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Mykal's Deadly Perambulation

Page 42

by Dave Hazel

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Chris Schultz. Just moments ago you said that you want to kill as many of them as possible, and you would wipe them all out if you could.”

  “Well first of all, in response to your comparison of Hitler and the Jews, did the Jews try to wipe out the Germans and torture them while taking control of their land?”

  “No, but Hitler tried to eliminate the Jews and--”

  “See that is why I don’t understand where you tried to make the comparison of us and Hitler. We’re trying to get these crazy bastards to back off and in going on the offensive we’re trying to stop them from killing the innocent people of Towbar’s world. If we just wait here for them there is a good chance we’ll be overrun and then we’ve accomplished nothing. But by going out and taking the fight to them, we’re hoping to scare them into giving up before it starts, or to at least give them a taste of what they’re gonna get so maybe they’ll hesitate.”

  “It is still an uncalled for butchery of people falling at the hands of the United States military machine.”

  “Whoa, what the hell are you talking about?” Mykal gasped and held his anger back. Mykal remembered some talk amongst the journalists and it had been brought up that Chris Schultz wanted to get into television or radio. Since Chris wanted to have his own interview show it led Mykal to believe the man was deliberately trying to stir up controversy to make a name for himself, thus getting him the attention to promote himself and pave the way for a TV or radio talk show back in the real world.

  “Wherever it is in our world, and now in the clean pristine new land of another world,” Chris Schultz spoke with disdain, “it is the Americans going to slaughter the natives because might makes right.”

  “Man, what the hell is your damn problem? They’re gonna come here to kill us,” Mykal gasped in disbelief.

  “You’re a friggin nimrod,” Larry said and looked like he was angry. “Do you wanna go talk to them and see how they’ve been wronged?”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised is some of the non-combatant personnel here are taking samples of the soil to see if there is oil in these here lands so that once we get our American claws into this land it will be more blood for oil,” Chris added with a snide expression and looked to his comrades.

  “This boy is done gone crazy,” Roy Jr. scoffed and hefted his Thompson sub machinegun into the fold of his arms.

  “Why are you here Chris?” Mykal asked and tried to remain calm. He believed Chris was trying to provoke them to say something inflammatory, thus getting his story to build his name and pad his resume.

  “To cover the story but everywhere I turn I see the same United States military machine that I see back in our world and it can’t be good for the people of this land. Before you know it we will have factories and cities built up all around these lands killing everything with pollution and our American values, after of course you wipe out the native peoples of these lands. You don’t care about--”

  “Stop!” Mykal yelled and raised his hand. “You’re outta your damn mind. The Sosos don’t even live here. They live hundreds of miles to the north, and the real bad guy, Zizmon-Tarl, is coming from the other side of the world, bringing his friggin armies and his war machine to come and take from these people what is rightfully theirs. I don’t know why you’re coming at me with this crap, but I’m not gonna put up with it.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “No! That’s a fact you friggin mutt,” Mykal threatened him and took his friends by surprise. As much as Mykal didn’t want to give into his emotions he couldn’t stop which he believed was helping Chris’s agenda. The anger increased quickly and he felt heat flush his cheeks as if his blood pressure suddenly sky rocketed. “I don’t need to put up with your stupid shit. I’ll friggin bitch slap you all the way to the Soso line so you can talk to them cuz you look like a little wussy pansy ass that is tough behind the typewriter and pen, but that’s about it,” Mykal said and felt the urge of hateful violence charging through him. The entire time Mykal ranted his fists were clenched tight as if waiting for Chris Schultz to take a swing at him. Mykal feared if he started to strike the fat little weasel he would literally beat him to death. He truly believed he wouldn’t be able to control himself and he didn’t care that Schultz had more than twenty witnesses. “I’m trying to help save Towbar’s people, the real natives of this land and you would support the friggin butchers you little sissy bitch.”

  “Mykal stop,” Jake said. He grabbed Mykal’s arm and pulled him back. Randy assisted Jake.

