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Page 12

by Alvin Atwater

  “You flatter me,” Medusa said and then sat down. “Sit with me, brave sir.” Jonas did. “Can you feel the darkness in the air? The power of the dark that dances in the nights warns of an approaching calamity.”

  Chapter 32

  The next morning, Lare strongly urged Jonas to get to the arena early. The lemming rushed him through his pre-morning routine and breakfast.

  Larius clapped twice when all candidates were seated. “Today, all of you get to observe something special. Ah yes, a memorable event. Two of you are going to face off in a great battle. No killing, of course. Other than that, you’re free to do whatever it takes to win.”

  The class cheered, hooted, excited. Even Jonas felt excited to see two titans engage each other.

  “Get on with it,” Cupid yelled excitingly. “Who’s doing this?”

  “The warriors chosen are—” Larius paused. Everyone leaned forward “—Jonas and Thor!”

  The cheering immediately ceased as all eyes settled on the two. Jonas gulped. What a great way to ruin a good morning, he thought.

  “Hold on a second!” Venus stood. “You know that’s unfair. You can’t—”

  “If they don’t fight, I’ll expel them,” Larius said. “Have a seat Madam Venus.” Defeated, she did. “Come forward, you two.”

  Jonas felt nervous as he faced Thor. They stood fifteen feet apart, but he knew distance didn’t matter. Thor’s lightning bolts could incinerate him before he’d realize it.

  “Warriors, combatants, fighters, whatever you want to call yourself, prepare to fight on my count. Five, four, three, two . . . go!”

  Jonas noticed that Thor didn’t have his hammer. He also observed that he seemed uninterested in the fight. Arrogant. Fragment unsheathed, Jonas rushed Thor, his first move consisting of hurling two bolts of lightning at him. The bolts hit him and then dissolved. Thor shook his head. Jonas knew that the attack was pointless, and that Thor would disapprove. He simply wanted a reaction. He silently decided that he’d win no matter what. He attempted an upper slash. Thor evaded the blade and smashed his fist into Jonas’s face. The shocking force of the blow spiraled Jonas to the floor. A rush of pain covered his face. Blood trickled from his nose.

  “Damn,” he whispered as he stood up. His hairs rose rapidly. It was at that moment that Jonas dove forward with all his might. He dodged the lightning and tackled Thor to the ground. Before Thor could react, Jonas landed three punches to his face, hopped up, and raced toward Fragment. When he picked up his sword, he noticed Thor was already standing.

  Jonas prepared to attack again. He had to overtake him. Fragment, I know this is a very selfish request, but please switch from lightning to something that could affect Thor.

  Jonas sliced Fragment in Thor’s direction. To his amazement, a burst of blue, fire-like magic rocketed toward its target. The magic burst bashed Thor to the ground; his face scraped the floor. Jonas closed the distance and cast more bursts. They moved so fast that Thor had no time to stand up before they knocked him forward.

  Jonas increased the intensity of the assault. He also increased the size and speed of the magic. Eventually, Thor lay on the edge of the area. Jonas raised his sword, prepared to end the fight with as strong of a burst as possible. A vast amount of wind precipitously blasted from nowhere and swept Jonas. He hit the ground hard enough to yelp. Thor stood up. Jonas realized that Thor had manifested a windstorm. That could only mean that Thor now took him seriously, at least a little. Thor held up a hand.

  “Mjolnir, manifest.” In response to the command, the hammer appeared in Thor’s grasps. Then the unexpected happened. Thor threw the hammer at Jonas just as he stood up. Jonas barely blocked it in time, using Fragment. Seconds later, the hammer returned to Thor’s grasps. That didn’t stop him from throwing it again. Jonas tried to move closer to Thor, but blocking his hammer slowed his progression. Due to Thor’s windstorm, Jonas had to deal with a twenty-foot gap and ranged assaults. That’s when an idea came to Jonas. He blocked Thor’s hammer again. As it flew back to Thor, Jonas mustered the rest of his energy to swing his sword wildly as many times as he could. This motion created more than three dozen magic bursts, which bolted toward Thor. Jonas believed that this was it. Everything his human body had left created enough magic to destroy the entire area.

