I.N.E.T 2

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I.N.E.T 2 Page 16

by Brenda Cothern

  “Lift,” Zep ordered again and pushed at Spider’s hips for emphasis.

  “Uh un,” Spider grunted.

  Zep growled again. He couldn’t figure out why Spider wouldn’t let him return the favor of getting him off. It didn’t matter though, because Zep wasn’t a selfish lover. His partner’s always got off and Spider wasn’t about to be an exception.

  Spider may be pressed down against him from head to knees, but the man wasn’t holding him down. Zep had plenty of training from Slade on how to get a larger opponent off of him if he was pinned down on his back. That training involved his hands being pinned and right now his hands being free would only make rolling Spider off him easier.

  Zep moved his hands from Spider’s hips and caressed them up Spider’s back. Spider’s arms were braced on the bed above Zep shoulders. They were in the position of a lover, not a combatant, so Zep shoulders were practically in line with Spider’s pec’s which was the perfect position for what Zep planned to do.

  Just need a bit of leverage, Zep thought and bent his knee that was on the outside of Spider’s hip until his sneakered foot was flat on the bed.

  Spider moaned against Zep’s sweaty neck when he felt his fantasy man lift his knee. He was just lifting his head to kiss the hell out of Zep again when Zep’s attack caught him totally off guard.

  He reacted instinctively when he felt Zep throwing him off. He tried to hug the man to him, but his arms were in the wrong position to take Zep with him when he went over the side of the bed. That didn’t seem to matter, though, because Zep rolled with him.

  “Umph,” the grunt escaped Spider’s lips when he landed on his back, Zep on top of him, between the two beds.

  Zep didn’t give Spider time to recover from his disengaging move. No, he quickly sat up, scooted back, and straddled Spider’s leather clad thighs. His hands had Spider’s leather pants open and unzipped before the man could even think to stop him. And Spider could easily stop him with just a thrust of his knees.

  Spider hissed when the pressure from the leather constricting his cock was relieved. Another hiss escaped his lips when he felt Zep’s hand wrap around him. The moment Zep grasped Spider’s dick he made almost a wounded hissing noise and his hand shot out to grab Zep’s wrist. He was barely hanging on and knew if Zep moved in the slightest that he was going to come all over himself.

  “Let go,” Zep glared down into Spider’s dark eyes. “I know you want this.”

  He had no doubt that his words were true because Spider’s pupils were so blown with desire that the man’s dark brown eyes looked black. That look of desire fueled darkness made Zep’s cock start to rise again. He gave no thought to the fact that his prick was hanging out of his open jeans or to the feeling of his zipper digging into the base of his cock.

  Spider ignored Zep’s last comment. “Too close,” Spider admitted on a whisper and closed his eyes in embarrassment. He could feel his face heating up and hated that he suddenly felt like a teenager who had no control over his body when it came to his crush touching him.

  “That’s the end goal, ain’t it?” Zep replied in a serious tone even though he couldn’t stop his lips from smirking.

  The loss of control and pink tinge on Spider’s face was something that surprised Zep. That surprise didn’t stop him from grabbing Spider’s restraining wrist with his free hand, though. His placement was perfectly over the nerve that if pressed would make Spider’s hand and entire arm go numb if he really wanted to break the man’s grasp.

  Spider recognize the hold Zep had on his wrist and knew the temporary damage the man could inflict, but that wasn’t what made him open his eyes. No, it was Zep’s words and even though his cheeks still felt like they were on fire, he couldn’t help but chuckle. His chuckle turned into a laugh when Zep raised a suspicious brow.

  “I warned you,” Spider whispered and slowly uncurled his fingers from around Zep’s wrist before he pulled back his hand.

  Zep didn’t let go of Spider’s wrist. Instead, he leaned forward with Spider’s movement until he pinned the man’s hand to the floor next to Spider’s head. The movement lifted his ass off Spider’s thighs, but he held firm to the hardness in his other hand. His cock bumped the inside of his wrist and Zep only let go of Spider’s hardness long enough to grab them both in his fist.

