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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 42

by Michelle Love

As they twirled around the dance floor, Angela felt that her heart might burst right out of her chest. She felt so full of affection for Anderson, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to say that she loved him. He reached up and pushed a wayward strand away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. As he withdrew his hand, he gently ran his fingers down her cheek.

  Angela leaned toward Anderson and kissed him deeply. It was as if their kisses were what was keeping them alive. They were deep and passionate. She laid her head on Anderson’s chest as they swayed to the music of the band.

  In the car, Anderson wrapped his arm around Angela. The arm was behind her shoulder and traced gentle patterns on her shoulder with light touches. Her head was nuzzled against the base of his neck. She felt safe and protected with Anderson, like he would never allow anything bad to happen to her. She had never been treated so well by any man that she had dated until that point in time.

  Anderson gently kissed the top of her head. Angela started to feel the sweet lullaby of sleep edging slowly into her mind. She knew that it was pointless to fight it off; she would succumb whether she wanted to or not. The rocking motion of the car certainly didn’t help matters, either.

  Chapter Nine

  Morning Sex

  The next morning, Angela woke up in a bed that was not hers. The luxurious sheets felt soft against her skin, and the white down comforter felt heavy and thick against her skin. The light streaming in through the curtains illuminated the room, making it apparent that she was in Anderson’s bedroom.

  She heard noises coming from the kitchen, but she couldn’t hear if it was Anderson or one of his staff members. She pushed the comforter off of her and placed her feet on the floor. She recognized the clothes she was wearing; she had pointed at them once when Anderson had taken her shopping.

  It was a simple pink nightie that came just to the bottom of her perfect ass. Underneath, she had the matching pink silk shorts. They really didn’t offer much more coverage, only coming a few inches below the bottom edge of the nightie. She stood up and felt the soft carpet envelope her feet. She walked silently down the hallway toward the kitchen.

  Standing at the counter dressed in only plaid pajama wants was Anderson. He was standing in front of a waffle iron, making breakfast.

  “Hey, sleepy head.” Anderson said with a smile.

  “Good morning.” Angela said as she walked into Anderson’s open arms.

  He kissed the top of her head as he held her close to his body. She could feel the heat radiating from his skin. She tilted her head to meet his lips. Their kisses started slowly and gently, almost as if they were timid. Anderson’s hands traced her spine and found her supple ass. He cupped it and gently squeezed the curves.

  Angela could feel his cock begin to stiffen and press against her thigh. She had almost forgotten how large his penis was. Their kisses started to become more passionate than they had been previously. It was as if they needed each other, like they would die if they didn’t have one another soon.

  He started to kiss her neck, sucking and biting gently in the process. As Anderson teased her skin, she started to feel her body respond. It was like his kisses electrified her body and left her begging for more.

  Angela felt that it was time. She sank to her knees. On the way down, she gave Anderson’s pants a quick yank, freeing his large, swollen cock. She wasted no time. She licked his cock, making it throb as she worked her tongue up and down the shaft. She could feel his cock begin to twitch with the sensation of her tongue travelling down the sensitive skin of his prick.

  “Enough. Stand up.” Anderson demanded.

  “Yes, sir.” Angela replied as she carried out the orders.

  She stood, just as he had commanded, and was greeted by Anderson taking a fistful of her hair. He brought her lips to his in a forceful way before pulling her head back. She looked at him and saw that the dominant glean had returned to his eyes, making her feel that perhaps this was his normal state of being.

  He released her hair from his grip, and let his hands wander over her soft, smooth skin. He pulled her sleep shorts off of her thin frame, and picked her up. He lifted her just as he had yesterday in the ocean. She wrapped her legs around his waist, but this time it was different.

  As she formed herself to his body, she felt the swell of his cock enter her. He wasted no time in warming up her wet pussy, but instead began taking her hard and fast. That was exactly what Angel had longed for at that moment. She didn’t want any sweet, tender love making; she wanted hard and fast fucking.

  Anderson walked to the wall by the refrigerator and held her against the wall. He captured her hands in his and held them against the wall above her hands. It was as if Angela was completely immobilized. She felt that she absolutely could not go anywhere or get away from Anderson even if she tried. Of course, she didn’t want to get away. She was enjoying his cock pummeling her pussy far too much to want it to end.

  With her pegged against the wall, Anderson was able to get much deeper inside her pussy. Every time he was inside her, Angela felt as though his cock was too thick for her tight pussy. She felt that he would rip right through her.

  Anderson let go of her hands, and instead held her legs. Angela couldn’t remember a time that she had ever been fucked as hard as she was in that moment. Suddenly, she started moaning in orgasm. She hadn’t felt it growing inside her, but instead it took her by complete surprise.

  Anderson’s orgasm followed hers, but it was no less intense. His face wrenched in pleasure as a deep moan resonated in his chest emanated from his throat. He too felt the sweet release of an orgasm, sending his hot liquid deep inside Angela. He kissed her, both of their chests rising and falling in rapid succession, only to be out raced by their heart beats.

  “I’m sure the waffles are burnt to a crisp. Do you want to go out to get breakfast?” Anderson asked as her feet touched the floor once more.

