Book Read Free

Entice Me

Page 9

by Kelly Elliott

Charlie softly laughed and agreed. “Thank you, Nash. I think she is as well.”

  Terri and Jim held Hannah first while I sat back and watched the entire scene play out. I couldn’t help but notice how insanely happy Tucker was, and I was glad for him. For years he had been in love with Charlie, and Charlie had been in love with him. They were both just too damn stubborn to admit what was right in front of them was their future.

  I caught Charlie’s gaze and smiled.

  “It’s your turn, Uncle Nash.”

  Standing, I made my way over and held my breath as Tucker gently placed Hannah in my arms. She was so tiny and weighed next to nothing. She opened her eyes, and I swore it was like she looked into my soul.

  “Hey there, precious girl.”

  Hannah continued to stare up at me.

  “Lord, you better watch out. Tucker, the girl knows a handsome man when she sees one,” Charlie jokingly said.

  I peeked over at Charlie and winked before focusing back Hannah.

  “Man, she’s really taking you in, isn’t she?” Tucker said, standing next to me. I lifted my finger and traced a light line down her tiny face.

  “I’ve never seen anything so precious.” My voice cracked, and that caused Tucker to clear his throat and wipe his eyes.

  “I can’t believe you made this . . . She has to be all Charlie, because you’re too damn ugly to have any part in this,” I added as the room erupted into laughter.

  Tucker grinned and nodded. “Someday, man, someday.”

  The ache in chest grew a bit more as I forced myself to nod. My mind drifted to Kaelynn, but I pushed it away as fast as it came.

  “We need to take off, but let us know if you need anything,” Terri said, kissing Charlie, then hugging Tucker. “Don’t forget the wedding shower is next week.”

  Terri said the reminder to everyone.

  “I’m glad Hannah decided not to wait and give you a run for the attention,” Charlie said.

  Terri giggled. “Oh my gosh, right? Can you imagine if you had gone into labor during the wedding?”

  “You have to admit, though, it would have made for a great story for our kids,” Tucker added.

  Once Jim and Terri left, I started to sway back and forth as I looked down at Hannah.

  “Is she getting heavy?” Charlie asked.

  Smiling, I shook my head. “Are you kidding? She’s light as a feather. Aren’t you, sweetheart? Your Uncle Nash is going to teach you so many things that your daddy isn’t good at. Like fishing, hunting, shooting.”

  “Um, what?” Charlie asked, laughing.

  “Okay, I’ll teach you how to make the best fake tea for your tea parties. I had practice with my sister, Morgan.”

  “That’s more like it, Uncle Nash,” Charlie stated.

  I wasn’t sure how long I stood there holding Hannah. All I knew was I wanted this. A family. Someone to love and take care of. I wanted what Tucker had, and I fought to keep the jealousy at bay.

  Feeling a squeeze on my shoulder, I looked up at him. “It will happen. It just wasn’t meant to be with Lily.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  “Nash, look at me,” Charlie demanded. “One day you’re going to meet the person who will make you believe in love again. You’ll be the reason for her smile, her tears of happiness, and her comfort in the storm. You’ll be the brightest star in her sky and her entire world. Because you deserve all of that and more. And then the two of you will create a family, a legacy, that you can shower your love on too.”

  Before I could say anything, there was a light knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Tucker called out.

  Glancing back down at Hannah, I smiled. She was out cold, sleeping away safely in my arms.

  “Kaelynn? What a pleasant surprise,” Charlie said.

  My head jerked up to see Kaelynn standing there, a vase of flowers in one hand, and a tutu-wearing moose in the other.

  “Is this a bad time?”

  Her eyes caught mine and she stopped talking. When they dropped down to Hannah, she pressed her mouth together. I could tell she forced the tears to stay at bay. Then she looked back up to me. Her brows lifted and her smile widened. I swore there was a bit of lust dancing in those hazel beauties.

  Kaelynn chuckled as she said, “Wow . . . if the sight of you holding that baby doesn’t make a girl’s ovaries explode, I don’t know what will.”

