Book Read Free

Entice Me

Page 23

by Kelly Elliott

  “Well, you didn’t, so don’t dwell on that. Think about the future. What will happen when you guys get back to Austin?”

  “Nash mentioned moving in with me.”

  “Wow! That’s a big step. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “I’m more than ready. Millie, he’s the one. The guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to wake up to every single morning, and the one I want to fall asleep next to each night. I’ve never in my life felt this way. It’s like I can’t get enough of him. When we are together, I wish I could climb inside of him and say there.” I sighed and smile. “He holds me every single time after we’ve been together. Doesn’t matter if it was slow and romantic or fast and passionate. He doesn’t let go of me. Like he doesn’t want the moment to end. I don’t think he realizes he does it. Then, before he pulls out of me, he whispers against my ear, ‘I love you, baby.’”

  Millie and I let out a dramatic sigh. “Gah, I wish Justin was romantic like that. I mean, he’s amazing in bed, don’t get me wrong. But once he comes, he rolls over and passes out usually.”

  I chewed on my thumb nail, thinking back to a few hours ago when I was in Nash’s arms as he made love to me. Turning, I flipped the pancakes.

  “How have you not run out of condoms?” She laughed. When I didn’t reply, she got silent. “Kaelynn, you didn’t.”

  “What? I’m on the pill.”

  “You have been having unprotected sex, and it sounds like you’re having a lot of it.”

  “Maybe, but like I said, I’m on the pill.”

  “I don’t know whether to be jealous or angry. What if you get pregnant?”

  I scoffed. “Um, that won’t happen, sweet sister, because like I said, I’m on . . .”

  My voice trailed off and I pushed off the counter. Heat raced from my feet up to the top of my head as panic started to set in.

  “What? What’s wrong? Kaelynn?”

  Covering my hand with my mouth, I closed my eyes. A sickness that started deep in my stomach moved up to the back of my throat.

  “Kaelynn! What is wrong? I hear how fast and heavy you’re breathing. What is happening?”

  “I . . . I haven’t been taking my pill. The last three days, I’ve been so wrapped up in being with Nash, I’ve hardly gone to my room, and they’re on the bathroom counter. Oh my gosh, oh no. Millie. He’s going to think. . . .”

  “No, he won’t. Just tell him.”

  The sound of the back door opened and closed. “I have to go.”

  “Kaelynn, you’re going to tell him, right?”

  I hit end and put my phone down on the counter next to me. Nash walked in wearing a red-and-black plaid shirt. He still hadn’t shaved and he looked so damn sexy with his beard and mustache. Very mountain manish, and it was hot.

  The second he saw me, he smiled the most breathtaking smile. I couldn’t see his dimples, and that made me sad. Of course, nerves replaced my sadness. He was going to be so angry with me.

  “Good morning! Smells good in here.”

  Forcing a smile, I glanced around the kitchen. “I’m not sure how to make coffee.”

  Nash frowned, then said, “How about tea? We can boil water.”

  “Sounds great.”

  He turned to head to the pantry, stepping inside. “Your folks surely have tea.”

  I busied myself with taking off the pancakes and putting more batter onto the pan.

  “How is the food in the refrigerator?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” I stated with a small shrug. “How long does it keep the cold in there?”

  “A good few hours, but if we don’t need anything out of it, we should keep it shut.”

  “Agreed,” I said, trying to smile. “Oh wait, butter for the pancakes!”

  “I’m good without it if you are.”

  “Sure, syrup works good for me. How is Janet and her sister?”

  Nash chuckled. “Surrounded by stockings and ornaments and everything Christmas. Those two have been crafting fools. I got their fire going good, and Janet was heating water over the fire for oatmeal.”

  “Oh, that’s smart.”

  Arms came up and wrapped around my body, causing me to shiver with both a sensation of being hot and cold at the same time.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I needed to tell him. Now.

  Spinning around in his arms, I looked up into his light brown eyes.

  “Nash, I have to tell you something.”

  The lights came rushing back on and the sounds of appliances coming back to life filled the kitchen.

  “Oh, thank God! The power’s back on,” he stated.

  “That’s amazing news. Now we won’t freeze!” I said with a nervous chuckle. Nash drew his brow in and took my hands, but not before reaching over and turning off the oven. He led us over to the stools and sat down, motioning for me to do the same.

  “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

  I swallowed hard. “Okay, well, the past few days have been so magical, and I have been so lost in this little world we’ve made here with just the two of us.”

  “So have I.”

  “Nash, there is no excuse to forgetting this, and it only occurred to me when I was talking to Millie and she started to lecture me about unprotected sex.”

  His frown deepened, as if what I said made sense.

  “I haven’t taken my birth control pill the last few days.”

  He stared at me in silence.

  “Nash, please say something.”

  Blinking to clear his thoughts, he leaned back in the chair. “So how does this work? Do you start taking it again?”

  “Well, I would have thought my period would start, but it hasn’t.”


  “I guess I could start taking it again, or wait and see if I start.”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  “I can call my doctor today; see what the nurse says.”


  I sighed. “Stop saying okay. Nash, I didn’t do this on purpose.”

