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Imagining Love on Willow Road (Island County Series Book 13)

Page 12

by Karice Bolton

  I glanced at Walker as he turned down my street. “You know, I used to dream about the day I’d run into you again.”

  “Really?” His brows shot up.

  “It wasn’t like this at all.” I laughed.

  “What was it like?”

  “Well, I thought about different torture devices I could use on you.”

  He pulled into my driveway. “You know what’s weird?”


  “Even when you tell me something like that, I think it’s sexy as hell. Could even be a little fun.”

  I laughed, and before I knew it, Walker leaned over the console and kissed me again.

  Every cell in my body was begging for more, and the heat between us was undeniable.

  He ran his thumb along my cheek and broke away as my mind spun into a fuzzy state.

  “Ready to go inside, Harmony?”

  Such a simple question, and tonight, it meant so much.

  “What would you do if I made love to you tonight, Harmony?”

  “I would think I’d died and gone to heaven.”

  His blue eyes locked on mine, and I drew a nervous breath as his lip curled slightly.

  “You’ve just made me the happiest man on earth.”

  I giggled. “That didn’t take much.”

  He reached for the door handle. “It took everything I had.”

  I laughed as I climbed out of the car and walked toward the front door of my rental. Walker slid the house key into the lock and opened the door to an entryway full of roses.

  “What? How?” I turned to face him, and he smiled. “I had some time to kill while you were at work.”

  “I don’t even want to know how you got in.”

  He laughed. “You can thank my cousin for telling me where your spare key is hidden.”

  I chuckled and shook my head as I shut the door.

  Walker came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist, burying his head into the crook of my neck as I stood still and breathed in everything about this moment.

  Just like when I was young, Walker made me feel protected and small in his arms. I memorized everything about this moment in case I never experienced it again.

  The sweet smell of his cologne, the muscles in his forearms as I held onto his arms, the gentle swaying as he breathed me in. I slid my hand up to his shoulder and slowly spun around in his arms to see him.

  His blue eyes were hooded with the same intensity and longing I craved. He stroked my cheek, and I nearly melted in place. I knew what it was like to have Walker Malone inside me, and I didn’t want to wait a second longer.

  Walker smiled and picked me up before I even had a chance to say anything. He carried me down the hall to my bedroom. The lights were off, but there was a warm glow from the bathroom light I’d left on.

  It was like my fantasy come to life as Walker laid me on the bed. He hovered over me, and I couldn’t believe the man I’d spent so many years loathing was about to make my dreams come true.

  His broad shoulders stretched the flannel he was wearing, and all I could imagine was peeling his clothes off and coaxing him inside me.

  He smiled. “You’re so cute when you get this way.”

  “Get what way?” My brow arched as he caged me in with his arms around me.

  I was fully clothed, yet seeing his gaze canvass me was something that made me feel so special.

  I squirmed, and he smiled as he straddled my hips, his knees digging into the mattress.

  “You’ve filled out, Walker,” I teased as he brought his mouth down to mine.

  “So have you, Harmony.” His breath skated over my collarbone, and a shiver of expectation ran over me.

  His lips skated across my neck as I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt.

  The moment I freed them, I pulled down his shirt, and he shook it to the floor as my fingers traced the dips of his chiseled stomach and up to his broad shoulders. It was as if he could sense my need.

  Walker smoothed my hair and whispered, “There’s no rush. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I closed my eyes as he slowly worked my shirt over my head and his hands ran over my chest.

  “I’m not afraid anymore.” I opened my eyes to see Walker taking me in.

  “What were you afraid of?”

  “Losing you again.” I drew a breath and prayed I was right—that I wouldn’t lose him again.

  “I’m right here,” he whispered, bringing his mouth to mine once more.

  His hands slid under my back as he worked off my bra, and every ounce of me heated with desire. Walker broke our kiss as his mouth trailed along my jaw to my neck and chest. Cupping my breasts in his hands, his mouth trailed along my exposed skin until his lips hit my jeans.

  “Another obstacle.” I laughed.

  “God, I love that sound.”

  I laughed some more as he worked my pants and underwear off, and before I realized what was happening, he was kissing me in the most intimate of ways and my entire body gave in to his. His fingers worked inside me, and my entire world spun into an ecstasy that only Walker could give me.

  I felt free in his arms.



  “Walker,” I breathed as his tongue found a perfect rhythm. I arched into his arms, and he brought me back into his embrace.

  “You’re so beautiful, Harmony,” he whispered as I wrapped my legs around his waist, my heart still pounding.

  I smiled and ran my fingers along the waistband of his jeans and unbuttoned them.

  Walker’s beautiful smile only widened as he kicked off his jeans, and I wrapped myself around him again.

  “My turn,” I hummed as I spun him onto his back. I straddled him, teasing him with every movement of my hips and stroke of my fingers.

  “You’re evil,” he whispered, his hands clutching mine as I moved onto him.

  The moment he filled me, it felt like we’d never been apart, but I instantly missed every second we’d been away from each other.

