Book Read Free

Mr. Unlucky

Page 7

by BA Tortuga

  “Well, thank God for not ew.” He swatted her butt playfully. “Did I hear you mention burritos?”

  “I did. It’s not like we can call out for Chinese.” Not that she minded that, really. She liked having a reason to go to town.

  “Mmm. One of these days we’ll go on into a real town and get egg foo young. Dallas maybe. Texarkana is too small.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I know a place in Arlington.” She found her clothes, got herself cleaned up.

  “Yeah? They have good stuff?” He wiped down with a towel that lay by the bed. God, he was hot, all lean muscle and unselfconscious grace.

  “Uh-huh. Private little booths and tons of tiny finger foods.” It was erotic as hell, even if you were there by yourself.

  His eyes darkened with interest. “I like the sound of that, honey.”

  “I like the idea of licking sauce from your fingers.”

  “We could do that with ribs. Right here.”

  “Mmm. I could so do that. Tonight, though? Burritos.”

  “Well, get cookin’, woman.” His hand landed on her butt, more a caress than a slap.

  She snorted, kissed his cheek. “I’m on it, lover.”

  “I’ll just finish up in the guest bath.”

  It was neat, acting like a real couple.

  “I’ll holler when I get close.” She headed off to the kitchen, smiling when she saw a new little iPod player, waiting for her iPod to play on it. Bodie’s idea of technology had been Kraco speakers on his truck. She was bringing him into the twenty-first century, kicking and screaming.

  She found the Cowboy playlist, singing along with Garth and George, Alan and Tim as she chopped and cooked. She wiggled a little to Ain’t Going Down while she browned the meat, and found Bodie smiling at her when she turned toward the fridge.

  “Hey, you. You want beer or tea with your food? It’s fixin’ to be on the table.”

  “Tea, I think. Been working all day, and I’m parched.” He’d washed up and changed into a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt, both thin and soft looking.

  “You got it.” She poured two big glasses and made him two burritos, one for her, and doused them with chili and cheese.

  “God, that smells good.” He plopped down at the table.

  “Thanks.” She settled; it looked great and she thanked that little Mexican abuelita again, for the recipe.

  Bodie murmured a little grace, and they dug in with little fanfare. The man was as focused when he ate as when he fucked. Addie approved.

  Her phone squawked and tootled, vibrating on the table. Silly thing.

  “What’s that, honey? You need to call someone?”

  She looked, rolled her eyes. “Nah. It’s my iPeriod. It says I’m like three days late, and it’s having a conniption.”

  The program was new enough that it didn’t have her cycle down exactly right and hell, a couple-three days on either side of twenty-eight was the norm for her.

  He raised an eyebrow. “How late is that in Addie years?”

  “Huh?” Hadn’t she said? It wasn’t a big deal.

  “I mean, three days. Are you like clockwork, or is that scary?” He was looking…oddly panicky.

  “I’m not worried.” She put her fork down, appetite disappearing. She wasn’t the kind of girl that got herself knocked up to stay with a guy.

  “Good. That’s good.” He sat back, face relaxing.

  Addie nodded, the chili sour in her mouth now. She finished her tea, trying her damnedest not to get her feelings hurt. Of course he’d worry, right? Even though she’d been honest with him, straight up.

  Totally honest. Really.

  Well, almost. For the most part. Right? Right.

  Except she hadn’t talked to him about Jim and the breakup. The fight. The running back home to the dads. He hadn’t talked to her about either of his fiancées, so why would she? He hadn’t asked questions about her life before she’d come home, and she knew everything about him only because she was nosy as hell.

  God, Addie. Chill the fuck out.

  It wasn’t like she and Bodie were going to get married and have babies.

  “You okay, honey?” He put one hand over hers.

  She nodded, found a grin. “I am. You like the burritos okay?”

  “They’re amazing. Thanks for supper.” He squeezed her hand. “Sorry if I freaked out a little. I’m just not in a raising babies place, you know?”

  “I’m not the type to get pregnant, man. Fun-loving, yes. Irresponsible, not so much.” She winked, ignoring the flash of something that might have been bitterness. “Don’t worry. I won’t saddle you with little red-headed hellions.”

