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Dear Santa

Page 53

by Lulu Pratt

Teasing myself, I give my hardened nipples a rough pinch and moan at the pleasurable pain. Bringing my other hand to my lips I suck my fingers into my mouth, tasting my own arousal.

  Goose bumps prickle my sensitive skin and the groan that escapes me is guttural.

  “Fuck, yes…”

  When my fingers are good and drenched, I trail my hand back down my quivering abdomen and to my waiting sex. I slap my palm against my clit and imagine that it’s Andrew’s rock hard cock slapping against my tender mound.

  I need to feel him inside me and I know my fingers won’t do. Pulling open the drawer of my nightstand, my hand searches aimlessly until I find just what I’m looking for. My old buddy and Ronaldo’s best friend, Cristiano.

  With my fingers wrapped around the thick dildo, I slip it between my folds as my eyes slide shut. The toy stretches me deliciously and I grind my hips into the movement, wanting every inch inside of me as soon as possible.

  When it’s shoved inside of me to the hilt, my moans fill the air as I get used to the fullness.

  “Fuck me, Andrew,” I groan desperately, wishing I had him right here in my bed with me.

  But I have to make do with Cristiano in Andrew’s absence because if I don’t come I might just explode at some inopportune time and embarrass myself.

  Using rapid thrusts, I pump the length of it into me repeatedly chanting Andrew’s name all the while.

  I picture his hips thrusting into me almost violently and my voice is ragged when I call his name again.

  “Yes, just like that,” I cry out as a scorching ball of fire settles in the pit of my stomach, the heat threatening to spread.

  I’m gonna fucking come.

  “Ah, fuck.”

  The motions of my hands grow more and more frantic, pushing me steadily to my undoing. My toes curl into the sheets, anticipating my release. I can feel my body temperature rising with each passing second.

  I’m climbing that mountain, ready to reach the climax, until the sound of a heavy fist pounding on my door knocks me off that path.

  Without thinking, I fling Cristiano across the room and hear it collide with my lampshade as I hide under the covers as if someone can see me. It feels as though I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

  The sound comes again not even seconds later and my eyes narrow.

  Who the hell is at my door at the butt crack of dawn?

  My infuriating superintendent comes to mind and I’m hopping out of bed in no time. Ignoring the sad whimper from my lady parts, I pull on a robe and beat a hasty path to my front door.

  This jerk is going to wish he’d stayed in bed today.

  Tightening the robe around my waist, I yank open the door and my nasty words for my superintendent fall silent on my lips. Standing on my doorstep, looking sexier than anyone has the right to look, is my wet dream in human form.

  And he’s smiling at me.



  “Morning, Cupcake.” I give her a winning smile and take in her flushed appearance.

  I witness a blush creep up her inviting neck in the aftermath of my greeting. My fingers are eager to grab onto her neck and mark her there with my tongue. Even better than my tongue would be the hot spray of my thick cum after she—

  “What are you doing here unannounced for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, and at six-thirty in the morning?” my temptress asks, finding her voice.

  I can’t tear my eyes away from the soft column of her neck and she reaches up to cover it with her small hand as if she’s attempting to hide the vulnerable area from my sight.

  But she’s too late because I’ve already committed every alluring inch of it to my memory. It’s the reason I’m here so fucking early. No matter what I did at home, I saw her everywhere. When I closed my eyes to sleep, she was right there in my damn dreams.

  This has never happened to me before so I got my ass out of bed and drove across town to confront her.

  A decision I’m currently rethinking.

  She looks fuckable in that satin robe. With her cheeks tinted a red hue and her hair wild and free, she looks like a woman who’s been thoroughly fucked.

  I’m tempted to point it out with a teasing remark, but think better of it when I remember she’s currently living without the luxury of air conditioning.

  But that doesn’t explain the hardened nipples visible through the thin material of her robe.


  “Andrew!” Lilah’s voice rises as she snaps her fingers near my ear.

  “Sorry, you were saying?”

  She does her signature move and crosses her arms across her chest.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re here or not?” she asks, that cute little frown marring her features.

  Goddamn, she’s adorable. I could stand here ogling her all damn morning.

  Leaning against the doorframe, I mirror her crossed arms.

  “That depends. Tell me what you were doing before I got here.”

  That same red blush sweeps over her neck and cheeks and I give a triumphant smirk.

  She was touching herself before I got here. Shit, that thought sends my raging libido through the roof.

  “I was sleeping,” Lilah shares with a shaky breath.

  Yeah, fucking right.

  “You’re an awful liar. You know that, Cupcake?”

  “You know,” she starts, that defiant air returning to her words, “I only opened the door because I thought you were the super. So you better give me a really good reason not to close it in your face right now.”

  There’s my little firecracker.

  I already know that smart mouth is only one of her many forms of defense against me and it does nothing but make me harder for her.

  “I guess I missed you,” I say, laying it on thick.

  To my surprise, she doesn’t roll her eyes. They just grow cloudy with what I want to say is longing as she regards me from under her lids.

