be around. You can reach me at the number on my business card, which I am leaving.”

  Angela could read between the lines. She’d had no notion that their engagement this evening would lead to a relationship. That’s not what she wanted with him anyway. She had just wanted sex with a hot guy. And he had delivered.

  A big smile made its way across her face as she crumpled up the note and tossed it in the trash. She took his card, which had his business address, telephone number, and e-mail address on it and placed it in her purse. That night, as she lay in bed, thoughts of sex and romance made their way into her dreams. She had the distinct feeling that her life was going to take a drastic turn for the better. In many ways, it already had.

  The next day at the office, Angela was very nervous and excited at the same time. This was when the big news was going to be released to the staff. She wore her best outfit, and looked great. She even received some complements from her co-workers on how great she looked. The morning past by fairly quickly and after lunch she didn’t have a lot of work to do, so she called up Maxine to check in and see how she was doing. Maxine had a tennis match that morning and at this point was at home icing her ankle, since she twisted it.

  “Have you seen him yet?” asked Maxine. “No, replied Angela. Not yet.”

  Finally, at around 4:00 in the afternoon, her boss got the staff together and let them know that Anderson would be coming by the office to “check things out”. So everyone was supposed to be on their best behavior, and put their best foot forward.

  When Anderson arrived with about four other lawyers as is entourage, Angela’s heart skipped a beat. He was very attractive, about 6’0, and had thick, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed to be walking very quickly and scanning the area, as if to get a quick impression on how things were done around the office. He didn’t really spend time in any particular area, but just kind of perused around at his leisure. He then walked up to Eric and shook his hand. They discussed some matters for a few minutes. Angela couldn’t really tell what they were talking about. But Eric kept nodding and smiling. Anderson’s eyes surveyed the room. At one point, Angela could have sworn that Anderson made eye contact with her, but it was sort of impossible to tell. Finally, Anderson turned around, walked back to the elevator, and took it back down to the ground floor with his entourage. That was as close as Angela got to Anderson that day. What a thrill.

  After work, Maxine and Henry invited Angela over to their condo which was on the other side of town. The plan was to have a nice seafood dinner and then watch a DVD from their extensive collection. The dinner went really well. Henry described in detail the challenges he was having at work. Apparently the accountants at work were changing some of the standards to be used in practice yet again, which meant that he would have to either go back to school or learn a ton of new information on his own. Angela and Maxine sympathized with him as much as possible. Then the discussion turned to Maxine’s pregnancy once again.

  “So when is the due date?” asked Angela.

  “In exactly six months as of yesterday. I am so excited! We both are!” Maxine held Henry’s hand.

  “And do you know the sex of the baby yet?”

  “It is still a bit too soon to tell,” said Henry. “We have names planned out though regardless of the sex. We are thinking William if it’s a boy and Tracy if it’s a girl.”

  “Those are lovely names,” said Angela. “Say, not to change the subject, but what movie do you guys want to watch tonight? I am soooo in a lounging type of mood. Today at work was so exciting.”

  “Did you see him?” asked Maxine.

  “Wait - who are we talking about?” interrupted Henry.

  “Oh,” continued Maxine. “Angela’s company is handing the legal work for a big takeover. Anderson Cromby’s conglomerate is buying the biggest consulting firm in the city. It’s really big news. Angela was hoping to get a glimpse of Anderson today.”

  “And I did!” exclaimed Angela.

  “Congratulations, then!” said Henry, chuckling to himself.

  “He was so dreamy, you guys,” said Angela. “His eyes were amazing. They were so big, and blue. You could tell that he had a really generous spirit. And it’s no wonder that he is the CEO. I mean, I only caught one glimpse of him but he seemed really smart. And so attractive. I wonder where he works out.”

  “If you found out where his gym was maybe you could go work out there as well and ‘accidentally’ bump into him,” suggested Maxine.

  “Say, that’s a good idea. I wonder how one would find out that kind of information,” puzzled Angela.

  “You could probably do some sleuthing,” continued Maxine helpfully. “Call his assistant and pretend to be a staffmember at a gym. Then just ask when he is planning on returning. Say he left a document in the changeroom or something. If you ask to confirm which location he works out at, they are bound to give you that information.”

  It was a good idea. Angela mulled it over for a while and decided it was worth a shot. During their movie which followed dinner, thoughts and ideas of what it might be like to bump into Anderson Cromby danced in her mind. She couldn’t wait to get to work the next day.

  After the evening was over, Angela thanked both Maxine and Henry for a wonderful time. She gave a special thanks to Maxine for her wonderful “sleuthing” suggestion. She left their condo, took a cab across downtown, and arrived at her own apartment. She got ready for bed and within moments was asleep.