  “Oh fuck!” Spider cursed at the first touch of Zep’s dick against his and his hips bucked up of their own accord. His free hand raised and gripped the back of Zep’s neck to force the man’s face down close enough to kiss his already swollen lips.

  Zep didn’t resist Spider pulling him closer for a kiss. In fact, he only waited until their lips touched before he stroked them. Spider jerked his hips up again and cursed against Zep’s lips. Zep’s third stroke took Spider over the edge. The heat of Spider’s cum over his hand providing lube for his next stroke, had Zep coming all over Spider’s abs and T-shirt.

  Several minutes passed. Zep had no idea when he had dropped his face into the juncture of Spider’s neck and shoulder until he raised his head. Spider’s eyes were closed and his hand that gripped Zep’s neck dropped to the floor when Zep moved. The man looked totally blissed out and once more something inside of Zep shifted. He felt like he was looking down at a stranger.

  Maybe I am.

  Spider was still embarrassed that he blew his load so fast. He felt Zep lift up a bit and knew the guy was looking down at him, but he just couldn’t open his eyes. He didn’t want to see whatever emotion or judgment that Zep was sure to be staring down at him.

  It was clear to Zep that Spider wasn’t going to open his eyes anytime soon. So, that meant it was up to him to remind them that they were working an op.



  Payne watched Slade and the rest of the INET team stand and blow off Trigger. It took everything he had not to react to reveal how he really felt about Slade walking out of Hell’s Minions. Deep down he knew that if Slade hadn’t taken offense to the shitheads who had fucked with them, fucked with KoV, ranking members of KoV at that, then Slade would have been acting differently than what was expected.

  Payne wasn’t sure what the hell the deal was with the Blade members who fucked with Slade. Almost every club respected the Knights of Valor and knew that messing with KoV members only resulted in injury at the very least, and your last breath, if you really pissed them off. The fact that Slade’s team who were posing as KoV members had been physically attacked twice in as many days bothered Payne more than he was comfortable with and made him question what he really knew about the Satan’s Blades.

  Payne saw Trigger give a signal and watch two club members leave the bar a few minutes after Slade and the rest of the team stormed out. He also noticed that Keg noticed as well. That didn’t surprise Payne since he knew the biker wanted to be involved, wanted to prove himself and move up the ranks of the club. Payne dismissed Keg’s interest and turned back to his lieutenant.

  Trigger was frowning. The man didn’t look pissed off. Payne knew what Trigger looked like when he was pissed. There was no way to be entrenched for two years in the Blades and have never seen the man pissed. Now wasn’t one of those times. No, Trigger frowned, but it was an expression that was more thoughtful than angry. So, he waited for the man to say something. Not only because his position in the club dictated he should, but because every fiber of his being as an INET agent told him to keep his trap shut and by doing so, he would be rewarded. He was, too.

  “Your brothers were disrespected,” Trigger stated as if it weren’t obvious before he took a sip of his drink. “We don’t need a war with KoV.” Trigger shifted his gaze from the door to Payne, but Payne remained quiet. “Will they take our insult to the level of a club war?”

  “I don’t know,” Payne answered even though he knew Slade’s team was only impersonating KoV members. However, what he learned from his undercover experience with the Blades led him to believe that had Slade been a real KoV member, a club war would be about to

  “I’m their brother even though the Blades are now my family. Eliminator,” Payne almost said Slade. “Probably only came here because he tracked me down and thought to give my new family first dibs on whatever they have going on.”

  “And what exactly do they have going on?” Trigger looked at Payne. “For the cut they are claiming, the only reason they are on our doorstep is because of you.”

  Trigger’s gaze was just as suspicious as it was accusing, but Payne didn’t flinch under the scrutiny of the Blades’ lieutenant. It was the reaction of someone who didn’t think he was all that, someone who was too humble and modest for his own good.

  “I don’t know who they have now to replace me moving their shit,” Payne paused and held Trigger’s steady gaze. “But it doesn’t surprise me that if they have something big to move that they would seek me out even though I’ve joined another club.”