  Charlie laughed, and Tucker and I looked at each other, confused.

  “She means you look hot standing there holding the baby,” Charlie clarified.

  Lifting a brow, I gave Kaelynn a smirk. She smiled back and looked at Charlie. “Is this a bad time? Morgan mentioned to me earlier today that you were in labor, and she told me you had Hannah a few hours ago.”

  “This is the perfect time. Come on in.”

  Kaelynn walked into the room and set the vase of flowers on the side table, then gave Charlie the stuffed moose.

  “When I was little I loved all things moose. I still do. I thought maybe Hannah would like them as well.”

  Charlie gasped. “It’s so soft!”

  “I ordered it last week and it got here yesterday. Perfect timing.”

  “I’ll say,” Tucker said, walking over and taking Hannah from my arms. “Sorry, Nash, you have to share.”

  I pouted, which caused both women to laugh.

  “Want to hold her?” Tucker asked.

  “Goodness, yes! Where can I wash my hands?”

  “Here,” I said, pointing to the bathroom.

  In no time at all, Kaelynn had washed her hands, taken Hannah from Tucker with expert ease, and settled herself into the rocking chair. Watching her with the baby did something weird to my body. I couldn’t pull my eyes off her. When I finally snapped out of the daze I was in, I heard Charlie and Kaelynn giggling.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Did you hear this tiny little thing just fart?” Kaelynn asked, a beautiful smile over her face.

  Tucker bumped me on the arm. “I’m afraid Nash was off in his own little world there for a few moments.”

  Charlie gave me a warm smile, then looked at Tucker. “I’m starving. Would you please go get me some real food? This hospital stuff isn’t cutting it. A taco from Taco Cabana, maybe?”

  Leaning down to kiss Charlie, Tucker whispered something against her ear that made her cheeks flush. I couldn’t help but look away to give them a moment of privacy. I was positive Tucker was telling Charlie how beautiful she was, or how he couldn’t wait to be alone with her. They had a love like that. A love that I wanted for myself one day. “Nash, cowboy up and ride with me, man.”

  “You got it, Tucker . . . Kaelynn, would you like something?” I asked as I walked up and leaned over some to look at the baby once more. The smell of the newborn and Kaelynn’s light soap mixed together and made me dizzy for a moment.

  Without looking up at me, Kaelynn smiled as she gazed down at the baby. “No, thank you. I’m perfectly fine.”

  We weren’t even out of the hospital before Tucker dove in.

  “So, Kaelynn, huh?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. For all the years I had been able to keep the secret of me dating my best friend’s sister, I couldn’t pull off hiding a damn crush with one of my best friends.

  “Don’t play around with me, Nash. I see the way you look at Kaelynn. I saw how lost you were watching her with Hannah. And the way she looked at you when she first walked in. I almost needed a bath filled with that soft hospital ice to cool off from all the sexual heat that built up in that room.”

  I scoffed. “You are way off, dude.”

  He grabbed me by the arm, pulling me to a stop. “Am I? Nash, I’ve never seen you look at anyone like that. I saw it at the bar, the comedy club, and just now. You like her. Why don’t you just admit it to yourself? More importantly, why don’t you just do something about it?”

  Signing, I rubbed the back of my neck. �
��I don’t think she feels the same. Plus, I think she’s hiding something from me. I can’t fall for someone who has secrets . . . not again, Tucker.”

  With a nod, he turned and headed to the parking garage. “Are you sure she doesn’t feel the same way? Maybe she’s not hiding a secret, but more like hiding the way she feels about you.”

  I shrugged off his comment. “Doesn’t matter. She sort of made it clear she isn’t interested when she blew me off after I asked her out to dinner. Besides, I have a date tomorrow night.”

  Slipping into the truck, Tucker looked at me with a hard expression. “A date? You’re finally going out on a date and wait . . . when did you ask Kaelynn out?”

  “Right after our little impromptu road trip to Houston. She turned me down. Twice, actually. I’m not going to beg her. If she’s not interested, then I’m moving on.”

