Book Read Free

Entice Me

Page 1

by Kelly Elliott

  Entice Me

  Book 2 Austin Singles

  Copyright © 2019 Kelly Elliott

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978–1–943633–49–4

  For more information on Kelly and her books, please visit her website

  Cover Design by:

  RBA Designs

  Cover photo by:

  Lauren Perry, Perrywinkle Photography

  Developmental Editing by:

  Elaine York

  Editing and Proofing by:

  Hollie Westring

  Proofing by:

  Callie Hamilton

  Interior Design and Formatting by:

  Christine Borgford, Type A Formatting

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Other Books by Kelly Elliott

  Thank You

  THE MOMENT I walked into Sedotto, the bar my best friend Tucker owned, I was wishing I had opted to stay home. If it hadn’t been for my younger sister Morgan’s birthday celebration tonight, I would have done just that.


  I had barely walked into the door when I heard her call out my name. I smiled when I saw Morgan rushing over to me.

  “I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

  “And miss your birthday? What kind of a brother would that make me?”

  Her smile had me returning the gesture. “Even if you had decided to stay home, I would still say you were the best brother ever. Did you work today?”

  “I did, but I’m actually supposed to be on vacation, but Dad wasn’t having that.”

  “You deserve it and just need to take one.”

  She was right. I did deserve it. After busting my ass along with my crew, we finished Tucker and his wife Charlie’s house in four months—a feat that would normally take nine months to a year. The damn thing was more than nine thousand square feet. It was a miracle we got it done when we did. It was worth the hard work to see how happy they were. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for Tucker though. Or Charlie. Any of my friends, for that matter. We all went to college at the University of Texas and had remained friends since. Over the years, it had been a roller coaster of emotions with this bunch. After years of denying their feelings for each other, Tucker and Charlie finally tied the knot last December. Terri and Jim, another couple from our group, had been dating for years and were finally getting married in December. Blake, the wild one among us, had moved to New York City but came back to Austin last year. Tucker’s sister and my ex—Lily—was also part of the group. Of course, when she admitted to cheating on me and getting pregnant by another guy, she quietly stopped hanging out with us.

  “Dad’s pissed I gave up a job to build Tucker and Charlie’s house, so he’s had me busting my ass the last few months.”

  Morgan rolled her eyes.

  “So, who else is here?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “A few friends of mine from college and work. Oh, and Kaelynn.”

  With a frown, I replied, “Kaelynn?”

  “Yeah! She’s the girl I met last year on my mission trip. I’ve talked about her a lot. We really connected and have become good friends. She moved here to Austin to help me with my start-up.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “She moved here to help you?”

  Laughing, Morgan wrapped her arm around mine and led me toward the private room that Tucker rented out to groups.

  “Yes! It’s her job, Nash, and she loves Austin, so it was a no-brainer for her to move here. She’s from Utah, not Mars, for crying out loud.”

  “Very funny, Morgan. So she’s a consultant of sorts?”

  “Sort of. She helps with start-ups, setting up foundations, scholarships, things like that.”

  “Morgan, can you afford to hire someone like that? It’s not a good idea to get in over your head before you even make the first dollar.”

  Her smile faded some, and I felt like a jackass questioning her judgment. I didn’t want to see my sister get in over her head with this new venture she had going on.

  “I appreciate you worrying, but she isn’t charging me. She owns her company and it’s a nonprofit organization. She mostly deals with people who are doing something associated with veterans. So when she heard what I was wanting to do, she offered to help. For free, as a friend.”

  I frowned. “Wait, so she isn’t getting paid to be here? She’s helping you out of the kindness of her heart? That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.”

  She sighed then looked away for a moment before steeling her eyes back on mine. “I’m not stupid, and I actually know what I’m doing. Like I said, I’m not paying her; she owns her own company. When we talked last year and I told her my plan, she was the one who really helped me get things going. She has already helped me so much, Nash. I couldn’t have gotten this far without her help and encouragement.”

  My heart dropped knowing that I had made my sister think I doubted her business acumen. Pulling her into my arms, I hugged her and spoke against her ear over the loud music.

  “I know you’ve got this, sis. I’m so proud of you for doing something you love and making it come to life. You’re going to do great.”

  She drew back, tears in her eyes as she replied, “Thank you for your support. I know Mom and Pop want me to keep working for Barrett Construction, and Dad never really knew why I chose the career I did, but I can do this. I will make this a success and help people in return.”

  “You will. I know it.”

  Throwing herself back into my arms, she squealed. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I’m going to be helping people while doing something I love!”