  “That sounds good to me.” She said through her laughter.

  Chapter Nine

  Maxine to the Rescue

  “Maxine, I have a problem.”

  “Admitting it is the first step.”

  “Ha-ha, Maxine, very funny.”

  Angela felt the hot water surround her feet as the pedicurist filled the basin. She added some soft petals and sweet smelling salts to the bath of hot water, and then left Angela and Maxine alone.

  “This feels amazing, Angela. It seems like it’s been forever since we have had a girl’s day.”

  “It really does, Maxi.”

  “So, what’s this problem you seem to have?”

  “I think I am starting to fall in love.”

  “Ooh, with whom?” Maxine cooed.


  “I had a feeling it was him. He seems like a really nice man, Angela, but what are you planning to do about Mark?”

  “That’s the problem. If I didn’t have real feelings for Mark as well, this wouldn’t really be an issue. The problem is, I do still have feelings for him. It isn’t like I can just choose one or the other, but I really need to, and soon. It’s not fair to anyone. I can’t keep them waiting in this purgatory-like state. It’s not fair. It’s not fair to me to be so unsure about which man I want most.”

  “That’s all really true, Angela. I’m glad you’re going through this and not me, to be honest.”

  “Thanks, Maxine. Your words are really sweet.” Angela said in a sarcastic tone. She knew that her friend was just being playful, so she didn’t take any offence from her words. She knew that her friend really had her best interest at heart.

  “Be honest, Angela. Do you favor one more than another?”

  “Well, of course I do.”

  “That’s the one you should choose.”

  “But how do I know that things are really over with Mark?”

  “You have to make that decision. Do you really want to keep going around in circles with him? It never seems to end. One minute you’re together, and then a few hours later you
’re crying on the floor feeling absolutely heartbroken. I really don’t want to see you go through that anymore, Angela. You deserve so much better than that. You know you do.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. You’re always right, Maxine. It’s just so much easier to listen to advice than to actually follow it.”

  “I’m sure it’s easier than living in limbo.”

  “I’ll let you know when I make a choice.”

  At that moment, the women doing their pedicures came back. The young woman lifted Angela’s foot out of the basin of water and began to scrub away the dead skin and callouses on the sole of her foot. She wished that the woman could scrub hard enough to take her problems away, or at least make the decision easier.

  Of course, the pedicurist wasn’t a magician, and she wasn’t able to make the decision for her. Angela thought about asking the woman, but she thought that the woman might think she was crazy.

  Angela had no choice but to try and figure out the answer on her own. She sat in the pedicure chair, and while she was supposed to be relaxing, she could think of nothing but Mark and Anderson. She had actually started to compare them in her mind, as if that would help her make a choice.

  “Anderson is rich and Mark is just above being broke all the time. Mark is interested in a lot of the same things that I am, and Anderson has expensive tastes that I can’t relate to yet. Anderson is new and exciting; Mark is safe and familiar. Mark is an ex-boyfriend, and Anderson was quickly becoming the boyfriend I want more than anything.” Angela fought within herself. Her mind was at war; each side firing invisible cannons at the other.

  The woman picked up the grey nail polish that Angela had chosen earlier. As she watched the woman roll the bottle between her palms, she imagined she was inside the tiny bottle. That’s how it felt; it was as if her mind and her body were spinning quickly through turmoil.

  Her mind raced, quickly shifting between thoughts of Mark, and of Anderson. The choice she would have to make was becoming more clear to her with every turn of the bottle. She knew that she would have to make her choice soon.

  She could sense something in her interactions with Anderson that made it apparent that he was getting sick of waiting. She knew he wanted her in every way, in every sense of the word. He wanted to have complete control over her, and she wanted the same thing.

  As the woman painted the thick opaque varnish onto her toe nails, it was as if the manicurist was sealing in her decision, making her unable to change her mind. She had chosen Anderson over Mark. Now, she had to find a way to break the bad news to Mark, and to tell Anderson that she was finally his.


  Angela is only more confused by Mark. He seems to have changed, but there’s something in her heart that won’t let her fully believe that he is different. While the hunky billionaire, Anderson, keeps treating her like a princess, she only becomes more confused.

  She feels as though her heart is being pulled in two opposite directions. Will she stay with the comfortable and familiar Mark, or will she choose the wild and exciting Anderson?

  BOOK TITLE is a thrilling erotic tale that will keep you lusting after Anderson and hanging on every word.

  Watch for more books in the SERIES TITLE series.

  A Billion-Dollar Agreement:

  What She Chose

  Book 5

  By Michelle Love

  Chapter One

  Angela couldn’t deny that Anderson was actually showing her a lot of patience. Though she didn’t know every little thing about him yet, she did know that in his business endeavors, he had never really been what you would consider a patient man. Anderson was a strong, powerful alpha male type of man who was used to getting what he wanted and getting it when he wanted it.

  She had to admit to herself that she was starting to feel a bit guilty for keeping him somewhat “oh hold” and she was afraid to think about what might possibly happen if he decided he was tired of waiting for her to make up her mind be totally and completely dedicated to him and only him.

