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A Werewolf's Saga Books 1, 2, & 3 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets)

Page 64

by Michael Lampman

  Jimmy could feel how calm the old man was. He could also feel his excitement. He could feel his power. He didn’t fear the wolf at all. He in fact was hoping to have it happen. He looked and saw all of this deep inside his eyes. “How do we do this?” he felt obliged to ask. He never let the wolf out before, outside of having to fight someone or during the full moon, so he didn’t really know how to do it. This now, being in a room without anger or fear, made him more nervous and unsure of how to act. He needed guidance. He needed someone to tell him what to do, and how to do it.

  Again, Kenny laughed. “Just let him go. Just let him out.” He stepped away from the sofa and Jimmy. “Ask for him to come.”

  Jimmy turned up to him one final time. He looked back to Sasha, and slowly began to undress. His hands were both shaking so badly that he had trouble in removing his t-shirt. It took some time just to get it off his head. He set the shirt next to him on the sofa, and then stood to his feet and unbuttoned his pants. He was naked before he really knew what he was about to do after that. He put everything onto the sofa and sat back down. He took a deep breath. He looked up to the camera and saw the red light come back on. It’s time. He closed his eyes. Kalima? He calmed. He waited. Kalima, come up. Come out. Come forward.

  The eyes, he felt first, swarming around in the back part of his mind. He could feel them moving, coming forward. He could feel them come up front. When they seemed to reach the front part of his mind, just behind his own eyes, he could feel his body begin to burn. He could feel his heart as it began to race. His breathing picked up speed. He felt almost gasping when the eyes pushed his own out of the way. It all happened so fast. It all happened so quickly that he was gone and saw nothing after that.

  Instantly Jimmy’s eyes flared from brown to a bright yellow hue. Instantly his face began to bubble and swim as his skin turned to an ashen black. Instantly the sounds of his bones cracking flared out throughout the room. Hair came out of every part of his frame. His ears pointed up, enlarging until they were almost twice the size of his head. His teeth protruded out turning into four massive canine fangs. His nose turned black, as black as night, and began to bulge out forming into a snout. He moaned through it all, until his voice turned low and they listened as it turned into a snarling gasping of air. It only took a minute for Jimmy to disappear and be replaced by a large black wolf sitting on the sofa. It happened quickly. It felt sudden. Not a shout of pain flared into the room.

  Feeling him there, and hearing his thoughts, Kenny felt tears swarming up into both of his eyes. The smell of him flared through his nose and down into his soul. The heat from his body permutated throughout the room and it felt almost as if the sun had come into his home. It all felt so beautiful. It all felt so right. Kalima was there. He was once again back in his life, his mind, and his soul.


  The sun came up not that long after six. The heat of the day didn’t take all that long to get there after it started. The night remained calm and collected. Rachel slept almost none of it. All she could do was toss and turn, replaying over, and over again everything, Jimmy told her over the phone. She could almost hear his voice, almost like he was right there with her, lying in bed. She couldn’t get him out of her head long enough to get any sleep. Was he going to let her try the serum on him? He did tell her that he would, but she still wasn’t all that sure he would let her do it. She had no reason to doubt him, but at the same time, she was doing just that. She hated herself for feeling this way. She did love him, and that love should bring trust, it should give her strength, it should have made up her mind, but it wasn’t—it didn’t. She felt lost. She felt completely alone. When the clock on her nightstand, just to the right of her bed, said that it was six o‘clock, she stood up and refused to try to sleep anymore. During that time, all she could conclude was just to get up to the place that Jimmy told her about and go from there. All, she was sure of, was that things would happen as they were meant to be. All in all, she didn’t have any other choice.

  She left her bedroom behind and made her way down the hallway and into the kitchen just at the back of her home with a slow and steady stride. She never looked into the living room as she passed by it.

