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A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets)

Page 55

by Michael Lampman

  He ran back to his car and climbed back behind the wheel. He placed the journal on the passenger’s seat beside him as he closed the door. He didn’t wait to start the car and put it in drive. He had to leave. He had to go. He had to get back and find Rachel. She would know where the freak was. He would, this time, take the time and wait. He would wait for her to lead him to her friend. He now felt more determined than he had ever been before.

  My Journal

  With my other journals with me, I took the time for Sasha to heal to read as much as I could. I really didn’t know what I was looking for, but that didn’t seem to matter. It just felt right, reading what I was. It was kind of weird, reading them. I’m remembering so much more about my life as Collins. In reading his journals, it’s like reading my own thoughts. It’s like reading something that I’ve lived. I can only explain it as reading to refresh my memory. It’s helping me to understand the pictures that I see with the way that I felt at the time. It’s kind of comforting really. It relaxes me. I’m beginning to understand why we feel the need to keep them. With living so many lives, it gives us clarity. It completes us in a way that nothing else probably ever could.

  Sasha thinks it’s funny, watching me like she does. She laughs at me often. She’s so young, so pure; I can’t help but love her for all that she is. She’s almost becoming my daughter or something like it. That thought makes me laugh. It’s funny how life makes you laugh at such other worldly things.

  She’s starting to get better now. We’ve taken the time to get to know each other so much more. She’s told me so much. She’ll never truly know how much she’s helped me with everything. I don’t know how I could ever live without her now. She’s so special. She’s taught me so much.

  She now wants to bring to this man up north. He’s the one that she calls the Wanderer. She tells me that he’ll help me with so much more than she ever could. Somehow, I doubt that. But then again, I trust her so much, that she’ll probably be right in the end. As soon as she’s recovered enough, we’re going to make our way up there to see him.

  It’ll take another few weeks I think before we’ll go. With everything that happened, I don’t want to risk her any more than I have to. I won’t do that to her. I couldn’t; besides, the time will come soon enough. In all truth, I’m kind of glad that I have to wait. I’m now heading into the later years of Collins’ journals. What I’m learning is causing me to think even more. Like I’ve learned that Samuel and Collins were best friends for more than a century. They were so close that Collins often referred to him as his brother. That worries me some, because it begs the answer as to why Samuel fought me, and that keeps coming up again, and again in my mind. It doesn’t make any sense, but I’m not done reading yet, I still have one more book to go before I’m done.


  A Werewolf’s Saga

  Michael Lampman

  © 2012-2016 by Michael Lampman

  All Rights Reserved


  Made in the U.S.A.

  My Journal

  It took Sasha almost a month before she finally began to feel better. Her wounds healed rather nicely, all considering with what happened to her, but it did take some time to get there. With it all, I’ve learned so much more about everything I am. Like, I learned that when a wolf attacks another wolf the wounds become harder to heal. I’ve learned some of this myself, being that the wound on my wrist, that I received from Samuel, took some time to heal itself. Not anywhere near how long it took for Sasha to heal, but it did take a little while longer than it really should have taken. Sasha has told me that our saliva carries some type of an enzyme that infects another wolf. Even if we are already what we are, it still causes some amount of damage to the cells, which causes the healing process to slow down. Somehow that makes sense to me, even though I don’t know why it should. It explains so much, but so little that I just have to take her word for it.

  With this information, I called Rachel up in Redford Forge and told her about what she told me. She thanked me for it, and she hopes that it will help her find the answers as to how to stop the change after it starts. Knowing that it gives her hope makes me happy. Hearing her again, sent a shiver down my back. God, did I love hearing her voice again. I missed it. I miss her. She asked me how I was, and asked me about Sasha. With it all, I know, now more than ever, how much I’m in love with her. I can’t resist her pull—her power. I melt every time I hear her voice. I can lose myself within it, but I can’t think about that right now. I have to try to move on with what I have to do. I have to keep going. I have to find a way to find myself.

  In the time that I’ve spent with Sasha, I feel as if I’m getting so much closer to her, and that’s starting to worry me some. She’s helped me in so many ways that I can‘t seem to put it all down to words, and with her here, I’ve come to realize that I don’t think I could ever live without her again. She’s become so much more to me than just knowing what she is—what we are to each other, that it’s forced me to think about what that means too. She’s one of me after all. She’s a part of me now, but she’s so young that it makes me wonder about things harder than I should. I keep telling myself that she’s really almost sixty years old, but even knowing that, I can’t bring myself to look at her as someone of that age. She looks so young. She still acts like she’s only fifteen. She acts so innocent. She acts so pure. I can’t help but to think of her as nothing more but a daughter to me. It’s weird feeling this way, but I can’t help myself. She is what she is, and I just can’t see beyond that fact. Spending time with her like this, I’m not sure that she feels the same way as I do. I see the way she looks at me when she doesn’t think I’m watching her. I can feel her heart race every time I come into the room. I know what that means, and knowing it, feeling it, I try to do things that will discourage her in certain ways—ways that won’t hurt her, or let her down. Even doing that, I don’t think she understands what I’m trying to do. I need to sit down with her sometime and talk with her about it. When I get the courage to do it that is. I find myself weak when it comes to the thought of possibly causing her pain. So much so, I know that I can’t do that now. I’m not sure when I will do it, I keep telling myself soon, but I know I will, when I can—someday when I’m ready.