  Bodie tilted his head. “Now you’re mad at me. You know I’m not the settling type, honey. I’ve tried. It’s not meant to be.”

  “I didn’t ask for you to settle for anything. I cooked you supper and gave you a blowjob. I was on my knees, cowboy, but it wasn’t a marriage proposal.” She stood up and tossed the uneaten half of her supper in the trash. “I promise not to ask to move in, to get a permanent slot on your dance card, or to keep a toothbrush here, okay?”

  He stood, too, hands on the table. “I put in a sink for you, honey. You can keep whatever you want here as long as birth control is part of it. I’m not looking for anything long-term, you understand? No babies. No big thing. I need to know you understand me, woman.”

  “I said okay.” What? She was lying now? Too stupid to get it? And what was her deal with hooking up with guys who didn’t want to have kids with her? “I’ve never once suggested any different. You have rubbers. We’re using them. You’re the one that got het up.”

  “I’m not het up, Addie. I’m just not interested in doing this with you.”

  “Doing what?” What the hell did that mean?

  “This whole fucking thing.”

  “Hey, you’re the one that put in a second sink. I didn’t ask you for it. I got a place to stay.” And if it wasn’t her house, well so what? Maddie’d let her stay ‘til the end of never, and not have to ask.

  “I know you didn’t ask. Goddamn it, girl. All I’m saying is…..What I want is…” She looked at him, eyebrow raised, and he stopped. “I just don’t want complications.”

  “No. Good thing for you I’m easy.” Addie picked up her phone, slid it in her back pocket. “You know what, I’m not in the mood for this. The pie’s in the fridge. I’m just going to head out. You have a good one.”

  She didn’t offer to do his dishes, she just slipped on her flip flops and grabbed her keys. She wasn’t Suzie Fucking Homemaker.

  “Addie.” Bodie followed her, but he didn’t reach for her, which she figured was pretty telling. “I’m sorry, honey. I am.”

  “I know. It’s cool. I promise, no babies, no long-term, no commitments. Just a nice fuck when we’re lonely. Give me a holler, huh?” She kissed his cheek, lips barely touching his skin, and hopped in her car, her phone ringing before she got all the way out of the driveway, before the tears could even start.

  “Want a beer?”

  She nodded, chuckled. “God, yes, Maddie. I love you.”

  “I know. Meet you at the club.”

  Maddie always knew, and always made it better. She gunned it, heading for the club, knowing she just needed to wash away her bad mood.

  Bodie was a jackass. If he’d played his cards right, they’d be in that big bathtub, fucking like bunnies. As it was, he could just worry about eating cherry pie by himself.

  Hell, the paint probably needed twenty-four hours to dry.

  Chapter Seven

  Bodie glanced over at his brother, trying to summon up a smile. “Thanks for bringing me along, man.” Ty hadn’t taken no for an answer when he’d stopped by to see if Bodie wanted to go to the club.

  “Yep. Come on. Beer. Brewski. Take the fucking edge off.” His baby brother was looking at him like he was going to blow a gasket.

  “What’s got your undies in a wad, man?” He knew Ty had to get back to w
ork soon, but Ty had always liked being in the military.

  “Just trying to get out of the house with the baby having an ear infection.”

  Yeah. Lyla had called, told him about the little one being sick. Lord knew that got loud. He made a mental note to text her when he got to the club, though, just to see if she needed help, if Ty was bailing.

  “Well, I needed out, too,” Bodie said. “So it’s good.”

  “Yeah? Trouble in paradise?”

  “What’s that mean?” His shoulders tightened and so did his jaw.

  “Whoa. I was joking. You and Addie fight, man?”

  “Not so much fight as disagree. Happens at some point to everyone, right?” Bodie knew it was his fault. He’d totally overreacted. The problem had been that the idea of Addie having his baby gave him a happy, and that was scary.

  “How the fuck would I know, man? I’m a one-night stand type.”

  “You’re a tomcat.” He relaxed enough to grin. “I freaked out on her. I just can’t let it get too serious, you know?”

