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Entice Me

Page 12

by Kelly Elliott

  Her tongue swept over her mouth, causing me to crash my lips to hers. Kaelynn wrapped her arms around my neck. She made the sweetest moan and opened more to me, allowing me to deepen the kiss. When I placed my hand on her lower back and pulled her body against mine, she gasped and tugged a fistful of hair.

  I wanted her to feel how hard I was for her. How much I wanted her, because I did. But first I needed my head fucking clear about this and about Kaelynn.

  I pulled back, causing Kaelynn to sway from the sudden loss of my body pressed against hers.

  “Wow. You really do know how to make a girl swoon.”

  With a lighthearted chuckle, I ran my fingers through my hair, taking another step back. “Good night, Kaelynn. I’ll call you tomorrow?”

  She seemed a bit confused for a moment, then smiled. “Night, Nash. Thank you again for a wonderful evening.”

  I waited for her to get into her place before I turned and headed to the elevator. Hitting the button, I cursed.

  “Damn it. What is she hiding, and why is she hiding it?”

  The crane made a beeping sound as I watched it back up, holding the roofing material in place as it moved slowly.

  “That’s good, now you’ve got clearance,” I shouted.

  The roofers were in place and ready to start hauling the shingles off the lift and onto the roof. I felt my father come and stand next to me, his gaze lifted to where I was looking.

  “Moving along pretty damn fast.”

  “It’s all about staying on schedule.”

  “I taught you well.”

  Turning to face my father, I said, “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  He didn’t respond and moved on. “How are things going on the Hill Country Gym project?”

  Just like my father, keeping it business all the way. “On schedule. As a matter of fact, I was able to get the electrician out early, so the drywall guys can get in there whenever they’re free. Rich told me he thought his guys would be finished up today on a project and would be able to head on out there tomorrow.”

  He faced me, his brows raised in question. “How did you manage to get the electrician out there early?”

  “He owed me,” I replied, not giving him more. I had referred Bobby to a job over at the Austonian, and it turned out that it got his company three more referrals. When I called in a favor to do this house because the other electrician backed out, he jumped on it. Calling in favors was not something my father did. Ever.

  “You called in a favor?” his tone was disappointed.

  “It doesn’t matter how I got him there early, I did. We’re ahead of schedule, Dad. Can you just not be happy about that?”

  “Happy? Now what type of favor am I going to owe this guy?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “None, Dad. I got the guy three job referrals. He told me he wanted to make it up to me, and I told him I needed an electrician ASAP. He was available and the job got done. You don’t owe him a damn thing.”

  Turning, I walked over to the job trailer, my fists clenched.

  “Nash. Nash!” my father called out. I didn’t stop and kept walking. When was my father going to cut the fucking strings and let me run this business the way I wanted? He was supposed to be retiring, taking a step back, and all he did was get up in my damn face every chance he got.

  I jerked the door to the trailer open and walked in, my father on my heels.

  “What in the hell has gotten into you?”

  “You!” I shouted. “You have gotten into me, Dad. I’ve been working for this company since I was fourteen years old. I know how things work. I’ve increased our profits by forty percent this last year, but that isn’t good enough for you. No matter what I do, it’s not good enough. I gave up my life for this job.”

  My father looked like he had been slapped in the face. I wanted to take it back, but the words were already out there.

  “You gave up your life? What does that mean?”

  It was too late. I’d spoken it, the words were hanging there, so I had to get it out.

  “It means I wanted something different, Dad. I wanted a different path, but I could never tell you because you would never listen.”

  He laughed. “Do you mean the Marines? Or what about architecture? Son, that was a phase you went through. Your friend in college was doing it, and you wanted to follow in his footsteps.”

  His words nearly knocked me to the ground. “No. You wanted me to follow in your footsteps. How in the hell did you think I met Blake, Dad? In an architecture class. That’s what I wanted to do. That was my dream, but you wouldn’t allow that. You decided my career was working for your company. Maybe you don’t remember it that way, but I sure as hell do.”

