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I.N.E.T 2

Page 15

by Brenda Cothern

  Spider’s voice was almost a whisper by the time he said his last word. Zep never shifted his glare away from Spider’s dark eyes, so he didn’t miss the pain he detected. The pain that was too genuine to fake. That pain caused Zep’s anger to go down a notch, but the desire to physically hurt Spider was still too strong to do anything but continue to fight.

  Zep leaned in to Spider’s body and the man reacted just as Zep expected him to because the tight grip on his wrists loosened. That was all Zep needed to break the hold and he yanked his arms to the side and was free of Spider’s grasp.

  Spider was surprised when Zep leaned closer. It was that surprise that allowed Zep to break his hold. It was also that surprise that gave Zep the opportunity to land another punch to his ribs. He felt one crack and barely had time to pull his elbows close to his body to protect his sides.

  The move left his face wide open. He may have had several inches on Zep, but those inches did nothing to prevent Zep’s right hook from connecting with his jaw. It hurt like hell. Spider would have an even larger bruise along his jaw now, but he didn’t do more than push Zep away.

  Zep landed two blows, ribs and face, before Spider shoved him away. He stumbled several steps back and prepared for Spider’s counter attack. It never came.

  “I’m not going to fight you, Rob,” Spider growled out. “And even though I deserve it, I won’t let you beat on me either.”

  “Let me?” Zep shouted incredulously. “You don’t let me do shit! What? Now that I’m not some helpless nerd and you’re not some asshole jock who has something to prove, it’s no longer fun to beat up a vulnerable guy? Well, I’m not fucking defenseless anymore!” Zep’s anger was blinding him and he had no idea why he was trying to get Spider to actually beat on him again.

  “No, you’re not, Rob.”

  “You’re damn fucking right I’m not!” Zep shouted and lunged toward Spider again.

  Spider was ready for Zep’s assault this time. He easily defended himself against Zep’s punches, jabs, and knee thrusts that were intended to do serious damage to his body. However, even not returning any direct hits, he would have more bruises if only because Zep knew how to fight whereas the asshole’s in Hell’s Minions didn’t.

  The longer Spider didn’t engage him, the more Zep got pissed off. He wanted the bully he knew Spider to be to make an appearance so he could kick the ever living shit out of him. That bully never made an appearance. Still, that didn’t mean that every hit on Spider’s body wasn’t cathartic because it was so fucking cathartic it was funny.

  Both of them were panting hard, but Spider didn’t get any sense that Zep was going to stop beating on him anytime soon if he didn’t do something to end this violent encounter. So, Spider opened himself up for another rib shot that he knew would hurt like hell. Zep may be shorter and weigh less, but the man had power behind his punches. Everyone came from his chest which put the power of his body behind them when they landed on Spider’s body. Spider took a deep breath, braced himself for the pain he knew was to come, and let Zep step close enough to nail him in the ribs again.

  Zep’s anger was so strong that he barely registered that his fist connected with Spider’s ribs and he may have felt one of them crack. He barely registered Spider’s arms going wide and he was totally caught off guard when the man wrapped his muscular arms around him in a bear hug that prevented Zep’s arms from getting loose.

  Spider lifted Zep off his feet and took three steps toward the closest bed. He could see the sudden look of shock and fear in Zep’s beautiful eyes because the man was now helpless. Zep had nothing to fear from him and Spider could only think of one way to make the man understand that he was no longer a threat to Zep’s safety.

  Zep didn’t have time to struggle in Spider’s arms or attempt to break free before Spider closed the distance to the bed, stopped, and planted a kiss on his lips. He didn’t react to the press of Spider’s lips against his mouth and strangely, it occurred to Zep that Spider’s lips hadn’t parted at all when the man kissed him.

  Of course, the kind of kiss Spider laid on him should have been the least of things for him to worry about during the strange encounter. In the back of his mind, Zep knew he should be worried about the bully from his nightmares raping him. Spider did admit that he was attracted to him, supposedly, since grade school.