  Spending the last month here, she keeps telling me about this man that she knows up north. She calls him the Wanderer. He’s someone that has helped them all in the past. Kalima, the wolf inside me, feels comfortable with him. I can feel it. I can feel his love for him. I can feel his respect for this man that I‘ve never met. Sasha tells me that Kenny, the wanderer, was friends with me once back a long time ago, back in a different time and a different place. They’ve known each other for a lifetime now. That feels weird to me. I can’t remember him. She’s told me that he’s shown them all how to live side by side with what we are, and that he can help me find myself. He can help me remember all of my past, and with knowing it, he can even help me see my future. With it all, I find myself torn. I’m torn for what it can mean. I’m torn with how Rachel will feel about what might happen if I do. Will she turn from me, if I accept the wolf? Will she accept me for what I am? With it, will I accept the idea of having to live without her if I make the choice that isn’t her? If I choose to remain what I am, and she still choses me, can the two of us ever move on to something more than what we are now? Can we ever be anything that I hope to be? It’s all so hard trying to figure out your future when you know nothing about your present. I know that life is never easy. I don’t know the answers. I can’t find the path. It all tells me that I have to meet with this Kenny and go from there. If Sasha’s right and I have no doubt that she is, then he can help me with all of this. I can only hope that he can. What else do I have to lose?

  As soon as she’s ready, we’re going to head out and head up north. It’s going to be soon. I didn’t want to leave until she’s better. We wolves can’t change when our bodies are damaged. Doing so mig
ht kill us. We have to be strong in order to change. It’s odd knowing that. We’re strong beings. We are invincible to almost everything, so we should be stronger than that, but in a way, because of this, it makes me feel better that we’re not. Knowing about our weaknesses makes me feel comfortable. Why I feel this way, I’m not all that sure, but I do. It seems to comfort me knowing that even the wolf has limits. It means that with its weakness it can be destroyed. In a way, it can be stopped.

  In a few days, we should be able to leave. With Gary still hunting us, I couldn’t put Sasha in danger, until we were both ready to go, just in case he comes after us again. Without her strength, it would be doing just that. When I talked with Rachel, she told me that she hasn’t seen him since that day up in Castleford at the lodge. She doesn’t know where he is. Knowing this, I know that he could be anywhere. He could even be watching us right now, so no, I have to be careful. I have to stay cautious, and he’s not the only one that scares me.

  Reading Collins’ journals, I now think that another wolf is out there hunting us as well. Samuel couldn’t have been the one that attacked her that night in the barn. He surely wasn’t the one that came after us at the clinic. In the journals, it describes him and Collins almost like brothers. They were the best of friends for nearly a hundred and fifty years. I’ve read that Samuel felt for his friend and even tried to help him with his problems. Collins was having nightmares about killing the pregnant woman in Central Park. I’m having the same dreams. With them, Collins broke down. He hated himself for what he did. He hated the pain. He wanted to set things right, for the pain that he caused himself. He wrote that he wanted to rectify that mistake, and that’s why he went up to Redford Forge and met with Richard Ross. That’s why he offered to help him find a cure for illness, and put himself through what he did. He wanted to settle his own guilt. Samuel even helped him by lying to the others about killing him. You see a wolf can never leave their pack. They can never abandon their group. It’s an instinct, and it’s relentless. It was so hard for him to have to do what he did, but he did have to do it. With all of this, I know that Samuel would have never harmed any of them. That only means one thing. There’s another wolf out there. He’s a black wolf that is also the son of Kalima. He has to be. There are no other black wolves accept those that came from Kalima himself.

  The time has moved on and now the full moon has passed. Sasha hunted for the first time since her wounds healed. We hunted together. We had fun—I had fun. It felt magical. It felt perfect. It felt weird hunting for the first time with someone else. In a way, it brought us even closer together, if that’s at all possible. We hunted for three days. She explained the connection we have to the full moon. Apparently, it’s the chosen time for the wolf. It’s the best time for the hunt, and because of that, the wolf forces itself out. It’s the only time it can do it, and leaves the rest of the month for us. She tells me that it’s the gift that we give back to the wolf in exchange for what they give us. In exchange for three days, at full moon, they give us strength and long life. After doing it, and being able to remember it now as I do, I’m not sure who gave who the gift. It felt refreshing afterwards. It felt wonderful to do it. It didn’t even hurt to change this time. She tells me that our bodies get used to it eventually, and that’s why it didn’t. Without the pain, I can see why they love doing it.

  With her being able to change again, I now know she’s ready to head out with me, so we’re leaving tomorrow. We have a long journey ahead of us. It should take us two days to get there, and that means that the Wanderer, and all of my hopes, are now only two days away.


