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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 116

by Michelle Love

  "Take off the stockings and bring them to me. When you make it over here lay across my lap and do not make a sound" and that's just what she did. Without hesitation, she complied with each demand and I loved every moment of it.

  When she made it over to the bed she stood in front of me. She placed the stockings in my hand and laid across my lap. Laughing slightly under my breath, I pulled both of her hands behind her back and tied them together,

  “Good girl” I spoke and she moaned slightly under her breath. I gave her a spank right on her ass and she squirmed in discomfort. “I thought I told you specifically to not make a sound, Lola. Don’t make me punish you.”

  “Yes, sir” she whined and I gave her another spank.

  “Don’t say another word” I instructed. I lifted her body and tossed her on the bed. I brushed her hair back out of her face to admire her beauty. Her skin was perfect as softly, and the color of lipstick she chose really made her eyes glow. I looked her directly in the eyes and said: “you’re never going home”.

  Her face went from seducing to panicked. It made me chuckle to see how frightened she’d gotten. She was about to open her mouth but I warned her that if she screamed, although no one would hear her, she’d be in serious trouble.


  “You’re never going home” Arsen spoke as he looked me directly in the eyes. It was like the words rolled off his tongue as slowly as possible.

  Just when I thought life was going great, everything goes to shambles. I watched as he laughed right in my face as if I was nothing. ‘Maybe this was all a part of the roleplay’ I thought to myself, but there I go again making up silly excuses in my head to make light of the situation. I guess it was a way to make myself calm and comfortable.

  I thought back to Anabella calling me a dumb, stupid little girl. That’s exactly how I felt right now because that’s exactly what I was for trusting a man who I barely know. There’s just something about Arsen’s aura that just pulls me in. His charm and witty sense of humor really captured my heart. Even with everything going on I could feel myself falling harder for him.

  I somewhat understand why he would keep me here ‘forever’. I know his biggest secret and he doesn’t want anyone to find out. He’s just protecting himself, maybe even the both of us. Maybe someone else found out that I knew the secret and was out to get me and this was Arsen’s way of protecting me? Why else would he wait an entire week to do something about the situation?

  Whether he is doing this for us or just himself, I still felt stupid for the way I caved. I submitted to him so easily that it was embarrassing to myself. I have never been so obedient and controlled my entire life, not even as a child. My parents were never really the most chill parents in the world but they definitely were not as demanding as Arsen.

  I felt my panties become wet at just the thought of Arsen having full dominance over what I do and say. I wish he would come back to finish what he started but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. So I sat there, close to tears and not knowing how feel or what to do next.

  I felt hopeless at this point. My arms were tied up so if I’d tried to make any escape it would be ten times harder than it should. I shifted onto my side and laid down, it was a little uncomfortable for a while but soon my body became numb and I couldn’t feel a thing.

  So many thoughts were flying through my brain that I couldn’t even decide on what to think about first. I eventually got so confused about everything that’s going off that I just let myself fall asleep to take a temporary break from all of the madness.


  I left her sitting on the bed and went to my office to check a few emails and see if there’s any new information from the guys. I was scrolling through a load of emails from people contacting me for events and to do lectures around the world. The guys sent a few messages about how they found out the woman’s name and address, now they were coming up with a plan of how to get rid of her. I sent out a few replies and continued to scroll through pointless messages until one message in particular caught my eye.

  It was titled ‘Watch your back, Arsen” and it read:

  Dear Arsen Lockhart,

  I know what you’re up to. As if you didn’t think to murder my father was enough, now you’re fooling around with my best friend?

  I raised an eyebrow. What was this person talking about?

  The fact that she actually gives you the time of day makes me think is she that stupid or are you just really good at playing these games. My father has been dead for a year now and if you think my mom and I have forgotten, you have another thing coming. Enjoy your peaceful life as much as you can Arsen.

  The letter wasn’t signed with any name but now that I think about it. The girl that sat next to Lola the same day that I gave that seminar looks a lot like the woman at the restaurant. That woman said her daughter has been watching Lola and me around town and the only person that could possibly know who we both are and what’s going on between us is Lola’s best friend. Is it possible that I killed Lola’s best friend’s father?


  A Billionaire’s Troubles

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Book 3

  By Michelle Love

  Do you believe in love at first sight? It's different for all of us for some it'll take months maybe even years to fall in love and for others just a couple of days, hours, or even minutes. Everyone loves to fall in love but sometimes the process it's just so hard. You never know if they love you back until you two are together, but how long can that take? Days, months, years? It's all part of life and no one ever really knows until it happens. Life is full of surprises, and it can either send your life down the drain or uplift it to the best it could be.