  Still, something Spider must’ve said while the man was defending his behavior from when they were younger, must’ve taken root in Zep’s subconscious. It had to have because the spike of fear Zep knew he should feel over the thought of Spider raping him never made an appearance. Instead, the unwanted images of Spider’s hard, leather clad cock, and the man’s honest look of lustful hunger for him flashed through Zep’s mind.

  Spider didn’t stop pressing his closed lips against Zep’s until he felt the man start to relax. Barely relax. He didn’t loosen his hold around Zep, either, and couldn’t stop his body’s reaction to finally being able to hold Zep in his arms even if it was only to stop the man from beating on him. No, he didn’t break the kiss and pull his head back until he felt Zep’s cock start to harden against his stomach.

  Spider ended the kiss and Zep knew he should head-butt the fucker. But, knowing and doing were two vastly different things. His body was thrumming from the adrenaline that was the result of trying to trade punches with Spider. However, there was no denying that his suddenly, painfully hard cock had nothing to do with the adrenaline that pumped through him while he was beating on Spider.

  No, it had everything to do with remembering the way Spider looked at him with want and need earlier and the feel of the man’s arms holding him so close that they were still panting in sync. Zep wasn’t sure which one of them were more shocked when he slowly leaned his head forward and planted his own hard kiss against Spider’s lips.



  Spider warily watched Zep face move closer. When the man’s lips almost brutally pressed against his mouth, he was too stunned to react at all. He could feel Zep’s hard dick pressing into his lower belly just like he could feel his pressing against Zep’s left thigh.

  However, knowing the man he had fantasized about for years was aroused in his arms still shocked him when Zep actually fucking kissed him. That shock only lasted a moment and was quickly replaced by the thought that this could be Zep’s attempt to break free of his hold. Still, even if that was Zep’s motive, Spider couldn’t stop his body’s reaction or the fact that he would take full advantage of having Zep in his arms and initiating a kiss.

  Zep felt Spider’s shock and his sudden reluctance and hesitation to relax. He subconsciously couldn’t blame Spider for becoming suspicious over his sudden shift from ‘I’ll fucking beat your ass’ to ‘get me the hell off.’ Hell, Zep wasn’t even sure why he suddenly changed directions where Spider was concerned, but at the moment he really didn’t give a shit about analyzing his feelings. All he wanted right fucking now was to taste Spider and get off.

  The tip of Zep’s tongue traced Spider’s closed lips and he felt an unbelievable want from Zep to be let in. Even though Spider was still suspicious over Zep’s one eighty behavior shift, he couldn’t resist opening to accept the man’s persistence. The hard cock that was trying to push against him only encouraged him to let his guard down. So, he parted his lips to let Zep in and the first real taste of the man was almost enough to make him blow his load.

  If Zep thought Spider had held him tightly before, he was wrong. The moment his tongue entered Spider’s mouth and they tasted each other for the first time, Spider’s arms tightened and a moan rumbled out of the man’s throat. Zep could swear he tasted the sound. It was a sound that shot straight to Zep’s cock. He was so painfully hard that, thankfully, Spider’s arms were no longer pressing his against his sides and he was able to move his hand toward the waistband of his jeans.

  Spider sensed Zep’s hand struggling to get between them while they tried to consume each other. He had no idea which one of th
em Zep was trying to free, but it didn’t matter if the man was intent on only freeing himself, Spider, or both of them. It was the action itself that mattered, made all of Spider’s reservations and suspicions that the man was using his arousal against him, and made Spider react.

  A very unmanly squeak escape Zep’s throat. The last thing he expected when he tried to free himself was for Spider to push him away. Not only push him, but throw him backwards onto the bed hard enough that he bounced. Twice.

  “What the…,” Zep started, but had no chance to finish before Spider was on him.

  Spider kissed Zep’s confusion and question away after he lowered himself onto the man who used to be the boy he lusted after for years. A moan of pleasure was his reward when he semi-dropped his full weight down along the length of Zep’s body and resumed devouring the man’s mouth.