  Thor raised Mjolnir again. Abruptly, a vortex of black wind surrounded him, roaring, rattling everything around it. Somehow it didn’t break the roof.

  The blue magic bursts vanished upon contact with the whirlwind. Jonas collapsed to his knees as Thor walked over to him. He wished he could fight but knew, as a human, he had reached his limit. He had overdone it with his previous attack.

  Thor raised his hammer high, prepared to deliver the final blow. Just then, a servant rushed into the area.

  “Stop the class! Larius, we have an emergency meeting with the king and Ares,” the servant man yelled. Thor slowly brought down his hammer and strapped it to his belt.

  “Alright, class, see you at tomorrow’s meeting,” Larius said as he hurried out the door with the servant. Venus rushed from the crowd and knelt by Jonas. Golden light sizzled from her hands to all of his wounds, healing them instantly.

  “You’re lucky I went easy on you this time,” Thor said. “If we fight again, I will kill you.” He started toward the door.

  “Is that how you repay him for saving your life?” Venus snarled.

  “I spared him this once, but the human’s safety isn’t in danger because of me alone. Do not forget about the ruthlessness of our other foes, yourself included.” Thor looked at Jonas. “Think about your position, human.” He continued walking. Jonas and Venus stood.

  “Thanks for healing me,” Jonas said.

  “Jonas . . . come to my room later,” Venus said. “I want to help you.” She quickly left before Jonas could have a say in any decision.

  “Be on your guard with that one.” Jonas spun to see Lare hovering next to him.

  “Why? She’s quite kind,” Jonas said.

  “Too kind. She likes you a bit too much.” Lare sighed. “Never mind, you just go eat lunch. But at least head my warnings, nitwit.”

  During lunch, Jonas spotted Medusa and sat with her. Seconds later, before he could say anything, Bacchus and Sif noticed him and joined the table. Everyone exchanged greetings. Medusa only nodded.

  “You’re quite the flirt,” Bacchus said with a laugh. He smacked Jonas on his back. “Are you trying to become the next Cupid?”

  “Never,” Jonas said with a chuckle.

  “So, how are you feeling, Jonas?” Sif asked. “I wasn’t in class this morning, but I heard about the fight.”

  “Fight?” Medusa said with sudden interest. “With who?”

  “Instructor Larius paired him against Thor,” Bacchus said. “Jonas pulled off some damned impressive moves, but Prince Thor was a bit much for him.”

  “I’m almost sad I missed it,” Medusa said with a laugh. Jonas blushed, embarrassed enough to put his head on the table. Medusa poked his forehead. “I’m impressed that you managed to stay alive and with no injuries.”

  “I agree,” Bacchus said. “I faced Prince Thor before, and that beast almost killed me. Broke nearly every bone in my body.”

  “I’ll make sure to give Thor a good scolding,” Sif said.

  “Oh, I forgot; Princess Athena wants to meet with you tomorrow morning,” Bacchus said to Jonas.

  Medusa stood up, scowling. “That woman will become your poison.” She walked off. Jonas started to go after her. Bacchus placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

  “Do you know anything about Athena and Medusa’s relationship?” Jonas asked Bacchus.

  “I don’t know any details, my friend, but it’s rumored that Medusa’s holding quite the flaming grudge. You’re walking a thin line being friends with the two of them like that.”

  After finishing his lunch, Jonas headed to his room. He decided Lare could be more than just right. He still had a long
way to go with Fragment and didn’t expect to defeat Thor without much practice. His eyes widened when he spotted Venus waiting by his door, a dangerous smile on her face as if she anticipated his decision.

  Chapter 33

  “I felt a little worried, so I thought I’d visit you instead,” Venus said.

  “I don’t know; now is not a good time,” Jonas replied, opening his door. “Maybe some other time.”