  Brandon saw her come out, but stayed on the sofa. He waited for her to get up. He hadn’t slept. He was out all night, roaming the streets, and feeling the cool summer air all around him as he ran. He had the best of times. He experienced the night, as he never had before. “It’s about time you got up.” He smiled. He stood up from the sofa and faced her.

  Both the sound of his voice and his sudden standing nearly caused her to jump right out of her own body, and with it, she screamed some with the jump. “God damn it Brandon!” She winced some after she caught her breaths. It felt hard to do. Her mind was still so far away from where she was that anything would have caused her to jump. Him actually being there, made all of that even worse.

  He raised his arms out in front of him and held the palms of his hands out towards her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His smile vanished with the lowering of his arms. “I didn’t want to knock and wake you up so I let myself in.” He placed both of his hands to his waist. “I hope you don’t mind.” He bowed his head.

  She grabbed at her heart with the palm of both of her hands. It helped some to keep herself contained, so she calmed quickly when she did it. “It’s all right.” She looked to her front door, just behind him, and could have sworn that she locked it before going to bed. “How did you get in here, anyway?” she now felt that she needed to ask so she did. The thought of her heading into her bedroom with the front door unlocked sent a small shiver down her spine. Anyone could have come in. Anyone could have seen her there. Even though she was solidly awake, the thought still gave her some trepidation. It shouldn’t have happened. She should have been smarter than that.

  “I let myself in.” Brandon looked up with a bashful look on his face. He didn’t want to tell her how he did get into her house, but still felt that she deserved the truth anyway. They were friends after all, weren’t they? “I used the window.” He nodded his head softly to the window to his right and to her collective left.

  Hearing him and seeing his head tilt towards the window, she felt stunned by hearing it. “Why would you do that?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Like I said, I didn’t want to disturb you.” He smiled. “Last night you looked like you needed the sleep.”

  His smile seemed so casual that it gave her a chill. “Next time just knock.” She nodded and turned back from him to the kitchen doorway behind her. She felt too tried to care really how he did it. The damage was done, and that was it.

  He watched her turn. “When do you want to leave?” He now had to get back to what was on his mind the most. He could think of nothing else. The need to find Jimmy grew stronger with every second of every minute that went by him. He could now see his friend in his mind. He could almost hear his thoughts. He had to find him and soon.

  Rachel began to move towards the doorway, but stopped just as she reached it and his words reached her. She turned back around. “We will as soon as I get some coffee and get ready.” She looked him in the eyes. The thought of him breaking into her house now seemed far away from her thoughts. Only Jimmy was there again. Only he was ever on her mind. “I need to shower first, and then we’ll go. It won’t take that long to get up there. We should be there before the evening.” She could see the trip in her mind. She and her family would go up to Old Forge every fall. Her father loved the changing of the foliage every year. They loved the trip. They would spend the day within the trees. It stayed a pleasant memory. It gave her hope that she would be able to find the way again rather easily. With it there firmly, she turned back to the doorway, and walked into the kitchen. She went straight to the counter that ran along the back wall, and to the coffee pot in the center of it.

  With her in the kitchen, Brandon couldn’t see her. Even though he didn’t, he could still hear everything she did. He
could hear her turn on the faucet. He could hear her open a cupboard door. He could hear her breathing. With it all, he blinked, and swallowed an overly dry mouth. He had nothing left to say so he didn’t. The only thing he could think of was heading out and back to find Jimmy. He had to find him. He needed him. His life depended on it, but he still knew that he had to stay patient. There was nothing else left for him to do about it but that.


  Where am I? Jimmy could see the stars hanging low over his head. They were seemingly winking at him. They were almost singing a melody as they twinkled through the dark void of the nighttime sky. Looking down from them, he could see the trees swaying some in the light summertime breeze. The air felt cool. It felt moist. It wrinkled through his hair. It blew through his fur to his soft skin underneath it. Beneath his feet, and in between his toes, he could feel the cool earth squash and ooze around them. He looked down, taking in the feeling of everything he could feel. Everything felt so fresh. Everything felt so sublime.

