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Mykal's Deadly Perambulation

Page 47

by Dave Hazel

  Mykal looked at his watch. “They should be coming any minute to get us for the assault we’re gonna launch on the Sosos. We are going to resume the attacks on them now that our special holiday has passed. We’ll continue to hit them during the day and night until they strike us.”

  “Hey, are you guys ready?” Jake said as he, Larry and Sam entered the tent.

  “Didn’t I tell you?” Mykal laughed and looked at Towbar. “Yeah we’re ready. I just wanna go take care of something.”

  “Guess who’s coming along on this attack?” Larry asked with a pleased expression. He glanced over his shoulder to ensure no one stepped into Mykal’s tent behind them.


  “A couple of your buddies,” Sam laughed out.

  Larry stepped closer to Mykal and placed his hands on Mykal’s shoulders. “Douglas and Big Jeff Cann,” Larry replied. “They said they were getting bored just sitting around and wanted to taste some action.”

  “You notice how they waited until we’ve done a hundred of these attacks first?” Sam exaggerated. “They’re little sissies cuz they gotta make sure it’s safe. I woulda went on the first assault if you woulda let me.”

  “Hopefully this will be the last action they see,” Larry said and looked to Jake since he would have no part in the plan to silence them. “Maybe an accident will happen to them like the camera and video tape just before you guys got zapped to the other side of Towbar’s world.”

  “I know nothing,” Jake said and shook his head and raised his hands as if he surrendered.

  Mykal couldn’t keep from laughing at Larry’s reference of destroying incriminating evidence by throwing a reporter’s video camera, with the incriminating video tape, out of a flying helicopter over Soso hordes. “What about the other scumbags?” Mykal asked. He was referring to the two others who were involved in the plot to ruin Mykal by revealing some of the events that occurred during the first visit.

  “They won’t go,” Jake answered quickly. “Do what you have to, but I don’t wanna know anything. It’s none of my business. I’m making this crystal clear, I don’t know anything.”

  “Don’t worry about it Jake,” Mykal replied and nodded while deep in thought. It seemed like a lifetime ago that he wanted to kill these men. “I’m not gonna allow them to ruin my life.” Mykal clapped his hands together and seemed to be suddenly rejuvenated. “Let’s make sure these back stabbers have an accident, and we’ll deal with the others later.” Mykal couldn’t believe they were plotting the deaths of fellow Americans as easily as talking about the weather or a sporting event. And that right after he had a personal suggestion that could only be suicide. ‘What the hell is going on inside my head? I may need to talk to someone about this.’

  “Consider it done,” Larry said with an evil laugh. “I haven’t been home since June and I’m not about to go home and have to worry about these jerks screwing things up for me cuz we strayed a little by the book.”

  “By the book?” Jake laughed out loud. “When the hell did any of you guys ever do anything by the book?”

  “Well it depends on what book you’re going by,” Mykal snickered and shrugged. “We were going by our book, of course.”

  “Can I go along this time Myk?” Sam asked and swung his limp arm to give the impression he could still use it.

  “Come on Sam, don’t ask me that,” Mykal answered. He sounded like a saddened parent who had to deny one of his children a special prized toy that he knew would lead to danger. “I want to let you go, but the doctors say you shouldn’t be--”

  “Screw the doctors!” Sam raised his voice.

  “Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but then you’ll be putting those around you at risk too,” Mykal argued.

  “Screw you too then,” Sam barked and flipped Mykal off with his good hand and stormed out of the tent.

  “Come on Sam don’t be like that,” Mykal begged while Sam ignored him and left. “Damn, what the hell? We go through this almost every day. I’m tired of being the bad guy to him.”

  “You did the right thing,” Jake affirmed and placed a hand on Mykal’s shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze. “I woulda done the same thing if I was in your position. He’ll get over it.”

  “He’s a little upset cuz he wants to help,” Larry said. “He’s been feeling useless lately and he doesn’t feel that he fits in anymore. I know, I know, it’s not true, but that’s how he feels. Like Jake said, he’ll get over it Myk.”

