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Fury: (Bratva Fury)

Page 8

by Alexi Ferreira

  “No one that concerns you,” I warn, and he tenses but doesn’t persist, which is good for his health. “Take a seat.” I incline my head towards my table. Because Alexei is the owner of the club, there is always a table available for him or, in this case, me. Haley steps away as I asked, and I see how her fucking ass is encased in that dress. Shit, I thought the idea of her being naked under that coat was stimulating. Well, I hadn’t seen her in this dress yet.

  I see flashes going off. Turning, I see one of our men rush towards the fucking paparazzi. How did he get in here with all the security at the door? Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of our girls approaching Haley. “Well, gentlemen, ladies, if you will excuse me. Please enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “You are leaving already?” Jason asks with a disappointed tone.

  “Not yet, but I can’t leave a beautiful woman by herself for long,” I quip with a wink. The men chuckle as I intended. Turning, I make my way towards Haley. “Move over.” I can sit opposite her, but I would rather be sitting next to her so that I can cover most of her from view.

  Janine approaches with a glass on her tray. “What did you ask for?” I ask as Janine leans forward and places the glass in front of Haley.

  “Just one of the mocktails you have on the menu.” I remember Haley telling me once that she has never really acquired a taste for alcoholic beverages. That’s why now, when I saw what was clearly a cocktail being placed before her, I was curious, wondering if she had lied to me about that too.

  “What can I get you, Vlad?” Janine asks with a smile.

  “My usual.” Just then, I hear a commotion by the entrance to the VIP lounge. Looking there, I see my opponent standing there, arguing with one of our men. “Hell,” I mutter. I’m sure this was all a marketing stunt planned by Jason for the fight. I wish he wouldn’t do these things without telling me.

  “What’s wrong?” Haley asks as she places her hand on my tense arm.

  “The guy making an ass of himself is who I’m fighting in a couple weeks,” I reveal, and she leans forward to see who I’m talking about.

  “Well, hello there, darling, why don’t you come and hang out with a real man.”

  What the fuck did he just say?

  “Stay here,” I order as I stand and make my way toward the asshole who thinks he can speak to Haley like that in front of me.

  “You have a problem, Garcia?” I ask as I come to stand in front of the asshole.

  “No, you’re the one who’s going to have a problem in a couple weeks,” he sneers.

  “Really, and what problem is that?”

  “My fist in your face.” My first instinct is to punch this asshole right now, but I don’t want to create a scene, and I’m sure Jason had something to do with this. He is more than likely routing for a scene. Well, I’m not going to give him the pleasure of one, but this asshole will get what is coming to him for speaking to Haley like that. I am more committed than ever now to destroy him when I get him in that ring and all to myself.

  “Escort him out,” I say, and turn around to walk back to Haley. I can hear Garcia arguing, still trying to get me revved up, but the only thing that interests me now is sitting down and having a drink without any more interruptions.

  “You should have shown him what you’re made of,” Jason says. “That would have shut him up.” I turn and look at him. I’m really tired of this asshole. If it weren’t for all the money he throws into sponsoring these matches, I would tell him to leave.

  “Don’t do that again.” I see his eyes widen at my tone, but instead of waiting for him to come up with an excuse, I continue to my table and Haley.

  “You had me hyperventilating. I thought you were going to punch him,” Haley says as I sit down. Looking at her, I raise my brow in question, as she seems fine to me. “You should ignore people like that.”

  I’m not someone who ignores provocation, and the only reason I didn’t punch him was because I know I will get to him in the ring. Also, I don’t want to be the cause of a commotion in the club, Alexei would have my balls.

  I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see that it’s Brandr from the Elementals MC. He must have the information I asked for before. It’s a week too late, as I already know Haley was the one who went to the police, but he was going to get me all the info on her that they could, and that I still want.


  “Hey, brother, sorry for the delay, but we have had problems of our own on this end.”

