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Anything Your Heart Desires

Page 15

by AJ Adaire

  “Thanks, both of you, for the advice.” Stacy sighed. “I appreciate your support and understanding.”

  Knowing it was soon time for Jo to return, Mallory gestured with her head to the back room. “We'd better be talking about something else when the object of your affection returns.” She slid over and wrapped an arm around Stacy's shoulders. Giving her a quick hug, she changed the subject. “So, we're all set for tonight?”

  Stacy’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “Yes, I actually planned to mention to you, Nic, how happy I am that we're having a celebration tonight.”

  “Aren't we all?” Mallory looked at Nic. “How do you want to organize getting there?”

  “Well, none of us has a car that will hold six of us. So, two cars I guess.”

  “Well, Amanda and I and you and Dana are right next door to each other, so why don’t we all travel together and meet you and Jo at the restaurant? Jo knows where the bar is, so we'll just move there after we finish dinner.”

  Jo joined them for the conclusion of the discussion about the logistics of transportation for the evening, and the plans were set. “So, we'll see you there at the restaurant.”


  Stacy had been typing for nearly four hours straight. It was two-thirty. They had taken a fifteen-minute break for lunch. Stacy was so focused on what she was doing that she was unaware of Jo's scrutiny. Jo appreciated the profile of the wonderful woman she had come to care deeply for. She's so darned cute.

  Stacy's hair hung over her brow as she leaned forward to see what she was typing. She blew upward to move the hair from her field of vision, and when that failed, she impatiently brushed it aside and tucked it behind her ear, barely missing a beat on the keyboard. She paused to check her notes before she started to type again, rubbing the tension in her neck with her hand.

  Jo, sitting on her bed, had her computer settled on a pillow on her lap. She was a couple of pages behind Stacy in her translation. A smile came to Jo's face. The woman could type like nobody's business.

  With a flourish, Stacy hit command P to print the last page of that section of her report. “There, done,” she exclaimed.

  “The whole thing?”

  “No, unfortunately not. I'm at a good stopping point for today. Maybe two or, at most, three hours more tomorrow.” Stacy leaned back and rolled her shoulders.

  “Good. I'll be able to finish tomorrow, too. Then, you can get the report in the mail and we can get on with our little getaway. I'd like to leave after I teach my class on Thursday. I can move the tutoring around, and that'll give us a good three days there.”

  Stacy stretched her neck first left, then right.

  “Come here.” Jo closed the laptop and set the computer on the table behind her. She patted the space between her legs.

  Stacy stood and approached the bed. “Where?”

  Again, Jo patted the space between her legs. She slid to a more upright position. “Just sit here and let me make your neck feel better for a change. Then you can have your nap if you want. We have time.”

  “Oooh,” she groaned, exhaling a long sigh. “That would be nice. I've always had bad posture at the computer. When I really get into something, I forget to sit up straight and lean forward towards the monitor. My neck and shoulders always suffer.”

  Jo raised both knees. Stacy sat on the edge of the bed then scooted back against Jo, settling comfortably between her legs, wrapping her arms around Jo’s knees. Jo started to massage Stacy's shoulders through her sweatshirt. “Take this off, it's too thick.”

  As Stacy slid the shirt off over her head, Jo reached behind her for the lotion. She put some in her palm and warmed it as she had seen Stacy do every night and morning for well over a month. She began to massage the tender muscles of Stacy's neck and shoulders. Stacy's head began to loll as Jo soothed the sore muscles. “Umm, that's wonderful.”

  “Lean back against me and let me do your shoulders and upper arms.”

  Stacy followed Jo’s instructions, leaned back, and willed Jo’s hands to travel farther, to come down over her shoulders and cup her breasts. She wanted to remove her bra and flip over, to repeat the pleasures she had experienced in her dream the night before. Instead of moving down to where she wanted Jo's hands, Jo began to massage her temples, brushing her fingertips across her forehead. Stacy felt her eyelids close as she relaxed. Her head settled back against Jo's chest, and before she knew it, she was sound asleep.