  It's also your perception of things and how you take them. You have the power to dictate what the something is positive and negative in this world and how it truly affects you. So make the best of everything you do and you will live a lovely life. If you love someone, tell them. Don't hold back because you only have one life to live so you might as well make the most of it. Even in your darkest moments, keep living.


  I woke up in a room I’ve never seen before. I looked to the left and the view was almost the same as the view from Arsen’s house. I looked down and I wasn’t tied up anymore, nor was I wearing the same outfit from the night before. I was dressed in a satin top with matching shorts. I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the door. When I tried opening it, it was locked. No matter how hard I pushed or pulled it wouldn’t open.

  With a sigh, I turned and went to look at myself in the mirror. My hair looked freshly brushed which was odd. I pulled it into a ponytail with the hair tie that was on my wrist. I looked down and saw a note laying on the dresser. It had my name on it. I was a bit hesitant about picking it up but maybe it would explain why the door was locked.

  After a couple of seconds of deciding, I finally opened the letter. It explained how there were two doors inside of the room. One led to a walk-in closet while the other led to a bathroom. It said that there would be various pieces of clothing that were my size inside of the closet. I read over a few more lines about where certain things were in the room and I finally made it to the end, which I was looking for.

  The reason the door was locked, according to the note, was because I didn’t deserve as much freedom as I wanted. The note was clearly written by Arsen because it said that I should think about the consequences of my absurd actions. He wrote that he had a hard time deciding if I should work for him until he trusts me again or if he should kill me. He also mentioned that my phone has been taken away and any source of connecting with someone outside of the house has been blocked off of the computer in the room and my laptop that he had found in my car.

  I rolled my eyes and crumbled the note into a ball. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. All because I looked through a couple of emails. What I really want to know is why it took him so long to take action
against me. What about the situation changed his mind? Does someone else know?

  That’s it. Maybe he told the members of his cartel and they put this entire plan together. That had to happen because what else would’ve made Arsen change his mind so suddenly?

  I shook my head and slid my feet as walked back over to the bed. I plopped down and buried my face in the pillow. I let out a muffled scream to release the built up anger in me. There was a knock on a door followed by the voice of the woman I met the first time I was here.

  “Ms. Lola, your breakfast is ready” she spoke.

  I got up quickly when I heard the door unlock from the outside. It pushed open slowly and she came inside, walking towards me with a tray of food. It smelled so delicious, I couldn’t wait to eat . As she sat the tray down on the bed, I eyed the cracked door thinking about if I’d be able to make it out to find my car keys.

  I guess she noticed because she grabbed both of my arms and looked into my eyes.

  “Don’t even try it” she whispered. “There’s two big guards out there”

  I nodded slowly. “Do you know when I’ll be getting out?”

  “No” she shook her head. “Mr. Lockhart doesn’t tell me much”

  “Two questions” I looked at her and she nodded, agreeing to answer them. “What’s your name? And why are you always so nice to me?”

  “I’m Ms. Rose, the maid” she smiled. “You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. Independent and spending time with older men. Seeing you makes me nostalgic. After over-hearing Arsen explain the situation between you two, you could use all of the support you can get right now”

  “Thank you so much” I smiled and hugged her. She jumped unexpecting the hug but returned the gesture. She reminded me a lot of my grandmother who I was really looking forward to seeing this summer, but that plan is ruined because of Arsen.

  “Rose, what is taking you so long?” One of the guards asked in a menacing tone.

  “I gave you extra bacon” she smiled and left the room swiftly, closing and locking it behind her. I smiled softly to myself knowing that someone cared and crawled back into bed. On the tray were waffles, bacon, eggs, and a bowl of fruit. I was also given a cup of tea with a little bowl of sugar on the side.

  After I finished eating, I decided to take a shower. The bathroom looked exactly like Arsen's so I knew how everything worked. I walked back into the room and went on the computer to play some music. To my surprise, Arsen had a lot of the music I listened to on there already. I made a quick playlist and turned the volume all the way up so that I could hear it in the bathroom.

  I started my shower and actually enjoyed my time in there. Some of my favorite songs were playing and I was using all of these fancy and expensive skin and hair care products. I don’t know if Arsen intended for this to happen but I was actually starting to have a good day.

  I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I didn’t want to put on the same clothes so I went into the closet to see what was there for me. Upon entering I expected to see just a small amount of clothing, but this was more than that. What was before my eyes was an entirely new wardrobe. There were all types of outfits. There were everyday outfits, night out outfits, an array of night clothing, and even all types of shoes. I looked into the drawers of the dresser and saw different types of undergarments and lingerie. I started looking at the tags and everything was the right size. Just like the note had said.

