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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 45

by Michelle Love

  As she got dressed for her dinner with Anderson, she could feel her heart rate beginning to increase with a combination of nervousness and anxiety. She had never brought up the status of her and Anderson’s relationship before and she was unsure about exactly how to go about doing it.

  What if he rejects me? She thought to herself. What if I really am just a fling to him and he plans to move on to a newer, younger model as soon as he grows bored with me? What if that’s why he hired that hot, new young receptionist?

  Angela knew she had to prepare herself for whatever he might say. She was hoping with everything inside of her that he would feel the same way as she did and that he would want a full-blown, committed, long-term relationship with her. But, if that wasn’t quite where his mind was, she needed to mentally prepare herself for heartbreak—just in case.

  Even if he wasn’t interested in the type of relationship she was interested in, she intended to let him know that she would still be interested in carrying on their passionate, exciting fling, because honestly, Angela couldn’t see herself being completely without him. If she could only have him this way for a while, she felt like it would still be much better than to not have him at all. If he did end up rejecting her, she wondered if she would be able to continue working for him.

  Would things become weird and/or awkward at Anderson’s office? Having to see him nearly every day, knowing that she could never be with him that way again—or worse yet, having to see him with another woman, and having to work face-to-face with that other woman, each day—would be an absolute nightmare, in her opinion. At least as far as her feelings were concerned.

  She shook all of her thoughts from her mind as she checked herself out in her full-length bedroom mirror. She had just finished putting on her make-up and was almost ready to head out to the limousine that Anderson had sent over to her house to pick her up, when her cell phone rang, snapping her from her swarm of silent thoughts that were playing loudly inside of her mind.

  Angela picked up her cell phone up from its current location: lying on the bed beside the small blue purse she had selected to match her dinner dress and shoes. She looked at the number on the LCD screen and saw that it was Maxine.

  “Hey girlie,” Angela answered with a cheerful voice. She was happy to be hearing from Max.

  “Uh uh! Don’t even try to give me that ‘hey girlie’ bullshit! Where have you been, stranger?” Maxine teased. Angela could hear the mock sarcasm in her friend’s voice.

  “Oh, Max, come on! I’m so sorry! I have been a little bit preoccupied, I admit. But, I was going to call you tomorrow if you had not called me first,” Angela explained. She wasn’t lying. In fact, she really had been thinking about Maxine, lately, and had made a mental note to give her a call or maybe even pay her a visit on the following day.

  “So what’s been keeping you so damn busy that I haven’t heard from you in so many days? Is his name Anderson or Mark? Or perhaps a little bit of both?” Maxine asked.

  Angela let out a small giggle at her friend’s blunt question.

  “Actually, I haven’t really talked to Mark lately. I was supposed to meet him for lunch yesterday, but I told him that something had come up and I was unable to make it.”

  In a way, though, Angela hadn’t lied to Mark. In fact, what had actually “come up” was her billionaire play thing’s, Anderson Cromby’s, thick, humongous cock. And when it “came up,” Angela wasn’t interested in anything else other than taking advantage of the “situation.” Something about Anderson’s dick had her completely hypnotized every time she even so much as thought about it. He had her utterly “dicknotized.”

  “So have you decided which way you’re going to go, yet?” Maxine asked. Her intentions were definitely good. She only wanted her bestie to be happy and to have a healthy, blissful relationship with whichever man she chose to be with.

  “You know what, Max? I think that I have. I am going out dinner with Anderson tonight. Though I have been somewhat afraid of asking him about our relationship, I’ve decided that tonight’s the night. I am going to spill the beans and let him know exactly how I feel and what I want. If he feels the same way, I am going to take that chance and completely dedicate myself to him.”

  Maxine could tell by the tone of her best friend’s voice that Angela was serious. She was in love and she was going to let the man she loved know it. She had a deep respect for Angela. She knew that it couldn’t possibly be easy for her to have to make such an important and difficult decision between two men she clearly had deep, unfathomable feelings for. Maxine couldn’t deny that she was very proud of her friend and she hoped more than anything that Angela’s love life would end up working out for her for the best.


  Angela stepped out of the luxury car that Anderson had sent over to her apartment to pick her up and take her to the restaurant they were meeting at for a nice romantic dinner. The restaurant was called Chez LaFre’ and it offered an exquisite selection of top-of-the-line French cuisine. Angela thanked the limousine driver and walked into the front entrance of the huge, fancy, 5-star-rated French restaurant.

  Her eyes lit up with wonder as she entered the lobby area of Chez LaFre’. It was one of the most beautiful restaurants she had ever set foot inside of. She looked around in awe, as the host, who was dressed in a stylish black tuxedo, led her toward an elegantly-decorated private VIP booth up on the veranda area of the large venue.