  He stood and pulled me off the stool. Cupping my face in his hands, he kissed me. It was so sweet and gentle that my knees felt weak.

  “There was never a moment I thought you did this on purpose. Kaelynn, I’ve been so caught up in us, I haven’t even reached out to my folks or Morgan. I got a nasty voicemail from Morgan this morning bitching me out for making my folks and her worry. They heard about the snowstorm.”

  Grinning, I added, “We sure have been lost in each other, haven’t we?”

  “Yes,” he agreed with a chuckle. “It’s been the best few days of my entire life.”

  “So, you’re not angry? Are you worried? Because I’m worried sick now.”

  He shrugged.

  “That’s it? A shrug? Nash, we haven’t even been dating but a few weeks. You can’t be that nonchalant about this.”

  “Why not? Do I want to spend time with you getting to know you before we bring a little one into this world? Of course, I do. I’m not exactly ready to be a father, but if something like that happens, then we will deal with it. I’m not going to waste a moment worrying about it, and I don’t want you to either. No matter what happens, we’ll make it work.”

  Staring up at him, I opened my mouth to speak, then snapped it shut. This man was unbelievable. I was freaking out inside, and he was calm as all get out.

  “Come on, I’m starving. Let’s go finish breakfast.”

  I tugged on his arm. “Wait. You mean to tell me you’re not scared?”

  “I’m scared fuckless, but there isn’t anything that will come out of worrying. We’ll figure this out if or when we need to.” He kissed me on the forehead and got back up, making his way over to the pancakes. “Let’s start making new ones; these are cold.”

  I stood, feeling a bit numb but strangely calm. We would figure it out. Together.

  After breakfast, Nash and I walked over to Janet’s to make sure her power came back on okay.
Then we sat on the back porch, a fire going in the outdoor fire, enjoying the beautiful view.

  “There is no doubt in my mind I could live up here.”

  Turning to face him, I lifted my brows. “Really? Full time, or are you talking once in a while?”

  Nash thought about his answer for a few moments. “I love Texas, and all my family and friends are there, but I could totally see us buying some land and building a house up here. Maybe to come up and stay a few weeks in the summer and winter. Might be kind of fun.”

  The quickening of my heartbeat and the tingles in every nerve ending had me stilling in his arms.

  “Too soon?” he questioned with a slight chuckle.

  In a breathy voice, I replied, “I don’t think so.”

  Nash winked then went on. “Everyone else in the world would probably say we are moving at lightning speed, but this feels so right. We feel so right.”

  “I agree,” I added.

  “We probably should see how me moving in first works out, and if you have a bun in the oven.”

  My eyes widened in shock at his flippant tone, and it took me a moment to laugh at his not-so-funny joke. “That’s not funny, Nash Barrett.” But I couldn’t contain my own laughter.

  His arm moved around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. The warmth of his body and the beautiful scenery made me feel so content. Like everything I needed in the world was right there.

  When the front gate alarm went off on my phone, we sat up and looked at each other.

  “Who could that be?” Nash asked.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Standing, we made our way back into the house and through the foyer to the front of the house.

  I stepped outside to get a better look and Nash followed me. “Sounds like snowmobiles coming again.”

  “Yes, it might be Jack.”

  “Hope everything is okay with them. You said he doesn’t live far from here?”

  “No, a few miles down the road. He lives on the same land my parents own. He has about a twenty-acre parcel he built a house on.”


  Smiling, I faced him. “In case I haven’t told you, I’m glad you followed me up here.”

  Nash placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. Leaning his forehead to mine, he smiled and I fell in love with him a little more. My hand went to the side of his face where his beard was.

  “When are you going to shave this?”

  “I sort of like the whole ‘mountain man’ thing I’ve got going on.”

  I giggled. “I did at first, but I miss seeing your dimples.”

  “Oh yeah? That’s good to know.”

  My gaze searched his face. I never would have believed I could love a man like how I loved this one. The feelings I had for him were so strong I was often moved to tears just looking at him.

  “I love you, Kaelynn Shae Whitaker,” he professed with so much emotion I felt a tear slip and make a path down my cold face. Lifting his hand, he brushed it away.

  “And I love you, James Nathaniel Barrett. So very much.”

  The moment our lips pressed together, it started to snow again. We laughed and Nash wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up and spinning me as we got lost in the beautiful moment.

  The sounds of the snowmobile brought us out of our little bubble of heaven. Nash set me down next to him and then pulled me closer to his body, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

  “It’s Jack and Jill,” I said, rolling my eyes when Nash started singing the nursery rhyme.

  Climbing off the two snowmobiles, Jill came rushing over to us.

  “It’s freezing out here; get inside! The two of you don’t have coats on!”

  Once we were in the house and the fire in the library had warmed Jack and Jill, I headed into the kitchen for something to snack on.

  “Is your power back on?” I asked, walking back into the library.

  “It came on earlier this morning,” Jill replied, taking the two trays I had made up with cheese, crackers, fruit, and veggies. “We figured yours had as well.”

  “Yep, it came on earlier. We went and checked on Janet. They’re doing good.”