  “You boys bess’ get on ou’chere,” Roy Jr. said and tried to sound like a southern hillbilly while he raised his Thompson skyward.

  “I would honestly go talk with Major Chick,” Larry said to Chris Schultz and the leader of the group.

  Mykal watched from behind Jake. He knew he was about to lose control and couldn’t understand the rage that came over him. He continued to watch the media group and Mykal clearly saw the leader and most of the others seemed totally surprised by Schultz’s actions. Schultz had to be led away by some of his own people.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Mykal asked Jake and his friends. “And to compare us with Hitler and rambling about oil, seriously, what was that all about?”

  “That boy is a ding-a-ling,” Roy Jr. laughed but looked angry. “He’s a damn whacko.”

  “I wouldn’t allow him near missions or plans that we have,” Jake said. “Just to play it safe. We definitely need to let Major Chick and the others know what just happened.”

  “Did you see when you threatened to bitch slap him?” Randy laughed. “His mouth dropped open like he was trying to swallow a watermelon. He took a couple of steps back.”

  “That’s the kind of big mouth weasel that I’d like to take and drop behind enemy lines,” Larry said and continued to laugh with them. “He can talk his tough crap garbage, but won’t defend his nonsense.”

  “That was so damn weird,” Mykal said and shook his head. “Well, let’s go talk to Major Chick before we take off and explain what just happened, cuz if I wouldn’t have heard it and seen it with my own eyes I don’t think I woulda believed it.”


  The eight helicopters lifted off with Mykal’s eighty-four man team. His friends Jake, Larry, Roy Jr. and Randy were on the same helicopter with him. Towbar didn’t come along, but agreed to go during the night raid. Mykal dwelled on Chris Schultz’s words and wondered was he truly evil like Hitler? He did desire to kill all the Sosos, but that was more from a self-defense and self-preservation point of view. The Sosos planned to torture and bury each and every person in the Pass and south of the Pass. But Mykal also realized there was a true evil that wanted to spring forth every time he used his magic ring. ‘But to compare me with Hitler? Come on, that’s a little ridiculous.’

  They flew over the Soso area to the south west. They flew as far to the west as they could to find smaller pockets or bands that would be easier to strike. They were amazed at how many carts of supplies were scattered all throughout the land and camps. When they flew lower to get a better view they noticed some of the carts not only had draft animals like donkeys or mules and cows, but they had a number of scraggly looking individuals tied at the wrists to the rear of the carts. Some were shirtless and those who were clothed actually looked worse off than Sosos, who always appeared as ragged individuals.

  “What do you make of that Myk?” The pilot called into his ear.

  “About six months ago when we came across a caravan of Sosos, Towbar said they were slaves from the Soso home countries. They were either prisoners who had committed crimes or slaves from their home land. He said they usually worked them to death and would kill them so as never to give them an opportunity to turn against them. I don’t think they would be Towbar’s people. There weren’t any towns or villages out this far to the west. Fly down and take a closer look.”

  All eight choppers flew lower but not too low as to panic the S
osos. The Soso stopped whatever they were doing and looked skyward. Some Sosos raised their weapons and shook them at the flying beasts as an attempt to shoo them away.

  “I passed on what you said to the other pilots Myk,” the co-pilot announced. “Should we try to grab one or two of them and see if they have any info?”

  “That might not be a bad idea,” Mykal said and looked over the side of the helicopter. “I wish Towbar was here. I’m pretty sure he did say they would be killed off before hostilities and they probably know that, so they might appreciate being rescued. Tell everyone to fly about three miles away from the nearest Soso and we’ll decide what we’re gonna do when we land.”

  “Will do Myk.”