  “Man, you know that ain’t real, right? That whole ‘dude you’re cursed’ thing?” Ty looked at him like he was a bug. “Carla got hit by a drunk asshole and Lena…shit, everyone in her fucking family got some weird cancer thing. I think they grew up on a nuclear testing site or something.”

  Ty wasn’t helping.

  He wasn’t going to snarl, though. “Thanks. I think.”

  They pulled into the parking lot and tumbled out. The lot was damn busy, George Strait pouring from the front door. Shit, Old Lady Pecina was sitting on her stool, taking the cover charge.

  Bodie pulled out his wallet and paid, even if he wasn’t sure he should even go in. Maybe he wasn’t fit company.

  People waved and greeted them as they walked up to the bar, Carl pulling two beers for them. John, the town sheriff and Bodie’s best friend from high school, got up and came to clap him on the back in a man-hug. “Hey, Bode. How’s it hangin’? Hey, Ty.”

  Ty grinned. “He’s having a rough day.”

  “No shit?” John said. “What’s happening?”

  “Well, not that you need to know, but Addie and I had a disagreement.”

  John laughed, gray eyes lighting up. “Well, women are trouble, for sure.”

  “She’s not trouble.” Bodie tried not to snarl. “I was an ass, and she got mad.”

  “So apologize,” Ty murmured.

  “I did. I’ll do it again later.”

  John nodded to the corner. “Do it now.”

  Carl nodded from behind the bar. “Your lady’s sitting under the Bud Lite sign, man, with her sister.”

  “What?” Sure enough, when he looked, Addie and Maddie were sitting together, bottles in hand. Damn. She looked amazing.

  She was still in the little tank top, her hair piled up on top of her head. Her bright blue eyes were damn near wiped clean of makeup, too, which he sure as shit hoped didn’t mean she’d been crying.

  Bodie had a feeling he wasn’t that lucky. He never was.

  “I could go ask her sister to dance.”

  He slanted a look at Ty, barely managing to avoid a hard-core eye roll. “You would do that for me? Take one for the team? What a horror.”

  “I would. I’m like…a hero and shit.”

  “You are, man. Bona fide.” He grinned. “Okay, Bro. Show me your moves.”

  John snorted. “He is so getting shot down.”

  Tyler sauntered over to the girls, said something, and to his utter fucking shock, Maddie nodded and took his hand. He’d be goddamned.

  “Holy shit.” John nudged him. “Did you see that?”

  Addie’s pretty eyes looked around the room, caught his. Oh, now how could anyone resist that girl? He saw Maddie and Ty cross to the other side of the floor out of the corner of his eye, but it was Addie he focused on.

  “Got to go, John.”

  “I know. Go buy her a beer.”

  Bodie could do that. He headed over, seeing nothing but her blue eyes. “Can I apologize with good beer, honey?”

  She looked up at him, and the little half-smile grew, just enough that he didn’t feel so bad. “I think you can, yeah. Have a seat.”

  “Thanks.” He pulled out a chair, staring down young Buster Crealy, who’d been on his way over, probably to ask Addie go dance. This one was his, no matter whether they were fighting or not.

  Addie chuckled softly, fingers touching his as he passed the beer over. “Hey, stranger.”

  “Hey.” Another apology tried to force its way out, but he’d apologized more than once, and she wasn’t one to belabor a point. Besides, they both knew he’d been an ass, so why bring it up again. “So, hoppin’ in here, huh?”

  “Yeah. Lots of folks. Everyone under forty on this side of Texarkana is here.” She sipped her beer. “I don’t suppose… don’t suppose you’d like to dance a minute?”

  “If you’re willing I’ll cut a rug.” Thank God, she was a practical, good-natured type. Just his type, in fact, but he was trying not to dwell on that.

  “I’m willing, cowboy.” She stood, took his hand, and gave him a smile, a real one, this time. “Possibly even ready and able.”

  “Come on, then.” He pulled her out on the floor, perfectly happy to press against her.

  She fit against him, her head on his chest, hands around him and suddenly he couldn’t believe that he’d snarled at her, couldn’t believe that he’d let himself get so wound up. Bodie figured it was time to get over it, though. “What did Ty say to Maddie?”