  A little over an hour later, they awoke. Somehow, Stacy had turned over and was straddling Jo's leg with her own while her head rested on Jo's left breast. Jo's arms were wrapped around Stacy. They awoke at the same time. Neither moved, each wanting to extend the intimacy even if it was only for seconds longer.

  Jo was the first to speak, forcing nonchalance into her voice. “Have a good nap?”

  Stacy sat up, sliding into a sitting position next to Jo. She had been so deeply asleep, that it seemed to be taking her longer than normal to begin to think clearly.

  Jo recovered more quickly than Stacy. “Here's your shirt,” she said, handing Stacy the sweatshirt she’d removed earlier to facilitate the massage. Jo was surprised when Stacy didn't put on the garment and rolled across her to get off the bed. Is it my imagination? Had Stacy dipped a bit so their breasts would brush each other's as she slid across?

  “That was the soundest sleep I've had in, well, I can't remember when.” She extended her hand to help Jo off the bed. “Come on. I'm going to dance your ass off tonight. Take your shower and we'll do your leg. I want you in tip top shape for the evening’s activities, so you can't beg off.”

  “I won't beg off. I told you I'd fast dance with you.”

  Stacy wasn't worried about the fast dances. She wanted to slow dance with Jo. She wanted to pull her close and bury her nose in Jo's neck. She didn't know what it was about the way the woman smelled. Jo should simply bottle her scent.

  With her shower completed, Jo blew her hair dry before she dressed in her bra and panties. As she strode towards her bedroom, she felt filled with anticipation for the evening. For once, she wouldn't be a fifth wheel when she went out with her friends. She was pleased to be seen with Stacy, and wished with all her heart that Stacy wasn't straight. Jo suspected that it wouldn't take much effort on her part to get Stacy into bed with her. There had been too many clues. She was obviously comfortable touching her. The recent sleeping incident proved her point, at least in her own mind.

  Stacy was sitting on the foot of Jo's bed waiting for her. Jo watched as Stacy's eyes swept over her body making her slightly self-conscious.

  “Face up, please.” Stacy directed, pointing to the bed.

  The massage was different tonight. Instead of seeking out knots and rubbing to the point that it felt good when she stopped, Stacy made long slow strokes up and down Jo's thigh before working on her calf. “Flip over, please.”

  Jo complied. Stacy repeated the long slow stretching of the muscles in the back of her leg from top of her thigh to her ankle. Jo figured if Stacy continued much longer, she'd have to change her underwear again before they left. When Stacy started to massage the inner part of her thigh, she finally commented, “You're doing something a little different tonight.”

  “Yes,” she replied in the soft, silken drawl Jo loved. “I want to stretch out those long muscles for you in preparation for the workout I plan to give them tonight.”

  Oh God, thought Jo. I know she doesn't mean that the way I wish she did, but it still made her hot to think of the possibilities. “Okay, I'm good. You'd better hurry and get ready. We don't want to be late.”

  Jo dressed in the only good outfit she had brought with her, dark pants and a soft blue-grey blouse with split cuffs that rolled up one full cuff. Not fancy, just very comfortable and dressy enough for the restaurant. She heard Stacy leave the bathroom, bound for her own bedroom. Jo fooled with her hair until it looked pretty much the way the stylist made it look the day she had it cut. She liked her new short hairstyle.
It was easy to care for and gave her a more feminine appearance. Her dark lashes needed no makeup. She did add some gloss to her lips.

  Chapter 17

  JO CAME OUT OF her bedroom and headed down the hallway before stopping dead in her tracks. Stacy was leaning against the kitchen counter waiting for her. Her hair was styled and she’d applied a light coat of eye makeup that made her crystal clear green eyes stand out even more than usual. She had on black pants and a red blouse that had a collar that stood up slightly. However, the neckline is what drew her focus. Two buttons were left open, drawing attention to Stacy's full, luscious breasts.

  “Stacy, you look amazing. You take my breath away.”

  “Thank you, I could say the same about you. The color of the blouse brings out the color of your eyes.” Stacy wanted some sort of physical contact with Jo. She approached her and slid her hands up to make an unnecessary adjustment to Jo's collar. A small smile curled her lips. “There, perfect.” She reluctantly withdrew her hand and turned to get their coats.

