Anything Your Heart Desires

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Anything Your Heart Desires Page 12

by AJ Adaire

“Yes,” Jo said simply. “It certainly can be.”

  “Then, I confess, I'm envious.” With that statement, Stacy began working, leaving an amazed Jo with nothing left to say or do but to get on her stationary bike and start to ride.

  Jo had increased her time on the bike daily. She now was riding up to fifteen or twenty minutes per session without a rest. She tried to do three, sometimes four, sessions every day. She was pleased and amazed that she saw daily improvement not only on the bike but also in her ability to walk farther and be more secure and stable in her stride. The twice-daily massages that Stacy was giving her had made a dramatic impact on her life, and she was so grateful.

  Jo rode and Stacy worked. When Jo's leg started to ache, she stopped and went to take her shower while Stacy finished up what she had to do on the computer. She printed out the responses to her survey so she and Jo could tally them the next day.

  Stacy prepared for bed, before she trudged down the hallway toward the office and Jo. It had become their routine for Stacy to get ready for bed and join Jo in her room. Stacy would give Jo her nightly massage while they discussed the events of the day. Sometimes they’d share secrets about their lives. The more they talked, the more she learned and came to accept that other than the fact that they had historically been on opposite sides of the fence regarding choice of their sexual partners, their lives were just mundane daily living experiences with many more similarities than differences.

  Stacy knocked at the entrance to the dual function office and bedroom for Jo. Jo had taken to wearing a loose pair of boxers to bed. She still refused to wear additional clothing other than that. “I'm just too hot to wear more,” she had stated definitively. She had little modesty, either. Jo yelled, “Come in,” in response to Stacy's knock. When Stacy entered, Jo was just about ready to slide into bed, and she looked up with a wide grin.

  Stacy smiled in return and her eyes swept Jo's body appreciatively. Jo had a great body. She was the first woman she had ever met or seen with a true set of six-pack abs. Stacy squelched the momentary impulse to rub her hand over the smooth skin covering the lean muscles. She shook herself mentally and asked brightly, “Ready for your massage?”

  “Yes. Ready if you are.”

  “I'd like to try adding in something new tonight.” Stacy smiled inwardly, assuming Jo's response to her previous thought of running her hand over Jo's taut stomach. That would certainly be something new.

  “What's that?”

  “I got Mallory's opinion on this, too. She talked with one of the physical therapists. She agreed that stretching might help decrease your spasms. I'd like to try improving your flexibility in that leg through the stretching routine we used to use on that little boy. Your Achilles tendon on that injured leg seems tighter than the other one.”

  “I'm game. You've made such an improvement in my life with the massages. I trust anything you want to try.”

  “Okay, let's massage first to loosen up the muscles. After that, we'll do some stretching.” Stacy warmed the lotion in her hands and began a slow, sensual massage of Jo's leg.

  “I think I overdid a bit on the bike. I'm sore here.” Jo pointed to her inner thigh, running her pointer finger from just below her crotch to slightly above her knee.

  “All right. Let's start there. Lie back and I'll see what I can do.”

  Jo reclined on the bed, seeming unaware of her near nudity. She was totally comfortable now with Stacy's presence when she was mostly unclothed, as well as with her touch.

  Stacy, on the other hand was beginning to have quite the opposite reaction. No longer able to resist her desire to touch, Stacy lightly ran her fingertips over Jo's abs, eliciting a flash of some previously unseen emotion in Jo's eyes. Stacy felt the muscles involuntarily react.

  “I covet your muscles here. Can you help me improve mine?”

  Jo's voice was a bit husky when she responded. “Sure, we can work on that if you'd like.”


  Stacy started the massage at Jo's knee and worked her way upward on Jo's thigh. She couldn't put her finger on it. The massage tonight was different somehow. She could feel the heat radiating from Jo's body as she worked her way up her leg. “You need to spread your legs a bit so I can get the top part of this muscle that's bothering you.”