  He moved, taking a solid step, and came to the side of a large tree, and from there, he could see the road. He could see the path leading from his right to his left. The tall buildings on the other end of the park sparkled and winked to him almost like they were the stars standing on the earth. Looking from them, he noticed a soft scent carried on the breeze. There was sweetness on the air. It smelled of a mix of perfumes and flesh. It smelled like a mix of a wonderful pleasure. It smelled so strong that he could almost taste it as it flowed over his pallet and down his throat. It tasted so wonderful. It turned his belly to that of an instant hunger causing his stomach to growl. His thirst for blood grew with it, until it became so strong he found himself unable to avoid the need to quench it.

  He looked out from behind the tree, and looked to the winding road. The smell built stronger. He could almost see it on the breeze. He could see it as a mist on the air. Whatever caused it, it became stronger, until he could tell that it was moving. He could tell that it was coming towards him from his right.

  Where am I? He heard himself ask again. He didn’t hear his own voice, but he could have sworn that it was him that said it. He just didn’t know, and because of that, he ignored it entirely. He had other things on his mind. He had a hunger to quench. He had a thirst to answer.

  He moved around the side of the tree and brought himself down into a row of underbrush just between him and the road. The smell, that beautiful scent, was surely coming to him from the right. He looked. He breathed. He took everything in around him.

  Sure enough, just coming down the road, and just around a slight bend in the path, he could see two people walking. They were talking to each other. He could hear their soft voices carried by the softness of the wind. He couldn’t understand what they were saying, but he could tell that it was a man and a woman. He could tell their voices. He could tell that the man was on the woman’s right. He could see that they were holding each other by the arms.

  The scent became stronger. The sweetness of the aroma of flesh only added to his hunger. The smell jumped into his stomach. It made his stomach turn over, and over again under his ribs.

  This is dangerous. The voice came again. It flashed through his ears. It flashed through his mind. You can’t hunt in this place. You shouldn’t. It’s dangerous. They will see you. They will find you. They will hunt you down when they did.

  He couldn’t listen to the voice. He couldn’t resist the scent. He now felt hungry beyond words. He hadn’t eaten for days. He had to quench the feeling. He had to stop it from building. He had to satisfy it. He had no other choice.

  The smell was almost to him now. He looked and saw the woman’s black colored hat sparkle around her head. He could see the man’s blonde hair bob slightly as it waved in the nighttime breeze. Their voices became stronger. A slight chuckle came from the woman. Glee was there. Happiness was abounding within it.


  He had to. He readied to pounce. He brought himself down to the earth beneath him, and readied his legs. He took the tree to his right. He gripped it with his claws. He took it firmly; ready to use it for support, and for the pounce that he was now ready to do.


  They were moving briskly towards him. The smell intensified tenfold.

  His stomach turned.

  Please don’t.

  He gripped the tree as the two people moved past him.

  He jumped.

  He tackled the man first, having to move to him strongly. The man looked large; he knew that he would put up a fight, so he had to get rid of him first before he went for the woman. She was the one he wanted. Her flesh would be clean. Her scent was the stronger of the two, but first, the man had to be taken. He had to take the man first.

  Both went down hard with the tackle. The swiftness of his attack knocked them both down hard to the pavement of the road. The man did struggle. He did swing. He did scream.

  He bit down to the back of his neck. He bit hard. He sunk his teeth through his flesh, until he could feel the man’s bones within his jaws. The blood oozed. It flared. It flowed around his teeth. The taste came smooth. It tasted magnificent. It came like wondrous ooze.

  The man stopped moving. He stopped screaming.

  He let go.

  The woman screamed. Her voice flowed. Her lungs emptied out into the air.

  The sound of it pierced through his mind. It became deafening. It came with power. His ears rang with the strength of her screams. They made him ache. He needed to stop the screams. He needed to silence her, so he turned.

