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Mykal's Deadly Perambulation

Page 59

by Dave Hazel

  “I hear ya,” Randy agreed.

  “I miss hot showers. I miss Big Macs and TV,” Larry added.

  “I thought you’d say your family,” Mykal chided him.

  “Well yeah, I do.” Larry gave an uncomfortable smile. “But damn, I miss Big Macs and pizza and ice cream,” he laughed loudly.

  “Oh man, don’t get me started,” Randy shook his head. “Every day me and daddy talked about what we missed the most.”

  “Not to get all mushy,” Roy Jr. said but paused for fear of their response. “But when I was back home I couldn’t really enjoy all that stuff, you know, Big Macs, pizza and all the goodies we talk about. Every time I ate I thought of you and daddy and I wasn’t sure if’n you guys were alive or dead and I knew if you guys were still alive you’d be thinking about all the food you couldn’t have and had been missing,” he chuckled.

  “That’s sweet bro,” Randy said. “You’re starting to talk like my older sister and not my older brother,” he laughed and the others laughed with him. “But you still ate it though, didn’t you?”

  Mykal stopped their playful bickering. “Well if everything goes right you guys should be able to enjoy that stuff sometime today or tomorrow.”

  “Oooh I can’t wait,” Larry squealed like a child and clapped his hands together.

  “Well, why don’t you guys head back and wait for me. Once I know what’s going on I’ll come back there. Mathis, do me a favor and drive them back to the rear and if Chick is up and about and needs to talk to me come find me. I’ll be in this area somewhere near the front.”

  After Mykal stepped outside the vehicle several gunshots rang out. “Wake up, wake up. They’re coming,” a Marine shouted to give the alarm. His rifle was still pointed straight up.

  Mykal looked to the opening of the Pass and thousands upon thousands of Sosos were walking toward them. They weren’t charging so he was sure they were getting into position to attack. Mykal noticed some carried planks of wood and groups of them carried tree trunks. He assumed it was their tools to cross over the pits that proved to be an excellent obstacle.

  “Do you want us to stay?” Larry asked Mykal.

  For a split second Mykal wanted them to stay because they would watch out for him and he wouldn’t feel so isolated being separated from his friends. But he didn’t want to take a chance that something would happen to them. “No. No, just go back. If things go bad we’re gonna get outta here and Towbar’s soldiers will have to take over.”

  “As daddy would say, you keep yourself safe boy,” Roy Jr. ordered and pointed a demanding finger at him.

  “Yeah, none of that hero stuff that you’ve become famous for, hotshot,” Larry added.

  “Yeah, yeah, not today,” Mykal said. He looked at them and knew he would miss his friends even though they were only going to be a couple of miles away. He had known Larry for many years. He knew the Dosch brothers since June but all their friendships were close and tight. He snickered at the thought of Roy Jr. When they first met, Roy Jr. had been a hot head and slugged Mykal in the face twice within their first few days together. He didn’t think they would ever be friends, but now he felt almost as close to the Dosch brothers as he felt to his military brothers Larry, Jake and Sam.

  “Take off and I’ll see you guys in a little while,” Mykal said and double tapped the vehicle. He waved his hand instructing Mathis to drive.

  When they drove away Mykal felt like he was all alone on a deserted island. Though he had hundreds of Marines and Green Berets on the front line with him he had the sense of being stranded by himself. He wished his friends were with him. He wished Towbar returned. He wished his dead friends were alive to fight beside him. He felt melancholy thinking of Boris, Kurt and Denny. He wondered if he would join them in death during today’s battle.

  Mykal watched a mad flurry of activity occur. Those in rest status had been alerted and roused from their sleep to rush into position. It became clear these men were professionals who trained in adverse conditions and demanding situations. There wasn’t a hint of goldbricking taking place. Everyone understood that any hesitation, delays or slacking of any kind could result in the death or injuries of fellow warriors.

  Mykal looked back and saw the next two pits had the same activity. Towbar’s men rushed about to get on the front line and the two pits behind him. Mykal saw Dwarven warriors rushing about to join their new friends but they disappeared behind the smaller dirt mounds behind the pits.

