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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 47

by Michelle Love

  I used the money to get an education then started this firm. My grandfather was a man I wished I would’ve been able to meet. He left me a long letter explaining how he never knew about my existence until he lay on his deathbed and my father admitted he had one grandchild.

  With a phone call to his lawyer, my grandfather managed to change his will, which was going to leave everything he had to my father, his only child. He gave me one million dollars and my father inherited three million and several very nice homes in different areas of the country.

  My father, Morgan Riley, only has the home his father had in Miami left. He’s sold the rest of them and spent, from what I understand, most of the money. And boy does he want that one million dollars back since he knows I now have billions.

  I could give it to him, easily. But you know what they say, ‘when you give a mouse a cookie.’

  I know if I give that man five dollars he will ask for more and more and never let up.

  Not really wanting to, I answer the phone, “Hello, Morgan.”

  “Channing, we need to talk. I know you’re in a jam and I think if you give me some money, I can help you out with an alibi.”

  First words out of his mouth, priceless!

  “I don’t need one, thanks for the offer, Morgan. I didn’t do anything.” I turn my chair around and gaze out the window of my fifteenth floor penthouse office and see the waves coming up on the shore of the beach just a few miles away from my office. “And I’m too busy with interviews for a new personal assistant today to mess with you.”

  “Where do you think she is, Son? And how are you doing?” he asks.

  “I think she’s somewhere in the ocean and I’m fine. How are you? I mean the two of you really had something, didn’t you? If you ever stopped having something that is.”

  The sound of him clearing his throat comes through loud and clear. “Now, Son. You know that was a mistake. And we ended it. You know that. You can be honest with me. Is this tearing you apart?”

  I sit and think about that.

  Is it?

  The first night was odd. But she never slept in our bedroom, anyway. She took a room clear across the large, six-bedroom beach house I bought before I even knew her. She claimed I snored.

  No one else ever told me that, though!

  Then I found out exactly why she wanted to be so far away from me each night. She was sneaking away most nights and when I found out it was to see my father that was the real kicker.

  Then the truth came out. She and he knew each other. She and he had known each other very well, and it seemed to me she was part of my father’s way of getting back at me.

  I should’ve given him the damn million and divorced her ass then. But I was thinking I would punish them both more by staying married to her and demanding she stop seeing him or I’d cut her off without a cent.

  There was a prenup, of course. I’m no fool. I could’ve divorced her and it would’ve only cost me the lawyer’s fee, but I was out for some type of revenge and that shit didn’t make me feel any better either.

  I suppose nothing can make you feel better about your wife screwing your father!

  There was a time I thought I loved that woman. She was very good at making me feel like she loved me. But once I found out about her and dear old Dad, it was over.

  Jana didn’t even try to act as if she loved me after that. Only in public did she do that. Fawning all over me when we had social functions to attend. Acting as if she thought I hung the moon. Until the car ride home.

  Then it was back to ignoring me. Back to letting me know she was miserable with me. Back to letting me know I had made a big mistake.


  “Oh, I went off to another world. Anyway, I’m fine. Like I said. So, if you have nothing else, I need to go. I have one more interview this morning before I go to lunch. So bye.”

  “Bye,” I hear him say just before I end the call.

  Pressing the intercom, I call the receptionist. “Is my last interview for the morning here?”

  “Yes, Mister Michaels. Beth Stattler is here, waiting,” the receptionist, Shelia, tells me.

  “You can send her in now. And I’ll be leaving at lunch for the day.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  One more look out the window at the ocean that’s calling my name then I turn back and get ready for the interview.

  I hope this one is better than the last two!

  Chapter 4


  The view from the picture window on the fifteenth floor of the building the Michaels’ Investment Firm is located at the very top of is magnificent. The blue-green waves crash in tiny white sprays of refreshing ocean water against a sandy white shoreline.

  I could have a job where I look at this view all day long. How cool would that be?

