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Finding Hawk

Page 1

by Brandy L Rivers

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Reference Guide



  Finding Hawk

  Branches of Emrys #3

  Brandy L Rivers

  Copyright 2018 Brandy L Rivers

  Cover Design by Brandy L Rivers

  Edited by Emily A. Lawrence

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Bundled Sets

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 1

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 2

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 3

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 1

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 2

  Combustible – the Complete Series

  Others of Edenton

  New Beginnings

  In Too Deep

  Shadows Fall

  Shadows of the Past

  Fated Love

  Falling Into Place

  Breaking Free

  Mending Scars

  Labor of Love

  Light in Darkness

  Blissful Agony

  Deep Trouble

  Entangled Darkness

  Deadly Design

  Blood Bound

  Untitled (Coming 2018)

  Others of Seattle

  Nights Embrace

  Storm Mistress

  Accepting Fate

  Red Queen

  Seductive Solutions

  Changing Destiny

  Coming Together

  Storm Wrath

  Twisted Bonds

  Darkness Binds

  Untitled (Coming 2018)

  Nights Embrace Spin-Off

  Summer Rhythm

  Branches of Emrys


  Dreams of Change

  Finding Hawk

  Chasing Dove (Coming Summer 2018)


  Heart on Fire

  Falling Star

  Sweet Tooth


  Love Behind the Scenes

  The Callback

  Untitled – Ryan’s story (Coming 2018)

  Pine Barrens Pack Co-Written with Rebecca Brooke

  Cursed Vengeance

  Vengeance Unraveled

  Shifted Vengeance (Coming 2018)

  To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at my

  Website – Facebook - Twitter

  Or join my newsletter or reading group Rivers’ Shenanigans

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  About Brandy L Rivers

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Reference Guide



  Dear Dad, I love you

  I’m glad you’re finally on the mend

  We’re all here for you


  Nineteen years ago…

  Tyrell’s family’s future lay in front of him. He knew he wouldn’t be there to see his daughter succeed where so many people had failed. He only hoped Mina would see the day Jacinda rid the world of Thanatos.

  Reaching out, he brushed his fingers through Jacinda’s red curls and sang the spell in a lilting fashion. He didn’t have the proper magic, but she did, not that she was ready to use it. Only two, but one day she’d grow into a powerful force who could stop Thanatos from destroying her entire bloodline.

  Mina stepped beside him and twined her fingers through his while leaning her head on his shoulder. “She’s never going to remember any of that. I don’t know why you bother,” she murmured.

  He shared a look with his beautiful wife. Tyrell only regretted they were running out of time. He could sense the dark force closing in, and he needed to lure him away to give them a chance.

  “She will. Trust me, love, she will,” Tyrell promised. “It might be what saves both of you from Thanatos.”

  “Perhaps, but you know how I feel about all of this.” She wouldn’t say it, but she knew what he meant to do, and she continuously begged him to find another way.

  Tyrell scooped Jacinda into his arms. “We should get you ready for your birthday celebration, little dove.”

  They were meeting his oldest friend and his family in an hour. Matoskah was convinced the boy was Jacinda’s soulmate, and he needed to see it to believe it.

  Mina smiled. “At least you’re ready to celebrate instead of your constant preparation. I want to enjoy you and our daughter, not always worry.”

  He was still preparing. If the prophecy Matoskah showed him was right, his boy would help Jacinda break the cycle and save them all.

  He turned to Mina with a sad smile. “Darling, I do what I must to keep you and Jacinda safe.”

  “She’s so small. How can you expect so much?”

  “One day, she’ll uncover the mystery. She’ll understand the journal. Even if
we don’t find the dove in time, she will. I feel it in my bones, Mina. You saw the vision yourself.”

  Shaking her head, she picked an outfit for their girl. “And what if that was all wish and no vision? I saw her failure more often than her success. We can only live for the present. I keep telling you to focus on now, with me.”

  “There’s always a future, Mina. She’s the one to set your line free.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  He whispered the words all over again as he dressed Jacinda, praying she’d remember the spell only she could cast.