  “Yeah, but why does he always gotta take it out on me?”

  “Because you’re the big shot now. You’re the one in charge,” Larry replied with a laugh. “Remember what it was like when other people were in charge of us? We were always bucking the system including you.”

  “Especially you, Myk,” Jake declared and pointed his long boney finger into Mykal’s chest. “Do you have any idea how many times I hadda answer for you? Or did you forget about that stuff?”

  “We always did try to make it difficult for the people in charge,” Larry explained to Towbar. “But it was fun.”

  “Now it’s come back to bite me on the ass,” Mykal laughed.

  “And deservedly so,” Jake chuckled. “You know how when parents have children that are really bad and unruly? Then they threaten their kids with ‘I can’t wait until you have children of your own and I hope they’re just as bad as you are’. You know what I mean? Well that’s what’s happening to Myk. You’re the unruly child who grew up to have your own unruly children,” he said and they all laughed.


  “No, it’s true, I’m not kidding,” a Marine said to another Marine while they walked by Mykal. Something about the conversation caught Mykal’s attention.

  “It can’t be,” the second Marine scoffed. “It’s just a theme song for a TV show for crying out loud. “It’s a nice mellow song.”

  Being they were discussing music it drew Mykal in even more because of his love for music.

  “I’m telling you it’s true, let’s ask Mykal and see if he knows,” the first suggested when he noticed Mykal listening to their conversation.

  “What’s that guys?” Mykal asked and didn’t realize he was being too nosy.

  “Have you ever watched that TV show M*A*S*H?”

  “Oh yeah. I like it, it’s pretty funny,” Mykal answered.

  “Do you remember the theme song?” The first Marine asked.

  “Yeah. I’ve probably heard it a million times,” Mykal embellished.

  “Do you know the real name of the song? That’s what we’re arguing about here,” the first said.

  “Uh, no. I guess I don’t. I’ve always thought it was just the M*A*S*H theme song. What is it?” Mykal asked.

  “It’s called ‘Suicide Is Painless’ and there are words for it too cuz there is also a vocal version of it.”

  Mykal was stunned. He knew he was having thoughts about suicide and now all of a sudden they bring this up and mention a song where the title is called Suicide Is Painless? ‘What the hell is going on?’ Mykal wondered while he kept a smile on his face and talked to them like he was glad he just learned a little piece of trivia. He couldn’t help but look down at his ring. Mykal was so glad to see Roy Jr. and Randy approach him. He had to get away from the two Marines who had no idea what his thoughts drifted to earlier.

  “Hey Myk, we’re gonna come along on this ride if that’s alright,” Roy Jr. said when he and Randy joined them at the helicopters. “I been getting antsy and need to kill some Sosos.”

  “Come here,” Mykal waved them to him. “Don’t say anything yet cuz I don’t want anyone to know, but I think tomorrow I’m going back to the real world and I’m gonna take all the civilians back. Sure you guys don’t wanna just hang out here?” Mykal asked because he didn’t want to take any chances where family members were involved.

  “Well damn, I wanna go all the more then,” Randy answered. “This will be my last chance to get me some Sosos.”

  “If yo
u want to.” Mykal nodded. “But don’t tell anyone what I just said. I don’t want anyone getting anxious. Go tell two people they just got bumped. Why don’t one of you guys fly with Jake and one of you fly with me since Towbar’s not going?” He asked. Mykal wanted to split them up just in case something bad happened. He figured the chances of something happening to both of them would be lessened if they were separated.

  After Mykal completed his two tasks he rushed to the helicopters that were waiting on him. It struck him how important he had become. The entire operation was on hold because of him. Six months ago he would have gotten into serious trouble for causing a military operation to be delayed because he ‘had a couple of things to take care of.’ It made him feel foolish that all this attention was devoted to him whereas just six months prior he was just a “pee-on” that no one took notice of. Now he could even have the President’s ear if needed.