  The receptionist’s nameplate tells me her name is Sheila. She’s very pretty. Long blonde hair is up in a tight bun and her nails are prettier than mine. Her make-up is heavy and her lashes are fake, but she’s a pretty woman.

  Wonder if she’s screwing the boss man!

  Shelby got me in with her hair guy and he cut my long brown hair into some long layers and added in some golden highlights. They look natural and I like that. I’m not into looking fake.

  I was going to wear it up but Shelby wouldn’t let me. She used a curling wand and made loose curls. Then spritzed me with some of her expensive perfume.

  She did my make-up too. I like it, not fake, but an enhanced version of myself.

  We found a tight chocolate brown pencil skirt and a pair of heels to match it. Then a lacey white shirt over a chocolate brown camisole. It’s sexy yet still office worthy.

  Michelle put her pearl necklace around my neck for good luck she said. She told me it was her mothers and every time she wears it great things have happened for her.

  I run my hand over the rounded pearls and send up a little prayer.

  “You can go in now, Miss Stattler. Mister Michaels is ready to see you now,” the receptionist says and my heart skips a beat.

  I’m not ready!

  “Miss Stattler?”

  “Oh! Yes,” I say as I get up and take my portfolio from the chair next to mine. “Thank you, Shelia.”

  She gives me a smile, revealing perfect white teeth. “Good luck.”

  I cross my fingers. “Thanks.”

  Running my hand over my skirt to be sure there’s nothing wrinkled or nothing on it, I take in a deep breath and turn the door knob. His back is turned as I walk in. “Mister Michaels?”

  The mahogany leather chair turns slowly around and my heart pounds as I look at him.

  He’s even more gorgeous in real life!

  Dark waves hang a bit over one captivating blue-green eye. His hair is shorter on the sides than on top. A beard slightly thicker than a five o’clock shadow makes his strong jawline appear a bit softer. His lips are a light pink and the bottom is a bit fuller than the top one.

  Thick dark lashes surround those penetrating eyes and he looks right into mine. “Miss Stattler?”

  I take slow steps forward as he gets out of his chair and comes to me with his hand extended.


  My palms are most likely sweating as he has my pulse on rapid speed. My nipples are hard and I hope they aren’t visible through the two shirts.

  His eyes hold mine as he shakes my hand and electricity shoots through me.

  What in the hell was that?

  Chapter 5


  What the hell was that?

  It felt like lighting just struck me. The touch of her velvety soft hand sent me into another world for a moment. Her green eyes are mesmerizing. She’s gorgeous.

  “Please come sit down, Miss Stattler.” I let her hand go and walk in front of her and take in a deep breath to steady myself.

  I don’t get this way over females!

  As she sits down and I go to the other side of my desk, I look her over. She’s draped i
n colors I don’t usually find appealing, but she’s changing my mind about them.

  The dark brown of her skirt and camisole bring out the deep browns in her thick and gorgeous dark hair. The white lace shirt over the camisole makes her skin look a gorgeous tan shade.

  She smiles almost shyly as she looks up at me. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mister Michaels.”

  Leaning forward, I put my elbows on my desktop and lace my fingers and lean my chin on them. “Mister? Let’s get rid of the formalities. I’m Channing. May I call you, Beth?”

  “Of course.” Her cheeks go a little pinker and she looks out the window behind me. “You have a beautiful view, sir.”

  I’m looking at the most beautiful view this room has right now!

  “I do.” I sit back and decide I need to know a hell of a lot more about this young woman. Picking up the resume she sent, I look it over. “Almost finished with college. A Bachelor’s in Business I see.” My eyes move back to hers. “Is that where you plan on stopping or is a Masters in your future plans?”

  She fidgets for a moment. “Money is an issue at this time. I’ve run out of it. I would like to get my Masters of course. I have to get to work, though. Pay off the student loans I have accumulated then I’ll see about going back.”

  Leaning back in my chair I look up at the ceiling for a moment then back at her. “If you get the job, I’d pay for you to keep going to school.”