  Chapter 1


  Crouching under a tree in the dark was a waste of time. Chatan wanted to take action, not sit there and wait for the next Other abduction in Saint Morton.

  He’d spent every night of the previous week watching the truck stop and never found a damned thing even though another person had been abducted.

  And no, it wasn’t from the truck stop. The tribe elders believed the young mage was taken from Morty’s Burger Stop. The diner had recently changed to 24/7 service. As far as activity, he was in the right place, but he was tired of watching and doing nothing.

  His skin began to tingle. A shiver rolled down his spine. Magic grew closer, something familiar, but he couldn’t put a finger on how. Closing his eyes, he shut off his mind, searching for any sound. Seconds turned to minutes that turned into an hour.

  By the time he heard the engine approaching, his skin hummed with the nearing of a powerful Other. The tingles of magic settled into his bones, calling to him.

  He scooted to the edge of the trees as a white Toyota Tercel pulled into the parking lot and parked under the brightly lit sign.

  Vibrant red curls, pretty face, but he couldn’t make out the color of her eyes. He wanted to be nearer, to protect her from what was coming.

  Her gaze swept through the lot and lingered in his direction for a moment, though she didn’t seem to notice him. Then she looked down and frowned. She stepped from her car and walked into the diner.

  A sinking feeling took over. He was in the right damned place and the right damned time, and all hell was going to break loose in a matter of moments. If he could sense the woman from that far out, Josephine definitely did. It was the only explanation on how she managed to have traveling Others abducted so regularly.

  He dug the phone out of a pocket and hit the speed dial for George, one of the elders.

  George answered after a couple rings. “Yes, Chatan?”

  “A woman is about to be abducted from Morty’s Burger Stop.”

  “Tonight?” he asked. “That can’t be right. Loval says no one is making a move at the Monvoisin ranch.”

  Loval was a friend and also tasked with scouting out possible places tied to the abductions. The Monvoisin ranch would be the obvious location for the murders, but Chatan believed Josephine was smart enough not to do it on the land her parents lived on. Somewhere close, but not there.

  And still, he couldn’t hide his frustration. “Then why didn’t you send me to the ranch, if that’s where you expected something to happen?”

  George sighed. “Because I want you to stop them before they take someone back to wherever the hell the ritual is taking place. Damn it, the other line is ringing. Hang tight, we’re coming.” He hung up.

  Shaking his head, Chatan considered his options, then decided he had to act now. Screw the plan. The best way to stop the abduction was to make a move before it happened.

  * * * *

  The bright sign of Morty’s Burger Stop called to her like a beacon. Maybe because her stomach continued to grumble for over an hour. Nearing her destination, Jacinda finally began to relax.

  Jacinda needed to eat. The diner was a good place to grab a late night meal. She doubted anything would be open on the Wanatoga Reservation.

  Her tummy rumbled again, reminding her she hadn’t eaten anything since she’d filled her tank hours ago. And she couldn’t exactly call an energy drink and bag of jerky a meal. With a sigh, she pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop under the bright sign.

  Food and some coffee. What could it hurt?

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end with the weight of someone’s gaze. She took a look around but couldn’t sense a threat. Her stomach grumbled and she glanced down at her trembling hands.

  She definitely needed food. Pushing herself into motion, Jacinda stepped out of the car and headed for the diner.

  The bell rang as she entered the fifties style diner, complete with white Formica tabletops and red vinyl seats. A pie case sat next to the register. One young man occupied the place.

  His messy brown hair fell into his milk chocolate eyes. A shy smile graced his lips as he ducked his head and grabbed a menu before crossing the room. He stood an inch or two taller than her, with broad shoulders and a solid build. But he was nervous. Didn’t matter, the waiter couldn’t be more human if he tried.

  Her paranoia needed to shut up.

  Still, something else lurked nearby. She needed to watch for the dark presence, magic in nature but broken and evil.

  Instinct screamed to get back in the car and drive away without looking back. Wanatoga was probably too close to this place, but she’d put this trip off too long as it was.

  “Good evening, miss.”

  Shaking herself, she took the menu he slid her way.