  The door to the trailer opened, and my mother walked in. Concern was etched on her face. “I can hear the two of you from outside.”

  “Good, did you hear how ungrateful your son is? I paid for his college education, and he’s trying to tell me I ruined his life.”

  I rolled my eyes and blew out a frustrated breath.

  “Bob, that is enough.”

  “Enough? How is that enough? I put him through school, gave him more of a chance to succeed than I ever had. I had to prove to my father I could run this business after serving my time in the military.”

  With a scoff, I looked at him. “You don’t think I’ve had to prove to you I can take over this business? Is that why you haven’t retired? You don’t think I can do it?”

  My mother rushed over to me. “No, that is not it at all. Your father knows you are more than capable of taking over. Don’t you, Bob?”

  His face was void of any expression. Turning, he walked out of the trailer and slammed the door shut.

  Shaking my head, I mumbled, “Fuck it.”

  “Do not talk that way, Nash Barrett.”

  “I gave up my own dreams, Mom, to do this. To take over this damn construction company. This is not what I wanted to do with my life.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I know.”

  Guilt rushed through my body. Reaching out for her, I pulled my mother into a hug. “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean that. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m sorry.”

  “Yes, you did mean it, and it’s okay if you wanted a different life.”

  “I didn’t want a different life.”

  She looked up at me, her brows raised.

  “Fine, I wanted a little bit of a different life. I would have still worked for Dad, but I would have liked to do other things as well. Designing buildings was one of them.”

  “Your sister told me about your degree, Nash. How you kept taking classes. I know you got your architecture degree, and so does your father.”

  Smirking, I shook my head. “Morgan can’t keep her mouth shut, can she?”

  “How in the world did you find time to take all those classes?”

  I shrugged. “I started doubling up in college.”

  “Is it true you designed Tucker and Charlie’s house?”

  “I did. Charlie had some ideas drawn up, and I brought them to life and built it for them. It was one of the reasons it was so easy, because I had my architecture degree. I’ve designed a few houses, Mom. And I’ve made some money off it. I had it invested, and I’m looking at buying some land out near Tucker and Charlie to build my own home.”

  “Near Marble Falls? Will you still drive in for work?”

  “Yes, of course. It’s not as far out, but the daughter of the former land owner needs to dump the land; she can’t afford the taxes. I got a lead on it and am hoping to purchase it before it goes on the market. She just wants out and is pretty cool about giving it to me below market value. She could actually sell it for a bit more. She wants to unload it.”

  “I see,” my mother said softly.

  “I’m not leaving Barrett Construction, but if Dad would ever let the reins go, I can make this company even better. I’m building a great group of guys I can trust, and I’m hoping at some point
to offer the design element into the business.”

  Her eyes widened with delight. “Nash! That is a great idea.”

  Kissing her on the forehead, I said, “I think so too.”

  “Sweetheart, talk to your father about it. Let him know what you want to do.”

  “I tried to. He told me my job was to oversee everything, not hire a bunch of people to do my job. He won’t listen.”

  She drew in a deep breath. “Let me talk to him.”

  I nodded, then gave her another hug. “Good luck, but it won’t change anything.”

  My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket. The moment I saw Kaelynn’s name, I smiled.

  “Well, I know that look on a man’s face. Who is she?”

  Lifting my gaze from the phone and over to my mother, I shook my head. “Don’t even think it, Mom. We’ve been on one date.”

  “My, that one date must have been a tremendous success. Your eyes actually sparkled when you saw who texted you.”

  My lip snarled. “Sparkled? Seriously?”

  “Yes. Sparkled. Nearly lit up the entire room.”

  I laughed. “Okay, well, I need to get back out there. I love you, Mom.”

  “Aren’t you going to answer her back?” she asked, lifting up on her toes to try and see my phone.

  “In a bit. Love you.”