  After the helicopters landed and the men gathered, Mykal looked at all the leaders involved with this mission. There was one leader on this assignment he had a run in with prior, Green Beret Lieutenant Johnson. Lieutenant Johnson had a deep dislike for Mykal, but Mykal didn’t understand what Johnson’s beef with him had been about. Johnson knew he had to control his tongue against Mykal, especially around superiors. Mykal hoped this assignment of attacking the Sosos and being highly outnumbered would give Johnson an opportunity to see that Mykal really was a good guy and a decent leader. Mykal didn’t have any personal problems with Johnson and hoped this opportunity to fight side by side would change Johnson’s bad feelings about him.

  “Is there anything special about this task Sir?” Marine Staff Sergeant Olivetti asked when the group gathered.

  “Originally, the plan was just to strike them to kill them and allow the survivors to spread the word that another fighter is on the field and this other fighter is not gonna allow the bully to have his way,” Mykal said and caught sight of Johnson rolling his eyes. “But from the air it looked like the Sosos may have some prisoners, possibly prisoners from their own land. They could be criminals who were caught in their own Soso countries or they could be prisoners for whatever reason the Sosos may have against them. They didn’t appear to be Towbar’s people and they’re not the people we’re looking for. So we’re thinking if we can get close enough to free them, and bring them back, they might be able to give us some useful information.”

  “Cou’d thaye be any danja, Sah?” Asked one of the eight Australian SAS soldiers. His strong Australian accent caused all heads to turn his way. The eight Aussies came along for the excitement and experience of Soso conflict. All eight wore the Aussie Slouch Hat with the side snapped up. They wore it for show to stand apart, and had their helmets clipped to their ammo pouches.

  “That we don’t know,” Mykal answered. “So if we do take any prisoners we gotta be extremely careful and keep your eyes on them. I don’t have any idea how they’re gonna react.”

  “Wou’d communica’shan be an issue?” Another Aussie asked.

  “The Sosos have their own language, but most if not all can speak the common tongue which is what we understand.”

  “They don’t really understand the danger of our weapons,” Larry joined in. “So we just can’t point our weapons at the Sosos and expect they’ll understand they’re in danger. As far as the Sosos know we could be pointing flowers at them.”

  “I hear ya mate,” a third Aussie said and gave Larry a one finger salute from the tip of his bush hat. “Thay will be berko or mad as a cut snake.”

  “Bottom line men,” Mykal said and waved his hand to make sure all the men were paying attention to him. “When in doubt, take ‘em out. It’s definitely better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Yeah, what better way for the prisoners to get back into the good graces of their masters than to turn on us and try to take us out,” Jake said as a warning.

  “But if we need to get some info,” Roy Jr. said and started to chuckle. “We could take them high and dangle one of them ol’ boys from the helicopter. If he won’t talk then we drop him and land and show the others what happened to him.”

  “Sir, do you want us to try to grab a couple of those who are Soso prisoners?” An Army Ranger asked.

  Before Mykal answered he clearly saw Johnson looked disgusted and scoffed. Mykal believed it was because the men addressed him as Sir. ‘I’m not gonna walk on eggshells cuz of that friggin idiot.’ “Yes, if it’s easy. I don’t want one person to risk their life or to even put themselves close to being in harms’ way. If the opportunity is there, take it. If not, just let it go. We just came here to kill us some Soso bad guys.”

  “Ooh-rah, Ooh-rah,” the majority of the men were Marines and the chant was loud.

  The U.S. Army countered. “Hooah, hooah.”

  Not to be out done, the eight Australian soldiers waited until there was silence. The first shouted, “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.”

  The seven Australians replied, “Oi! Oi! Oi!”

  The first again, “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.”

  The seven again, “Oi! Oi! Oi!”

  “Aussie,” he yelled with his hand to his ear.




  “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie,” the first yelled faster.

  The seven chanted just as fast, “Oi! Oi! Oi!”

  The entire group erupted with cheers and claps and laughter. Then they all started to shake hands. Some of the Americans declared they had never heard the chant before but they liked it.

  The only person who appeared not to be taken in by the humor and camaraderie was Lieutenant Johnson.