  Jo laughed, propping herself up on her elbows. “You're lucky I know you're straight and that I have rule number two to fall back on. Do you have any idea how that phrase 'spread your legs' sounds to me? Especially as you're sliding your hands up the inside of my thigh?”

  Stacy laid her palm against the warm skin of Jo's thigh. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Jo grinned. “No, I'll be good. I'm just saying.”

  Stacy finished up the massage and began the stretching exercise. “I want to stretch this hamstring.” Stacy knelt on the bed. “Now I'm going to put your leg over my shoulder.” Stacy lifted Jo's leg, keeping one hand on Jo's knee and the other on her calf.

  “Umm, tight,” groaned Jo.

  “Yes, we'll take it easy. I don't want to hurt you.”

  Thinking on a whole different level than the words were intended, Jo thought, it may already be too late. Jo knew she’d already developed feelings for Stacy and that it would hurt when it came time for her to leave. It had come as a surprise to her that despite her original resistance to the idea of her living with Stacy, she’d become very happy with the arrangement. She enjoyed Stacy's perpetual optimism and good humor. She was bright, witty, and offered easy, enjoyable company. Yes, no doubt about it, it would be sad when it came time for her to leave. She could do nothing about it. Stacy was straight, and she was not. There was that one big compatibility issue. Still, Jo knew that she was beginning to want more than she could ever have with the enticing woman who was at that very moment torturing her leg.

  “Ouch! The last time a woman had my leg over her shoulders, I remember it being a much more pleasant activity.”

  Stacy laughed. “You mean you're not enjoying this experience with me?”

  “No, I didn't say that. I'm just saying that the previous experience was better.”

  “I'm sure I can improve on my performance, given an opportunity.”

  Jo just smiled, and when she gave no further response, Stacy said, “Okay, enough of that for tonight.” She lowered Jo's leg to the bed. “Turn over and let me relax your leg muscles.”

  Chapter 15

  TWO DAYS LATER, NIC and Mallory were at the office when Jo stopped in to run off some materials for her class.

  “Oh good, just the person we need to see,” Mallory said.

  Jo grinned her greeting. “Why? What's up?”

  “Can you cover the office tomorrow for us?”

  Jo pursed her lips as she thought about her schedule for the next day. “Sure, no problem. You guys got something fun to do?”

  Mallory looked to Nic for guidance about how much information she wanted to share. Mallory suspected Nic would be characteristically open and honest. However, Mallory didn't feel it was her place to reveal their destination.

  Nic responded, “No, far from it. We found a small lump in Dana's breast, and we're going to see a doctor for a biopsy and some other tests. Mallory is coming with us, so we'd like you to cover the office for us.”

  Seeing Jo's look of concern, Mallory was quick to reassure her. “Dana will probably find that the lump is benign.”

  Jo tilted her head and searched Mallory’s face. “Maybe. It’s still scary.”

  Nic nodded her agreement. “Without a doubt.”

  Turning to Nic, Jo asked, “How is Dana doing with all this?”

  Nic shrugged one shoulder. “Nervous, for sure, but holding up. She's anxious to get on with it and see what the doctor has to say.”

  “I can imagine.” Jo covered Nic’s hand with her own. “Just remember, anything I can do to help.”

  “Just keep us in your prayers.” Nic gave Jo’s hand a squeeze.

  Stacy came in just as Nic said that. She i
mmediately looked to Jo for an explanation. Jo looked at Nic who nodded her permission for Jo to give Stacy a quick summary of the information she’d just learned.

  “Oh, Nic, if there is anything I can do to help, maybe help Jo cover the office, drive Dana to an appointment, make you dinner, anything. Please don't hesitate to ask me. And tell Dana I asked for her.” Stacy reached up to give Nic a supportive hug. Nic held onto the hug for a few extra seconds, taking strength from Stacy's friendship and offer of help.

  “Thanks, Stacy, your support is appreciated.”


  Nic and Dana lay entwined, waiting for the alarm to go off the next morning. They weren't talking about it, despite the fact that both felt anxious. “Remember, Mallory told us not to worry about it. So let's just keep positive thoughts,” Nic murmured against Dana's hair.