  “Okay, well, who are you going out with then?”

  “Lori, a girl on the coed softball team I play on. She’s been flirting, and I’ve been blowing her off. I think it’s time I stopped ignoring her. Maybe I do need to get out there and start dating.”

  “Wow. I mean, I guess I’m glad you’re finally getting over Lily. I guess I read it wrong between you and Kaelynn. It’s just, damn, the way you two look at each other.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not saying she isn’t beautiful. She is. And I’m attracted to her; there is no doubt about that. The problem isn’t me; it’s her. She made it clear to me, so I’m not going to pine over it.”

  Tucker nodded, then changed the subject and started talking about Hannah’s nursery. Before I knew it, I had volunteered to help get the room set up and ready to go for the baby when Charlie and Tucker moved her into her own room. All the talk of fume-free paint and handmade cribs kept my mind off of the image of Kaelynn holding Hannah.

  At least it did until we walked back into the hospital room, only to find Charlie passed out sleeping and Kaelynn rocking Hannah back and forth, softly humming to her.

  My heart slammed against my chest, and I fought to take a breath for a few moments. Fuck me if that wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  When our eyes met while she was still humming, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to cancel my date.

  NASH AND I stood at the elevator and waited in silence for the doors to open. The second we stepped inside, I broke the silence.

  “Hannah is beautiful. Tucker and Charlie look so happy.”

  “They do. It’s been a long time coming with those two.”

  “Charlie is so sweet to me. I truly appreciate her taking me in as a friend.”

  He let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, Charlie is one of the very rare people I know who truly is genuine. She does everything with her heart wide open. She’s good to people.”

  Chewing on my lip, I glanced forward and took a deep breath as the elevator door opened. We walked side by side toward the exit. For a brief moment, I wanted to confess the secret I’d been keeping. Tell Nash the truth about my wealthy family. And I almost did, until he spoke first, breaking the small shred of nerve I had worked up.

  “What floor are you parked on? I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “That’s sweet of you. I’m on the third floor.”

  With his dimples on full display, he replied, “As am I.”

  We walked for a bit in silence before Nash talked. “Poor Charlie. I felt bad seeing her asleep sitting up in bed.”

  I chuckled. “Charlie was pretty tired after you guys left. She told me she was going to rest her eyes, and before I knew it, she was sound asleep. Hannah was an angel and let her mommy sleep. I was afraid if I put her down she would cry, so I did the right thing and held the angel while she slept.”

  Nash chuckled.

  “She was probably just as happy to be lulled to sleep like that by you. Do you have any nieces or nephews?”

  “No, not yet. My brother is dating a girl he’s pretty serious about. She’s been good for him and supports him so much. My parents love Jill also, so that’s a plus. I think he’s getting close to popping the big question.”

  “Wow, that’s exciting.”

  “Yeah, it is.” I stopped in front of my car. “Here I am. Got everything fixed on it, so hopefully no more issues with being stranded.”


  Clearing his throat, Nash looked down the garage and then back at me, almost as if he was stalling for something. He let out a soft chuckle before speaking.

  “Kaelynn, I know you were pretty upset with me the last time we were together.”

  I held up my hands to stop him. “No, I wasn’t angry at you, Nash. It had more to do with me than it did you. I’m sorry about that. It was a pretty childish thing to do, and I’m embarrassed by the way I acted.”

  He smiled and my knees felt weak.

  “Then, I was wondering if you might want to go—”

  My cell phone rang in my hand, causing me to jump and Nash to stop talking. For some unknown reason, I answered it. Maybe because internally I was freaking out. Nash had been about to ask me out.


  Taking a step back, he raked his fingers through his dark hair, causing my insides to heat up. My fire was put out by the sound of another male’s voice.

  “Hey, Kaelynn.”

  “Mike, oh, hey. How are you?”

  Much to Nash’s credit, he tried not to react when I said another man’s name, but I saw the way his mouth twitched.

  “Just checking in with you to make sure we’re still on for dinner tomorrow night. I can’t wait.”