  They went down the stairs, Stacy first. Jo followed, locking the door behind her. Jo had a strange sense of excitement in the pit of her stomach. They’d decided that because she was familiar with the location, she would drive to the restaurant. Jo would drive to the bar after dinner.

  Stacy slid her hand into Jo's, as was her practice. Instead of looping it up into the crook of her arm, Jo continued to hold Stacy's hand as they strolled slowly down the street toward her truck. Stacy had butterflies in her stomach. Is this the way I would feel all the time, if she were my girlfriend? Somehow, the small gesture of Jo holding her hand instead of slipping it through the crook of her arm made the evening they were about to share different somehow. Holding her hand was more intimate than strolling arm in arm. Jo was walking easily, with no visible limp. Stacy felt proud to be seen with this impressive looking woman.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and Jo pointed out Dana's car. “They beat us here and we're ten minutes early.”

  When everyone was seated, Amanda put a hand on Mallory’s shoulder. “Tonight is our treat in celebration of Nic and Dana's good news.” Everyone was relieved to know the lump was a cyst and nothing to worry about.

  The waiter came by to take the drink orders. Everyone ordered a cocktail. After the drinks were served, each woman raised her glass as Nic made a toast. “To everyone here. When I fell in love with Dana, I hit the mother lode. I found the love of my life and the best group of friends anyone could have.” She raised her glass to a round of ‘hear, hear,’ from everyone at the table.

  The dinner was delicious. Service was family style, so everyone got to taste some of each of the dishes they’d chosen. Amanda had ordered two bottles of full-bodied merlot to be served with the dinner selections.

  The evening was proving to be an enjoyable time filled with laughter. By the time the waiter served dessert, they were all looking forward to moving on to the next event. While they waited for dessert to be served, Jo had her hand resting on her thigh, an old habit from when she had to massage it if she sat for more than a short time. Stacy slid her hand over Jo's and leaned in to whisper, “I'm having a wonderful time.”

  Jo squeezed Stacy's hand in return. “Me, too. Wish there could be more evenings like this one.”

  Jo and Stacy waited in the parking lot of the bar for the others to pull in. They found a table that would hold all of them and ordered a round of drinks. Jo, who had only had one drink at dinner and a sip of the wine for the toast, ordered club soda. Dana, who was the other designated driver, did the same. The band was setting up, and within fifteen minutes of their arrival, they had started their first set. The bar filled quickly, a steady stream of women in all types of attire showing up to party with their friends and women they hoped would be friends, or at least intimate acquaintances, before night's end.

  The band started with some line dances to get people up on their feet. Before long, the floor was crowded with women doing all different sorts of dances. Stacy watched in fascination, feeling a sense of exhilaration at the energy created by the women surrounding her. Nic and Dana were the first from their table to take to the floor. Stacy watched her friends as they moved together, eyes locked in an unspoken passion they shared. Soon Mallory and Amanda joined the dancing, leaving Stacy and Jo at the table.

  Stacy bounced along with the music as she glanced around the room. She was a bit surprised to see two women along the wall kissing each other unabashedly. They soon followed each other into the restroom. Jo reached for Stacy's hand.

  “Not everyone has so little respect for her partner.” She had to speak loudly into Stacy's ear to be heard. “Are you ready to dance?”

  “I thought you'd never ask.” They moved to the floor and joined their friends. They danced three fast dances together, moving closer with each song. By the end of their third dance, they were moving like lovers. It would be hard to determine who was having a better time, Stacy or Jo.

  “I need something to drink,” Jo said. They returned to the table where Jo took a sip of her club soda. Stacy took a sip of her rum and coke. The band changed the tempo, slipping into their first slow number of the evening.

  “Dance with me,” Stacy requested, holding her hand out to Jo.

  Jo took her hand but didn't move. “I'm not so sure that's a good idea.”

  “Why? You can't be afraid of a little old country girl such as myself,” Stacy chided thickening her accent.

  “You don't think so?” Jo laughed. “You're the hottest woman here. I'm just thankful I'm not drinking, or I'm not sure I could control myself.”