  This was sort of strange but I guess it would come in handy during my time here. But if I was going to be held in this room for the time being why would I need all of these different types of outfits? I shrugged away the thought and just picked out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  I lotioned my arms and legs and just decided to play on the computer until the day went by. Arsen mentioned my laptop in the note but I didn't see it anywhere, which left me the only option possible. The computer in the room. Although I used this computer to play music earlier, I am still very concerned that I may stumble onto something that I should not see. That could really trigger Arsen into taking my life.

  I was very careful with what I clicked on. I made sure to only open the notepad application because my mind was full and I needed to write a few things down. I let some of the music play quietly while I gathered my thoughts together. I decided to start a new novel. Since my laptop was nowhere to be found and I couldn't continue working on the novel that I had already started, this could be something that I would do to pass time here. I titled it "Locked in with Your Own Thoughts". It was going to be about a girl kept in captivity because of her bad behavior with the man that she loved.

  I began to type, releasing all of my thoughts.

  "47 days and 3 hours. That's how long I've been held in captivity, in the basement of my Master's house. I never knew that I could make him this angry. I never knew he would turn on me like this. It isn't too bad down here. I have a bed, a TV, a bathroom, there's always someone bringing me 3 meals a day and a couple of new books when I've finished the old ones. The only thing that's not good is the lack of human communication. I have no friends, no family, no master.

  I know you're wondering what happened. Why I'm being held captive, why I even have a master to begin with. It all started a year ago when I signed a contract with a man by the name of Eric Pierce. He is the most gorgeous man that I have ever laid eyes on and when I first saw him at my job I knew I wanted to be associated with him somehow.

  His skin was smooth and blemish free. ripped jeans, beige boots, and a long t shirt that read 'Angels set free'. He was glowing. He had such a powerful energy I couldn't believe it. He walked around with his hands behind his back examining the room I was in.

  There was a room in the building that I worked in that I used to paint in. I thought no one would ever find it due to its hiding place so I hung up a few of my pieces. He smiled at a few and nodded at others. He walked up to me and eyed my outfit, raising an eyebrow at my bright yellow sweater.

  "Did you do all of this?" he asked.

  "Yeah... why? You going to tell on me?" I rolled her eyes and spoke in a mocking tone.

  "No, none of that. I just saw this place sitting around and wanted to check it out"

  I nodded and pointed to his shirt. "I love that album"

  He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Same"

  "So how much of my work did you see?" I asked. "And what's your name?"

  "Just about all of it" he chuckled. "I’m Eric"

  We spent almost an hour getting to know each other and it was beautiful.

  One day after work he stopped me at my car and told me that he's been checking me out since he saw me. He then proceeded to ask me if I ever participated in a dom/sub relationship.

  I've already had experience with BDSM so I told him yes and then let him know but if he is trying to pursue this type of relationship with me then I am very much interested in doing so. He smirked and told me that he'd have contracted typed up by the next day.

  The next day came and we went over the rules during lunch. One of the main rules with that I would address him, and only him, as Master. Since that day he's been my master and I did everything he asked.

  Exactly 48 days ago I messed up. When I say I messed up, I mean it. It was really bad. Eric has been out of town for a week and I needed sex so bad that I felt like I couldn't wait another day for him to get home. It felt as if I was going to die without it.

  He came home a day early to surprise and walked in on the worst thing ever. He caught me in the act of being with another man, and what made it worse was that I was so caught up in the moment that I called the other man Master.

  The look on his face was terrifying. I had never seen him this angry or aggressive before, not even during one of our dom/sub moments. Before I knew it I was being thrown into this basement."

  “Lola” I heard Arsen’s voice and jumped. I didn’t even hear the door being unlocked and opened. I guess I was too caught up in writing

  “Yes?” I turned to him and spoke with a slight attitude.

  “What you got there?” he raised an eyebrow and tried to look at the computer screen behind me.

  “Nothing of yours, don’t worry” I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Fix your tone of voice, Lola. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you…. Yet” He smirked and walked towards me. He handed me two spiral notebooks and a box of pens. “One book has all of the jobs you will be doing for me while you’re here and the other, you can use as a journal when you get bored.”

  I began to read through the book and saw that there was a list of groceries that I needed to pick up tomorrow. It also mentioned that I’d get the money tomorrow and the driver would be here at 10 to pick me up. Something told me that he didn't really want to punish me. It was just something about the tasks that I had to do. I mean, is grocery shopping really a task you would give to someone you were holding hostage? I don't know. His intentions were beyond me.

  "Before I go, come here" he spoke in a very demanding voice.

  I got up and walked over to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our noses were barely an inch apart and he flashed a smile that made my heart melt. It felt like everything around us stopped. One of his hands grabbed the back of my neck and he kissed me. He kissed me so hard that I stopped breathing. He pulled away and chuckled, licking his lips and leaving out of the room in one swift movement. Hearing the lock on the door made me snap back into reality.


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