  “I know. I'm okay, really. I'm anxious to get there and get on with it, though. I know that together we can deal with whatever it is. It's the waiting that's tough.”

  “You know, Dana, we've been pushing hard the past couple of months. I hope we'll get good news in a couple of days. How about we get the group together and go out for a nice dinner and maybe some dancing if we get a positive result?”

  Dana snuggled closer and nuzzled into Nic’s neck. “That would be nice. Will you arrange it or should I?”

  “You know, yesterday, Stacy offered to do anything she could to help us. How about I ask her to do it? She told me to let you know she'd be thinking of you.”

  “That’s really nice of her. I like her very much. Her kindness shows in nearly everything she does, and she seems to bring out the best in Jo.”

  Nic ran her hands over her lover’s back, snuggling her closer. “Yes, I agree. I think part of that is because Jo is really feeling better. Jo worked hard in physical therapy and has done so much afterwards on her own. Stacy's massages and their walking together have made a big improvement in Jo's leg. When she's not tired and uses her cane, Jo is walking without a pronounced limp now, and her stamina appears to be improving on an almost daily basis. Stacy walks with her every day, even though it probably isn't really necessary that she accompany Jo anymore.”

  “Do you have anywhere special you want to go for dinner?”

  “No. Unless you have a preference, let's have Stacy pick a place for dinner and surprise us.” Nic adjusted her position to allow herself to rub her cheek against the top of Dana's head, inhaling the aroma of the almond scented shampoo she associated with her lover. “I'll call her later today and ask her to make reservations for Saturday night and to let the others know. I'll also ask her if she'd be comfortable going to a gay bar with us to go dancing.”

  “What if we get bad news? It won't be much of a celebration.”

  “Naturally, my plan is that it'll be a celebration. But if it's bad news, we'll need our friends more than ever,” Nic answered. “If we don't feel like celebrating, we can always cancel.”

  “That's true. Okay, fingers crossed.” Dana rolled over, settling her back against her lover and pulling Nic’s arm securely around her. “I hate to say it. We need to get up and get dressed. We're picking up Mallory in forty-five minutes.”

  “I know. Think we can just stay like this for a couple more minutes?” She wrapped her arms tighter around Dana. Reluctantly, a few brief moments later, Nic exhaled a long sigh. “Okay, I'm ready now. Let's go take our shower.”

  Less than forty-five minutes later, Mallory walked across the yard and got into Nic’s car, joining her friends. Nic backed out of the driveway and headed toward the hospital and Dana's appointment. During the consultation following Dana's examination, the doctor was very reassuring. He did a fine-needle aspiration, telling her he would put a rush on it and hoped he'd have the test results in two days. He also sent her for a diagnostic mammogram. He referred her to get the mammogram from a friend of his. As a courtesy to Mallory, he had called and asked the doctor to make the appointment for Dana as soon as she could fit her in.

  “She'll see you tomorrow, on Wednesday. She'll read the images and have a report for me the day after you have the test. That should give you as quick an answer as possible. I'll call you with the results the minute they come across my desk. I hope to have the results back from the biopsy on Thursday or Friday as well.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate your help. And thanks for expediting things and getting the results back as soon as possible.”

  The three women left the doctor's office and headed for the parking lot. “I know this doctor he referred you to. She has a stellar reputation and I think you'll love her. She's not only professionally very respected, but she's a lovely person,” Mallory said. “She’s one of the few doctors I know who will read the results immediately and get the report out quickly. I used to go to a doctor who would read the pictures right after the test, then do a breast exam and show me the results right away. It seems not too many doctors do that anymore. At least this doctor is good about turn around time for her reports.”

  “Yeah, I am relieved that I'll have the results by Thursday or Friday. The wait won't be too long. The waiting is the hardest,” Dana admitted.

  Mallory hugged her friend. “I know, Sweetie. You'll know everything in a couple of days. Again, there's probably nothing to worry about. Remember, no matter what, you won't face it alone.”