  Jacinda glanced up to find his name tag. “Good evening, David. What’s good?”

  “I like the chicken strips. The very berry pie is good too. I’ll give you a moment to look.”

  “Thank you.”

  He ducked his head as he backed away. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

  David had kind eyes and a shy smile. Young, maybe eighteen. His aura told her he had a gentle nature, but he was afraid of something.

  Worrisome, but she’d never see him again because the second she found what she was looking for, she’d leave the area and never come back.

  Dropping her attention to the menu, she scanned through the list of funky named specials and settled on a turkey club with fries.

  At least until the bell rang.

  Her attention snapped up to watch a tall, blond man walk in. His icy blue eyes chilled her to the bone. Inky black swirled through his aura. A sign something stronger and darker controlled him to some degree.

  Her creep scale shot off the charts and before she could slip out of the booth, he slid in next to her with a smarmy grin. He was everything most young women would find attractive. His aura had a deep and foreign taint. She wanted away from him in the worst way.

  Looking at David didn’t help. An air of defeat surrounded him.

  Her mind raced through the possibilities.

  The blond pressed his thigh into hers and she scooted away with a dark look. “I’m only here for a quick meal,” she warned.

  One corner of his mouth tipped up as he leaned closer.

  David ducked into the kitchen as if he didn’t want to see what the blond planned.

  The blond reached out to touch her face, and she cringed back, grabbing his wrist with a shake of her head. “Don’t.”

  “Aw now, darlin’, don’t you want to be friends?” His low, intimate drawl made her skin crawl. “You do, don’t you?”

  Oh, hell no! She was tempted to slap him or maybe shove him out of the booth, preferably both. Instead, she held onto her composure. “Not interested. And I’m only passing through.”

  Her slightly bored tone and unflinching eye contact dimmed his megawatt smile.

  “What brings you out this way?”

  Run, run, run, her instinct screamed, but she was trapped in the corner.

  The chances of him believing the truth were zilch and nonexistent. Her father left a journal with clues to sending Thanatos back to the realm he came from, for good.

  The story sounded like a wild goose chase set in a fantasy land. Maybe it was, but she had to know.

  “I’m visiting an old f
amily friend.” The truth in a twisted, roundabout way. Her father had friends in Wanatoga before his death. And she hoped to meet them. However, she had more pressing priorities. Like finding the landmarks her father wrote about and figuring out the key.

  He reached toward her arm, and she jerked away. She didn’t like being touched by strangers, especially those oozing an evil taint.

  His words drawled on, “Well, darlin’, it’s real late, and I have plenty of room at my place. You look awfully tired. You’re welcome to sleep with me.” He scooted closer.

  Jacinda had nowhere to go. She grabbed his wrist as he reached once more and pushed him firmly away. “Not happening. My friends are expecting me, and I’m running late.”

  “Ah, come on now, give me a chance.”

  “Not interested. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me.” Nor did she want to.

  His smile slid back into place as he stared into her eyes, but all she saw was a soulless, empty pit. “I can fix that. I’m Mason Shirington. And you are?” He held out his hand.

  She ignored it with a steely gaze. “Wendy Naughton.” Her wallet was filled with documentation to prove it, all good forgeries. When you were being hunted by a supernatural entity, it was best to have an alias, or two.

  “Problem solved.” He thrust his hand closer, but she didn’t budge. It didn’t stop him from saying, “Now that we aren’t strangers, why don’t you come back to my place? Your friends won’t mind if you wait until tomorrow.”

  Whoever influenced him and tainted his aura was not going to let her go. The next morning wouldn’t likely come. She wasn’t going with Mason. No way in hell.

  “No, thank you. My friends would be worried. I only stopped for a quick meal.”

  Clearly, that was the last thing he wanted to hear. His hands darted out, latching onto her wrists with a steel grip. “Now, Wendy, I’ve played nice. I want to get to know you, but maybe you’d rather play rough.” Devilish delight danced through his eyes, real emotion flickering there.

  He jerked her out of the booth, dragging her to the edge of the seat, then yanked her to her feet.


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