  Venus giggled and sidestepped around Jonas into his room. “I insist.” She pulled Jonas inside and closed the door. Jonas gulped as he felt his mind wander and his eyes scan Venus from top to bottom. Like Athena, she was an entirely different level of woman, and yet was offering her time to him. “Jonas please have a seat,” Venus said, pointing at his bed. He did. She studied his face, still smirking. “You should hold your head up high, proud. A normal human cannot stand up to titans, especially those at Thor’s level. You somehow bypassed the strength differences and magic and survived for days. You are a special type of human, one with a noble heart and resolve.” She sat next to Jonas and placed her hand on his leg. Jonas felt his will slowly melt from him. This feeling . . . magic seduction, Jonas thought. He felt angry with himself for not heeding Lare’s warning. “Jonas, I feel something within you—a power, a light that’s strong enough to put King Zeus on his knees. I want to help you unleash it. Just let me help you . . .” More of Jonas’s will slipped away, no matter how hard he resisted. Venus placed her hand on Jonas’s chest, caressing it, to her enjoyment. She straddled him.

  At that time, Athena burst into the room and pointed a glowing dagger at Venus. Half of Jonas’s will returned, but he still couldn’t move nor speak. The only thing he knew for sure was that a murderous vibe radiated from Athena like the glow of ten million suns. He questioned his own safety.

  Chapter 34

  Athena’s icy glare gave even Jonas chills. He had never seen her dagger glow and with so much intensity that one could go blind from staring at it.

  “Venus, I could feel your magic emitting from across the hall. I simply followed it, and here we are.” Athena asked in a cold voice, “What are you doing to him?”

  “What I’m doing is no concern of yours, princess of the Olympian realm.”

  “What are you doing?” Athena repeated, her voice even icier.

  “Put down your dagger; I mean no harm,” Venus said, nervousness in her voice. “I only want to grant him the power to fight on equal terms with a titan.”

  Athena shook her head slowly, not buying Venus’s claims. “To me, it appears you were not only seducing him against his will but tampering with the Unknown inside of him.”

  “Say what you want, but I only wish for the best for him.” Venus stood and started to leave the room.

  “Halt.” Venus obeyed Athena’s command. “Release him from that disgusting love paralysis.”

  Jonas felt all of his will return. He tested his movement using his fingers. Everything felt normal. Venus turned to Jonas, tears in eyes.

  “I’m sorry for this.” She hurried out of the room, bumping Athena along the way. Athena sheathed her dagger on a strap pinned to the side of her dress.

  “Thanks for saving my hide . . . again,” Jonas said as he stood.

  Athena’s expression softened. “Jonas, please heed this warning. You must be careful around Venus. She’s still a candidate, a foe. Do not buy the mask she’s wearing. Seduction for what she wants is second nature to her.”

  That night, Jonas wasted no time and hurried to the balcony. Medusa was seated this time, so he sat next to her.

  “Evening,” he said. She stared at him. “Can I ask you something?”

  Medusa studied his face, silent but teasing. Jonas flushed and shifted his gaze from her alluring eyes to the moons in the sky.

  “Sure, ask away,” she finally said.

  “What’s the real story between you and Athena? I’m sorry for being insensitive, but you stormed out of the dining hall so suddenly.”

  “Quite the question, but I suppose I could tell you.”

  Jonas made eye contact with her again. “To make a long story somewhat short, I’m suffering from the backend of a curse her sister, Aphrodite, placed on me some time ago. Blinded to how crazy she is, Athena defender her. She tried to write it off as an accident, but I’m no fool. In the end, Athena claimed full responsibility, being attached to that wicked sister of hers. She begged Aphrodite to remove the curse. Acting as if she cared, she removed some of the curse, then pretended that she was unable to remove all of it.”

  “Wait, hold on. Athena having a sister is one thing, but, where is she? And why did she decide to put a curse on you?”

  Medusa laughed. “Aphrodite was banished for foolishly attempting to destroy the Prodigy Tree. As to why she placed the curse on me, I imagine because of jealousy or just out of spite. Athena and I were once friends.”

  “Then why hold a grudge against Athena?” Jonas asked.

  “My ‘grudge’ is for Aphrodite and all of those who support her.”

  Jonas sighed. “You can’t hold this on Athena forever. You were friends, right? Why are you here in this competition?”

  “For power, of course,” Medusa answered. “There are some things I wish to change. Zeus offered the invitation out of pity.” Medusa stood up. “I’ll use the will to fix certain things.”