  With a smile, I hugged her tighter. My parents had given Morgan a hard time when she went to school to become an art therapist. She had finally earned her master’s degree after busting her ass working for my father and going to school full time, nearly year-round. I was proud as hell of her. My folks were as well; they just never got why Morgan picked the path she did. What they didn’t know was that Morgan had fallen in love in high school, and her first love, Mike, went off and joined the army. He was in special forces, and once he came home after serving a few years, he had changed, Morgan said. He committe
d suicide at the end of Morgan’s freshman year of college. That was the catalyst for her to go into art therapy. It was also her way of dealing with her grief over his death. She was determined to help veterans like Mike.

  “Morgan! We’re doing shots!” someone called out. My sister jumped back and grinned from ear to ear.

  She knew exactly what my raised eyebrow meant. Years of me brainwashing her over the dangers of drinking in public must have worked because she immediately started parroting to me the same things I’ve told her over and over and over again.

  “I’ve got a designated driver, I won’t drink too much, and yes, I will not take any drinks from anyone.”

  I kissed her on the forehead and replied, “That’s my girl. Go have fun. I’ll be in there in a second. I saw the gang when I walked in.”

  “Don’t be long!” she called out as she rushed into the private area.

  As I made my way toward what was known as the boss’s friend’s booth, I smiled when I saw everyone here. Terri, Jim, a very pregnant Charlie, and Tucker. The only one who wasn’t there was Blake. He was probably working, because the man was the definition of workaholic. Or he was screwing a girl in the restroom. It was either work or sex with Blake and was a toss-up to where he could be at this very moment.

  “Hey, y’all,” I said, extending my hand to Jim and then Tucker.

  “I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Tucker stated.

  Sliding into the booth, I gave everyone the same smile I had been plastering on my face the last year. The one that said everything was perfect in my world.

  It wasn’t though. Not since the day I found out the woman I loved, Lily, cheated on me. She got herself pregnant by another man and basically left me because my wallet wasn’t big enough. It had been hard seeing her the few times she showed up to hang out since she was Tucker’s younger sister and had been a part of our group since college. She had slowly backed away from the group lately. Her life soon became cocktail parties and high-society dinners, not hanging out at her brother’s bar.

  Once I got into the booth and really looked around the table, I couldn’t help but notice how everyone stared at me.

  “What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked with a chuckle.

  Tucker glanced over to Charlie, who rested her hand on her belly. The only reason Tucker let his wife be at the bar was because there was no smoking allowed. That, and he watched her like a hawk.

  It was Charlie who cleared her throat and then took in a deep breath before speaking.

  “Lily texted and said she needed a night out and is on her way here.”

  My entire body stiffened and I tried like hell not to let anyone notice. I had gotten so used to Lily not being around, so when she showed up, it felt like a kick in the gut.

  It was Tucker’s turn to talk. “I guess she and Mark needed some time together, and they felt like it would be good for them to go out. My mom’s watching the baby.”

  I had yet to even ask if Lily had a boy or a girl. I honestly didn’t give two shits, but a small part of me still believed that baby should have been mine, not some rich asshole’s.

  “Maggie is adorable and plenty old enough now at five months for Lily to be leaving her with a sitter,” Charlie added.

  My chest ached slightly knowing Lily had a little girl. I knew in my heart Lily wasn’t the one for me, my soul mate, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t hurt. When Charlie saw my pained expression, she reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

  Charlie and Lily had been best friends since college and had remained friends after we had broken up. Terri had tried with her, but she wasn’t as close to Lily anymore. Even though I tried not to let it happen, our friends sort of picked teams, with me coming out the victor. Charlie and Tucker really were Switzerland. With Lily being Tucker’s sister and Charlie’s best friend, they remained close to both Lily and myself. Jim and Terri, on the other hand, made it known from the get-go they were Team Nash. Terri was pleasant to Lily, but their friendship had been strained after Lily cheated on me. Blake, well, let’s just say Blake hates cheaters. He has yet to even acknowledge Lily when she’s around, which isn’t often.

  “I’m glad she’s happy.”

  Terri laughed. “Yeah, I don’t think she’s happy.”

  “I’m going to have to agree with Terri,” Tucker said with a sigh. “My sister seems far from happy.”

  I shrugged. “Some women experience depression after the birth of a child, and I’m sure not having your dad here plays a part in that. It would make sense she might seem a bit sad.”

  Everyone stared at me before Terri shook her head and wiggled her finger in front of me. “See, this is what I mean. She leaves you for a dickhead like Mark. It doesn’t make any sense. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”

  Charlie nodded. “I agree.”

  “She’s unhappy because it’s called karma. Sorry, Tucker, I know it’s your sister and all.”