  “I know. I appreciate that. Are you coming home with us?”

  “Yes. I'm not working today. Amanda asked me to call her when we got done. She's making us lunch.”


  The meal long completed, they were still sitting around the table at two o'clock when Dana's phone rang. She excused herself so she could have some privacy.

  Nic took the opportunity provided by Dana's departure to express her appreciation. “Thanks, Amanda, for having us over. I think tomorrow, after the mammogram, I'll take Dana into the city and go to a museum. I think it'll help keep her mind occupied.”

  “That's a great idea,” Amanda responded.

  Nic removed her napkin from her lap and placed it on the table, “When Dana comes back we'll head home. I have some translations to finish up. Maybe Dana will help me. We're starting to get more referrals from jobs we've completed. If we get too much more work, I'm going to need some help. Problem is, the work seems to come in waves. There are days that I'm looking for things to do, and then other days when I'm working as fast as I can to keep up.”

  “Maybe I should start putting out some ads for freelancers that you can call when you need extra help.”

  “Yes. Good idea. Between Dana and me, we know several we can contact, too. Also, I think that we need to do some follow up phone calls to those people who said they might be interested in contracting with us for a discount. If we could land just one of those companies on a fulltime basis, maybe Dana could quit where she is and come help me.” Just for a brief moment, the worst scenario crossed Nic's mind. “That way, we could spend more time together.” Her eyes filled, but she quickly blinked back the tears. She didn't want Dana to see her crying when she returned.

  “Nic, keep it together just for a couple more days. We've all got to keep positive.”

  “I know. I'm trying.”

  Dana returned from her phone call. “That was my boss. Last week, I pitched him the deal we discussed. I offered him a discount for five percent less than it currently costs him to do all the translation work for his company's correspondence and the monthly and annual reports. I now have a new part time position with the company. I'm in charge of coordinating their in-house translation services effective first of the month,” she said with an ear-to-ear grin. “We're going to need to hire some freelancers.”

  Dana walked behind Nic and slid her arms around her neck, kissing her on the cheek. “Being your coworker will have its advantages. We can do most of the translation at home.”

  “Maybe we need to make a company policy that only one of you gets to work from home at a time. Otherwise we'll not be meeting our deadlines,”
Amanda chided.

  “We're going to head home, Amanda, before you can give us any more abuse. After we finish up that last report Nic's working on, we'll be off the clock.” Dana grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.


  Dana and Nic went to the radiology department the next morning at eight for Dana's mammogram. They were assured that her doctor would have the results on Thursday. “Now all we have to do is wait,” Dana said as she and Nic left for the hospital parking lot.

  Before leaving the building, Nic pulled Dana into an alcove where they were not visible and put her arms around her lover. “I love you more than you will ever know or believe possible.”

  “I know that. You show me that every day we're together.”

  Nic loosened the grip of her arms around Dana. “Ready to go?” Dana nodded.

  Nic whispered in her ear. “Which museum do you want to go to?”

  “I don't want to go to a museum. I want to go home and make love with you until Thursday when the call comes in from the doctor and we know if we're celebrating or commiserating on Saturday.”

  Nic responded by taking Dana's hand. Without another word she led her to the car to make their trip home.

  Chapter 16

  NIC CALLED STACY TO ask for her help in arranging what, hopefully, would be a celebration on Saturday for the six of them.

  “I’d be more than happy to arrange a dinner celebration for Saturday evening. I’m grateful that I can help.” She was pleased that Nic had accepted her offer to assist in any way she could. She was also delighted to be included with the group for Saturday's dinner. “Have you heard anything yet?”

  “No. We're hoping to hear later today or tomorrow at the latest. If the news we receive from the doctor is positive, we’ll celebrate by going out dancing after dinner to our favorite gay bar. I hope you’ll join us there, although we’ll certainly understand if you don’t feel comfortable going there with us.” Nic smiled. “The place we like to go is really quite respectable. We always have fun when we go there. They always have a great band playing on Saturday night.”


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