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Imagining Love on Willow Road (Island County Series Book 13)

Page 16

by Karice Bolton

  “So, have you decided about whether you’re moving in with Harmony?” Maddie asked.

  Walker glanced in my direction. “We’ve gone back and forth about it a lot. I mean, it’s only been a couple of months since everything started again.”

  “But technically, it has been a fifteen-plus-years relationship in the making, so . . .” I shrugged. “Why not just go for it?”

  “Thank goodness.” Tiffany nodded. “We all know this is a match made in heaven.”

  I glanced at Maddie. “And I can’t thank Clayton enough for making that clear as day.”

  “My pleasure.” She winked at me.

  “But it just makes sense.” I took a bite of pizza. “Especially with the summer months coming and Ashley and her family coming back to the islands.”

  “Did someone say Walker’s favorite cousin?” Ashley’s voice rang through the house, and I squealed with excitement.

  “My only cousin,” Walker corrected as Ashley walked in with her husband, Shane.

  “Where’s Sammi?” Walker asked.

  “She’s with her boyfriend’s family in Montana.” Ashley smiled. “They’re coming out to the islands tomorrow with his family.”

  “She’s old enough to have a boyfriend?” Walker wasn’t really asking a question.

  “She’s nearly sixteen now,” Ashley bragged.

  Sammi’s parents were both gone, and Sammi was like Ashley’s daughter. They had an unbreakable bond, but she was raising a teenager.

  “And compromise is the word of the season.” She grinned as Shane nodded in agreement. “I love your new house.”

  I hugged Ashley and she squeezed me hard and whispered, “I hope you’re not mad at me.” I chuckled and took a step back.

  “How could I ever be?”

  “I know my cousin is a troublemaker and a little rough around the edges . . .” Ashley continued.

  “But he’s all mine, at long last.” I grinned as Walker rolled his eyes. “Honestly, though, you guys could have just told me and I would have been fine with seeing him.”

  The group responded in unison. “Yeah, right.”

  “Well, should we get back at it?” Walker asked Billy, who’d just tossed his paper plate into the trash.


  “Need any help?” Shane asked.

  “I wouldn’t turn it down,” Walker admitted.

  Chance let out a huge sigh and rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll help too.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Maddie teased, knocking him on the side of the shoulder with her fist.

  Once the guys left for the furniture outside, we made our way into the living room and collapsed on the sofa.

  “So, how is it with Walker?” Ashley asked. “Is it weird after so long?”

  I shook my head and blushed. “It’s not weird at all. It’s like we were never apart. He can read my mind, answer my questions before I ask them. He’s so attentive. It’s nice. It’s more than nice.”

  “That makes my heart sing.” Ashley clutched her chest. “I’ve been so worried that you were going to be mad at me. I knew I should have told you, but I also thought you wouldn’t give it a fair chance.”

  “You’re probably right. If I had known Walker Malone was coming to town, I probably would have ammoed up, been ready for a fight or a tongue lashing like nobody’s ever experienced before, and then would have scared him off.” I grinned.

  “I don’t know.” Maddie shook her head. “He seemed pretty determined to me.” She glanced at Ashley. “Wouldn’t you say?”

  “Oh, yeah. That boy was not going anywhere.”

  Walker stepped inside, carrying an end table. “What are you guys talking about?”

  “Nothing.” Ashley grinned.

  “About how head-over-heels in love with me you are.”

  Walker smiled. “Damn right.”

  “That is so cute,” Tiffany whispered as the men trundled off down the hall.

  “Maddie, by the way, I’ve been dying to ask you something.”

  “What?” She looked innocent.

  “Did you actually buy a mattress from Clayton?”

  She laughed and nodded. “I did. That’s how I knew he would be the perfect man to get the job done, and it worked.”

  “You know, it certainly put things into perspective pretty quickly. This just feels so normal, so easy,” I confessed. “But most of all, it just feels right.”

  Ashley reached out and squeezed my hand. “I’m so happy for you, and I’m even happier you’re staying on Fireweed Island. Now I know you two can keep an eye on our place when we’re out of town.”

  “Glad you’re holding onto the important points of the conversation,” I joked.

  “I take it all in.” Ashley laughed. “And mind and mouth sort as it comes. Which reminds me, has he heard anything more about Leila?”

  “Who’s Leila?” Maddie asked.

  “A stalker.”

  Maddie and Tiffany gasped.

  “It’s a long story, but it sounds like she set her sights on her doctor at the facility she’s in, so while it’s unfortunate for that man, Walker might be forgotten.”

  “Let’s hope so.” Ashley shook her head.

  “Should we be on the lookout?” Maddie’s eyes were still wide.

  “I think we’re okay.” I smiled. “But I’ll send a photo of her to you guys just in case.”

  “Good. I like to be on top of potential emergencies,” Maddie explained.

  “And that’s why you’re such a good mommy,” Tiffany said, smiling.

  “It’s true. Once you pop your first one out, it’s like everything surrounding you screams danger signs. I’m constantly worried about things I never gave a thought to before. Is the cord off the counter? Did I leave the scissors out? What about the small eraser? Did I remember to lock the door? It’s just crazy. My mind no longer rests. It just spins.”