  Angela saw Anderson sitting in a comfy little VIP-area dinner booth, talking on his cell phone. He looked eloquently handsome in his 3-piece teal-colored silk suit. His shirt was a multi-colored one, form-fitting, accentuating the well-defined muscles of his toned arms. He had the jacket lying beside him on the seat of the booth and his hair looked extra-thick and shiny in the dim lighting of the restaurant. The well-dressed Hispanic-looking restaurant host led her to the table and motioned for her to sit down in the booth across from Anderson.

  “You look ravishing, darling,” Anderson said, standing up to greet her with a kiss on the cheek. He pulled out her chair and she sat down. Anderson sat back down across from her.

  “Thanks. So do you! As usual,” Angela replied, flashing him a smile

  “I took the liberty of ordering us a fine bottle of Imported White Wine and I also ordered an absolutely scrumptious appetizer I think you will like,” Anderson told her. He opened the bottle of wine and proceeded to fill their glasses.

  “I’m really glad you invited me out to dinner tonight, Anderson. This place is incredible,” Angela commented, her eyes wide with impression.

  Anderson loved the way Angela always expressed her appreciation to him.

  “Anything to keep a smile on that beautiful face of yours,” Anderson stated with a grin. Angela blushed like a school girl, in spite of herself.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about, Anderson,” Angela said. She felt her heart rate begin to increase as the feeling of nervousness started to take over. “And I have to admit, I’m really nervous about it.”

  Just then, the waiter brought over their appetizer and set it down on the table. The aroma of the food made Angela’s mouth water.

  “Are you ready to order?” the well-dressed waiter asked them.

  “Give us just a few moments, please,” Anderson told him.

  “Sure, Monsieur,” the waiter replied and walked off.

  “What is it, Angela? I would like to think that you would be able to talk to me about anything,” he said in a soft, comforting voice. His face showed genuine concern.

  “Well…,” Angela stammered, fidgeting uncomfortably in her seat. Anderson reached across the table and took her hand.

  “Angela, please. What is it?” His gorgeous eyes were searching hers. It made her heart melt.

  “Well, I was just…um…wondering. What are we? You know?” She looked at him with questioning eyes. “I mean, I always enjoy myself in ways I never have before when I’m with you. I’ve never felt so alive, so fre
e and so happy. But, I want you to understand that if I am only a phase, only a passing fling, I am okay with it, as long as I get to spend as much time with you as possible while it lasts.”

  Anderson grew quiet for a moment, as if allowing her words to fully sink in.

  “How do you feel about me, Angela?” he asked her with a soft, but serious look on his face.

  “Honestly, I am in love with you, Anderson. I have been for a while now. I just wasn’t sure how you felt about me, so I didn’t want to bring it up. I didn’t want to make things weird between us, you know?”

  “Are you still seeing that Mark guy?” he asked her.

  There it was. He knew about Mark. Actually, Angela wasn’t all that surprised that he knew. She knew Anderson was no dummy and that he had friends and associates all over the area. She just hadn’t been sure whether he cared or not. Angela lowered her head feeling just a tad bit ashamed, for some reason.

  “Mark and I have a past. He wasn’t the worst boyfriend in the world, but he wasn’t the best either. He came back into my life right before you and I met. I never thought that you and I would end up where we are, and I wasn’t sure if we were going to be a serious ‘thing’ or just a passing ‘fling.’ So, I guess I was sort of keeping him around as…insurance of some sort, kind of a back-up plan.”

  “Just in case things between you and I didn’t work out,” Anderson added. It was more of a statement than it was a question. He said it as if he had known all along.

  “Please understand, Anderson, I have never met anyone like you before. You are a man who has everything in the world and you could have any woman you wanted. I was just scared that whatever you saw in me would eventually wear off, you know? I was afraid you would get bored with me and move on to the next new and exciting young woman who happened to catch your eye.”

  Anderson listened to her, quietly, allowing her to completely state her piece.

  “If you could have your way, what would you want us to be?” he asked her.

  “If I could have my way, Anderson, I would want to be with you for the rest of my life,” Angela answered.

  “I want to tell you something that I probably should have told you a while ago,” Anderson began. “I have dated plenty of different kinds of women in my lifetime. Models, actresses, dancers, you name it, women from all kinds of different backgrounds and social statuses. You see, it’s easy to find a woman, but it’s very hard to find a woman like you.” He emphasized the word “you” and looked directly into Angela’s eyes. “You are beautiful, intelligent, driven, independent, yet still so submissive, and you are also sweet, kind and amazing in bed. You are the kind of woman I could see myself settling down with.

  “You are happy whether we go to a 5-star restaurant or a have a turkey sandwich picnic in the park. You don’t need any of the things I choose to do for, but you appreciate all of them. I can trust you with my business and I feel like I could also trust you with my heart. I just didn’t understand what it was about that Mark that you just couldn’t seem to let him go. So I wasn’t sure if this was where you truly wanted to be. So I just never pressed the issue.”

  Angela’s eyes filled up with tears of happiness that threatened to spill over and run down her cheeks.

  “So what are you saying, Anderson?” Angela asked in soft voice, barely louder than a hoarse whisper.