  She jutted her lip out. “Fine. I love you too! Remember, the rehearsal dinner is Thursday night! Don’t forget.”

  Pausing halfway out the door, she looked over her shoulder. “Are you bringing her to the wedding?”

  There was no way out of this one. My parents were invited to Terri and Jim’s wedding. Jim was like a brother to me and spent more time at my house in college than he did flying home to Washington. He was like a second son to my folks, so it was a no-brainer when Terri asked my mother for help planning the wedding. Her mom and mine were friends, after all.

  “Mom, please don’t make this into a big deal.”

  A huge grin appeared on her face as she held her hands up in defense. “What? I asked a simple question. I’m going to assume that is a yes.”

  “Yes. She is going with me to the wedding.”

  I had to give the woman credit; she did a damn good job trying to hide her excitement. She failed once she got outside the trailer and let out a small yelp of excitement.

  Glancing back to my phone, I read the text from Kaelynn again.

  Kaelynn: Are you free for dinner? My place? Seven?

  I felt like a damn kid in high school with how excited I was hearing from her and knowing I was going to see her again.

  Me: Sounds wonderful. Do you need me to bring anything?

  Kaelynn: Yourself with a big appetite. Oh . . . and maybe something to drink. I don’t have any beer.

  Me: Beer? So fancy? What are we having?

  Kaelynn: Hot dogs. . . .

  Laughing, I started back outside, but not before I sent her back a reply.

  Me: Make me three . . . I like hot dogs. See you at seven.

  Kaelynn: Looking forward to it.

  I had a hell of a time trying to keep my mind focused for the rest of the day. My thoughts kept drifting to Kaelynn. Most of them good, a few dirty thoughts, and a few moments when guilt hit me square in the chest about the damn background check. Every time I thought about it, I pushed it away. I needed to know what, if anything, she was keeping from me. I really hoped my gut was wrong about this—even though everything inside of me screamed Kaelynn was keeping a secret.

  BLAKE LEANED AGAINST my kitchen counter, a skeptical look on his face.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Dude, I’m with Tucker on this one. Just ask her.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Just because Lily lied to you doesn’t mean Kaelynn is going to.”

  “So now you don’t think she’s from money and hiding it?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, she seems really nice. You said you had a great time together last night. Why not just let things progress and see what happens?”

  “We did. And tonight I’m going over to her place for dinner.”

  Blake’s brows raised. “Dinner at her place. Okay, that could mean a few things.”

  I towel-dried my hair then tossed the wet towel onto the sofa. “And those few things are?”

  “One, she wants to get laid.”

  “Dude, seriously? Why do you have to talk like that?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Fine, she wants to have sex. Two, she wants to tell you whatever it is she is hiding . . . if . . . she is really hiding something.”

  “And having dinner at home makes you think that why?”

  “It’s simple,” Blake said, folding his arms over his chest. “She doesn’t want to see you explode with anger in public. Maybe she figures she can seduce you a little bit, get you all hot and worked up, then drop it on you.”

  I stared at him, then laughed. “Dude, you’ve been watching too many movies.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me, then looked up in thought. “Shit. Maybe I have been. Or the whole Charlie-and-Tucker thing is still in my head.”

  Holding up my beer, I nodded. “Maybe that’s why we came up with this crazy idea she is hiding something.”

  “We?” Blake stated. “Dude, that was all you. You’re the one who said she was hiding something. I simply gave you a few ideas of what she could be hiding. Again, we could both be wrong.”

  “Shit, I hope so. I really like her.”

  Blake smiled. “As much as you liked Lily?”

  I shrugged. “I was in love with Lily. This is different, though. I feel things I didn’t feel with Lily. It’s confusing.”

  “Like what kind of things?”

  I wasn’t about to tell Blake how my heart hammered in my chest when I thought of Kaelynn. Or how the sight of her left me breathless. Or how my knees felt weak when she laughed or smiled. So I deflected.

  “Well, I want her like my next breath.”