  “Need help?” I will always be available to help Brandr, not because he is one of the Elementals and they work with us, but because Brandr has always been there for me if I needed anything. He is a mean son of a bitch, but he’s true to those he finds worthy.

  “Nah, we will deal with it. Anyway, I have sent you that information you asked for. You didn’t tell me you were sweet on that girl.” I can hear the teasing in his voice, but no matter how tight I am with Brandr, I won’t talk about my private life.

  “Not the case.”

  “Sure, brother. Anyway, I have to go. If you need anything else, just let us know.” He clicks off without waiting for a reply. I look at my phone and see that an e-mail has come through. I won’t look at the information now, but as soon as we are out of here and back at the apartment, I am going to read everything I can about Haley. I should have had her investigated before I let things go so far, but she seemed so open and trustworthy, I didn’t.

  They say that the hardest lessons are those that teach us the most. Well, this one will teach me never to assume.

  “Hi, Vlad.” My eyes lift to the woman waving at me on the other side of the barrier. Her face seems familiar, but I don’t know what her name is. I’m sure I slept with her sometime after one of my fights, but she couldn’t have been all that spectacular, as I have no sexual interest in her. Since meeting Haley, all my interest has been on her and only her. I have been propositioned more times than I can count, but like this one, I have no interest in giving them what they want.

  I lift my hand in greeting but then look away, only to encounter Haley’s eyes on me. “One of your conquests?” she asks.

  “Maybe,” I mutter. Picking up my glass, I drink from the vodka.

  “Was this before or during us?” I could tell her that I haven’t been with anyone since meeting her, but I’m not going to. Instead, I shrug. “I will not sleep with someone who sleeps around,” she says angrily.

  I lift my hand. Placing it behind her neck, I pull her forward until our lips are nearly touching. “You will do what I tell you.” I take her lips in a blistering kiss. She will realize that I’m controlling this situation now, and not her. She resists me, but I will not be denied. She will respond to me no matter what she thinks. She tries to push me away, but her strength is no match to mine. When she finally desists, I deepen the kiss. I can feel her still holding back, but I will break down her walls.

  Pulling back, I take her fisted hand that is against my chest. “Come.” Her lips are puffed from my kiss, her beautiful eyes downcast. I need this woman now; I’m not going to wait until we’re back at the apartment. I will have her now.

  “But we just got here,” she says as she leans behind her to pick up my coat.

  “Leave the coat. We’re not leaving the club yet.” I stand and then pull on her hand to help her stand. Holding on to her hand, I lead the way out of the VIP lounge, through the crowd, and then along the corridor where only staff are allowed. When we finally reach Alexei’s office, I key in my password, waiting for the door to click open. Entering, I close the door behind us, and then before she can even look around, I have her against the door, my hands on each side of her head as my lips descend on hers.

  Ever since the moment I saw her in this dress, I have been on a slow burn. It is now time to do something about this fire that she has set in me. My body is flush against hers, our breathing as one as my lips master her every murmur. My right hand moves down over her neck to her
breast. The feel of her fullness on my palm has my cock weeping with expectation.

  My other hand moves down her body, and then my fingers pull up the hem of her dress. “Vlad, someone might come in,” Haley says as she pulls her head back against the door, her eyes glazed in passion. I don’t know what it is about this woman that turns me on like no one else can.

  “No one is coming in here,” I murmur as my lips move down her neck. I let go of her breast to unbutton my slacks. Pulling my boxers down just enough to free myself, I take hold of her legs and lift her; her back is leaning against the door, her legs crossed behind me to hold her in place. I feel my cock rubbing against her smooth wetness.

  “Fuck.” I feel like a teenage boy with his first girlfriend. Bending my knees, I slide inside her. The moist hotness that surrounds me has me sighing in pleasure. This isn’t going to take long. Shit, I’m driving both of us to a frenzy that can only end in an explosion of our senses.