  Boarding the helicopter he was happy. In the next day or two he might be able to see Pam and his boys for a short time. His plan was to get the resources he needed to help Towbar beat the Sosos and their allies. He knew he would have to make promises he would never keep. He would tell the real “Big Shots” he’d allow the U.S. Government access to Towbar’s world so they could take advantage of the untapped wealth Towbar’s world had to offer. But he would never allow his or any government to rape Towbar’s land. Mykal would tell them what they wanted to hear. ‘They are gonna give me what I want or many people are gonna get hurt,’ he thought while looking at the gold band wrapped around his middle finger that gave him so much power, but also caused him so much grief mentally.

  “Hey Myk, I’m glad to finally meet you up close,” an Army Corporal said through the headset. “I’m Corporal Roth.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Mykal said to be polite and shook the man’s extended hand. Roth was one of the soldiers who were riding on their chopper.

  “I was speaking to Larry and for being Air Force guys you guys have done well. In the Army we’re trained for combat but you guys had to figure this out as you go. Good job.”


  “Larry said that these little missions are like sneaking up on a sleeping lion to try pulling out teeth,” Roth said and rolled his head with laughter. “He said he thinks one of these times the lion is going to wake up and snap our hand off. But this is great. I never knew dentistry could be so much fun,” Roth continued to laugh loudly at his own joke.

  “Yeah, it’s fun,” Mykal replied and hoped Roth wasn’t going to talk the entire trip. The Corporal seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn’t stop once he started talking. Roth seemed like a nice guy, but Mykal wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. He wanted to get his mind into ‘the zone’ and that required his mental focus to stay inward.

  “This is gonna be a breeze,” Roth said to the virgin warrior sitting beside him. “It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel,” he laughed and slapped his friend’s thigh.

  “Just make sure you don’t fall into that barrel,” Randy yelled and pointed at the talker. “Cuz then you’ll find out what kinda sharks them ‘lil fishies really are,” he said with a wink and a nod. “Stay on your toes out there,” he added while lifting his cowboy hat to adjust his hair.

  Mykal looked around and notice the only real familiar face was that of Randy. He looked to the helicopter beside his helicopter and saw Jake, Roy Jr. and Larry. Larry waved to get his attention and once they made eye contact he waved at Larry. Larry nodded to his left where Douglas and Big Jeff Cann were seated. Larry discreetly ran his index finger over his throat to signify if the chance presented itself he was going to kill them. Mykal’s thumbs up acknowledged the move. With all the killing he had witnessed and partook in during the past six months, it really didn’t seem like murder. It just seemed like fixing a little problem before it became a big problem.

  After the helicopters were in the air they made a mock effort to look for the people who could still be missing. Not much time was put into the search and no one questioned the lack of desire. This mission was all about killing Sosos, resuming an offensive attitude now that Christmas was behind them and having a baptism under fire for the virgin warriors.

  While flying near or above the Sosos the response below became violent. The Sosos knew the strange creatures brought about death, pain and cruel suffering. Some Sosos ran in all directions but most would shout curses and launch weapons at the metal beasts in a vain attempt to bring them down. Only the archers had a slim chance of getting close to the flying targets but the helicopters maintained an altitude to avoid being struck.

  Mykal wouldn’t allow men to shoot from the choppers because the chance of striking their target from the air was low. He didn’t want the men to waste ammunition. They would have plenty of target practice when on the ground. Mykal’s admiration came through his smile when he watched the fanatical Sosos. Sosos knew the helicopters brought death and destruction but they were still willing to taunt the flying crafts and tempt them to land.

  The door gunner had an expression of shock. “Oh no, oh no. Oh my goodness,” he gasped but his words were barely audible due to the rotary blades chopping through the air.

  Mykal looked to his side to see what he was focused on. “What is it?” Mykal yelled but caught sight of a body reaching upward, desperately clinging for anything just before hitting the ground. “Damn!” Mykal yelled. In an instant he was filled with terror knowing someone fell from at least a hundred feet in the air. The movies always made it appear that a person falls to the ground gracefully, but the poor soul flailed wildly and thudded with a slight bounce.