  He frowned. “Bullshit, dude, every guy feels that way about all women they are attracted to. She makes you feel different in here.” He slapped me on the chest. “Don’t lie. I know you too well.”

  My silence was all the answer he needed. Blake smiled. “Dude, it’s okay to feel that way. It’s okay to like her in a different way from Lily. That wasn’t the real thing. Kaelynn could very well be.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Lily asked you to take her back more than once. You said no. Why?”

  I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. “Well, for one, I would never be able to trust her. I finally realized I don’t love her anymore, if I was really ever in love with her. It took me awhile to realize that.”

  “And when did you actually decide it was time to move on?”

  The beer paused at my lips.

  Blake nodded then laughed. “Let me guess, after you met Kaelynn.”

  “I think it was when Lily wanted me back. I knew I didn’t want her back. Kaelynn might have reinforced that.”

  Tipping the bottle, I drank nearly the whole thing in one drink. Walking up to me, Blake placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Another one bites the dust. I’m going to be the last man standing in the group.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait until you meet the person who makes you fall flat on your ass.”

  Blake laughed even harder. “Not going to happen. I like my freedom—and having my pick of women—too much.”

  My doorbell rang and I headed to the door.

  “I need to get going. Let me know how it goes tonight and if you get laid.”

  Rolling my eyes yet again, I opened the door to see Morgan standing there. A wide smile on her face.

  “Hey! I heard you had a dinner date tonight!” She squealed as she rushed past me and into my place.

  She amped up her excitement with a scream and jumped into my arms after I shut the door.

  With a chuckle, I set her down and kissed her on the cheek. “I t
ake it that makes you happy?”

  “Happy? Oh my gosh. My best friend hooking up with my brother. Hell yes that makes me happy. Lord knows she needs some attention.” Morgan patted me on the chest as she walked into the house. “If you know what I mean.”

  Blake laughed from behind me as I groaned.

  “Hey, I’m Morgan, Nash’s sister.”

  Blake held out his hand and gave Morgan a polite smile. “Blake Grant, we’ve met before. A long time ago when Nash and I were in college.”

  Morgan stared at Blake until it finally came to her. “Oh . . . Blake who is the architect?”

  “That’s me.”

  “Well, it’s great seeing you again.”

  “Yeah, you too. Sorry, but I’ve got to run. Hot date of my own tonight.”

  Morgan smiled then gave him a stern look. “Make sure you put a helmet on that soldier, boy. Don’t want any little soldiers running around.”

  Blake’s smile faded before he snapped his head to look at me. I shrugged.

  “Right. Okay, well, good seeing you again, Morgan.”

  She wiggled her fingers and called out, “Have fun!”

  I shut the door and walked past her, back to the kitchen. “What brings you here?”

  “Okay, well, I wanted to stop by and tell you a few things about Kaelynn.”

  Freezing in my tracks, I slowly turned to face her. Had Kaelynn sent my sister over here to tell me what she had been hiding?

  “Did Kaelynn send you over her?”

  Morgan jerked her head back. “What? Oh gosh no. She would kick my ass if she knew I was here.”

  I didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated. “Fine. What did you want to tell me?”

  “Kaelynn is very sweet. I think a little on the innocent side. I haven’t really seen her dating anyone serious. The whole time I’ve known her she hasn’t mentioned sleeping with anyone.”

  My eyes widened. “She’s a virgin?”

  Morgan looked at me like I had just said the strangest thing. Her brows pulled in tight and she replied, “No. Where in the hell did that come from?”

  “I don’t know.” I said, pointing to her. “You’re the one who said she was innocent.”

  “Yeah, as in she doesn’t sleep around with guys. I think she comes from a conservative family. I haven’t met them, so I’m not sure what they’re like.” She paused for a moment then looked up in thought. “You know, she never talks about her family. I mean, she does her brother and sister. She’s talked about them a lot. But her mom and dad, not so much.”


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