  The next morning, she skipped her early morning workout and went straight to work. She arrived at the office early and searched on the internet for Anderson Cromby. She was able to find the line to his assistant and saved it to her desktop. She was going to call around noon, when she knew that the assistant would be in the office.

  An Occasional Meeting

  Angela picked up the phone, and dialed the number to Anderson’s assistant. The phone rang several times, and no one was picking up. Angela’s heart was pounding at a mile a minute. Finally a woman’s voice came on the phone and said, “Anderson Cromby and Associates.”

  Angela wasted no time getting in the role. “Uh, yes, hi,” she started. “My name is Rachel Goodale calling from the Carlisle Club. It seems we have a document here with Mr. Cromby’s name and phone number on it. He must have left it here during one of his workouts. Could you tell me which location he will be at next, so I can have the documents be made available for him?”
r />   “Sure thing,” said the assistant. “He will be at the King Street location this evening. That’s where Mr. Cromby always works out. And it’s always in the evenings. He gets there at about 8:00 pm.”

  “Thank you very much,” continued Angela. “You have been very helpful. We will see to it that he gets these back. Cheers.”

  Angela hung up the phone, and noticed that her heart was racing. Tonight was going to be her big chance to meet Anderson face-to-face. All she would have to do was find a way to bump into him, and then turn on her charm so that he falls for her. She decided that she would get there a bit early, and scope out the premises.

  7:00 a.m. should be good, she thought. She would have to pay some consideration about what to wear. She thought she would go for a black leotard and Nike sneakers. She would wear her hair up, as if she had just been working out. A sports bra would also be a good idea, not that she needed it. Her breasts were full and large and looked great with or without that extra support. She wondered whether or not she should invite Maxine to tag along. She might get a thrill from watching her bump into Anderson. She decided she would call her and ask. At the very least they could have an early dinner at the club before she got into her workout attire, and made plans to bump into him. She called Maxine at home.

  “Hi, Maxine?” she asked after a few rings.

  “Yes, hi Angela. What’s up? Did you call the gym?” asked Maxine.

  “Yes, I did, everything is going according to plan. He arrives at the club at 8:00 pm to work out. I am going to arrange to be there then and bump into him. I was wondering if you’d like to grab an early dinner beforehand. We could have some smoked salmon and cheese or something.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Should I meet you there at around 5:30 pm then?”

  “Yes, that sounds good. And bring Henry if he wants to come. I’ve gotta get into my workout gear by 7:00 pm, if I’m going to have a good chance of meeting him. Also I wouldn’t mind working out a little bit myself.”

  “Wonderful, see you then,” said Maxine and she hung up the phone.

  The rest of the day was spent in consternation for Angela. She realized that this was going to be a huge personal leap forward, if she could get into Anderson’s life. Also, professionally, if she got in with Anderson there might be new opportunities for her. Finally, after the day finished, she made her way home and got changed. She put her sweats on over her black leotard and sports bra, and laced up her sneakers. She made her way over to the club at 5:30 pm to meet with Maxine and Henry. They hadn’t arrived yet, so she sat herself down at one of the glass tables near a big window that overlooked the street below.

  The table was adorned with beautiful flowers. A few minutes later, Maxine and Henry arrived and smile broadly at Angela. They shook hands and hugged and took their seats.

  After they ordered the smoked salmon, crackers, and a cheese platter, the discussion turned to Angela’s plans.

  “So, are you really going through with this?” asked Henry.

  “You bet,” responded Angela. “I am really excited. I have seen the man from afar, but never up close and personal. This should be an exciting evening.”

  “It sounds like you’ve fallen for him already,” mused Henry. “This must be quite the man, if the invincible Angela could have feelings for him.”

  Angela couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, let’s just say that I have had dreams about him.”

  “So he is literally the man of your dreams,” said Maxine laughingly.

  “I suppose so,” said Angela. She seemed serious now. As if she was contemplating the turning of tides in her life.

  Henry lit up a Cuban cigar and blew some smoke rings. They still had a few minutes before Angela was planning on heading for the gym. Henry offered Angela one of his cigars but she declined. Then he passed his to her and she accepted. She blew a few smoke rings herself before passing it back. She had always loved the smell and taste of a nice cigar. She didn’t smoke them often but relished the opportunities to do so.

  When it was time to head to the gym, Angela excused herself politely and said goodbye to her two friends. She made her way to the elevator and rode it down to the second floor. She entered the women’s changeroom and made her way to her locker. There was a beautiful young woman taking off her clothes next to her. She seemed to be of Mediterranean descent with beautiful, olive-colored skin and thick black hair, that fell all the way down to the small of her back. Her breasts were ripe and perky, her nipples standing erect. Angela watched her out of the corner of her eye as she threw on a cotton robe, and walked barefoot over to the steam room. Angela had never been sexually attracted to women but she did appreciate their beauty. Angela got dressed and headed for the workout area. It was a quarter past seven.

