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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 120

by Michelle Love

I grabbed my phone and texted David, giving him all of the details about what happened with Anabella. I told him now that we know that worker’s daughter’s name that we could use his last name to track her and her mother down. Just thinking about how she lunged at me like that pissed me off. Who does she think is? What did she think she was going to do to me? Choke me to death? Ha!

  Does she know who she’s fucking with?! I got angry just thinking about it. I decided to go in the gym I had built in my basement to blow some steam.


  I woke up in bed, dressed in night clothing again. I must be a really hard sleeper because I never feel when I’m being changed or carried to the bed. I looked at the clock and it was 8:13 on the dot. I finally looked around the room and there were multiple bouquets of roses around the room. Some white and some red. I blushed and pushed myself out of bed.

  I walked over to roses and smelled them. They smelled absolutely beautiful and they put me in an even better mood than before. I looked over at the window seat and there was seated a huge box of black roses with a note attached. It read:

  Dear Lola,

  Last night was beautiful and I hope we can share more experiences like that. You bring out a side of me that hasn’t been out in an a while. Thank you so much for that. I hope these flowers can show you how a little of how I feel.

  Enjoy princess,


  I felt on top of the world right now. I just wanted to hug and kiss him right now! I skipped over to the door and turned the knob but it barely moved because it was locked. My eyebrows knotted together in confusion.

  We had such a good night together last night, I don’t see why he would still keep me locked in here. I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  I let the warm water run through my hair and down my body. It relaxed me instantly and let me think clearly. I began thinking back to dinner when I absentmindedly agreed to something that I didn’t hear Arsen say.

  Maybe I was agreeing to continue being locked away in this room. I sighed and got out of the shower, drying myself. I went to the closet and threw on some sweats and a sports bra.

  I opened the journal I was given with all my tasks inside and saw that I had nothing to do today. I shrugged and decided to work on more of my story since I have that interview with Arsen soon.

  He had the most beautiful mind I have ever come across. I knew that after just a couple of months he was becoming much more than just a dominant to me, I was falling for him. And he was falling for me too. It was kind of cool because it was just strictly BDSM and a contract at first and then it stemmed into a strong relationship because of the bond we had.

  I remember when it happened. We had just finished up a session and while we were getting dressed he offered to take me out to dinner the next night. Of course I agreed, with a gorgeous man like that I couldn't pass up the offer.

  His personality was amazing and so charming that I developed a huge crush on him. Before that night it was just lust but after I got to know him a little better we really connected and it turned into the best relationship I've ever been in.

  I basically just described my feelings for Arsen. I wonder if he’ll read it later on, I hope that he could read through the lines and see what I’m saying about him.I shut off the computer and went over to my bed to watch some TV.

  I appreciate what I did last night with Arsen and I definitely love the roses it's a brand new day and I wish that there was something for me to do other than laying around. If this was the weekend back when I was in school then I would totally be ok will watching movies or reading a book or writing, but it's the summer and I want to have fun.

  I needed to find a way to be closer to him but also have a life of my own. After a few minutes of thinking I knew exactly what I was going to do.


  About three days have gone by and I haven't spoken to Lola. I know that her schedule has been rather empty but I was going to change that. I was going to do a little shopping and I wanted to take her along with me. Went to her bedroom and I knocked on the door.

  "Yes? I'm not exactly able to open the door but who is it?" I heard her voice through the door.

  "It's Arsen. I'm coming in" I unlocked her door and went in. She was tuck under the blanket reading a book. She looks so adorable. "I'm going to the mall and I want you to come with me"

  "Okay. Um, how should I dress?" she asked lifting her head from the book and turning to look at me.

  "Just something simple and comfortable." I replied. "I'm leaving your door unlocked, come get me from my room when you're ready"

  She nodded and got out of bed walking into the closet. I quickly left making sure to leave her door unlocked and went back to my bedroom to change out of these sweats. I took a quick shower and threw on a t-shirt jeans. I also decided to wear a pair of shades and a hat. Believe it or not but people fail to realize who I am in this simple disguise.

  I sprayed on I heard a knock on the bedroom door. When I answered it, it was Lola. She was wearing a nice flowy blouse with jeans and flats. I already knew that people were going to view me as some type of sugar daddy although I look really great for my age. It's something about the ponytail and soft makeup that need Lola look younger than she actually is. Maybe because she wasn't wearing her signature bold red lipstick.

  But at this moment I could care less what anyone had to say about us, all I know is that i'm having fun and spending time with a girl, no, woman that I really like. I know we are going to get stares from various people and I don't have a problem with that but I did take those feelings into consideration. She's tough enough to handle it, but that doesn't mean that she's comfortable with it. This was going to be in the back of my mind the entire time we are out.