  As soon as the emotion appears, Lilah hides it in a flash. That same defiant glint returns and she opens her mouth to counter my words.

  “I think you’re full of it.”

  An easy laugh escapes me at that one. Maybe she’s right, but there had been some truth to my words. It felt like my body was going through withdrawals with each endless hour that passed.

  “Say what you will. But it’s nothing but the truth. I woke up and the first thing I wanted was to see your face.”

  Silence falls between us and Lilah fidgets with the belt on the robe. I wish she’d just undo the damn thing and put me out of my misery already.

  Then again, I don’t want her neighbors getting any glimpse of her. Only my eyes should be able to feast on her magnificent frame.

  Which reminds me of the request I made at our first meeting.

  “You never answered my question.”

  Her eyebrows dip and her lips turn downward. “What question?”

  “About letting me paint you,” I clarify.

  “Like the people last night?” she asks and I know I’ve reeled her in.

  Try as she might, she hadn’t been able to hide her reaction to the exhibits. My presence had been all but forgotten as she got lost in the complex poses and the carefully placed props and paint.

  “Yes, but it’d just be you. I don’t want to share you with anyone just yet,” I tell her smoothly.

  Lilah is going to say something witty in response, I can see it all over her face. She only pauses when the door across the hall opens. From the look that transforms her face, I can tell she’s not too fond of her neighbor.

  “Come in,” she says reluctantly, giving the neighbor a half-hearted greeting as I step inside the humid apartment.

  I’d been a little too distracted last night to take in the furnishings in the small space, but now my eyes scan every meticulous corner. She doesn’t have much and the furnishings are definitely secondhand, but everything is clean and has its own place.

  The section
al sofa is worn, but comfortable if my memory serves me correctly. There’s a table at the end nearest the door. An antique lamp rests on the surface, not a speck of dust in sight. Her coffee table is covered in candles and magazines. On the opposite wall is a TV dolly which holds an outdated TV and DVD player.

  The door to her bedroom is half open and I see that the lampshade in there is at an angle. Given how tidy the place is, it sticks out a little. I wonder why, but my attention is drawn away by Lilah’s busyness.

  When Lilah closes the front door, she makes a beeline for the kitchen and pulls down a tall glass from the cupboard. Heading straight for the freezer, I watch her fill it to the brim with ice cubes.

  Slamming the door of the appliance shut, she starts chomping away.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No thanks, Cupcake.”

  “I wish you’d stop calling me that,” she says grumpily.

  “Do you really, or does it just make you feel better to put up a fight?” I challenge, loving the fire visible in her chocolate eyes.

  “I’m starting to regret letting you in here.”

  “Let me feed you,” I offer, shoving my hands into my pockets.

  It’s the only way I’m going to keep them off her. Especially now that I’m fully in her domain, surrounded by her unique scent and everything that makes her her.

  “I wasn’t sure what time you had to be in the office so it’s part of the reason I showed up so early. But I can make it up to you. Have breakfast with me.”

  “Maybe. If you agree to have a follow-up meeting with me about your portfolio,” she counters unexpectedly, not missing a beat. I have to give it to her for being able to focus on work when all I can think about is ravishing her.

  Business had honestly been the last thing on my mind but I have to remember it’s the way we were introduced. When I only stare at her, she places a hand at her hip letting me know she’s serious.

  “Fine. I’ll schedule a meeting for later this week.”

  I’ll agree to anything if it means I get to spend more time with her. The more time we spend together, the better my plan will go.

  “Breakfast?” I ask again.

  Lilah studies me for a beat before agreeing reluctantly, “Only because I don’t have any food in the house.”

  She’s cute as fuck.

  My answer comes easily as I watch her with a grin. “I’ll take what I can get, Cupcake.”



  I try not to spend my time daydreaming about him, but it’s difficult to focus on anything else when there are no clients.

  Edward claimed he’d be sending all the clients my way, but aside from Andrew things have been slow. Which leaves me plenty of time to read and reread the training packet he put together. But there are only so many times I can do that before my eyes start crossing.

  It’s clear as day to me that my boss wants me to prove myself before he sends more clients to me and I plan to knock off his socks by letting him know Andrew signed the contract this morning.

  Yesterday, following breakfast at a cute little café I’d never heard of, Andrew was rather amenable to my persuasive pitch about our services here at Castle.

  Of course his attraction to me helped, but I’m not going to look this gift horse in the mouth. I’ll finally get Edward off my back with this news.

  Andrew showed up this morning to sign all the paperwork, officially making me his financial advisor. When I tried to rope him in to talk about some initial investments, he told me that he had to go.

  He claimed he had some work to attend to and my thoughts immediately went to Natalia. Were they business partners as well as friends? Friends with benefits?

  It’s none of my business.

  I got what I wanted and I should be happy. But of course I’m not.

  Andrew drives me crazy whether he realizes it or not.

  Foolishly, I want someone I can’t have and that someone is Andrew Knight. If you let Charli tell it, he’s a playboy and the best thing he can offer me is a nice roll in the hay.