  I chewed nervously on my lip. “We are still on for dinner tomorrow, yes.”

  Nash’s gaze jerked up to meet mine, and I wished I could hit a rewind button and go back in time two minutes. I wouldn’t have answered the stupid phone.

  Nash shook his head, then lifted his hand and mouthed see ya around.

  I needed to stop him, and the only way I could that was to cut off Mike. “Listen, would I be able to call you back?”

  “Um, yeah, sure? Everything okay?”

  “Yes, no, yes! I’ll call ya back.”

  Hitting end, I reached for Nash’s arm. “Wait. Why are you leaving? We were talking.”

  His expression looked torn. He wore a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter now. Hope you have a great evening, Kaelynn.”

  I wasn’t about to let him leave like that. Not when I knew he was about to ask me out again.

  “Nash, please, wait. You were asking me to go somewhere. Where?”

  His fingers laced though that hair again, and my fingers twitched to do the same.

  “I was going to ask you out for dinner tomorrow night, but it’s clear you already have a date, so no big deal. I’ve got to run, so I’ll see you around sometime.”

  Standing there staring at him in disbelief, I watched as Nash shrugged when I didn’t reply. He turned and started walking off. Before I could stop myself, the words were out of my mouth.

  “I thought you had a date tomorrow.”

  He turned around, walking backward. A confused expression on his face. Then he called out, “I cancelled it earlier, but like I said, no worries. See ya around, Kaelynn.”

  There was no doubt in my mind my mouth had dropped to the ground. What had happened? One minute he was going to ask me out, the next he turned ice cold and walked away.

  “You stupid fool. You idiot!” I chastised myself. “Mike . . . dinner. Crap.”

  Slipping into my car, I hit the steering wheel. “Shit on a brick. Did Nash cancel his dinner date after seeing me today?”

  I laughed, then shook my head. That was wishful thinking on my part. Why in the world would I think that just by seeing me it would cause Nash to cancel a date. “Think pretty highly of yourself there, Kaelynn, huh?”

  Sitting in my car for another few minutes, I finally started it and headed to my new condo. I made a note to myself to call Mike back and cancel dinner.

“Kaelynn, seriously, why not have a housewarming party?”

  I smiled and stared out over Zilker Park. The weather in Texas in early December was much different than the weather in Utah.

  “Morgan, I hardly know anyone here.”

  “You know me! I have friends. Besides, you’re friends with Charlie and Tucker now. And Terri and Jim. And with Nash.”

  I closed my eyes and let the cool breeze hit me in the face. Looking back out over the landscape, I let out a soft sigh. “I think I’m going to go for a run.”

  “Party pooper.”

  “Don’t you have work to do?”

  “Yes, I’ve got a patient coming in and I need to give the art room another once around. Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for all your help. I can’t believe I’m actually doing the job I always dreamed of.”

  “And you get to paint! I’m still waiting on that landscape painting.”

  This time it was Morgan who laughed. “I’ll get right on that. I’m coming over for dinner tonight.”

  “Sounds like a plan. See you later.”

  Hitting end, I sat down and put on my running shoes. I wasn’t out the door before my cell phone rang.

  My father.

  “Daddy? Is everything okay?” I asked, my heart beginning to beat a bit faster.

  “Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “For one, you never call me.”

  “Well, that’s not a good thing on my part. I do have a surprise for you, sweet pea.”

  Smiling, I opened the door to the stairwell and got ready to head down the steps.

  “I love surprises! What is it.”

  “Your mother and I are in town.”

  I froze.

  “And we just bought a small place here, so we can come visit any time we want.”

  Closing my eyes, I said a silent prayer. Please tell me this is all a joke.

  “You bought a place here? In Austin?”

  “Yes! We can rent it out if we want while we’re not there. I don’t know why you didn’t buy in this building. We got the penthouse for a steal. We’re meeting the architect and the builder here in about an hour. Why don’t you come on over and take a tour of the place?”

  “Daddy, did you buy in the Austonian?”


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