  “I’m saying that I want you to be my woman, and my woman, only. If that’s what you want, as well,” Anderson replied, giving her hand a little squeeze.

  “Oh Anderson! That’s exactly what I want! I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life!” Angela allowed her tears of joy to run freely down her cheeks. She was overwhelmed with emotion. She reached out and grabbed Anderson’s other hand and squeezed them both.

  “These are the only tears I ever want to see in your eyes,” Anderson said, reaching up to wipe one of them away. Angela smiled at him as another tear replaced it. He leaned in and kissed the other tear as he placed something in her hand.

  “What’s this?” she asked him, wiping away a stray tear.

  “I want you to go in the ladies’ room and put it in your panties, right up against your clit. I have the remote in my hand. When you come out, you’re going to call this Mark character and tell him it’s over.”

  Angela’s heart began to race again. This time, it was with excitement. She grinned at Anderson and leaned in to give him a kiss on the mouth.

  “Order for me, will you?” she asked with a wide smile and then hurried off to the ladies’ room.



  Angela and Anderson became an exclusive couple and she broke things off with Mark, for good. She and Anderson enjoyed many more erotic lunch dates, dinner dates and steamy, passionate nights together. Maxine fully recovered from her illness and eventually had the baby she always wanted. She made Angela the godmother. Mark met a new young woman at his job and soon got over Angela. Anderson eventually promoted Angela to be his executive manager and proposed to her a year later.


  Dangerous Waters Complete Series

  Books 1-4

  A Billionaire Romance Mystery Thriller Series

  By Michelle Love

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  Dangerous Waters

  A Billionaire Romance Mystery Thriller Series

  Book 1


  By Michelle Love


  Tragedy. Romance. Intrigue.

  Channing Michaels is a billionaire thanks to a little help in the beginning from a man he never knew, his rich paternal grandfather.

  Beth Stattler is a young college student who applies for the job as Channing’s personal assistant.

  She gets more than just the job from the gorgeous man.

  Only problem is Channing’s wife has gone missing after a storm seemingly took her overboard while the couple was sailing.

  He wants her declared dead, but no one else does. The search for her body continues, making it impossible for him to move forward in the open with Beth.

  The question remains, is his wife really dead? And is Beth really the woman he thinks she is. Is practically everyone in his life out to get him? Or is Channing Michaels losing his mind?

  Chapter 1


  The sky turned dark in what seemed to be an instant. I had no idea what was going on. My mind was rattled and shaky after only one glass of wine.

  I had only drunk one glass of red wine. I didn't understand why I would be feeling the way I was feeling. I didn't understand where the storm could’ve come from so damn quickly.

  I didn't understand anything. Mostly I didn't understand where in the hell my wife was.

  One minute she was on deck and the next she was just gone. The wind was howling so loud I never heard her fall over. I never heard her scream for help. By the time I realized she had fallen, our sailboat had moved a very far distance in a very short amount of time because the sail was still up.

  The gale force winds were blowing into them, moving the boat so fucking fast. I swear I didn't know she fell. I swear it.

  Down a long hallway we walk. I follow the detective I was sent to just after I came into the police station in Miami to report my wife is missing at sea.

  Not really sure why I need to speak to a detective instead of the people who are about to start looking for Jana, my wife of only a year. I suppose he has to get all the information he can about the missing person.

  “We’ll send a rescue mission out, Mr. Michaels. If your wife can be found, the guys on the rescue team will be the ones to do it.” Detective Radisson looks at me with light blue narrowed eyes.

  It’s hard to tell if he believes my story.

  “I don'
t think anyone's going to find her alive. She’d taken her life jacket off for reasons I don't understand.” I take the seat the detective gestures to as we go into his office.

  His office is located in the new building the city of Miami just had built. The paint still sends out an aroma and the white tiles of the floor still glisten.

  Pale blue curtains blow in the breeze through the one window he’s left open in the small room. He gestures to it. “The damn paint smell in here gives me a headache. If it’s too hot for you, I can close it.”

  A shake of my head tells him I don’t mind. The smell would give me a headache too if the room was closed up. Though it is hot with it being the middle of June.

  “Yeah,” the detective says as he takes a seat on the other side of his large desk, strewn with papers. “You told us that part. Was she prone to taking her life jacket off, especially right when a storm is approaching your little sailboat?”

  The calendar on the wall behind his desk takes my attention as it has some half naked woman on it with a chain around her neck. I blink and look away. “My wife, Jana, hated to wear life jackets. It was one of my biggest problems with her. Whatever the rules were, she didn't want to follow them. Ever.”

  Taking a pen and finding a clean sheet of paper, he jots down what I’ve said. “So you're saying she was hardheaded, and you two had a difficult time getting along?”

  “Well, not exactly,” I say and think about how our relationship was. And no, we didn't get along very well. However, I don't want him to know that. “I just mean she didn’t like to follow rules. No seatbelt in the car, no taking the crosswalk when crossing busy downtown streets. That kind of thing.”


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