I.N.E.T 2

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I.N.E.T 2 Page 17

by Brenda Cothern

  The too few phone calls from Happy Pines were the only time he heard his lover’s voice outside of visiting his ‘baby brother’ once a month. Being apart while undercover sucked, but they both loved their jobs too much to change anything.

  Keg’s phone vibrated in his pocket as if thinking of the man had made him send a text message. Keg leaned back in his chair and pulled out his phone.

  Mr. Miller,

  Per our policies, we regret to inform you that our medical records have been compromised. Your brother’s contact information may have been accessed by an unknown source and as a result your personal information may also have been obtained. We have ensured that this will not happen again in the future, but encourage you to contact your financial institutions and credit card companies to verify that you have not inadvertently become a victim of identity theft. Deepest regrets for this inconvenience,

  Happy Pines IT Administrator.

  “Humph,” Keg grunted.

  The message was from Rick and Keg had to force himself to frown instead of grin. He never ceased to be impressed with his lover’s undercover skills. Rick could’ve just as easily told him that his cover had been compromised with four words: INET knows about you.

  Instead, Rick made sure that if anyone discovered the text that it would just look like a notification from the facility that took care of his brother. The news that INET had hacked his cover was both a concern and a relief.

  It was a concern because Keg new his cover was solid. If anyone ran his current alias they would find what was expected for a thirty something year old biker. Apparently INET had dug deeper and that implied Keg gave them reason to look past the general rap sheet ICE created.

  They must’ve seen me place the trackers.

  That was the only answer Keg could come up with and it made sense. If INET sent three more agents undercover, it only stood to reason that they would have a support team with them somewhere close.

  Shit, I thought I covered myself.

  On the flipside, now that INET knew his cover, chances were that one of them would make contact at the very least or at the most, his ass wouldn’t get killed by law enforcement when the raid went down. Keg was pretty sure that the INET agents, who were damn good at impersonating KoV members, now knew he was with ICE. He was equally sure that Payne didn’t. Keg could only hope that one of the three INET agents would find a way to pass the Intel along to Payne.

  Thinking of Payne made Keg realize that prior to the other INET agents showing up as the man’s previous biker family; Keg never suspected Payne was anything other than another Blade. When he had been sent in six months ago, Payne was already a member in semi-high standing with the club. That meant that the man had been in deep cover for a while.

  Eight months pushed Keg’s limit for being undercover and he was one hundred percent sure that Payne had been with the Blades for much longer than that. Keg suppressed a shiver at the thought.

  That’s why INET is elite and their agents are crazy fucks.

  The U.S. alphabets, FBI, ICE, and ATF, rarely stayed undercover for more than a year and for good reason. Keg knew how easy it could be for an agent to get lost in the persona they adopted. Sometimes the fantasy of being someone else was too tempting to resist not to make permanent. He’d seen it happen twice during his almost fifteen year career with ICE. It was actually that reason that ICE agents only went undercover for up to a year before they were pulled.

  Thankfully, this op will be over soon. Keg sighed and picked up the shot that he’d brought back to the table for Payne. No sooner did he finish the shot and set the glass back on the table did one of his Blade ‘brothers’ call out to him.

  “We need a fourth, Keg.”

  Keg shot the Blades a grin when he stood and walked over to them. Darts was the only bar game he was half decent at and that was only because of another op he had been on years ago. Thankfully, throwing darts was like riding a bike.

  “What are we playing for?” Keg asked when he accepted three darts from one of the three Blades’ members who stood in front of the machine because the Blades always played for something.



  “Spider’s been gone a while,” Lita commented from where he lay on one of the double beds in nothing but a T-shirt and boxer briefs.

  Slade glanced at the red digits that were displayed on the room’s outdated alarm clock. He hadn’t needed to check the time to know Spider had been gone for way longer than it took to check in with Zep and get any surveillance equipment Hunt may have sent for them.

  “Zep can handle himself,” Slade said confidently.