  Zep couldn’t have stopped his reaction to Spider’s body pressing down into him or the man’s mouth tasting every bit of his even if he had wanted to. He didn’t want to and later he might regret not stopping whatever the hell this was with Spider, but right now he didn’t want shit to stop.

  Right now, Zep thrust his hips up into Spider and the man broke the kiss to bury his head in the crook of Zep’s throat and moan. The sound rumbled up from Spider’s chest before it left his lips to caress the side of Zep’s neck. He felt the noise from start to finish and it made him shudder with desire to hear the sound again.

  Zep was killing him. He was fucking killing him because this was so much better than any fantasy Spider had ever had about the man who was now an INET agent. He no longer felt like he had any control over his body when he thrust his hips down harder to feel more of Zep’s cock against him at the same time his lips found Zep’s neck. Spider never realized he made any noise before his mouth latched onto the skin beneath his lips and he sucked. Hard.

  Zep was sure the noise he heard echoing above the sounds of harsh breathing that filled the room couldn’t have come from him when Spider latched onto his throat. Regardless, that noise and the feeling of Spider sucking on him hard enough to leave a mark, had his hand moving between them again.

  His cock was so hard that he was sure the cotton of his boxer briefs would be leaving some sort of ‘rug burn’ on his dick. Zep fumbled aggressively between their hips with the intention to at the very least free himself in order to wrap his palm around his aching cock.

  Almost regrettably, Spider lifted his hips when he felt Zep attempting to free one of them again. He didn’t stop sucking up what was going to be an awesome hickey on the side of Zep’s neck, but he did add his hand to the confined space between their hips to free himself in case that wasn’t Zep’s intention.

  Zep finally got his prick free from his jeans and breathed a harsh sigh of relief that turned into a moan of desperation when he wrapped his palm around his hard cock. His moan turned into a grunt after his first stroke that caused not only his fingers, but his leaking cock to brush against the suddenly harsh feeling of Spider’s T-shirt.

  Spider felt Zep’s hand move. He knew the man was gripping himself, but didn’t even let Zep stroke himself a second time before he lifted his head and kissed the hell out of the man again. Zep responded to his kiss just as hungrily as Spider felt. It was that hunger that had Spider breaking the kiss and pushing himself off Zep.

  Zep didn’t even have a chance to protest Spider’s sudden retreat from his mouth before the last man on earth that he ever thought he’d be praying to get him off moved down the bed to kneel between his legs. Spider’s chocolate brown eyes met Zep’s for the briefest of moments before the man’s large hand covered his and Spider’s mouth sucked him down. Zep cried out and his back lifted off the bed.

  Spider’s hand that covered Zep’s tightened and his free hand touched the center of Zep’s chest and pushed him back onto the shitty motel bed. Spider’s hands reacted on instinct because there was no way in hell he could have controlled his actions after his lips surrounded the perfect mushroom head of Zep’s cock.

  The moment Zep felt the hot wet heat of Spider’s mouth wrapped around his cock, he jackknifed up off the hotel bed. He would have stayed in that position if Spider hadn’t pushed him back to lie on the bed.

  The feel, the taste, of Zep on his tongue was so far beyond any of Spider’s fantasies he had had about the man that he almost thought he was dreaming. The pain of Zep’s free hand fisting his hair and pulling told Spider he wasn’t dreaming at all. He was so far from dreaming.

  Zep’s hand around his cock was encased under Spider’s and he didn’t resist when Spider tightened his grip and forced him to stroke his pulsating cock.

  “Fuck!” Zep cursed and tightened his fisted grip on Spider’s dark brown hair. He couldn’t stop his shout because the feel of Spider’s hand forcing him to stroke himself in rhythm to the tune Spider’s mouth played, was too much for Zep.

  Spider heard Zep’s shouted curse and didn’t even have time to grin around the deliciousness that filled his mouth before he felt Zep’s abs tighten and the man’s cock throb and swell. He took a deep breath through his nose and grasped Zep’s hand that was beneath his and yanked it away before he pushed his face into Zep’s groin.