  But something about his sweet gesture yesterday morning makes me think otherwise. He didn’t touch me once which made me crave it even more.

  I know he has a reputation, yet there’s something about him that just pulls me in.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat startles me, bringing me back to the present moment.

  Edward Knight is standing in front of my desk in another expensive suit. His eyes are cool as he takes me in and the set of his mouth lets me know that his patience is running thin.

  “Mr. Knight,” I greet him, running a hand over my reddened cheeks, “good morning.”

  “Ms. Tucker,” he returns, observing me closely, “is this a bad time?”

  Embarrassed to be caught daydreaming, I plant a reassuring smile on my face.

  “Of course not. I’m glad you’re here.”

  He quirks an eyebrow at me and the excitement bubbling in my stomach grows.

  “Andrew Knight signed with Castle this morning,” I report.

  Stoically, he nods and takes a seat in my guest chair.

  “Your next step is to get him on board for a hefty investment in Rio Venture Corp.” An iPad appears out of nowhere and he’s tapping at the screen until he lands on the chart he wants.

  I look on, amazed by his efficiency.

  “Share this graph with him,” he says, pointing. The upward trend of the graphic catches my eye. “This company’s nearly tripled their stock value in the last week and he missed out by dragging his feet. Tell him that Rio Venture Corp holds the same potential and get him to buy at least twenty percent of the shares.”

  Twenty percent?

  My eyes nearly bug out of my head when he rattles off the grand total.

  That’s a lot of fucking money.

  I don’t even have time to form words before he starts giving me orders.

  “Get him on the phone as soon as you can.” He gives me a deadline and leaves without another word.

  If I was expecting a congratulatory smile or pat on the back, I definitely came to the wrong place.

  Feeling like a pesky salesman, I wearily pick up the phone to make the call.


  Today turned out shittier than I thought possible. A few minutes after Edward left my office, I received a phone call from the bank financing my car. I’ve fallen so far behind on payments that they’re threatening to pick up my Honda if I don’t promise them at least a fraction of what I owe.

  Tough luck considering school is out for the summer and I won’t be seeing another paycheck until early September. I’ve paid up my rent and utilities, that’s about it. The only credit card I haven’t maxed out is being used to buy food.

  It crosses my mind that I could possibly ask Edward for an advance on some of the money he promised me, but the notion makes me cringe. If I’ve learned nothing in the short time I’ve known that man, it’s that he’s not too sympathetic. And it might piss him off enough to cut ties with me entirely and I can’t risk that.

  I’ve exhausted all other options and that money is the final lifeline for my project. I’ll walk before I jeopardize my chance.

  That was five hours ago and now I’m walking around my favorite store to relieve some pent-up energy.

  There’s an annoying vibration coming from my purse. I walk around for another minute before I realize it’s my cell phone.

  Jesus, I’m out of it.

  I didn’t even check to see who it is. “What?” I growl into the phone. It’s not intentional and I feel bad as the eyes of other Target shoppers land on me.

  Please don’t let it be my mom. She’ll pick up on the irritation in my voice and drive all the way from Florida to see what’s troubling me.

  “Cupcake, we really have to work on your phone manners.”


  “Andrew?” I try again.

  “Are there any other guys calling your phone who I sh
ould know about?” His teasing voice gives way to a tinge of possessiveness.

  Why does that turn me on so much?

  “None quite as territorial as you,” I tell him, playing along.

  “I’ve warned you about tempting me, Lilah.”

  “So you have,” I say airily, stopping to sniff a candle on the clearance aisle. The scent is downright dreamy.

  What? I’m not going to buy anything. But a girl can look, right?

  I’m so distracted that I almost miss Andrew’s next words.

  “I have a request about my account.”

  Oh, shit. Is he going to ask to be transferred to someone who actually knows what they’re doing?

  Can’t say I would blame him if he does. I’m in way too far over my head and today has been a perfect example of that.

  “What is it?” I ask bravely.

  “All meetings are to be conducted at the place of my choosing from now on. Your office is stuffy and if I’m going to do this, then I at least want to do it my way.”

  Of course he does.

  “Fine. Name the place and I’ll be sure to accommodate you.” I give in.

  I’m all too sure that Edward won’t mind since he’s the one who told me to do “whatever it takes” to stay on Andrew’s good side.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” I can hear him smirking through the phone. “Tonight. At my place. Eight.”

  The sales attendant looks at me funny when I set down the candle jar a little too forcibly.

  “Are you sure it has to be tonight?” I ask mouthing sorry to the concerned employee. Slowly, I back away from the shelf and begin walking to the entrance.

  “Positive,” he states.

  Rolling my eyes, I relent.

  “I’ll text you my address. Let me know if you have any questions. See you soon, Cupcake.”



  I open my front door to see her standing on the other side looking unhappy to be here.

  That scowl on her face is fucking sexy. When I take her bag to hang it up, her tempting scent curls around me.


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