  Time froze for a moment and it struck Mykal odd that this bizarre mix of diverse forces gelled into one cohesive army. The unusual force made up of different Special Forces from around his world, joined together with armies from another world that being Towbar’s soldiers and the Dwarven warriors, were united together under a common cause. What struck Mykal odd was that they were all under his command. Six months ago he was a “buck Sergeant” in the US Air Force Security Police field. Now today he stood equal to a Battalion Commander. The thought of it overwhelmed him. He didn’t feel qualified which made him feel like a charlatan. His biggest fear at the moment was that he would do something wrong or foolish. And that would give the likes of Lieutenant Johnson the right to call him out to belittle him in front of everyone. Thus it would show all the higher-ups they were wrong for “kissing Mykal’s ass,” as Lieutenant Johnson perceived it.

  The Company Commanders and Platoon Leaders returned from their meeting with Major Chick. Mathis approached Mykal when he returned. “Major Chick would like you to call him as soon as I find you,” Mathis said while handing the radio handset to him. “I’ll get him for you.”

  “Has anything happened while we were gone?” Diaz asked when he and Oakenfold returned.

  “Nothing yet. As you can see they’re getting in position. But I think they’re gonna go all out. So if one of you see Dalisid, Towbar’s general who should be around here somewhere, I would make sure his people know they’re gonna play a big part today. I’ll try to find him after I talk to Major Chick.”

  “Myk, Major Chick wants you on the horn,” Mathis interrupted and handed him the handset.

  “Myk here.”

  “Myk, give me an assessment. We heard the alarm has been sounded, but we’re in the dark back here.”

  “Nothing yet. It looks like they’re getting ready to hit us hard. We’ll just have to deal with whatever they throw at us.”

  “Have you thought about going back to get re-enforcements?” Chick asked and Mykal could picture Chick tapping his fingertips together while he spoke.

  “Well, I’d kinda like to wait just a little more and see what’s going to happen. Nobody knows this yet Sir, but Towbar isn’t here. I’m hoping he’ll be back anytime.”

  “Where is he?” Chick asked in a way that made it sound like he believed Towbar took his entire army away.

  “He did decide to take the Elves back to their home land. They were sure they could convince their people to come here and fight for some land. They would be bringing anywhere up to four hundred thousand Elvin warriors. They were making a big deal about how great their archers are which in Towbar’s world that’s really something. So he wants them here cuz once we’re gone, his people are gonna be in trouble.”

  “Well, keep me posted, because as I explained to you earlier, I’m going to do my part, and that stays between us.”

  “I understand that, Sir. And thank you.”

  “When you do return, make sure you contact the people with the numbers that I gave. Be sure to give them the code words I wrote down and they should be able to get most or all of what I want within twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”

  “You’re sure about that Sir? Cuz I don’t wanna go back there and wait a long time while leaving all you guys here.”

  “I’m positive Myk. All branches of the military are in Operational Readiness. They can be recalled and ready to deploy quickly. You just have to make sure you get in touch with your contact at the Whitehouse to cut through all the red tape and bullshit
that some might try to put in your way. But my contacts that I gave you will go balls out for me. That’s why I want you to contact them.”

  “Oh, I’ll do that,” he replied and thought of his threats to Jill or Percy.

  “Keep me posted, Chick out.”

  “One other thing Sir, I’m hoping nothing happened to Oakenfold with the loss of the men. If anything, it was my fault.”

  “Stop,” Chick cut him off. “Don’t worry about it. There will be no change of command. It all falls on my shoulders. I should have addressed this prior to the attack. I know Oakenfold personally and I know that man will beat himself up over this situation far worse than anything I could do to him. Oakenfold told me what you said. I’m grateful and I appreciate your concern. Besides, that little bastard Johnson will never get a command position while he is in Towbar One.”

  “Well good, I’m glad to hear that.”

  “And as far as I’m concerned I would never recommend that he get promoted above the rank of lieutenant,” Chick added.

  “I agree,” Mykal replied.

  “Chick out.”