  In fact, Zep was one of the best students Slade had ever trained. Not only was the smaller man an excellent shot, but he could be deadly in a hand-to-hand fight. Slade wasn’t sure if that was because of his determination, Zep’s, or both of them to make sure Zep would never be defenseless again.

  “Yeah, but this is Spider we’re talking about.” Lita frowned before continuing. “He easily outweighs Zep, not to mention the height difference.”

  “Spider isn’t any taller than me,” Slade stated and Lita held up a hand before he interrupted.

  “I’m not saying Zep can’t handle himself if shit with Spider gets physical. Just…”

  “They have a history from before either of them were agents and before you ask, I don’t know the details.”

  “That’s what has me worried. There are emotions involved. So, what if shit gets physical and Zep freezes? Or worse, fucking shoots the asshole?”

  “They’ve shit to work out,” Slade said before he added, “and we’d have heard a gunshot.”

  Lita chuckled at Slade’s smirk. “True, but that’s not the only way Zep could kill the fucker.”

  “No, it’s not.” Slade laughed in agreement. “But I’m sure…” The sound of the key in the door cut off the rest of Slade’s reply.

  Slade looked Spider over from head to toe when the ATF agent walked through the door. The bruise on Spider’s jaw was darker, but that could just be from the time that had passed since the shit that went down at Hell’s Minions. Still, by the look of Spider’s T-shirt that wasn’t nearly as rumpled when the man left the room, it was clear that he and Zep must’ve traded blows. It seemed he wasn’t the only one to notice when Lita stood up quickly from the bed.

  Spider expected exactly the reaction he was receiving from Zep’s teammates. He had been gone for close to two hours. Two hours with Rob Zepple. It was actually surprising that neither INET agent came to see what was taking him so long.

  Yeah, taking too long. Pfff, more like to check up on Zep to make sure the guy was fine.

  In fact, it said a lot about the level of confidence they had in Zep skills as an agent that they didn’t feel the urge to ride to the man’s rescue.

  “What the fuck, man?” Lita asked generically, but the look on Lita’s face was anything but neutral.

  Spider stopped three steps into the room. Lita would have to come around or over the far bed to get to him. Still, that didn’t stop Slade from making a beeline to stand between the two men. Slade really hoped he wasn’t going to have to play MMA referee between the two other men in the room when he moved. He purposely placed himself in front of Spider, with his back to Lita. Lita’s long ass reach could easily go around him to get to Spider, but he hoped his teammate wouldn’t want to make him the meat in a throw down sandwich.

  Spider saw the moment Slade got a whiff of him. He didn’t do more than wipe the cum off his abs with a wet washcloth before he left Zep’s room. There were still wet spots on his T-shirt from where his or Zep’s cum had soaked through and he knew the scent of sex surrounded him like a cloak.

  “If you fucked with Zep,” Lita said and started around the bed toward both of them.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure he fucked with Zep.” Slade smirked.

  If Slade hadn’t been looking Spider in the eye, he would not of had any warning of Lita’s attack. It was only Spi
der’s eyes that gave away a threat behind Slade, because the ATF agent’s body didn’t tense and he sure as hell didn’t retreat from the threat Slade knew was Lita.

  Spider was pissed at Slade’s offhanded remark, especially since Lita already had his protective of Zep’s panties in a bunch. When Lita went from one moment stepping closer to actually lunging toward him and Slade, Spider wasn’t surprised. In fact, he only took half a step back to avoid Lita’s long ass reach before Slade turned and met Lita’s advance chest to chest.

  “Calm the fuck down!” Slade growled up at Lita after he lifted his palms to replace where his chest had slammed in to his large teammate’s. “He didn’t hurt Zep. If anything, I’m pretty sure hurt was nowhere near what the fuck happened.”

  Spider met Lita’s accusing glare with one of his own. He didn’t relax or look away even when Lita spoke.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means they apparently worked out their shit.” Slade glanced over his shoulder at Spider. “At least for the moment.”