  “Like?” Jonas asked. “Be less vague.”

  Medusa sighed. “To think the feared Medusa is being challenged by a noble human.” She started toward the stairs. “Don’t dwell on my reasons for being here. You just stay alive until you’re clear on what you really should be doing.”

  Chapter 35

  “I see you’ve returned, Flow,” Abaddon said. Lit torches were set around the area for illumination, as not even the moon’s mercy could provide light for this place. Abaddon felt confident that his time here would soon be over. He’d build a new place, maybe find his old mansion, or even claim a great palace as his own. No one would stand up to his original power. He’d do something about the Twelve, especially the White Witch. Torture of the utmost pain would be suitable before killing her—an uninvited favor returned. In fact, after he killed her, he’d lock her soul away in zero space. Abaddon smiled inside at these thoughts. It’s been a while, a long, long while since he moved into action.

  “The sword holder is surprisingly a human boy named Jonas.”

  “Impossible,” Abaddon said, amazed. “A human in Olympus? A human wielding that sword? I have to commend him for staying alive so long.” Abaddon folded his arms. “Elite Commander Flow, report.”

  Flow snapped to attention. “Thanks to that slut titan, Venus, I followed the flow of sexual energy right to him and planted the stigma while he had no will. Our energies are quite similar, so when Athena interrupted them, I escaped with no problem. But to be honest, my lord, I was worried when Athena began to follow my energy. I was afraid she’d dispel my invisibility.”

  “You are worthy! Excellent work!” Abaddon nodded. “In two weeks, we will begin. That is when you shall take me to the boy.”

  “Will the other elites mobilize?” Flow asked.

  “No,” he answered. “They are handling other tasks. We must keep watch on Odin, the White Witch, and Celestial. Riley will continue to distract Ares with meaningless battle.”

  “How is Celestial being watched, sire?”

  Abaddon grinned. “Gabriel, my only pure hearted friend, is helping us.”

  “Then she knows the truth about us,” Flow said.

  “She does,” Abaddon said. “She will also help us locate Thanatos.”

  Flow sighed. “It’s about time he’s dealt with. Thanks to that commander, we managed to find out that it was his trickery that got us banished in the first place.”

  “Do not worry about him for now,” Abaddon said. “One step at a time. Thanatos’s lies are about to catch up with him, but first we deal with those who will get in our way.”

  Chapter 36

bsp; Jonas woke up extra early the next morning, grabbed Fragment, and headed out of his room. No one appeared to be awake. He trod carefully past the halls, to the back exit of the palace. He made sure no witnesses had eyes on him, before leaving out to the courtyard.

  Jonas placed Fragment on the ground and sat. He thought about his fight with Thor. He grimaced as if he tasted the black whirlwind, almost as if he tasted defeat literally. Well, he had lost. He didn’t stand a chance from the beginning. At least he thrashed Thor a bit before his limits capped.

  Jonas’s humanly limits couldn’t be helped. He knew that, but yet the fight still bothered him. It made him wonder how Aaron had managed to steal the soul of whom was called a legendary thunder god.

  “Fragment, I want you to show me your power, to teach me the proper way of wielding you. I was naive to think I could take on Thor that early. I must break my limits before challenging him again.”

  Silence. Then the ground rumbled like the beginning of an earthquake. Black clouds of gas erupted from the ground like geysers. Startled, he stepped backward. The clouds shaped into a hand that grabbed Jonas. He gasped as he immediately found himself in a familiar realm of white nothingness: zero space. He recalled his first meeting with the miasma. That voice! It seemed to guide him through the cracks of danger and death.

  “Jonas Ariel, stand proud, boy, for you have seen your own weakness and asked for the help of your partner. Fragment has once again summoned me. At its request, I will teach you.”

  “Thank you,” Jonas said.

  “Listen carefully. Fragment may be a miraculous sword, but it has limits, too. It can only perform miracles using your power. It cannot create anything beyond your limit. But fret not, as in due time, you will become one with the strength of which I warned you upon our first encounter. Now, pick up your sword and return it to the sheath. Keep ahold of its handle.”


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