  “Nobody's asking you to control yourself. I'm asking you to dance with me.”

  “Stacy...” Jo started to shake her head.

  “Jo, remember the 'anything my heart desires' promise? This is what my heart desires. I want you to dance with me tonight. I want to feel like you are dancing with me because you really want to.”

  “I want to more than you'll ever know.” Jo stood up and led Stacy to the dance floor, taking her into her arms and pulling her tight. She vowed that, just for tonight, she'd relax her guard and enjoy the lovely woman who had her nose nuzzled in her neck. At the risk of being redundant, she repeated in her head that she was so glad she was not drinking.

  Stacy and Jo danced well together, their bodies close, two moving as one. The first song melded into another as they moved around the floor. Focused only on each other, they were unaware of the scrutiny of their friends. One other pair of eyes closely fixed on them as well.

  They danced three slow dances in a row, only stopping when the band took a break. Heading back to their table to join the group, they were still unaware that their comfort level on the dance floor and the way they moved together had garnered several comments from their friends while they danced. Stacy looked across the room to the bar, hoping to catch the eye of the overworked waitress. She desperately wanted some water or club soda.

  “Jo, isn't that Meg over there at the bar?”

  Jo's eyes focused on a furious looking woman seated at the bar, glaring in their direction. She gave Meg a wave. Meg simply glared back in return, making Jo wonder what Meg was thinking. Meg finally staggered to her feet and weaved her way across the dance floor.

  Nic leaned over to speak into Jo's ear. “This looks like trouble.”

  Meg didn't say anything at first. She just stood at the edge of the group staring at Jo. “I never pegged you for a liar, Jo.” Her speech was thick and slurred from the alcohol she’d consumed.

  Jo stood up. Meg, nearly half a head taller, towered over her. “Meg, please don't do this. Don't make a scene. Our group is here celebrating a happy occasion. It’s really important to me that you don’t ruin our evening.”

  “I'm not making a scene, Jo. I'm just standing here wondering when you became such a liar.”

  Nic stood up. She was tall enough to look Meg in the eye. “Meg, Dana and I are here to celebrate a happy occasion and I'
m asking you politely, one final time, to save this conversation until you're sober.”

  Jo implored the drunken woman before her. “Come on, Meg, come outside with me and we can talk there.”

  “Is your new girlfriend coming, too?”

  Trying to ignore the comment, Jo said, “Come on, Meg.” Jo turned and headed for the door, hoping that Meg would follow.

  Nic grasped Meg by the arm. She squeezed enough to gain Meg's attention through her alcohol-clouded brain. Wincing, Meg allowed Nic to guide her outside.

  Jo was waiting in front of her truck. “Meg, I don't know what your problem is. I'm here with my friends, trying to have a good time, and you're ruining our evening. I'm not sure I understand why.”

  Nic backed away to allow the two women some privacy, although she remained close enough to come to Jo's defense against the taller woman should that become necessary.

  “Problem? Why wouldn't I have a problem? You told me that woman you are pawing out there on the dance floor was straight and that you weren't involved. You were doing some sort of research project. Liar!”

  “Meg, I haven't lied to you. I’ve told you before that we are not now, nor have we ever been intimate. She’s not my lover. She’s straight. Meg, you are way out of line here. I've told you twice already that you and I will never be more than friends. I’m warning you that if you don't back down here, you'll jeopardize our friendship, too.”

  Meg’s emotions turned on a dime. She switched from belligerent to weepy and dissolved into tears. “I'm sorry, Jo. It's just that I can't seem to get over you. I love you, Baby.” Jo sidestepped Meg's attempt to wrap her in a sloppy embrace.

  Jo looked to Nic for help. Nic stepped in and said, “Meg, did you come here with anyone?”

  Meg shook her head.

  “Well, you can't drive home like this.” Nic looked around to find someone to help.

  “I'll take her home,” Jo said. “Give me your keys, Meg.”

  Meg searched her pockets, finally producing the keys to her pickup. She handed them to Jo as she weaved unsteadily on her feet.


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