  Her eyes light up. “Oh my gosh! Would you really?”

  The way her smile goes all over her beautiful face is amazing. She is amazing.

  “I really would.” Then I lean forward. “Tell me how you would make my life easier, Beth.”

  She looks all over my office for what I don’t know. Her eyes land on mine. “Okay, here’s the thing. I can do whatever you need me to do. I’m great at remembering things. How you like your coffee if you like coffee that is. What kinds of things you expect to be done before you arrive at the office.”

  “Sometimes I might need you to come to my home and other places with me,” I say not only because it’s true but also to find out if she’s someone’s girlfriend. “Do you have someone who’ll be jealous of all the time I’ll need you?”

  “Jealous? Oh, like a boyfriend? No.” Her head shakes and her curls dance around her narrow shoulders.

  Good! No boyfriend!

  “That’s good. I’d hate for your employment with my firm to end a special relationship for you.” I lean back and look her over as she reaches for her portfolio.

  “Nothing going on in that department, sir. I’m available for you at all hours. No job is too big or too small for me, sir.” She places her portfolio on my desk and slides it over. Her nails are perfectly shaped and polished with the same deep brown color she’s sporting.

  “Nice manicure,” I say as I run my fingertip over her index finger. “Does the pedicure match?”

  She giggles quietly. “It does.”

  My eyes flash back to hers. “Mind showing me?”

  Her cheeks go really red. She pulls her hand back and stands up. Walking to the side of my desk until she’s next to me, she steps out of her tall heels.

  I turn in my chair and look at her little perfect feet.

  I love pretty feet!

  And hers are pretty. “Nice.”

  The urge to run my hands up her creamy calves and under that tight skirt is nearly overwhelming.

  I cannot have any type of woman in my life right now!

  She steps back into her shoes and goes back to sit down “So like I was saying. I can be available to you as much as you need. My classes are all available online. I don’t have to be in any classroom. I’ll be at your disposal.”

  “At my disposal. That sounds nice. How are you at being discreet?”

  Her green eyes twinkle for a moment then she looks away. “I can be discreet.” She looks back at me then smiles. “Your secrets will be safe with me. I’m no gossiper. I hate gossip as a matter of fact.”

  “Have you heard any about me?”

  “Yes, sir, I have. But don’t worry. I don’t ever believe in gossip.” Her eyes soften as she looks at me. “How are doing, by the way?”

  “Fine. I’m really fine. Since you’re good at keeping secrets I can tell you this one. My wife and I had no real marriage. It was only in public did she act like we had anything. It’s a long story and if I hire you, you will find it all out.”

  “I know this is forward, but what are my chances of that happening, sir?” She seems to be holding her breath.

  “Stop calling me sir and they’ll be a lot higher.” I laugh and see her let out a breath.

  “Done, Channing,” she says with a smile. Her ruby red lips pull back showing me another thing I love to see in a woman, a gleaming white smile.

  “What do you say to extending this interview to lunch, Beth?” My fingers cross in my lap.

  “I say, of course, Channing.” Her smile is traveling all over her delicious looking body.

  The woman has the best looking pair of tits I’ve seen in a while. Her ass is nicely rounded and I find my cock twitching.

  It hasn’t done that in some time!

  And though I know I shouldn’t hire her, I know I will.

  Moving out of my chair, I go to her and hold out my hand. She takes it and gets up. “Are we going to lunch now?”

  “We are. Tell me, Beth. Do you like yellow or red better?” My hand presses against the small of her back as we walk out of my office.

  “Depends on what we’re talking about. If it’s walls, I like yellow better. If it’s cars I like red.” Her heels click on the marble floor as we walk into the lobby.

  “I’m talking cars. If I hire you, I’ll give you a car to use. So red then?” I look over at the receptionist. “See you tomorrow morning, Shelia.”