  Spider had had enough of this bullshit. He pulled the baggies that contained the bugs and micro cam’s out of the outside pocket of his leather vest and held them up for both INET agents to see.

  “Here’s your fucking equipment. For the job we are here to fucking do.” Spider tossed the baggies on to the closest bed. “The only fucking thing of my business that has anything to do with you,” Spider directed his words at both INET agents. “Is this fucking op. Anything else doesn’t concern you. That includes the shit between me and Zep, so stay the fuck out of it.” Spider was beyond pissed when he shoved past Slade who was still restraining Lita, on his way to the bathroom. “I’m getting a God damn shower,” Spider informed. “Don’t you dare make me share a bed with his ass, Slade.”

  The bathroom door slammed with barely a thud, let alone a bang. Cheap ass motel bathroom doors just didn’t have the weight for a good loud slamming and fuck if Spider didn’t want to slam something and hear it. Thoughts of slamming his body down onto Zep and even hearing the man’s pleasure filtered into his mind and helped quench his anger while he started the shower.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Lita asked after he turned to stare at the closed bathroom door.

  “You just experienced a tornado of anger and jealousy.” Slade chuckled because as much as he loved Lita as a teammate, it was nice not to be the asshole in Spider’s sights. Lita didn’t say anything for several moments.

  “Why the fuck does it smell like sex in here?” Lita’s tone was one of genuine confusion.

  Slade laughed and laughed some more before he smacked Lita on the shoulder. “They had shit to work out.” Slade grinned. “It’d be my guess that they did just that.” Slade turned toward the bed and picked up the baggies that were filled with their surveillance equipment before Lita grabbed his other arm.

  “Wait. Spider and Zep?” Lita frowned. “Zep’s scared shitless of the asshole for some reason we don’t even know.”

  “Apparently not anymore he isn’t.” Slade chuckled again and pulled his arm from Lita’s grip.

  “Shit,” Lita cursed under his breath.

  “Yeah,” Slade agreed because he knew that tone of Lita’s curse. The man was the first to admit when he was wrong, but that didn’t make swallowing the apology pill any easier.


  Zep left the motel bright and early the next morning. He didn’t even bother to drive around the other side of the motel to do a drive-by of Spider’s, shit Slade’s, team’s room. The urge to do so was there along with the totally irrational urge to catch sight of Spider, but he resisted.

  Just thinking about Spider brought images of the man lying pliant under him, cheeks flushed, and eyes closed while he sat astride Spider’s hips. It was the perfect position to ride the larger man and visions of doing just that had kept Zep from getting almost any sleep.

  Driving back to the rental house he shared with Hunt and Knight didn’t keep his mind from spinning over what had happened with Spider. It wasn’t just the man’s words or his body. It wasn’t even the two intense orgasms the man who terrorized him in his youth tore from his body.

  Shit, there was no tearing them from me. At. Fucking. All.

  Even after a shower, Spider’s scent still clung to him. It clung to his clothes and filled up the small space inside the rental car. Zep kept catching himself inhaling deeply almost as much as he caught himself pushing away the thoughts of how he now felt about Spider.

  He walked into the rental without any fanfare. Not that he was expecting any. Zep didn’t even see Hunt or Knight before he called out that he was getting a shower. He heard both of his teammates reply even if he couldn’t make out their words.

  Zep grabbed clean clothes and locked the bathroom door behind him. His cock was already straining against his jeans just from smelling Spider’s scent on him and remembering how the man’s mouth felt wrapped around him. A groan escaped his throat when he shucked his clothes and stepped under the warm spray of the shower.

  He had his hard dick in his soaped up hand and was stroking before his back had even a drop of water on his taut muscles. Visions of what he and Spider had done the night before and of the things Zep wanted to do with the man flooded his mind. The combination of past and fantasy sent Zep careening over the edge quickly.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Zep finally thought when he was able to stop leaning against the tiles of the shower.