  Three things happen almost simultaneously. Zep cursed again, Spider forced both their hands off his cock, and the man who always scared the hell out of him swallowed his cock down deep into his throat. Zep couldn’t stop the freight train that barreled down on him that was his orgasm even if he wanted to.

  As if feeling his dick nudge the back of Spider’s throat wasn’t enough to send him over the edge, the man swallowed. The massage of Spider’s throat against the head of his cock sent sparks from his toes, up his legs, and into his groin. He had no choice but to fist Spider’s head more harshly, thrust, and empty himself into the constricting heat that surrounded him.

  The last thing on Spider’s mind was his own aching, painfully throbbing, dick when he felt Zep’s cock pulsating his relief down his throat. He had Zep buried so deep into his throat that aside from the brief taste of pre-cum, he didn’t get to enjoy the taste of the man at all.

  The smallest kind of disappointment made itself known to Spider, but he pushed it away to allow the totally irrational belief that this wouldn’t be the last time he had Zep between his lips. Even as he felt Zep start to soften, he didn’t release the man. It wasn’t until Zep’s fisted hands in his hair pulled him off that he finally, regrettably, let Zep’s cock slip from his mouth.

  Zep panted. He fought to catch his breath while he tried to make sense of what the hell just happened even as the euphoria of his orgasm tempted him to just relax and enjoy. He couldn’t, though. No, his mind was spinning too much.

  Looking down his body to where Spider’s face was only inches from his slowly deflating cock was beyond unreal and he had no idea what to do or what the fuck was wrong with him. The brown eyes that still bored into him, shining with want and lust, belonged to a man he hated. The same man who scared the ever loving hell out of him.

  Didn’t he? Zep wasn’t so sure anymore because the way Spider was currently looking at him was so far from scary that Zep didn’t even have a word to describe the look on Spider’s face.

  Spider retreated from Zep’s cock when the man pulled him off. He had been watching Zep’s face from the moment he stopped kissing Zep’s lips and swallowed him down to the point of being yanked off Zep’s cock when he became too sensitive to take any more of Spider’s mouth. Spider easily deciphered the emotions that flittered across Zep’s expression and waited to see which one would settle on his face. He waited for Zep to say something, to do something, but Zep didn’t seem to be in any rush or even capable of deciding on what he should do now. Spider decided for them.

  Zep’s breath hitched when Spider went from steadily gazing at him, his body frozen as still as a statue, to a burst of movement. Lips crashed against his and Spider’s tongue forced itself into his mouth. He could barely taste a hint of himself in Spider’s mouth, but
it was the taste of the man that made Zep moan.

  The feel of Spider’s hard-on covered in leather while the man pushed down against his sensitive and soft cock ripped another moan from Zep’s throat. The taste of Spider only made him want more and caused his cock to twitch again.

  Vaguely, he was aware that Spider was still hard. The longer they furiously kissed, the more Zep became aware and realized that Spider had never gotten off. Somehow the thought that Spider was more concerned about his pleasure than his own made something shift inside Zep.

  He didn’t have a name, a word, for the change he felt. He just felt it; suddenly felt different toward Spider. He didn’t forgive the man for all the shit that Spider put him through in high school, but Zep didn’t think he felt such an all-consuming fear or hate for the man, either. Of course, that could change after his orgasmic high wore off. However, Spider kissed those thoughts straight out of Zep’s head and he was reminded of the hardness that pressed against him.

  Spider felt Zep’s hand trying to get between them, but he didn’t lift his hips away from Zep to give the man access.

  “Lift,” Zep panted in to Spider’s mouth and pushed onto his hips to try and get the man to follow his request.

  Nope. Not happening. Even as much as I wanted Zep to touch me before, I’ll blow before he even finishes pulling me out. Spider couldn’t help but think because the last thing he wanted was to be embarrassed in front of the man of his fantasies.

  Spider didn’t budge and Zep growled into their heated kiss. He tilted his head back and to the side to escape Spider’s lips. There was no way he totally escaped Spider’s mouth, though. Spider latched onto his neck again directly over the spot he had sucked into what Zep knew would be a very dark hickey already.


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