  Jimmy and Sasha waited for night to come before they headed out, and what a beautiful night it felt at that. Summer was now fully upon them. The air felt so warm. The breezes the air caused felt so right. It filled their senses. It felt like mother earth was breathing on them with the hope of life. With it all, it made their travel feel calmer. It made everything move more smoothly. They could smell everything and everyone around them, and that gave them hope. If someone did follow them, they would know about it quickly, and hope always felt like a wonderful thing to have. It felt like a hope to be peaceful. Hope for leisure. Hope that when they reached the Adirondacks everything would come to a long point of clarity in both of their lives.

  They moved along, heading north out of New York City, keeping to the trees. They kept to the shadows. They avoided everyone they came across. They stopped for no one. They kept their pace strong, and when they reached Albany, they had to stop for the day. They had to move only at night. Not only could they smell it if someone followed them, but at night, they could see it too. With the waning moon, the halos around everyone looked brighter than at any other time of the month. Sasha spent the time in her recovery teaching him about how to tell people apart with their halos. Everyone has a different shade to them, which made it easier to read who those people were, and he started to get rather good at it too. She called it wolf vision. A term that made him laugh every time he heard it, but whatever he thought about it, it did surely help him with seeing danger come before it realized that it came for them.

  With the rising sun peering down over the horizon, they found a motel just outside the city, and there they stopped. It looked like a good place to get some rest.

  “Looks quaint.” Jimmy walked into the parking lot of the motel, and took a deep breath, taking in all of the scents around them into his taste. With it, he could smell the dawn. He could smell the cool breeze mixed in with the early morning dew. The smell came in sweet. It smelled of a moist perfume. It smelled innocent and almost pure. Smelling it that way, he knew they were alone. In fact, no one seemed to be around them for miles.

  “It’ll have to do. I don’t want to head into the city at night. There might be others there.” Sasha joined him on the stones of the parking lot, but instead of stopping as he did, she continued on, and walked up to the front door of the motel.

  “What do you mean?” He paused, and took another deep breath. He sniffed the air, looking for any telltale signs of the smell of mustiness on the breeze. He didn’t expect her to say what she just did, and it made his heart skip several beats because of it. Were there others like them there? Was that what she meant? The thought alone made him feel nervous. What she said, he needed to know more about it before he could think about anything else.

  “Wolves.” She stopped just at the door, stepping onto a small sidewalk that ran along the front of the motel. With the rising sun, the brown wood siding of the front of the building looked dull and unkempt. Both of which, it probably was. “Maybe others as well.”

  He swallowed. His eyes, he felt, grow round. “Others?”

  “Other walkers.”

  “How many other walkers are there?” Hearing her voice he couldn’t believe how she sounded. She sounded so calm. She sounded collected by everything. The way she spoke of the others, with almost not one twinge of fear coming out of her mouth, made him feel foolish some. Obviously, he still had a lot to learn about what they were— everything they are. Hearing her, he felt the sudden urge to look around the area again. He also took another good and long breath, taking in every smell that was there. He couldn’t help himself. Thankfully, he smelled nothing, and with knowing that, he could only breathe again.

  “Well,” she turned and faced him. Her bright red hair started to sparkle some with the sun coming up just in front of her. Her pale tan halo already started to fade with the coming of the dawn. “Most of the major cities have packs controlling them.” She could see what he tried to do. She could feel his nervousness. She could feel his heart pick up its pace. She understood his feelings. Trying not to laugh too hard at him, she just accepted him for needing to do it. “They don’t do much until the sun goes down again. They should leave us alone until then.” She smiled instead.

  He turned back to her from looking at the main road. “Then why are we stopping? Shouldn’t we keep going until we’re out of the city? Being in the
sunlight should help that, shouldn’t it?”

  Her smile grew larger. “They come out at night. They sleep during the day. They won’t bother us as we do the same.” She really began to like his innocence. She truly started to like him. He meant so much to her, that in a way, she already began to feel even more for him than that. She felt love there, and the feeling only grew stronger every day she spent with him. She couldn’t help the feeling. In fact, she only welcomed it as she welcomed him into her life.

  “If they are out at night, and so are we, then won’t they see us?” He wasn’t convinced.

  She laughed. “Yes they will.” She paused. “And so will we.”

  He nodded, taking another good look around them as he did it.

  “We need to rest. We’ll move through the city in the afternoon, just before dusk.”

  He sniffed the air.

  She laughed again, watching his head turn in an almost complete circle over his shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get a room.”

  He turned back from the road. He had no choice but to accept everything she said. After all, she would know what she was talking about a lot more than he ever would.

  Sasha turned and opened the door to the lobby.

  Jimmy followed her the ten feet between them and made it through the door just behind her. He closed it once they were both inside the small room that they now found themselves standing in.

  “Good morning,” a rather old looking man asked, moving from a doorway just behind a long glass counter between him and the front door. Seeing two young people so early in the morning only made his day feel even more promising than he already felt that it was. It told him that summer has finally arrived. Customers were finally breaking out of their winter slumber, and he felt more than happy to see it. “It’s so nice to see such a happy young couple on this beautiful morning.” He smiled. His deep white and receding hairline looked neat and freshly combed. His aftershave smelled of a deep musty must.


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