  “Vlad, oh, oh.” Haley’s gasps drive me higher. When I feel her tightening around me, I can’t hold it any longer. “Vlaaad.” Haley’s whispered sigh of release is drowned out by my roar of release. I lean my head next to hers, my forehead against the door as I regain my breath. Her arms move around my shoulders, holding me close. Before, I loved this feeling of being cared for, but now I feel like it’s all an act. I let her legs go, moving my hands to her waist, holding her up until she has her footing, and then I step back.

  “You can go clean up in there,” I say as I incline my head towards the door to Alexei’s private bathroom. I see my essence on her thighs before she pulls down the dress. I like seeing my mark on her. Her cheeks are flushed from our lovemaking, one of her beautiful breasts exposed to my eyes. As she starts to make her way towards the bathroom, I stop her with my hand on her chest.

  I adjust her dress over her breasts and then slap her bum gently. “Go on.” I pull up my boxers and then my slacks, zipping them up as I hear the water running in the bathroom. Walking towards the couch, I take a seat.

  Pulling out my phone, I open the e-mail I received from the Elementals. I scroll through Haley’s information until I get to the police report. I want to know what she told the police. I start to read and then tense. What the fuck?

  HALEY 10

  Since our outing to the club two weeks ago, things have changed between Vlad and me. I know that he’s still angry, but now things seem to have gone back to the way we were before. He kisses me at every opportunity. He doesn’t hold back and instead works my body until I’m crying with pleasure, only then taking his own. He has spent more time with me than in the first week, and now we are having real conversations like we used to have instead of his one-word answers.

  The only thing that he won’t do is talk about Paige. When I ask about her, he either ignores me or simply tells me that she’s fine before changing the subject. Our sex life is hotter than it has ever been. He has me gasping with pleasure with minimal effort. Tomorrow is his fight, and apparently there will be no sex before a fight. He has been training nonstop for the last couple weeks. When I think of his opponent at the club, my stomach knots in anxiety.

  The thought of what can happen to him has me feeling nauseous. Taking hold of the lid on the counter, I cover the pot. I am making the mince for lasagne, as I know Vlad likes his starch because of the training. I have found that he loves his food, and for me, it’s a pleasure to cook for him, as it keeps me entertained, even though he bought a flat screen last week that I keep on during the day just for the background noise.

  Yesterday, two of his men also came to the door, weighed down with my clothes. One of them was the man who was with Paige on the day we went to the club. I now know his name is Andrei, as he introduced himself. The other was one of the guards, and much younger than Vlad and Andrei.

  “Something smells good.” I turn to see Vlad smiling at me from the doorway, his torso bare, glistening from his shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Mmm, I think you’re talking about yourself.” He grins boyishly as he approaches. By the twinkle in his eyes, I know where his mind is at. “Now remember, no sex or Samson is going to turn into a mouse.” He raises his brow as he raises his hand, placing it behind my neck.

  “Well, now, maybe I won’t have sex, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer for that.” He pulls me forward, taking my lips in a passionate kiss that has all my thoughts scattering as I raise my arms, spreading my fingers over his back, feeling the warmth of his skin radiating through my fingers, up my arms, and through my body. His hand is over my shirt, and he pinches my nipple. The sweet torture has it as hard as a pebble. My panties are soaked at his ministrations. His lips move from my mouth down to my neck as his other hand moves down my body to the junction of my legs.

  “Vlad,” I whisper as his fingers work their magic over my clothes, rubbing, stroking, making me gasp in pleasure. I move my body against his hand, speeding up his ministrations as I feel my need for this man grow.

  “What do you want, baby?” he asks. Raising his head, he looks at me, and I can see the passion in his tense features.

  “You.” He groans at my answer, and then I feel his fingers lifting my flowy skirt and my panties being divested. The next moment, his hands are on my waist and he is lifting me up and placing me on the counter. I notice that his towel has dropped to the ground and he is fully erect, ready for me. I sigh in pleasure, looking at his beautiful toned body, but instead of moving over me and into my body, he leans down. His lips move over my pelvic bone, down until he is kissing my craving bud. I lean back, my head leaning against the cupboard. My breath is laboured as I feel his tongue sliding over my folds and then penetrating my body.