  With every move of my hips, he breathed harder as I laid my head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat as he took over.

  Walker kissed the top of my head as he kept moving in and out of me, our bodies tangling into one until I just couldn’t hold on any longer.

  “Oh, Walker,” I murmured as my body tightened around him.

  “I love you, Harmony,” he whispered before pushing into me one more time as we cried out for the lives we’d lived apart and all the lost time we’d never be able to get back.

  But it no longer mattered because it was as if time had stood still for us, and tonight proved that the love we’d shared never went away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I rolled over in bed to see Walker’s outline under the crisp white sheet, and I smiled. Spending last night with him was incredible, and I knew I’d started to fall for him again.

  Walker stirred and slowly opened his eyes and grinned.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” he teased. His voice was gruff and sexy.

  “It’s my bed.” I giggled, feeling a lightness that I hadn’t felt since I was a teenager.

  “I guess that does improve the odds.” He grinned as the butterflies in my belly erupted again as if they’d permanently nested.

  “It’s kind of hard to believe that Walker Malone is in my bed,” I said more to myself than him.

  “If it’s any consolation, I’ve been trying for years.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Good story.”

  “And I’m sticking to it.” He touched my cheek, and my body instantly warmed. “I saw yesterday that there’s some kind of marina festival down in town. Do you want to hit it up before you have to go into work?”

  I smiled even wider, thinking about getting to spend the day with Walker.

  “It would be nice to catch up.”

  He leaned over and pecked my cheek. “Not to be unromantic, but I’m gonna head back to my house to shower and brush my teeth.”

  “Not a
very good planner,” I grumbled, and he chuckled.

  “Can I take your car?” he asked, and I nodded.

  “Sure. After we’re done wandering the festival, I’ll take you back to the restaurant so you can pick your car up.”

  My cellphone rang, and I realized it was coming from the foyer where I’d left everything from the night before.

  I hopped out of bed and dashed to my bag. “Nobody ever calls me this early,” I shouted to Walker. “I hope nothing’s wrong.”

  Ashley’s number popped up on the screen, and I accepted the call.

  “Is everything okay?” Ashley asked as soon as I answered.

  “Yeah. Why?” I asked, puzzled. “Is everything okay with you?”

  Ashley went silent. “Sorry. I—”

  “What?” I prodded.

  “Shannon called me to tell me that she saw Walker’s car in the parking lot at your restaurant. Coincidentally, Becky has been trying to get ahold of her brother since last night.”

  My cheeks blushed.

  She continued. “I tried calling Walker too, and—”

  “He’s here,” I confessed. “And I’m so sorry. I tried to stay away from him, but I can’t.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I just told you to stay away from him because I knew you always do the opposite of what I say, and once Walker told me who you were, well . . .”

  I laughed into the phone. “So you set me up.”

  “Not even. I just let the cards fall where they may. This isn’t one of those calls where I want to hear the details, for obvious reasons. But if you could have Walker call his sister, that would be great.”

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “Just have him call. I’m not sure. She can be hard to read.”


  Walker came up behind me as I hung up the phone.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Your sister has been trying to get ahold of you.”

  He looked puzzled. “Then why’d they call you?”

  “Small-town living.” I laughed, shaking my head. “Get used to it. Shannon from the salon saw your car parked in the restaurant’s parking lot and coincidentally called Ashley to gossip, only to find out your sister wanted to get ahold of you last night.”

  Walker laughed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “What do ya know? Six missed calls.”

  “I hope everything’s okay.”

  Walker nodded. “I’ll call her when I get to the house.”

  “Okay.” I smiled as he swept a kiss across my forehead.

  “I’ll be back in about thirty minutes. Sound good? Will that give you enough time?”

  I smiled and nodded as Walker took the keys and let himself out the door.

  Once it clicked shut, I slid down the wall and sat next to the roses he’d managed to sneak into my house.

  It was funny how I’d wanted to escape the pain of losing Walker by drowning my sorrows in Portland with drinking and men, only to find myself on a small island with Walker again.

  There was no doubt that I was scared and nervous about what I was about to get into, but I couldn’t let myself not try again.

  I’d slept with enough men to know that sex is pretty meaningless until you find the person you’re meant for. It provides a good distraction, but it certainly doesn’t create emotions that weren’t there to begin with.

  I let out a blissful sigh and wondered what was next for Walker and me.

  There were obviously the logistics, our busy lives, and the fact that we already had our lives firmly rooted in different states.

  I leaned over and sniffed the roses before standing up and walking to the bathroom for a shower.

  It was hard to believe that not only was Walker Malone here on Fireweed, but we’d also slept together.

  The very man I’d sworn was my downfall and every woman’s out there, and yet, the moment his eyes locked with mine, I knew the real Walker.

  The shower steamed up the bathroom, and I took a deep breath as I stripped out of my nightshirt and climbed into the warm water.

  Sure, Walker had slept with a lot of women. You could tell that by looking at him, but I was no saint.

  He was the same Walker I’d fallen in love with.

  But would we be able to keep this going?