  When Mykal was twelve years old he fell off a roof of a house when he and his friends were playing where they shouldn’t have been. He suddenly recalled the breath stopping jolt that nailed him when he hit the ground. He couldn’t imagine the crushing pain the man must have experienced from such a fall. He strained his eyes to determine the man’s identity. Mykal believed the body to be that of Big Jeff Cann.

  “Oh damn,” Mykal gawked with surprise when Big Jeff sat up and reached for his thighs and knees as if they were the source of his pain. Big Jeff cried out a yell of pain and held tight to his legs for a brief moment. His yell ceased, his body went limp, and he slumped over where he remained motionless permanently.

  The helicopter Big Jeff Cann fell from dove down toward the ground in an attempt to rescue him from the swarm of Sosos. Two other choppers swooped downward to lay out covering fire to scare the Sosos away. The only Sosos that were affected by the machine gun fire were those that were near the fallen body of Big Jeff Cann. The majority of Sosos seemed to be preoccupied with the helicopters flying close to the ground and didn’t notice the man on the ground.

  “Hold tight, hold tight,” the pilot yelled through the headset. “It appears we have a man overboard. Chopper Six says a man fell from their bird. Okay, I see him,” he said and raised his voice through the static.

  “I see him,” Mykal yelled into the microphone. “Tell the others to get lower and do what they can to keep the Sosos away and we’ll grab him,” Mykal said to make it look good. He wanted Big Jeff dead but he had to put on the show for the others watching. He couldn’t believe Larry actually pushed Big Jeff from the helicopter.

  “We’ll do it,” the pilot replied.

  “Open fire,” Mykal yelled and tapped the door gunner on the shoulder. He pointed and simulated shooting the machine gun.

  All the men squeezed into the door opening and began shooting as the targets presented themselves. If Big Jeff was still alive it’d only be a matter of moments before his body would be swarmed by blood thirsty savages seeking revenge for the countless dead and wounded the strange flying creatures caused over the past week or so.

  “Myk, that was the chopper my brother was on,” Randy screamed into his ear. “Was it Roy?” Randy’s words were filled with panic and his grip around Mykal’s arm was crushing. “I can’t see him.”

  “No, it wasn’t your brother,
” Mykal yelled back and shook his head because he knew Randy wouldn’t be able to hear him. He grabbed Randy’s hand to loosen the grip.

  “Mykal,” the pilot called by the internal communications system and then keyed the radio microphone as well. “Hey, you guys watch what the hell you’re doing,” he reprimanded other pilots. “Spread out. You’re bunching up too damned close.”

  “What’s going on?” Mykal questioned.

  “The choppers are getting too close to each other. My question to you Myk, how much do you want us to risk to try saving the man who fell? I don’t think anyone could have survived a fall--Damn it Sparky, spread out. You almost hit me again you asshole,” The pilot angrily rebuked another helicopter pilot.

  “Look, they’re shooting death arrows,” Mykal warned. “Don’t take too many chances--whoa,” he yelled out collectively with the others when the helicopter suddenly changed direction.

  Mykal held on tightly and looked out the open door. He saw the helicopter that Big Jeff fell from was close to the ground trying to determine if Big Jeff was still alive. Mykal saw the men inside it were shooting on the advancing Sosos. His main concern was that his close friends Jake, Larry and Roy Jr. were on that aircraft.

  Mykal was shocked when another helicopter rushed down in a wild manner to assist. “What the hell’s the matter with that guy?” Mykal yelled. “That pilot clearly endangered others. Tell him to knock it off,” Mykal yelled into his microphone.

  “He’s trying to be a hero,” the co-pilot replied.

  “Sparky, when we get back I’m gonna kick your ass, you dip shit,” the pilot threatened through the airwaves. It didn’t sound like a friendly threat. “You’re gonna get us killed. You’re not a Hollywood stunt pilot, so knock it off and that’s coming from Mykal himself,” he reprimanded the flying madman.

  Mykal watched in horror as death arrows peppered Jake’s helicopter. He saw some of the arrows went into the open door of the flying bus. His heart almost stopped since his closest friends were on board. It only took a scratch from the Shay-lonk and the victim was as good as dead.


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