  “I have a confession.” I lowered my voice. “I’m looking forward to that.”

  Ashley smiled. “Does Walker know you want kids?”

  I nodded. “He wants them too. When we were young, we talked about wanting a big family.”

  “I’m so excited for you guys.”

  I smiled and sat back on the couch, realizing how much love surrounded these ladies. This was what I wanted my life to be about—not imagined love, but real love right here in this room, and Walker made that happen. He finally made me feel again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Three months later

  I let the warmth of the sun wash away any lingering doubts as I wiggled my toes. Walker promised that a dip in the lake wasn’t as cold as it looked.

  So far, I’d managed to spend the last hour sunning on the grassy beach.

  “Come on, Harmony. You know you wanna.” He stood up from the lake and beads of water ran down his chest.

  He looked like a god about to part the seas, but I’d never tell him that. The man had enough confidence for all the men on Fireweed.

  “Do you how many times that phrase coming from your lips has gotten me in trouble over the years?”

  He laughed and started walking toward me. “Not enough.”

  I giggled like I was back in high school and sprang up from the ground.

  “You’d better not, Walker Malone.” I stood frozen, unsure which direction I needed to go to evade the troublemaker with a capital T.

  “Oh, come on. Don’t let Big Daddy down.” His foot touched the beach, and I knew I was in for it.

  “Ew.” I laughed harder. “Don’t turn into Clayton on me.”

  Walker darted to my right, and I ran to my left trying to escape his clutches.

  “I’m not going to let you take me in there,” I hollered, running toward the trees.

  “Trust me, Harmony.” Walker was laughing as he came up behind me.

  I spun around, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  His cold, bare skin touched mine, and I shivered. “You’re freezing.” />
  “And you’re hot,” he whispered next to my ear, producing even more shivers.

  “You are going to get me into trouble, and I’ve had enough trouble to last a lifetime.”

  He nuzzled my neck and laughed. “You wouldn’t have wound up with me if you really thought that.”

  I playfully scowled. “True.”

  And before I knew what was happening, Walker scooped me into his arms and started carrying me out of the woods and straight to the water.

  “What if I like being hot?” I kicked my feet and squirmed as he brought me closer.

  His blue eyes connected with mine, and it was like every fear dissipated as he smiled at me.

  “Do you remember our last summer together?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “Do you remember the promise you made me?”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, I do.”

  Walker stood at the edge of the water, still holding me in his arms. “You promised me that the next summer, you’d go into the lake with me. Well, the next summer we were together took a little longer than expected.”

  “I was probably drunk. I would never have promised that.” I laughed. “I’m deathly afraid of water I can’t see through.”

  “I’ll carry you in until your butt skims the water and that’s it. Promise.” He smiled. “Unless you want more.”

  I laughed. “With you around, I always want more.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on.” He wiggled his brows, and I laughed.

  “Are you serious? All this time, you’ve just been trying to do it with me at a lake?”

  Walker laughed.

  “Fine.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ll let you skim me across the water, but I’m definitely not putting my feet down in that muck.”

  “Deal.” Walker held me tighter and started walking into the water as the sun baked over us.

  The moment the water touched my bare skin, I gasped.

  But then I kind of liked it.


  “What?” I scowled.

  “It’s refreshing.”

  I looped my arms around his neck, and his gaze fastened on mine.

  “I love you so much, Harmony Badel.” He went a little deeper into the water, and I froze.

  “That’s good, because you’re stuck with me.”

  “Best news I’ve ever heard.”

  “I’ve been meaning to thank you.”

  Walker’s brows furrowed. “Thank me. For what?”

  “For pushing me to pursue my dreams.” I smiled as I dreamily looked into his eyes. “I know we missed a lot of years between then and now, but I feel like everything has happened how it should have.”

  Walker’s smile widened.

  “And this water actually does feel nice.”

  “Want me to put you down?”

  “No.” I squeezed his neck tighter, and he laughed as he carried me out of the lake and set me back down on my pink and white towel.

  “Ready for some lunch?” he asked.

  I nodded and stretched out on the towel as he opened the picnic basket and pulled out a couple of sandwiches that he’d made this morning.

  The whole day had been a surprise, which was nice. Nothing was ever routine with Walker Malone, and that was exactly what I’d craved in my own life. I loved the spontaneity of my job, my hours, my days, and since Walker moved to Fireweed, he’d adapted perfectly.

  “So, it’s been an amazing year,” he began as he unwrapped our sandwiches.

  “We haven’t been together a year, have we?” I blocked the sun with my hand as I glanced at Walker. I swore it had only been like five months since he’d arrived on the island.

  He laughed. “No, but we got together this year, so the year has been amazing.”

  “Oh, gotcha.” I laughed as he handed me a sandwich.

  Walker pulled out a bottle of champagne from the picnic basket.

  “Oh, day drinking?” I grinned, and he popped the cork.

  “Well, I thought we might have something to celebrate.”

  I sat up on the towel as he poured a glass of champagne for me.

  “Thank you.”

  He poured himself one and held it for a second.