  "You ready to go?" I asked.

  "Born Ready" she replied with a smile on her face and turned to walk down the hall. She could make the simplest things so cute and attractive. It's amazing.

  I decided to drive us to the mall myself instead of getting new driver because I wanted this to feel more personal. I wanted to show her that I was putting thought into our outings and also showing her that not everything is fancy and professional when it comes to me. I open the door for her enclosed it after she got in. I smiled to myself and spun the keys around my finger while walking around to the driver's seat. Today was going to be a great day.

  While driving to the mall we both sang along to the classical rock songs that played on the radio. It was cool to know that she was into the same music that I was, and that she actually new about these older songs in the first place.

  We finally made it to the mall and I parked in a specific spot that's usually more convenient for me. It was a place off in the corner of the parking garage which is right next to the elevator that led to the store that I like the most. We both got out and got on the elevator going up to the second floor. Soon as the door opened I let her straight across the mall to the store that I needed to go in. It was a menswear store.

  I needed something new to wear for the interview and I'm sure that Lola can help me find something. My mother always told me that a woman's opinion can go a long way and I believe that since I was a child. And while all women may not be the best, the nicest, or the most intelligent their opinions on different things can give you the answers that you need. That's why I go to Ms. Rose with a lot of the problems that I have. Not only is she trustworthy, but she's been with me so long and her knowledge and wisdom has gotten me through some of my toughest times.

  "Can you help me pick out a suit to wear to the interview?" looking over at Lola.

  "Sure" she smiled and walked further into the store. I walked behind her so she made a sudden stop. "Is there anything specific you're looking for?"

  "No, not at all"

  "Hmm" index finger against her chin and walked over towards a dark grey suit. "This would look amazing with a red tie."

  "You think so?" I asked smirking and holding the suit up to my body.
br />   "I do" she stated bluntly. "It's a bit more slender than what you usually wear and it will definitely make you stand out. You have the perfect body for it."

  "Well then i'm buying it" I smiled and took it to the cash register. Lola followed behind me with a silk red tie in hand.

  After paying for my things and leaving, I wanted to take Lola ticket something that she wanted.

  "Do you see anything that you like around here? Better yet, what were you planning on wearing to the interview?" I asked.

  "I was thinking about wearing a nice dress with a blazer, a pair of heels and a nice necklace and watch combination. Maybe even some rings." she looked really passionate about what she was wearing and I loved it.

  Any other time i've taken someone out shopping they act shy and claim that they don't know what they want or that they don't know the type of clothes that they're into and that I should choose for them. It was kind of weird that girls would even act that way around me. I know that I have pain to my name in a lot of money but I've always made women feel comfortable enough to be bold and straight up with me. Or at least I thought I did.

  "I think I might know the perfect store. My treat, get whatever you want" I spoke and she followed me around the mall. We finally made it to a women's wear store which was more modern so I thought that would be perfect for her. I know she wouldn't like to go shopping in a store or women much older than her.

  We walked inside and she didn't hesitate to go directly to whatever she wanted or whatever caught her eye. I like this. I love a woman who knows what she wants. She picked up a few things and two blazers.

  "Follow me." she spoke as she walked to the dressing room. I followed her up until the main area of the fitting rooms where there were seats. I sat down and waited for her to come out and show me whatever she chose to try on first.

  She came out in this lilac colored dress that was fitted at the top but it flared out at the bottom. She decided to put the white blazer over top of that.

  "What do you think about this?" she asked, spinning around the circle.

  "Personally, I think you look super adorable in it. That's not what we want. You're a grown woman and that needs to be shown in this interview" I spoke in complete honesty and she nodded in agreement.

  "I'm glad you said that because the next two options are just that." she went back inside of the dressing room to try on the second option.

  This time she came out wearing a long-sleeved knee length fitted dress that was black. She covered that with the same white blazer that she tried on before. She lifted an eyebrow and waited for my response.

  "Now this..." I paused. "This is beautiful, Lola. The only thing that I don't like about it is that it's a little bland. We need something that will really catch the interviewer's eye. It's going to be recorded and broadcasted on their website."

  She nodded again but this time she didn't say anything in return. I waited a little longer this time. I scrolled through my phone sending a few short texts until I saw a pair of legs stand in front of me. I looked up Lola in complete awe. She was wearing a red jumpsuit with a dark grey blazer. It was perfect, and I don't know if she did it on purpose but it matched the outfit that she picked out for me to wear.

  "This is the one" I nodded. "We're getting it"

  "I knew you'd like it. That's why I saved it for last." she giggled and left to go put her clothes back on.