  Angela busied herself on one of the cardio bikes. She decided that getting in a workout before bumping into Anderson was probably a good idea. She spent about twenty minutes doing cardio, then moved over to free weights. She believed in getting toned and always tried to incorporate the weights into her routine. They helped to burn off excess calories throughout the day, and Angela was the type of person who always ate what she wanted. She did not believe in yo-yo dieting.

  Finally, at a few minutes before 8:00 pm Angela moved herself to the main doors. Then, low and behold, Anderson Cromby opened the doors and stepped through the threshold of the gym. He was wearing a purple tank top and black shorts, with white socks and blue sneakers. He made brief eye-contact with Angela and gave her a brief smile. He smiled at me! Angela’s gaze shifted towards Anderson’s arms, which were very muscular. She realized that he must be a regular at the gym. It was time to act. Angela swiftly moved into her pre-rehearsed actions, and dropped her pink waterbottle directly infront of him. Anderson made a move for the waterbottle to help pick it up. At the same time Angela leaned in for it and the two bumped into each other.

  “Oh my gosh!” exclaimed Angela. “I am so sorry!”

  “That’s quite alright!” responded Anderson. He picked up the waterbottle and handed it to Angela. They made eye contact again for the second time. This time their gaze held on a little longer. Then Anderson sized her up briefly, his eyes making their way from her chest down to her legs and then back up again. She could see why he was so successful. She could tell he was really good at judging a person right off the bat. And fortunately for Angela his initial opinion of her was very positive.

  “Say,” he began. “I’ve never seen you before at this gym. Do you come here often to exercise?”

  “Actually, I just come here to scope out the cute guys,” she mused.

  Anderson laughed. His laugh was a thing of beauty. Medium-pitched and very masculine, and came right from the gut.

  “Well have you been successful?” asked Anderson, continuing on with the flirtatious joke.

  “Not until now,” replied Angela. Her voice had suddenly taken a more serious tone. She reached out and grabbed his upper arm and squeezed it gently.

  Anderson gulped. Then his face went completely serious.

  “Well, perhaps you wouldn’t mind if I invited you to dinner this Friday night?”

  “That would be wonderful. My name’s Angela Hayes.”

  “Anderson Cromby. The pleasure is all mine.”

  Angela withdrew her hand and put it up to her mouth, tracing her full pouty lips and staring at him longingly, giving him her sexiest look. She didn’t even have to fake it, she was truly horny about this amazing man.

  “Carolina’s is a beautiful new Italian place that just opened up on 7th. I have been meaning to check it out. Give my friend here your address and I’ll pick you up at 6:00 pm.” And with that, Anderson gave her another smile and wandered over to the weight machines.

  Angela gave her information to his friend, who was a huge black guy who obviously lifted weights. She wondered if he was his friend or his body guard. Not wanting to jinx the moment any further, she quickly made her way back into the change room.

t night she watched TV, and dreamed about what was to come. She couldn’t believe how perfectly her plan had been carried out. Friday was just two days away! She did not know how she was going to wait that long. Her phone beeped and she checked it. It was Mark Stevenson, sending her a text. It read:

  “Hi Angela. Was thinking of you the other day. I am around your area again tonight looking at a new condo, was wondering if I could stop by with a DVD and some popcorn.”

  Angela did have a lot of fun with Mark the last time they got together. She decided that seeing Mark tonight might be a good idea. After all, it was still early. So she messaged him back, telling him that it was okay if he came over.

  Angela got in the tub and waited for Mark to send her another message, letting her know that he was here. She looked at her nozzle, and not for the first time, wondered if she should use it to make herself feel better. And also, if she should use it to make herself warmed up for Mark. She added some bath bubbles and leaned back. Her bathtub was fully outfitted with jets, which were currently massaging her back. She leaned back and let the botanical extracts seep into her skin.

  Several minutes went by. She let thoughts of Anderson creep through her mind. She was not sure when she was actually going to be able to sleep with him. Perhaps sleeping with Mark tonight might just be the next best thing. All of a sudden, her phone beeped again. She checked the message. Mark had arrived. She told him to come on upstairs and to come straight to the bathroom. She didn’t hear any argument from Mark’s end.

  A few moments later, Mark opened the door to her apartment and let himself in. He was dressed in an overcoat and a fine Italian grey suit. The sounds of his loafers on the hardwood floors reverberated throughout the small apartment. He entered the bathroom and leaned against the door frame. He was carrying a bottle of champagne in one hand and a DVD and some popcorn in the other.

  “Where should I put my jacket?” he asked.


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