  Payne let a few moments of silence stretch between them before he continued, “To be honest, I’m surprised Eliminator was offering a partnership with us instead of just trying to get me to move whatever it is they want to move.” That got the reaction from Trigger that Payne was hoping to see.

  “What do you think they are wanting to move?” Trigger asked curiously.

  “My guess? They probably have some drugs or guns they want to offload.” Payne’s tone was all business. “Chances are they had a buyer either back out or not take a full order,” Payne said with a confidence he barely felt. He was totally winging this new role, but had no doubt that he could be believable. “So, now they are short for what they need for this new deal.”

  “Trig.” Payne looked at the Blades’ lieutenant with a serious expression. “The Knights have a lot of contacts that they could offload shit to.”

  Trigger interrupted, “But they hunted you down because you know how to move shit.”

  “KoV lost a lot of contacts when I moved south.”

  “Contacts you haven’t shared with the Blades,” Trigger retorted without any heat in his tone.

  “I know a club’s progression, Trig. If I would have joined the Blades and talked about my contacts you would’ve thought I was some sort of fed. Shit, that’s what I would’ve thought if someone joined KoV and pulled that shit.” Payne shook his head in disgust. “Tell me the Blades wouldn’t of thought the same? I wasn’t hiding what I have to offer the Blades. Hell, I thought you already knew my history with KoV and what I did for them and were just testing my fucking loyalty to the club.” Payne leached angry frustration into his tone even though he didn’t raise his voice.

  Trigger said nothing further and Payne faked fuming from being insulted. Several minutes passed and neither man said anything. In fact, they weren’t even looking at each other so they both saw Keg approaching their table. The biker sat down shots on the table, but didn’t take a seat.

  “You look like you could use this.”

  Payne wasn’t sure which one of them Keg was referring to, but he didn’t care when he took the rocks glass filled with amber liquid into his hand.

  “Thanks, Keg.” Payne tilted back the shot and swallowed it down without taking his eyes off the man.

  The biker was overeager. So overeager that he was stupid to approach him and Trigger after a meeting with KoV that obviously went south. Putting his nose in where it didn’t belong wasn’t going to help the guy advance in the club and was only going to make Payne’s job more complicated. He didn’t need another player suddenly added to the game Slade was playing. Surprisingly though, Keg’s behavior didn’t seem suspicious even though he and Trig were just talking about that because the man had been around for several months.

  “Pull up a chair,” Trigger ordered Keg.

  Payne’s eyes hadn’t left Keg so he didn’t miss the pleased smile that spread the man’s lips. Trigger appeared to ignore Keg once the man’s ass hit the seat of the chair. Instead, he turned back and continued his conversation with Payne.

  “Junk and Slicer are going to talk to your brothers.”

  Payne didn’t bother to hide his cringe. He had no doubt that Slade expected to be followed after he stormed out, but he didn’t envy the club members who were supposed to make shit right with the supposed KoV members. Payne was sure Slade’s mention of a quarter million dollars split between the clubs had everything to do with Slicer and Junk following his teammates.

  “We’ll meet with them tomorrow at three, if they agree,” Trigger informed.

  “After the way they were insulted, I wouldn’t hold your breath, Trig,” Payne replied as his undercover role required.

  “If that were the case, Payne,” Trigger chuckled. “They wouldn’t have come back to see you after Rowdy pulled his stupid shit.”

  Payne grunted in reply to Trig, but his sole focus was on Keg who seemed almost relieved to hear that Slade’s team would possibly be coming back to the bar tomorrow.


  Keg knew he didn’t cover his reaction fast enough when Trig implied the KoV members would be returning the following day.

  Supposed KoV members, Keg thought to himself.

  Keg had taken pictures covertly and sent them to his contact while the guys were still fighting with the Blades’ idiots. Within thirty minutes and before they met with Trig, Keg received a one word reply.


  It was that text that had him placing the trackers on their bikes. He wouldn’t have direct access to the information gathered, but knew he could send just one text and have the address to where they were staying.