  She rolled over. The hat she once wore was now lying between them. She kicked it at him. She kicked with everything she had towards him. Her voice crackled with the terror of seeing him there. She bellowed. She blurted.

  She hurt his ears.

  He moved fast. He climbed off the man, and went to her with a single bounce. He pounced onto her chest. His hungry mouth clamped down onto her throat. He was right. She didn’t struggle as much as the man did. It was easy taking her. It was smoother taking her life.

  She struggled some, but not much. His bite pierced her tender neck. Her blood flowed around his tongue. It spread throughout his throat. He swallowed it down. He took it all in. He loved it all.

  When she stopped moving, her screams stopped as well. He could hear her heart fade. He could feel her breathing stop, so he removed his bite.

  With his attack successful, he now had to look around. Someone would have heard her calls. Someone surely would have heard the attack, but no one was there. The area stayed calm. Nothing moved. No other sounds came back to where he was.

  He turned back to the tender chest of the woman with his hunger feeling beyond describable. It felt beyond insatiable. He needed it now more than ever. He went for the breasts first, and tore through her blouse. With it open and her skin now showing, he tore at her tender flesh. He devoured all that she was. He swallowed her down with chunks at a time. All of it, only made his hunger grow even stronger, until he couldn’t stop it, but he did. He stopped, hearing the sounds, strong at first but fading fast.

  A subtle heartbeat was there. It was there, just under her skin. He heard it and gasped. She was still alive. Her body was torn, her life had ended, but it was still there. He followed the sound down her chest and towards her hips. At her belly, he took a deep breath.

  He could smell the sweetness there, just beneath her skin. He could hear the heart fade until it vanished completely. That’s when he realized what it was. He caught another’s smell. He heard another heart beating. The woman was pregnant. He could smell it. He heard it die.

  What have you done? The voice came strongly again, sounding as subtle as nothing more than just a whisper in his mind. It sounded ashamed. It sounded like fear itself. He could hear it surrounded with tears. He could hear his own mind begin to cry with it.

  The fear gripped him tightly. The sadness overwhelmed his mind. He knew what he did, and hated himself for it. He killed a child. What did you d

  He pulled himself off the woman, and brought himself up to his hands and back to his paws. He looked from the woman and down to her belly. He lifted his head and howled to the sky. He howled to the night. He cried for the agony of everything he did.

  Jimmy opened his eyes, covered with sweat. The sheet under him, felt so soft to his naked body. They felt so cool, almost like he was lying on silk. When he turned over, he looked up and saw what looked like tobacco stained white tiles on the ceiling just above him. Yellow looked mixed into them within shades of a darkened white. He looked from the ceiling and over to a wall just across from him to his right. A dresser was there, covered with what looked like clothes. To the right of the tall, multi-drawer dress was a statue of what looked like an eagle. It looked tall. It looked magnificent. It stood there, staring at him directly into his eyes. He watched that majestic bird, almost like he was waiting for it to squawk back to him. It, of course, didn’t. He turned over, looking towards his feet and saw Sasha standing there, by a single doorway to the room, and she was smiling down at him.

  “You slept for some time.” Her face looked so sweet. She looked almost bashful. Her cheeks glowed with an auburn red. It made her face look even paler than what it already was.

  Seeing her, and realizing that he was still naked, his face turned instantly hot. He responded to the feeling with his hands flying over his groin. He had nothing else that he could have done, but to feel embarrassed immediately. The dream already started to fade. The fear that he felt course through his soul was now almost gone. Thank all of the goodness in the world for that. He hated the feelings he felt when he had that dream. It brought a shudder to his body, all too well. Anything would have been better than to feel that.

  “Yeah.” He sat up, keeping his hands still. “How long was I out?” He tried to think of things to say, but couldn’t. There were so little ideas, so he tried to change the subject from this young girl looking down at him completely bare.


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