  Angela knew that Anderson was no fool, nor was he blind, either. She had to assume that he knew about her dealings with Mark and she was impressed by the fact that he had yet to bring up the subject, but she also knew deep down, that no man, especially a dominating billionaire alpha male, would actually want to share his woman with another man—unless, of course, it was a man that Anderson himself invited into the equation.

  Ever since the night that he had introduced Angela to the alcohol-induced foursome she had experienced with him and that couple he was friends with, he had not yet again invited another man—or woman—to join them in their erotic sex-capades. Perhaps he was enjoying having her all too himself for the time being (well, almost all too himself) as Angela was still fighting with herself over her undying feelings for Mark.

  Angela was allowing these thoughts to fill her mind as she got ready for work on Monday morning. She had thoroughly enjoyed the time she had been spending with Anderson, and he was certainly working his way into her heart. She couldn’t deny that she was also a little bit scared that her “fling” with Anderson would end up being just that: a fling.

  A part of her was still worried that a man like Anderson, handsome, wealthy and dominative, could have any woman in the world. Why was he so infatuated with her? What was it about her that attracted him? She had been too afraid to come right out and ask him, as she figured that maybe he did this type of thing with other women. Maybe he would set his sights on one that he was attracted to, and then once he tired of her, he’d move on to a new one.

  Deep down, Angela hoped that it wasn’t true. She could see herself falling head over heels for him, but their unequal social statuses did cause her to worry about whether or not she was woman enough to keep a man like Anderson all too herself. Could she really keep him happy for the rest of his life? Would he really be completely dedicated to her and only her? Or would he eventually tire of her and move on to a new, more exciting woman as soon as Angela decided to dedicate herself to him, completely?

  All of these thoughts were swirling around Angela’s mind as she headed toward the office. It was really great and exciting to always look forward to work, to look forward to seeing Anderson nearly every day. It was also a bit intimidating to think about how weird things could become if Anderson did someday tire of her. Would he still be cordial and sweet, even if he decided to break things off with her? Or would things get so weird around here that she would have to find another job elsewhere?

  Angela shook her thoughts from her mind as she approached the parking area for the building employees. She knew she needed clear her head and focus her thoughts on work—at least for the time being. She looked around to see if she saw one of Anderson’s expensive vehicles parked in his reserved parking spot, but she didn’t see any of his cars there. She assumed he wasn’t in the office yet, so she grabbed her purse and headed up to her desk.

  As she approached her desk, she noticed a new face that she didn’t recognize. There was a new receptionist at the reception desk. Anderson hadn’t mentioned hiring a new receptionist, so Angela was a bit surprised to see the new young face. As Angela walked past her, the new girl spoke to her.

  “Good morning, you must be Angela,” the young woman said in a friendly voice, flashing a vibrant smile her way.

  Angela, turned to face the young woman and gave her a quick once-over.

  “Good morning,” Angela replied. “Yes, I’m Angela. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

  The young woman stood up and came out from behind her desk to formally introduce herself to Angela.

  “My name is Mallory. Mallory Watkins,” she said, extending her perfectly-manicured hand to Angela.

  Mallory was very young-looking. She looked to be even younger than Angela, as if she was in her early twenties. She was tall and thin, thinner even than Angela, but she had a perfect set of breasts and a nice round ass behind her, as well.

  To Angela, Mallory looked as if she
could be a model. She had to be at least 5 foot 7 and in her 4-inch heels, she was standing nearly 6 feet tall in front of Angela. She had long, silky blonde hair that fell down into several thick golden locks around her shoulders. She was a bit paler than Angela, as if she could use a few tanning bed sessions or several hours out roasting under the hot sun. But, her skin was creamy and utterly flawless, otherwise.

  Her eyes were a beautiful almond color and her lashes were long and thick. They had to have been lengthened with an expensive mascara, Angela thought, because no one had lashes that long and thick, naturally. Nonetheless, her eyes were very pretty and alluring, and even though Angela did not consider herself to be attracted to other women, she couldn’t deny that Mallory was definitely a stunning-looking young woman.

  “Nice to meet you,” Angela replied, grasping Mallory’s hand and shaking it firmly. Mallory’s skin was as soft and smooth as it looked. Her hands felt as if Mallory slept in mittens filled with lotion, they were so smooth. “You have really smooth hands.”

  “Thanks, I use a paraffin wax on them twice a day,” Mallory replied, her wide smile never leaving her face. “It’s a pain in the ass, but it works wonders on your skin.”

  “I see,” Angela commented, looking at Mallory’s perfect-looking plump lips. Mallory had them covered in a shiny, glistening pink gloss that matched her silky pink blouse. Her blouse was tasteful, yet still sensual-looking. It hugged her firm, pert breasts and her cream-colored pencil skirt accentuated her slender hips and her round little ass. For just a split second, Angela felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She wondered if perhaps Anderson had hired this new young, vivacious vixen because he was growing tired of her. Maybe he was planning to…

  “Good morning, ladies,” Anderson’s voice broke Angela out of her thoughts. “Angela, I see you’ve met Mallory, and Mallory, you’ve met Angela.”


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