  “Oh, mmm.” For the life of me, I couldn’t string together two words if I wanted to. All I can do is feel his masterful tongue and his perfect lips bringing me pleasure.

  “Fuck,” Vlad suddenly mutters. Opening my eyes dazedly, I see him look behind him. Only then do I realize that there is someone knocking on the apartment door. “They can fucking wait.” He brings his hand between my legs, his finger stroking me as another one penetrates my body. Leaning over me as he masters my body, he takes my lips in a passionate kiss that soon drives every thought out of my mind as I feel my body tensing around his fingers and my own taste on his lips. My orgasm has me falling over the edge, gasping for breath as Vlad slows his strokes and then slides his fingers away.

  Vlad’s phone starts to ring in the sitting room, which has him muttering as he leans down to pick up his towel, his erection making it difficult for him to drape it around his hips again. His tense body professes his dislike of being interrupted, which has me smiling as I slide off the counter. Arranging my skirt around me, I bend down to pick up my panties as I hear him opening the door, and then he is snapping something in Russian.

  There is a reply, but I can’t tell who it is, as the person must still be standing outside. At Vlad’s next reply, I notice a change in his tone. There is still anger, but there seems to be some kind of urgency. I walk to the kitchen door, but I don’t see who is standing outside. The only thing I see is Vlad standing in front of the door with the towel in his fisted hand before his body. It is covering what it needs to, but just.

  After another couple words, he closes the door and turns to walk to the room. “Who was it?” I ask, but he doesn’t stop. “Vlad?”

  “It was Andrei. I need to go out for a bit,” he mutters. I follow him to find him pulling on black boxers over his sexy ass. His tense muscles profess to his anger. Whatever that conversation was about has upset him.

  “Are you okay?” He turns his head to look at me as he buttons his pale grey shirt. His eyes show me the fury that is flowing through his body, but his actions are calm. Whatever this is, he doesn’t want me to know about it, which tells me that it must be mafia business.

  “I’m fine. I will be back later. There is someone coming with dresses for you to choose from for tomorrow.” He leans forward, pulling o
ut dark-grey slacks from the hanger. “I wanted to be here to see them, but I trust you not to choose something like that black little number you were wearing at the club.”

  “You want me at your fight?” He never mentioned before that he wanted me there. I personally would rather not be anywhere near where he will be fighting, but if that is what he wants, then I will be there to support him.

  “Yes. Then after the fight, there is a party that all the sponsors and others who have been invited attend.” He is now sliding on some socks as he talks.

  “Will you be okay for a party? I mean, it must be exhausting, and then to have to entertain.”

  “We don’t need to be there for long, but they expect it.” He takes a step towards me, now fully dressed, looking like a million dollars. “Keep some of that food for me. I’ll be back later.” He leans down and kisses me gently on the lips before stepping around me and making his way towards the door. I turn to follow him until he is by the door to the apartment. His hand is on the handle when he suddenly looks over his shoulder at me. “Don’t open the door for anyone you don’t know. I will get Andrei to bring the seamstress to the door.” He doesn’t wait for a reply but leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Oh well, so much for spending the day together. I head towards the kitchen to check on the food. I won’t eat anything now, as I’m not hungry, and will wait for him. I’m not looking forward to going to this fight tomorrow, but I will try my best to keep my reaction to myself. The thought of two grown men bashing each other for sport doesn’t make sense to me, but I know that Vlad’s fighting is part of him and that he is good at it, as he is the champion, but as such, he has to train harder and fight more to keep his reign.

  An hour later, I am fighting to keep my eyes open while I try to concentrate on a documentary on TV when someone knocks at the door. I’m about to open it back when I remember Vlad’s warning. Sighing, I shake my head.


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