  Mykal pretended not to notice Johnson’s sour attitude and turned to the pilots and their machine gunners. “We’re gonna creep up on them and try to pick them off for a little while,” he said while surveying the rise in the small rolling hills that kept them from being seen. “This time we brought a radio man. We’ll have you start the engines just as we start to pick them off. If they charge us, we’ll call you and let you know if we need you to come and get us or to assist us from the air. Make sure you guys are watching all around cuz you don’t want them appearing out of nowhere from the other side.”

  “Roger that Myk,” the pilot replied and they all gave thumbs up.

  “Let’s head out people,” Jake said and started walking first.


  They took their time getting into position on the summit of a small incline. They were fifteen four man fire teams plus Mykal and his four friends. They were armed with ten M-60 machineguns and ten M-203 grenade launchers, and the rest of the military had M-16 rifles or the leaders had a GAU, the smaller version of the M-16 rifle. The group stretched out to form one long line and slowly advanced on the rise in the ground. Most of the men had not experienced combat yet so the anxiety and nervousness was high. Fire teams stayed with fire teams, and Mykal stayed close to his friends.

  While advancing toward the enemy Mykal longed for friends no longer with them. He wished Boris was with him. He wished Kurt and Denny were present. He truly missed them and he felt his emotions growing stronger than what he would expect to be normal. ‘It’s gotta be this friggin ring,’ he pondered while looking at his finger. ‘But I could turn myself invisible and really do some damage to these creeps.’ Suddenly his emotions changed from mopey sadness to hostile rage. ‘I could give the friggin Sosos a taste of their own medicine.’

  “What’s up Myk?” Larry asked.

  “Huh? Nothing. Why do you ask?”

  “You just look like your thoughts are somewhere else.”

  “Nah, not really,” he answered but didn’t sound convincing. “I just wanna get some revenge.”

  “Now you’re talking my language,” Roy Jr. said and hooted his laughter quietly.

  “Yeah, we wanna kill as many of them as we can get,” Randy agreed with a big smile.

  Four men acting as the forward scouts dropped to one knee when they crested the rise in the land. They motioned for the others to keep low. The group of Marines and soldiers crawled into position along the top of the incline. Mykal wished they were closer but to move closer would reveal their position. La
ying in the long grass his plan was to pick them off until they were discovered and then open up with the machine guns if needed.

  A sea of Sosos lay out before them but they were split into smaller gatherings all over the landscape. The group nearest to them looked to be over two hundred strong and clearly there were prisoners in their midst. Mykal backed up to meet with some of the military leaders, all of which were lieutenants. The two teams of reporters and cameramen filmed the discussion, with the intention of videotaping the battle that would break out.

  “I would like to free and capture some of those prisoners,” Lieutenant Johnson said, and seemed to stand to the side so as to not look directly at Mykal. “I believe we would be able to gain some insight into the Sosos psyche, not that we would be able to change the hearts and minds of these people in such a short amount of time.”

  “I don’t have a problem with trying to get some of their prisoners, but I don’t wanna try to capture Soso warriors,” Mykal replied and rolled his eyes when he realized Lieutenant Johnson was acting like a child by trying to avoid him. “I don’t wanna put any of the men in danger and after this assault we’re gonna go north and hit some more of these scumbags,” he added which caused five of the lieutenants to express joyful enthusiasm. Johnson was the lone holdout.

  Mykal and the six lieutenants strolled down the line to tell the men what the simple plan was. They gave the okay to open fire when they felt comfortable with their targets. Mykal could tell the men were eager to go on the offensive but it seemed that no one wanted to be the first to shoot. “Let’s show these guys how it’s done,” Mykal whispered when he lay down between Jake and Larry.

  Mykal, Jake, Larry, Roy Jr. and Randy quickly raised their rifles, sighted in on their targets and began shooting. Sosos dropped with every round fired, and rapidly the volume of shooting increased when the others joined the “duck shooting” contest as one southern soldier called it.


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