  He gave a halfhearted grin.

  “Listen, y’all, it’s over and done with, so no sense in going down that road. Honestly, it worked out how it was meant to. Let’s just change the subject,” I asked of them.

  “Too late,” Jim said as we all turned to see what he was looking at.

  The feeling in my stomach was somewhere between sickness and anxiety. Lily was heading toward our table. Mark was next to her, his arm around her waist.

  She looked good. You would have never known she had given birth to a baby a few months ago. Knowing Lily, though, she probably hit the gym right after she gave birth.

  “I need to get going. Morgan is waiting on me,” I said, sliding out of the booth.

  “Nash, dude, you don’t have to go just because . . .” Tucker’s voice trailed off when Lily and Mark came to a stop.

  “You’re not leaving because of me, are you?” Lily asked, giving me a smile that said she really hoped I was leaving. No one wanted that awkward feeling that would surely be thick in the air if I stuck around.

  “No, Morgan is having a birthday party and I need to get to it.”

  Her smile faltered some. Turning my attention to Mark, I reached out my hand for his. For a quick second, he debated shaking my hand.


  “Nash, it’s good seeing you.” He shook my hand firmly. Probably under other circumstances, I might have actually liked the guy.

  “Yeah, congratulations on the baby. If you’ll excuse me.”

  With a quick glance over to Tucker, I asked, “Is it okay if I use your office to make a quick call?”

  “Sure, of course. You know the code.”

  I nodded, then moved my way around Lily and Mark. The faster I got away from them, the better.

  It wasn’t two seconds before my phone buzzed in my hand.

  Lily: Can we talk?

  Letting out a scoff, I replied to her.

  Me: We don’t have anything to talk about.

  Lily: Nash, please.

  Not looking at where I was going, I ran right into someone. My phone dropped and I bent down to pick it up, only to see two phones on the floor. I picked them both up.

  “Damn, I’m sorry about that!” I shouted over the loud music. The band Tucker hired had started playing right at that moment. When I stood up, I handed the person back their phone.

  When the most exquisite hazel eyes captured mine, I froze. Then she spoke and it felt like the ground had rippled underneath me.

  “Oh gosh, thank you. I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going! I guess that’s why they say no texting and walking.”

  She let out the cutest giggle, and I actually felt my stomach drop.

  What in the hell? That feeling hasn’t happened in a long time.

  When I was finally able to find my voice, I chuckled and said, “Looks like we would both be fined then. I’m guilty of the same thing.”

  Her teeth bit into her lower lip, and I couldn’t help but let my gaze move down to her mouth. Jesus, this woma
n was beautiful. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and she wore a T-shirt that said No cheesy pick-up lines . . . I’m taken.

  Pointing to her shirt, I asked, “Boyfriend buy you that?”

  For a second, she didn’t move. Her gaze was locked on mine until finally she replied.

  “What? No! No . . . I, um . . . I don’t have a boyfriend . . . um . . . it was a bet. I lost.”

  Lifting my brow, I asked, “Why would you bet to not wear this T-shirt? Seems like it would keep the creeps away.”

  Her mouth turned up into the cutest, crooked grin. Then she held up her finger in a wait for it moment and turned around.

  The back read, Just kidding. Tell me your best pick-up line. I’m horny as fuck.

  I laughed, you know the kind that you almost choke because that wasn’t what you were expecting kind of laughter, as she faced forward again. “See! That’s why I didn’t want to wear it. I just went to the restroom to put it on.”

  My eyes scanned her quickly. Her curvy body fit her jeans and showed off her figure, while the tight T-shirt showed off her upper body. Her ample upper body.

  “Explains why the shirt is so . . .”

  “Tight? Yeah, my boobs are suffocating.”

  This time I laughed harder. I couldn’t remember the last time I actually laughed. It felt good. Really fucking good. I even had to bend over to catch my breath because I laughed so hard.

  She tilted her head and regarded me as I let it all out. It hadn’t been that funny, but I clearly had needed the release.

  “Thank you! I needed that laugh.”

  Her cheeks blushed and she glanced down to the floor, a shy smile playing across her face.

  When she looked back up at me, her mouth parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something else.

  “Am I interrupting?”

  The sound of Lily’s voice made my smile fall.

  The woman looked over my shoulder, and deep lines appeared on her forehead before she glanced back up at me and spoke. “Well, it was nice talking to you. Enjoy your evening.” She walked around me and headed down the long hallway.

  For the first time in months, my body actually felt something when a woman talked to me, looked at me. I’d had a few one-night stands, nothing that meant anything. Just enough to keep the edge off and keep me from making my dick raw from my hand.


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