  Once he had verification that the three men were INET, it wasn’t hard to deduce that Payne was as well and the agents must’ve been sent in as backup. Their presence didn’t indicate anything other than the Blades were in deep shit as far as narcotics were concerned. Still, knowing INET was here gave him hope that the reason he had been undercover for the last six months would prove true.

  Keg needed to figure out a way to let the INET agents know he was ICE or he could be in serious trouble when they raided the club. He sure as shit couldn’t come right out and just tell them unless he could get one of them alone. However, it would look too suspicious even if he was playing ‘the overeager to prove himself biker,’ to try and get one of them alone.

  Payne had already warned him off and the man didn’t look happy that he was now sitting at the table with him and Trig. Still, getting Payne alone would be easier than one of the other three agents even if the man had been avoiding him since they spoke before his fellow agents showed up in the bar. He’d just have to try, anyway.

  “I’ll get us another round,” Keg offered when he stood and walked back to the bar.

  Trig’s wife just set down three fresh shots when Keg caught Payne heading toward the door. He turned from the bar and started toward the man.

  “Payne, hold up.”

  Payne stopped and turned back to look at him. It was obvious the man wasn’t happy that Keg called out to him, but he still waited until Keg walked up to him.

  “You got a minute to talk?”

  Payne frowned. “No. I’ve already told you the deal.”

  “Yeah, I know, but…”

  “Look man, I got shit to do.” Payne didn’t wait for him to reply before he turned on his heel and stormed out of the bar.

  I bet you do, Keg thought, but didn’t follow the man.

  That would’ve raised too many brows since the only reason to follow Payne out to the parking lot would be if he had a beef with the guy. Everyone knew he didn’t, so there was no reason to draw attention to his desire to talk to the man.


  He needed to try and talk to one of the other three agents. How or when he’d get the chance, Keg had no idea because it wasn’t like he could just ask to talk to one of them one-on-one and until he made himself known to them as ICE, it would be suicide to just show up wherever they were staying.

  Keg returned to the bar and picked up three shots before he walked back to the table where Trig sat. He
set the glasses down before resuming his seat. Trig picked up his shot and turned to look at Keg.

  “You got a problem with Payne?”

  “What? Shit, no. I just wanted to see if he’d flush my bike like he did yours.” Keg grinned. “The last time I did it, I think I got more fluids on me than went in the bike. When I was with the Midnight Raiders, I thought Stomper was going to shoot my ass over the mess I made in his shop.” Keg laughed.

  Trig grinned and Keg mentally relaxed for a moment. He was sure any suspicions Trig may have been starting to form had been quenched.

  “Remind me again why you left the Raiders,” Trig requested and if it wasn’t for the tone of the man’s voice, Keg may have mentally tensed again.

  “Had to put my baby brother into a home for special kids and the best one I could afford is in Lauderdale. There’s a better one here in Miami, but it’s so far out of my price range that it isn’t even funny.” Keg frowned and waited for the question he knew Trig was about to ask.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “Severe Asperger’s bordering on full blown Autism with violent tendencies.” Keg made sure his voice had a shit ton of sadness it before he continued. “He’s so bad that I need to make a fucking appointment just to visit him.” Keg’s tone turned angry. “Apparently, they think he needs to be sedated so he won’t hurt me. It’s a fucking joke because he weighs all of a buck twenty.”

  Trig said nothing and they did their shots before the Blades’ lieutenant was called over to shoot some pool.

  That was the first time in the last six months that he’d been undercover that he had to give his cover story to that extent. It was a solid story. It explained the random phone calls from Happy Pines and his monthly one-day trips to Fort Lauderdale. In fact, it was almost the date for his next trip.

  Just thinking about going to Lauderdale made him smile. Those day trips were the only time he got to see his lover while he was on this op. He missed Rick something fierce and one day wasn’t nearly enough to make up for the rest of the month without him. However, they both knew when Rick came to work with him at ICE that they wouldn’t be able to do every undercover op together like they had when they first met.


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