  “Yes, sir,” she says. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Oh and Shelia.” I stop and take Beth by the shoulder to turn her so I can see her face. “The adjoining office off mine. Have it cleaned. Get a new chair in there. A nice one. A very nice, leather one.” I look at Beth. “Do you like coffee?”

  She nods. “I do.”

  “How much do you like it?”

  A crease goes between her eyebrows. “A lot, why do you ask?”

  I look back at Shelia. “Have one of those single serving coffee makers, the one that starts with a K and I can’t pronounce, put in there and every flavor of the little coffee packs you can find. And order a nameplate for the desk. Beth Stattler is my new personal assistant. Send the maid to the apartment and have it cleaned too. She’ll be moving in tonight.”

  “What?” Beth says then her knees go weak and I have to run my arm around her waist to keep her from falling down. “I have the job?”

  I laugh as I hold her up. “You have the job, Beth.”

  She manages to pull herself back up and steadies herself. “Thank you. Thank you so much. I promise you won’t be sorry. I’ll be the best assistant you’ve ever had.” She looks at Shelia and waves. “Bye, Shelia. I guess I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  “You’ll be seeing her tomorrow morning at eight.” I move her along. “We’ll talk about it all over lunch. Do you like shrimp?”

  My hand falls in place at the small of her back again. “Who doesn’t like shrimp? Of course, I do!”

  Her enthusiasm is intoxicating. So many years of none of it around me had me forgetting how contagious it can be. “Of course, you do.” I smile as I walk behind her.

  This is probably very stupid of me, but damn it, I’m going to do it, anyway!

  Chapter 6


  Michelle has tears in her eyes as I pack up my things from the bathroom. “Don’t cry, Michelle. You can visit, I’m sure.”

  “But, who’s supposed to leave the light on for me at night?” she cries.

  “Shelby told you she’ll come stay with you. She hates her roommate anyway.” I take the little box of the few toiletries I have and put them on my
desk which I’ve already packed away.

  “I know. But I’m going to miss you, Bethy.”

  A knock at the door has her jumping up to open it. Some skinny boy stands at it, holding out a set of keys. “Hi,” Michelle says as she holds out her hand. “For me?”

  He smiles. “You don’t have dark hair and you don’t have the killer legs Mr. Michaels told me the young lady named Beth Stattler does.”

  Michelle looks back at me. “What do you know about that, Bethy?”

  My whole body heats and I know my face has to be scarlet. “I’m Beth.”

  “Then these belong to you. The GPS has been set so you can drive it to your new apartment. The apartment number is fifteen. It’s on the first floor. And it’s ready for you.” He comes inside and places the keys in my hand.

  My eyes go down and back up. “Is this a joke?”

  He shakes his head. “You should check it out. It drives like the best kind of nightmare.”

  “A Lamborghini? You’re shitting me!”

  “A what?” Michelle says as we all run out to the parking lot.

  As we get out the front doors I see it. A candy apple red dream. “No way!”

  I hear the guy’s phone snap my pic, and he sends it to someone. “Hey!” Michelle yells at him.

  “The boss said he wanted a pic of her face. It’s priceless,” he says then turns the phone around to show me my face.

  “Shit! I look crazy,” I say. “Erase it!”

  “Too late. Already sent it to him,” he tells me with a shit eating grin.

  “Tell me, boy,” I say as I walk slowly towards the car. “Are we going to see a lot of each other with this job?”

  “I’m the boss’s godson so, yep. Name’s Rocky.” He waves and walks towards a car with some woman in it. “Enjoy. See ya around, Beth.”

  “Can you drive a stick, Beth?” Michelle asks as we slip into the car.

  “It’s brand new, Michelle.”

  “I see that.” She taps my hand as it moves over the stick shift. “So, can you drive a stick?”

  I nod. “He asked me at lunch this afternoon. I told him I could, I did it a few times this one summer at my grandpa’s. That was an old Chevy truck, though. Not the most awesome car on the planet.”


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