  Was this for old time’s sake?

  As I lathered the soap, I wondered if he really did send the check back to my parents.

  “Not that it matters,” I muttered aloud.

  I quickly rinsed the soap off, turned off the water, and climbed out of the shower. I felt like a new woman, and it had nothing to do with the shower. I felt giddy and so much lighter. I just hoped this feeling wouldn’t end.

  By the time I’d dressed and put on makeup, Walker was back at my house, knocking on the door.

  I laughed and swung it wide open to see Walker smiling.

  “You could have just come in. You have the key on the ring.” I smiled.

  “I didn’t want to barge in.”

  “You didn’t worry about that last night.” I waved at the beautiful roses around me.

  “That’s different. You weren’t here.” He laughed. “I don’t feel like sharing a room with Leila if you get tired of me.”

  I kissed Walker’s cheek and noticed how soapy and fresh he smelled. “I’d never say you were stalking me. If anything, I might start stalking you.” I grinned. “Like, where are you going to be tomorrow morning?”

  “Hopefully, in bed with you,” he teased, and electricity shot through me.

  “You know all the right words, Mr. Malone,” I joked as I grabbed my purse, and we closed the door behind us. “Is everything okay with your sister?”

  His expression tensed. “Yeah. About that . . .”

  “Uh-oh.” A sinking feeling crushed me. “What happened?”

  “She was calling to make flight reservations. I’d mentioned how fun it would be if she made it out here. I just didn’t know she’d planned on coming so soon.”

  I laughed. “That’s not a bad thing.”

  He squeezed me. “I know. I just kind of wanted you to myself for a little while.”

  I liked hearing that from Walker and smiled. “When’s she coming?”

  “Next week.” He smiled. “When she couldn’t reach me, she just booked the trip. She’s excited to see you again.”

  My stomach clenched with worry. “It just occurred to me that this is like meeting your family all over again.”

  I climbed into the driver’s seat of my car, and Walker got into the passenger’s side as worry filled me.

  “You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

  I started the car and slowly pulled out of the driveway. “I don’t know. So much has changed since then.”

  He reached over and set his hand on my knee. “Nothing has changed, Harmony. You’re as beautiful as ever. You’ve got the same kind soul.”

  I laughed nervously. “You might get a different version if you met some of my friends from Portland.”

  “Isn’t Chance Harlen one of them?” Walker asked, and I glanced at him, surprised.

  “Uh, yeah. How do you know Chance?”

  He shrugged. “Just from around.”

  “And?” I prompted as I drove into town.

  The festival had already brought in a lot of traffic and pedestrians downtown. It would probably be a busy night at the restaurant.

  “He thinks you’re absolutely amazing.”

  I blushed and shook my head. “He’s merely being nice. Chance has had to clean up several of my messes over the years—held back my hair . . . the list is endless.”

  Walker laughed. “Now, those are some stories I’d like to hear.”

  I chuckled as I found a place to park and turned off the car. “And that’s what worries me.”

  A few minutes of silence hung in the air as I gripped the steering wheel, and Wal
ker stared toward the marina.

  “How come you and Chance didn’t work?” Walker prompted.

  I stiffened, letting out a little gasp. “Oh, we were never, ever a couple.”

  “You’re telling me you two never . . . ?”

  “God, no.” I shook my head. “I love Chance like a brother. He’s like family.” I shuddered. “He’s really like family.”

  “Wow. I assumed you two had been a couple.” His eyes softened. “He spoke so highly of you.”

  “He’s a great guy, a wonderful husband, and an even better father.” I smiled. “I knew all of those things would happen for him when he found the right woman, and Maddie was the right one.”

  “Do you ever want that for yourself?” Walker asked.

  The question left me stunned.


  “You used to want it,” he said softly.

  I slowly shifted in my seat and looked at Walker. “With the right man, but I kept striking out in Portland, and Clayton here in Fireweed wasn’t exactly a wonder boy.”

  He grinned, laughing. “Interesting.”

  “What’s interesting?” I asked.

  “Chance wasn’t sure that you’d ever want to settle down.”

  My brows shot up in surprise. “He said that? Well, if Maddie kept picking out the men for me, he’s probably right.”

  “Not outright, but I could tell he thought you were more married to the idea of your job than male partnership.”

  I laughed. “Male partnership?”

  “His words, not mine.”

  “On that note, let’s go get some festival food.”

  Walker let go of my hand, and we climbed out of the car. The park was bustling all the way up the marina. There were several food vendors, craft vendors, and picnic tables.

  “It’s good that we got up kind of late,” Walker said, eyeing the clam chowder booth. “I’m starving for lunch.”

  I laughed and nodded. “And they make the best clam chowder on the island.”

  “Better than yours?” he asked.

  “I don’t even attempt it.” I smiled as he looped his hand with mine.

  “Let’s get some.” He pulled me toward the line of customers waiting for their chowder, and I smiled.

  It felt like old times.

  “This feels like when we’d go to the fair back in the day.” My eyes connected with his, and his expression softened.


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