  “Should we make a toast, or can I just take a sip?”

  Walker smiled and stood, and I suddenly realized something more was going on.

  As Walker stood in his swim trunks, he opened his hand to reveal a ring box.

  “Harmony Badel, I love you, and when I lost you, I loved you even more.” Walker kneeled in front of me. “I never knew what you’d say if I came back into your life, but I’m so glad I took that chance. You’ve made my life one that I couldn’t even have imagined. Your type of love is special. It’s meant only for me.” He drew a deep breath, and my heart was beating a million miles a minute. “Harmony, I’ve spent far too many years without you already, and I don’t ever want to go through that again.”

  I sucked in a breath as his blue eyes locked on mine.

  “Harmony, will you marry me?”

  I gasped and felt the world spinning all around me. I never in a million years dreamed that Walker Malone had planned on asking me to marry him, but all I could do was nod between tears of joy.

  “A million times, yes.” I threw my arms around his neck before he could slide the ring on, and we tumbled to the ground. “You’ve made me the happiest woman alive, Walker Malone. I can’t wait to become Mrs. Malone.”

  Walker smiled as his lips found mine, and I felt like my life had become my kind of perfect.

  “I love you so much, Walker,” I said between kisses.

  “I love you more, Harmony.” He slid the ring on my finger, and I knew I’d always been his.

  I didn’t need imaginary love. I needed my kind of love with Walker Malone.


  Hope you loved reading about Harmony and Walker. Want to read about Erika (Shannon's sister)? Read A Simple Wish About Love on Amazon. More Island County and Silver Ridge books are on the way! Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to learn about new releases at Keep Reading for an excerpt from Happy Truth About Love (Silver Ridge #1)

  Happy Truth Excerpt

  Chapter One

  Autumn Tucker sat gripping the steering wheel as she stared at her inheritance. The home looked nothing like the photos her late uncle’s attorney had sent her.

  Nothing at all.

  If it had, she probably wouldn’t be sitting in front of the dilapidated mansion, cursing her impulsiveness.

  Instead, she’d left everything behind in Los Angeles—which, admittedly, wasn’t much—and moved to the small mountain town of Silver Ridge.

  Autumn sucked in a deep breath and glanced in the rearview mirror of her car. Ronald had just pulled up behind her with a moving truck full of her worldly possessions.

  He’d insisted on driving the rental truck up the coast for her. She hadn’t asked him to make the drive, and she’d secretly hoped he’d bail at the last minute. But only recently had she begun to notice that life rarely worked out how she hoped or planned.

  Ronald Morder was a nice guy, a few years her senior with dark brown eyes and sandy blond hair. In the world of men, he was extremely attractive with a California tan, bright white teeth, and a lean body from biking most places. He looked like everything she should want, even wearing his lavender polo and khakis.

  Besides, the dating app said they were perfectly matched, not that she understood why.

  He was a computer programmer by day, and by night . . . well, he was still a computer programmer, and that was about all she could get from him. She was pretty certain his idea of a hobby was learning new code, but now she could add driving moving trucks to his short list of activities.

  She still couldn’t figure out what in the world made him offer to help her move.

  They’d gone on several dates over the last few months, and she kept waiting for that spark.

  When the sp
ark didn’t appear, she’d started hoping for an ember to glow, at the very least, but so far, she’d only been left with an ashy feeling toward him, and yet here he was by her side, helping her move out of state.

  Come to think of it, maybe he felt the same way about her.

  Maybe this was his way of ending it gently before it ever really began.

  She doubted it though. She was seldom that lucky.

  Ronald gave a quick wave, and she let out a sigh as he jumped out of the cab of the rental truck, looking extremely eager and ready to take on the world. Her stomach tensed at the thought of having to make small talk, but this was how the beginning of relationships always seemed to be. The encounters were a little clumsy and tricky to navigate until a rhythm set in.

  They were obviously still in that getting-to-know-you stage, and she wasn’t sure at what point it would ever turn into something with substance, but they could continue toward that goal.

  So what if the state of Oregon sat between them? People did long-distance relationships all the time.

  All the time.

  But did this even qualify as a relationship yet?

  She grabbed her purse off the passenger seat and climbed out of her red Fiat convertible, top up, and shut the door. Now wasn’t the time to worry about semantics. This move was her new beginning, and she needed to fully embrace the positives wherever they led.

  After all, the state of Washington was pulling out all the stops to welcome her. It was early evening, and the sky was sparkling blue without even a wispy cloud in sight. The brilliant green weeds in her new yard stretched for the sun with mighty determination. Contrary to what she’d heard about the soggy state of Washington, it seemed beautiful all the way up the coast and even more so once she got into the mountains.

  The jagged cliffs, rushing waterfalls, and brilliantly colored wildflowers along the highway leading to Silver Ridge seemed right out of a fairy tale, and the small bit of the town she saw didn’t disappoint either. It was just this little hiccup of a house that drilled a bit of fear into her decision to move here.

  “This place is something else,” Ronald said, sauntering over and giving the house a sideways glance before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Even though a warm breeze caressed her skin, his lips felt like a cold, wet fish and a shiver shot up her spine.


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