  “He told her that you and I needed to make up, that he’d buy her a beer.”

  “Well, he was right.” Bodie sidestepped a couple barreling around like a cannonball.

  “Yeah.” She moved with him, trusting his hands. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too.” His belly hurt with how good he felt, with how close he could have come to fucking this up.

  “Good.” She snuggled in, just cuddling into his body, his cock. She wasn’t shy about how she liked him, touching him, one hand in his, the other on his chest. She was soft, round, all female.

  And mine, a tiny little voice in the base of his skull whispered.

  He swung her around when the tempo changed, getting them going. She laughed, the flashing lights dancing in her hair. Bodie wanted to kiss her, wanted to tell her everything that was in his head. She pushed up, brought their lips together, taking what he wanted to give.

  Bodie moaned, stopping right there on the dance floor to kiss her back. Hard.

  Her little moan made his balls ache, the way she let him in was the hottest thing ever.

  The hooting and hollering around them brought him back to earth, and he blinked, chuckling. “We’re in the club.”

  “You noticed that.” She was blinking, too, staring at him.

  “I did. Wanna get out of here?” He did. Badly.

  “Please.” The back of her hand brushed his cock, teasing through his jeans.

  Bodie’s breath caught in his throat, and he coughed a bit, a tiny contraction of muscles. “I’ll tell Ty. Maddie can drive him home, yeah?”

  “She can. She has the keys to my car.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.” He put an arm around her, shouldering past a few jeering cowboys. “Ty! We’re out. See you tomorrow.”

  Tyson waved at him, a bunch of cowboys and their girls around him and Maddie.

  He tugged Addie out of the club, the quiet outside almost shocking. His ears rang a little with it. Addie cuddled into his side, her curves snuggling right up against his ribs. She was sweet and giving, and he kissed the top of her head, needing to touch her, to reassure himself.

  He put her into his truck, hand sliding on her thigh, stroking her a little. Then he leaned in and kissed her, tasting her good and deep. Addie opened right up for him, turning to wrap her legs around his waist.

  Oh, God, she rocked his world. She was so responsive, so warm. She still tasted a little like cumin and chili.
He’d almost fucked this up, bad.

  He let the caress trail off, holding her close. “You okay with my place, honey?”

  “More than okay.”

  “Good.” Bodie nestled her back in the truck and shut the door before he did something stupid like make love to her right there.

  She slipped right up next to him, tucking herself in close. Hot little number. He put a hand on her leg, letting her know he was right there with her. That he wanted her, too. He loved how her thigh shuddered for him, how she spread.

  He didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet. Bodie hated that there was even that hint of awkwardness between them, so he cleared his throat. “I bet Maddie and Ty get into trouble before they go home.”

  “Maddie’s the good twin. She never gets into trouble. It’s always me.”

  “Oh, yeah? Well, Ty is the evil one in my bunch. He’s enough trouble for two.”

  Addie smiled at him. “You’re enough trouble for me, cowboy, and me and Maddie? We don’t share.”

  “No?” He squeezed her leg. “Me either. So, good thing it’s just you and me.”

  She smiled at him, then pressed closer, lips near his ear. “If you want, cowboy, we can pretend like it was a huge, break-up worthy fight, so that the make-up sex is out of your mind wild.”

  “Mmm. I like it. We could just do it right in the truck once we make it home.”

  “First round in the truck. Second round on the kitchen table?” Her tongue traced the edge of his ear. “I’m assuming we don’t count the pre-burrito rounds.”

  “Nope. We have a clean slate. Make-up sex, remember?” His hand clenched on the wheel, and he tried hard to keep it on the road.

  “Excellent.” She was going to kill him, just make him explode. “That means I can suck cherry pie filling off your fingers after round two.”

  Oh, God. He moaned, the sound shocking him a little.

  “Oh, or maybe you’ll let me suck it off somewhere else? Just a little smear, so I can taste you too.”

  He was going to tear her up. Just take her to every room in the house, making sure they didn’t even miss the laundry.

  “Are we there yet?” Her lips were leaving burning little kisses on his throat.

  “Almost.” They bumped across the cattle guard, then down his road.


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