  “I like that Major,” Mykal said as he handed the handset back to Mathis. “I want you to stay by the vehicle and I want you to stay near me this entire day. I think today is gonna be a bad day and I don’t wanna have to track you down.”

  “No problem Myk. I’m yours to use and abuse,” he laughed. “So what you’re saying is, today is gonna be the day where hell freezes over?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s gonna be one hellova shit storm coming our way.”

  Mykal tried to hide his concern but his hand turned green and began to tremble. It felt like it did when he felt it four times yesterday but it wasn’t as strong as it felt when Towbar left with the Elves. He didn’t think Towbar returned. He believed it had to do with something on the enemy side and was farther away.

  Mykal and all the men on the front line stood or knelt, listening and watching for the signal that would have the Sosos attack. A low rumble seemed to rise among the Sosos. They appeared to be impatient and wanted to get the battle under way.

  The temperature started to rise and Mykal noticed the smell of death seemed to grow stronger. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like in a couple of days if the thousands of bodies continued to rot where they lay.

  “Mathis, call those vehicles over here,” Mykal pointed to the armored vehicles patrolling the line. They all had a four man fire team and a .50 caliber machinegun mounted atop the turret. The vehicles were primarily troop transport vehicles that could hold as many as twenty armed men and provided covering fire as the companies “leap frogged” or maneuvered to the rear. “After you call them, go bring Dalisid, Towbar’s general here.”

  All six of the vehicle rendezvoused to Mykal’s location. “What can we do for you Myk?” Army Staff Sergeant Barry asked.

  “Are any of you guys feeling ballsy?”

  “Sure,” Barry replied and stepped out from the driver’s seat. “What would you like us to do?”

  “Do these vehicles have a Public Address system in them?”

  “Yeah, they all do.”

  “Stand by.” He stopped and waited for Dalisid to arrive with Mathis. Dalisid brought two of his soldiers. Mykal watched the three hardened warriors approach. Dalisid was hands down the much better looking man of the group. Mykal was sure the man could make it as a professional model back in his world. His piercing blue eyes and thick black hair made his eyes glow in his handsome, square jawed, face.

  “Is there something that I may be of assistance, Mykal?” He asked and humbly dipped his head as if bowing.

  Mykal knew that Towbar left instructions that Mykal was to be treated with the same respect that Towbar would receive. “Do you know the Soso language?”

  “Most Sosos speak the common tongue. I know enough of the Soso tongue to communicate ideas. However, I do not know enough to speak detailed points of specifics--”

  “That’s fine,” Mykal cut him off with a laugh. “If you can get general ideas across, that’s great, cuz what I wanna do is taunt these scumbags,” Mykal said and started to chuckle when Barry laughed with him.

  “I do not understand,” Dalisid replied and looked to his men to see if they understood. They looked just as confused.

  “Don’t worry about it. Are you willing to give me a hand? I’m gonna do something risky, but you’ll never be in danger.”

  “I am yours to command Mykal,” Dalisid replied. His piercing blue eyes drilled through him. “I will do for you what I would do for my Lord Towbar.”

  “Good, leave some instructions with these two men and we’ll be back in about twenty minutes. Mathis,” he turned to his radio man. “Take Dalisid’s two men back where they want to go and then come back here and wait for me. Cuz I’m gonna stir up a hornets nest and they’ll probably start the battle.”

  “Why would you do that?” Mathis asked. “I’ll do whatever you say Myk, but I’m just curious why you would take such a risk.”

  “Cuz they’re gonna attack anyway, so instead of them thinking they’re gonna control everything I’m gonna take control. These scumbags ain’t gonna push me around,” Mykal said as the other drivers got out to see what was unfolding.

  “So what do you need us to do Myk?” Barry asked for all the drivers who assembled around him.

  “We’re going over to the next pit and we’re going to taunt them through the public address system. If they attack we haul ass.”

  “Mykal, I am your servant and will accomplish any task you put before me. However, I must ask, do you think this would be wise?” Dalisid asked. “We can accomplish no good feat by taunting our enemy.”