  He had no idea. He also knew that the middle of an op was no time to even start trying to figure the shit out. For now, it was best not to think about his past or suddenly present feelings where Spider was concerned. No, now was the time to focus on the op, focus on busting the Satan’s Blades, and after this mission Zep could figure out what he felt toward Spider.

  The first thing Knight noticed when Zep joined him and Hunt around Hunt surveillance computers on the dining room table was the huge bruise on his teammate’s neck. Hunt was fucking around with his computers so Knight knew his fellow agent didn’t notice the blatant mark of recent sex along Zep’s jugular. So recent, that it wasn’t there when Zep had dropped him at the curb to watch Hells Minions.

  Knight’s mind tried to run through the explanations, the plausible reasons, for the really dark and prominent hickey on the side of Zep’s neck. His teammate followed Slade’s team to the motel that they were staying at and he had delivered the surveillance equipment to Slade after he checked into the motel. Knight didn’t know Zep well, but he knew INET’s policy on teammates fucking around.

  So, his assumption that the mark was left by Lita was reasonable even if he never witnessed or got the impression that Zep and their largest teammate had something going on. Fuck buddies was the first thought that entered Knight’s mind even though he was surprised that his teammates would fuck around on the job.

  However, even though he thought that he wouldn’t take a timeout to get off with Slade while they were on an op, he wasn’t a hundred percent sure they wouldn’t take advantage of an opportunity if it presented itself. It was because of this uncertainty that Knight wouldn’t throw stones at Zep’s glass house, but that didn’t mean he could keep his trap shut when Zep joined them.

  “Have fun with Lita?” Knight smirked.

  Zep had no fucking idea what the hell Knight was talking about and he was sure his expression conveyed as much even before he spoke.

  “What? I didn’t even see Lita.”

  Zep’s response threw Knight for a loop. The only other teammate that could’ve left the type of mark Knight was currently staring at on the side of Zep’s neck was Slade. Spider wasn’t even a consideration after what Knight knew about Zep’s past and fear of the ATF agent. Jealousy flooded Knight and it was so strong that he barely gave any thought to Zep’s earlier explanation of his relationship with Slade. However, Knight fought the feeling that was trying to rear its ugly head.

  “Slade then?” Knight knew he had lost the internal battle against the g
reen eyed monster when he heard the tone of his question.

  He already had issues with Zep’s close relationship with Slade because of their past. Knight normally wasn’t the jealous type. He believed everything Zep had shared with him when it came to the relationship between he and Slade. However, now that Knight was looking at a bruise on Zep’s neck that he knew could only come from sucking for a while, he couldn’t help but doubt everything Zep had told him about his history with Slade.

  Zep could see the change in Knight without a problem. The man went from surprisingly happy for him to instantly suspicious when he inquired about their team leader and Knight’s lover.

  “What?” Zep managed while his mind worked overtime to try and make sense of Knight’s drastic behavior change.

  Knight took four steps and stopped right in Zep’s personal space. He wasn’t going to back down from Slade’s lover even if he didn’t have a clue as to what the fuck his teammate’s problem was with him. Zep was braced for Knight to become physically aggressive when the man answered.

  “Not Lita, so it must have been Slade.” Knight glared down into Zep’s hazel eyes and they dared the man to call him a liar.

  “What?” Zep asked again because Knight was making absolutely no fucking sense.

  “Your hickey,” Hunt said neutrally as if he hated the fact that he had to point out the obvious.

  “Oh,” Zep muttered and brought his hand up to cover the bruise he knew was prominent on his neck, but that he no longer really felt.

  “Yeah,” Knight growled. “Oh.”

  Zep looked away from Knight even if he knew it was a dangerous thing to do while the man was standing so threateningly close. He felt his cheeks heat and hated knowing he was suddenly blushing. He never blushed. He never felt embarrassed about anything, anyone, when it came to anything sexual and there sure as shit wasn’t any reason to feel so over what had happened with Spider.


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