  When she came back out I helped her pick out wood jewelry said she was going to wear and she picked out a nice pair of heels. I paid for everything and you were on our way. I started going downstairs where there were more stores and the food court.

  "Where are we going next?" Lola trailed behind me like a lost puppy.

  "Well you can't go to the interview without a new bag, can you?" her eyes lit up and she smiled from ear-to-ear.

  "You really are the best, Arsen. Thank you so much" I felt her fingers slide between mine as we were walking side by side.

  The thing I mentioned earlier, about people staring at us. Neither of us bothered to look nor did we care to. We were both having a great time and we were cherishing this moment between us. I never knew that I would feel like this again. I never thought the pain of heartbreak that I have felt for the last seven or eight years would subside all in the name of a 21 year old. Quite the gap but age shouldn't matter as long as it's legal.

  I swear every time i'm with this woman I fall harder for her. Her personality, her confidence, and her elegance inside and out. She was a woman of pure beauty, and I knew I had to have her. She was like a book that I couldn't put down.

  We made it into the store to get her a new bag and her eyes opened wide. I know that there are a lot to choose from so I whispered in her ear to get three different types of bags.

  Thank you so much!" she stood on her toes to give me a kiss on the cheek. She wandered off around the store looking at different bags that caught her eye and I walked behind her slowly just admiring her beauty and her excitement. I know a lot of men have a problem shopping with a woman because they find it boring but honestly, I find it relaxing.

  How could you not love watching your woman do something that makes her happy? Even if it's not your thing or your hobbies, why being negative about it? A woman that you like or love genuinely happy and you complain because it's not what you want to do? I can't relate.

  I paid for the three bags she chose and we started to walk towards the food court.

  "Do you know what you want to eat?"

  "Chinese" she answered. "It's my favorite thing to get while I'm out shopping. What are you having?"

  "Chinese. It's your favorite so I'll have what you have" I smiled and held my hand out for her to lead the way.

  She blushed and made her way over to the Chinese restaurant. It was one of those all you can eat places but cleaner and with better food because of the area of the city we were shopping in. I paid for our entry in both got our plates looking around for what we were going to eat. I stuck with vegetable lo mein and spring rolls while Lola got orange chicken and steamed rice with vegetables on the side.

  I don't eat Chinese food that often, but I had a craving for it today because it looked so good. We went back to our seats and begin eating. It was silent for a few minutes, just the sound of chewing between us until Lola spoke up.

  "I have something to tell you" she spoke as she looked down at her plate, pushing a piece of chicken around with her fork.

  "What is it, love?" I put a forkful of lo mein into my mouth and began to chew it up.

  "I want to help you with the drug cartel." she dropped her fork onto the plate and looked up at me.

  "What?" I nearly choked on my food and hurried to swallow it. "What do you mean you want to help?"

  "I want to be a part of it. I want to help you. I know that this means a lot to you and that you're still working on trying to trust me again but this could really help. If I'm a part of the cartel, telling someone could get me in trouble too." she smiled sneakily.

  "Uh, I don't know about that. This is a very dangerous business and I wouldn't want you getting hurt" I took a sip of my drink and sat up and my seat looking at her. She had a point about her talking the fall as well if this secret were to ever get out.

  "I don't care, Arsen. I want to be a part of this and I want to help you. Even if I'm doing work behind the scenes and no one knows who I am. It'll be like anonymous work... You know?" she took a few more bites of her food and waited for my response.

  "Are you sure about this, Lola?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "Yes! Now tell me what I have to do." she smirked and finished her plate of food.


  I'm glad to have finally been able to leave the house, to be able to get new things, treated like a princess, and to top it all off... for my plan to work. Yes, my plan to be closer to Arsen and to not always be trapped inside of that room has began. Working with a cartel has its pro's and con's but the way my life is looking right now I don't seem to have that much of
an option.

  "Yes! Now tell me what I have to do." I smirked and finished my plate of food. Maybe my tasks within this cartel wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

  "We should go home first before we discuss this topic any further" Arsen spoke under his breath. He finished his meal and took a sip of his drink.

  I flashed a small smile to let him know that I understood. We grabbed our bags and left, getting on the same elevator that put us off right in front of Arsen's car. I didn't notice until we pulled off that the parking spot actually had the name "Lockhart" painted on it in big yellow letters.

  I chuckled and rolled my window down. I felt the breeze push my ponytail towards the left to where it was now hitting Arsen's arm. I laughed at the over dramatic look of annoyance on his face and pulled my ponytail into a low bun. I tied an extra hair tie around it to keep it secure.


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