  Jack grabbed the bag he had carried in and tossed a box to Nash. “Here you go, asshole. I’m going to pretend my kid sister didn’t call me earlier with a 911 condom emergency. My sisters are only allowed once in their lifetime to ask me for condoms; this was Kaelynn’s. Never again.”

  My hands went to my mouth to hide both my laughter and embarrassment. Nash laughed and held up the box. “We’ll put them to good use. Is this all you brought?”

  Jack growled and went to stand up when Jill pulled him back down. “Stop that. You promised you would behave.”

  My brother grunted and looked away from Nash who tossed me a sexy smirk.

  Clearing his throat and trying not to act pissed off, Jack spoke. “Looks like they’re starting to clear the roads. Did you hear on the news they’re thinking the airport will be open to some flights this evening maybe?”

  Peeking over at Nash, I replied, “We haven’t really had the TV on at all. We’ve just been enjoying each other.”

  Jack rolled his eyes. “Ugh, seriously, Kaelynn. I don’t need to hear this.”

  I held up my hands. “What! I didn’t say we have been having sex all over the house. I said we haven’t had much time to watch TV.”

  It was Nash’s turn to clear his throat. “Um, babe, you might want to stop while you’re ahead.”

  Jack glared at me, then turned his attention on Nash. “You better not hurt her. I will hunt you down and rip your fucking head off if you do.”

  Nash nodded and a wide grin spread over his face as he stared at me for a few moments, then focused back in on Jack. “I love your sister, Jack. Very much, and I honestly would rip my own fucking head off if I ever did anything to hurt her.”

  Jill swooned, and Jack shot her a confused expression.

  “That was so romantic,” Jill mused as Jack rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.

  “How was that romantic, Jill?”

  She shrugged. “Don’t worry, sweetie, you have your moments too.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should laugh at the expression my brother shot his girlfriend. He looked at me and I raised a brow, almost urging him to do it.

  Standing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her off the sofa and out of the library. Nash stood. “What’s going on?”

  Clapping my hands softly, I did a little hop of excitement. “I think you just silently challenged my brother to show you up in the romance department!”

  “Ah, I didn’t know we were competing. Hell, I would have upped my game.”

  With a smack on the chest, I grabbed Nash and we followed my brother and Jill out of the library.

  “What’s happening?” Nash asked in a hushed voice.

  “I think he’s about to propose.”

  Nash grinned like a silly boy about to get a new toy. “Really?”

  “Yep. Come on!”

  The picture window in the living room looked like a scene from a painting. The mountains in the background were covered with a beautiful blanket of a snow. Light flurries were floating down, adding the perfect romantic touch.

  Laughing, Jill pulled Jack to a stop. “What in the world are you doing?”

  Nash and I stood back, far enough to give them privacy but close enough to hear and see.

  Reaching into his pocket, my brother pulled out a ring box, causing Jill to gasp. Tears sprang from her eyes and trailed down her face.

  “Baby, you have been here for me at my lowest time. You brought me back from a hell I was living in, and you have made me so happy. There will never be the right words to express to you how much I’m in love with you and how that love grows every moment of the day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Jill. And thank you for saving my life. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Tears streamed down my own face as Nash wrapped his a
rms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck.

  “I’m pretty sure he won that round.”

  Laughing, I wiped at my tears and glanced back just enough to kiss Nash. “I do believe you’re right.”

  Jill had dropped to the floor in front of Jack and wrapped herself around him. They kissed, whispered words to each other, and kissed some more. When they both stood and Jack slipped the ring on Jill’s finger, I rushed over to them, screaming like a silly schoolgirl. Jill did the same. While Nash walked up calmly and shook Jack’s hand. They exchanged a few words, but I couldn’t hear them. Jill was too busy crying and mumbling how surprised she was and how this was the best day of her life.

  “I think this calls for some celebration!” I shouted.

  “I’ll go get Dad’s best bottle of champagne!” Jack cried out as he ran toward the steps that led down to the wine cellar.

  “Damn, the wine cellar; we haven’t been there yet,” Nash said to me.

  I faced Nash and grinned. “You are a bad, bad boy.”

  “Okay, all the way from France,” Jack said, popping open the bottle and pouring everyone a glass.

  “To Jack and Jill,” I said, trying not to giggle. I would never get used to that, no matter how hard I tried.

  “Here’s to climbing up that hill!” Nash added.

  Jack and Jill groaned, and my brother punched Nash on the shoulder. “Again with the funny jokes.”

  “I’m so happy for you guys!” I said as we clinked our glasses and drank.

  Nash wrapped his arm around my waist, and I couldn’t help but dream of the moment when it was us celebrating our engagement.

  “I know the perfect way to up this celebration,” I said, smiling at everyone.

  “What’s that?” Jack asked.

  “Let’s put up the tree in the library!”

  Nash and I didn’t know it then, but it was the last evening we would spend in my parents’ house. The next day the roads were cleared and the airport was open. After booking an afternoon flight back to Austin, Nash and I spent the morning with my brother and sister, as well as with Justin and Jill. It was the perfect ending to the most amazing week of my life.

  Millie had begged me to stay for Christmas, but I knew the sooner Nash and I got back to Austin, the sooner our lives would begin.


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