  “What, do you think we’re gonna make them any more angry than they are? Or do you think they’ll be less angry with us if we don’t taunt them?” Mykal laughed as the drivers started to high five each other. “I want the men on the .50 cals to be ready to open fire when I say.”

  “You got it Myk,” Barry said and looked to the other drivers to ensure they were ready to comply. “Would you like to ride with me?”

  “Yes, me and Dalisid will both ride with you,” Mykal said as he climbed inside the vehicle. “I’ll sit in the passenger seat up front. Drive over there so my side is closest to them.”

  “You’re one crazy dude Myk,” Barry said with a smirk. “And I like it. We all do. Right guys?”

  “Hooah! Hooah,” they shouted in unison.

  “Cool. But Barry, not to get side tracked, what’s the difference from Hooah and Ooh-rah?”

  “You’ve been hanging with the Jarheads too long. Jarheads is an affectionate term for them dumbass Marines and I mean that in the nicest way,” he snickered and the others laughed. “Hooah is actually H.U.A., meaning heard, understood and acknowledged.”

  “Okay, I heard that before. I think Major Chick told me that.”

  “And those lug-head, Jarheads,” Barry continued in a comical tone. “When they were finally given some explosives and saw what happens with the big boom, they said ‘ooh, ahhh, right, ooh ahhh. It turned into just one Ooh-rah,” he laughed and the other Army personnel laughed at his complete fabrication. “I’m just kidding Myk. Out here, those Marines are our brothers. We fight with them, we bleed with them and we’ll die for them.”

  “Hooah, Hooah,” the others agreed.

  “But I have to tell you,” Barry continued with a laugh. “I heard what one of them dimwitted Marines said the meaning of ARMY is, what did he say, Ain’t Ready to be Marines Yet?” Barry said and chuckled at the riff. “But the truth is the word MARINE is actually the acronym for Marines Are Real Imbecilic Nincompoop Experts or Marines Are Real Idiotic Numbskulls Extraordinaire. Look it up. It’s in the dictionary,” he declared playfully with his hand raised as if swearing the truth and his Army team mates roared with laughter.

  “That’s a good one,” Mykal laughed with him. He didn’t know if Sergeant Barry had been practicing that or just came up with it
on the fly. Mykal got the impression that Barry was quick on his feet and wouldn’t surprise him if he made it up in response to the ARMY crack.

  “You do know that I’m joking and all that stuff gets set aside when the enemy appears, right?” Barry asked.

  “Yeah, yeah I know,” Mykal laughed with him.

  “But once the enemy is gone, that truth is back on the table,” Barry said and high fived one of his men.

  The vehicles converged on the center area on the other side of the pit so they were closer to the advancing Sosos. The first pit was still filled with thousands of Soso bodies. Only one hundred feet or so was all that separated them from the enemy. The Sosos closest to the front watched them with curiosity. They knew the strange crafts dished out death and destruction when angered.

  “You know it’s gonna start to really reek around here in the next couple of days,” Mykal said as Sergeant Barry slowly positioned Mykal to where he wanted to be.

  “You know what I have been wondering Myk?” Barry asked.

  “What’s that?”

  “Look at all those bodies piled up in that pit,” Barry said and pointed all down the length of the pit filled with dead, blood stained, broken bodies. “I was wondering if there were any of them Sosos still alive and trapped under the weight of those rotting corpses. I’m sure there has gotta be a few who were wounded and got trapped. That’s gotta be messed up because the Sosos just don’t seem like the type of people who care about others and would look for the wounded to help them.”

  “You’re right about that, but that would be messed up,” Mykal chuckled at the mental picture of injured Sosos trapped under the weight of rotting, decaying corpses. “That really would be messed up and what a hellova way to go.” Mykal changed his line of thinking. “I gotta be outta my friggin mind to do this,” Mykal said and laughed at himself. He felt vulnerable and exposed. He didn’t realize he would be putting himself so close to the enemy. ‘Why do I always do this stupid stuff?’ He thought, but didn’t want to back down now that he had made such a big deal about taunting the enemy.

  Both sides just watched each other. “Well, what do you want us to do Myk?” Sergeant Barry asked.


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