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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 14

by Maggie Ryan

  "She's right; the resemblance is undeniable," Jeb said.

  "You are an artist," Rebekah said, "and now you have another name." She turned the poster to face her and read, "Dennis Sanders: Wanted for robbery and… oh my gosh, look, Jeb… he's wanted for murder!"

  Jeb took the poster and continued reading, "… murder and attempted murder. Known to ride with Timothy Peterson. Peterson? Fuck, we had the bastard in our jail and I let him go!"

  "No, I did," Tanner corrected. "Why didn't they send his wanted poster as well?"

  "I don't know, but even if they had, Peterson was already gone."

  "Yes, but he didn't go far," Tanner said, adding Peterson's first name to his own drawing. "You'd think the fact that he'd wound up in jail would have sent him out of town the moment he left his cell."

  "You're thinking that he and Sanders are still around?"

  "I'm hoping they are stupid enough to think that we don't have any idea that they committed a crime or that we have their descriptions. I can draw another set. I'll get some men to go up into the hills with me to start showing them around." Tanner said.

  "Meanwhile, I'll start making up a list of the claims around here and map out a route. If these two are hiding out as miners, maybe another prospector has seen them."

  He helped Rebekah pack the basket and then pulled her close. "Thank you, Red, for everything."

  "I want to stay," she said after he'd kissed her.

  "I know, honey, but…"

  "You need to concentrate," she finished for him. "I'll go but I'll be back with lunch."

  "I'll look forward to it." Jeb kissed her again. "I don't want you going anywhere alone. Lock me up, Zeke, and then walk her back to the saloon."

  Jeb returned to his cell but this time he had his paper and pencil. "Oh, and stop by the bank. They've got a list of claims that I'll need."


  Once back at the saloon, they met with Gabriel and Jewel and all of the gems. Tanner showed them the drawings and learned that none of the women recognized the men. With Rebekah's stating that Sanders had yellow, stained teeth and a feral expression, they all shook their heads again. Madame Jewel ran her house in a different manner than most others. She left the choice to offer a client intimate service up to her gems. And from the looks of disgust on their faces, she had no doubt that none of them would wish to bed such a man.

  Charlie reached out and took the drawing Zeke had made. "This guy looks familiar though. Wasn't he in here the other night?" As the women protested, he clarified. "No, I'm not questioning that he ever went upstairs. But, there was a group of men who came in together. They were arguing over splitting the cost of a bottle of whiskey. I think this guy might be one of them, but, the other guy, Sanders, was not with them."

  "That's good, Charles," Zeke said. "That means someone else has got to know the men. I'm looking for someone to ride with me to ask those working the mines."

  "I'll go," Gabriel said instantly. "Many claims are tucked away and hard to find."

  "That'll help," Tanner said. "Jeb is working on making a list of claims and we'll start making inquiries when he's done."

  "John's coming down later today so he can stay with the ladies. You and I can stop at Corazón de Oro on the way," Gabriel said. "My men are familiar with the area. Though John is new, the others have been working for a long time. They know a great many of the other prospectors."

  "Good, we could use all the help we can get. After I get Jeb the info from the bank, I'm going to send someone to Dry Creek. I don't give a shit if it's the mayor's mother's birthday. I need him to get back here."

  "I'll head over to the jail and help Jeb mark the claims," Gabriel said. Tanner nodded and left and Gabriel turned to the others. "No one is to step out alone. That includes you, Nettie." He held up his hand. "Don't even bother. Your wooden spoon would not stop men who have murdered before. The only place you may go is to the jail to take Jeb his food and there are to be three of you going and not just a pair." Turning to Jewel he said, "I know you own the place, but this time I'm leaving Charlie in charge until John gets here."

  "I could go with you," Jewel said.

  "Not this time, chiquita." He pulled her close, and her arms wrapped around him. "I need to know you are here and safe. Te amo, chica de oro."

  "I love you too."

  When she next saw Gabriel, Rebekah saw a different man. Instead of his black suit and red vest, he wore chaps over his pants and a bandana tied around his neck. There would be no question of if he was armed as he now wore a gun belt around his hips, twin pistols tucked snugly into holsters. His expression was one of steel and determination. However, his eyes softened as he drew Jewel to him to kiss her and when he pulled Rebekah into a hug, promising that everything would be fine, she knew that beneath his chambray shirt and hard as marble chest, beat the heart of a good man.


  Rebekah tried to do some mending but couldn't seem to keep the thread from twisting or her stitches neat. She set the petticoat aside and although not required, she did some chores though she didn't dance as she dusted. Straightening the chairs around the card tables, she didn't think about learning the card tricks Miss Jewel had spoken of. All she could think of was Jeb, sitting in the cell without her. Time seemed to crawl but finally it was almost noon. No matter what Jeb said, this time she wasn't going to leave after he ate. She wouldn't bother him but she'd be damned if anyone tried to keep her from staying. She'd sit on the floor outside his cell if she had to.

  She brushed her hair and tied a blue ribbon around her braid. It couldn't hurt to look her best and perhaps it would soften his determination to suffer alone. On her way to the kitchen, she decided to visit the privy. She'd seen the chamber pot under his cot and had no intention of having to ask to use it during the rest of the day and wasn't going to give him or Deputy Tanner the chance to lock her out of the building when she ran to the outhouse behind the jail.

  With her toilet done, she smiled for the first time in hours. It was time to go see the man she couldn't consider living without. She never had a chance to scream as a huge hand covered her mouth and her feet left the ground the moment she stepped out the door. Kicking out, she felt the man's grip tighten and when he leaned down, she knew instantly who it was. Sanders' breath was still as rancid as the first time he'd spoken to her.

  "I told you I'd find you," he said.

  Her heart was racing, her eyes darting around the yard. She began to struggle harder, lifting her hands to attempt to pull his hand away from her mouth, her fingernails raking across his arm.

  "Fuck," he growled, jerking his arm, forcing her head back. "Go ahead, little girl. Try that again. For every scratch you put on me, I'll double the marks on your soft skin."

  "Stop talkin' and let's get out of here."

  "No rush," Sanders said. "The sheriff and the deputy are in the jail. Hell, they're probably washing their hands and tucking napkins on their laps getting ready to be attended by a bunch of whores and served lunch like kings."

  "All the more reason to get out of here. Sticking around is just askin' for trouble."

  "She owes me," Sanders said. He bent down and ran his tongue along her cheek causing her to stiffen, her stomach roiling. "I'm gonna teach you that nobody wipes off my kisses."

  "Fine, bring her but hurry up. We should have left town last night."

  Rebekah was beginning to feel faint from the lack of oxygen and when Sanders finally removed his hand, she couldn't scream because she needed to gulp in air.

  "Make a sound and I swear, everyone inside will die." He grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him. "Be a good girl and I might just keep you alive."

  With her entire soul, Rebekah wished she still had the knife or a hidden gun that she could reach through her pocket. She had neither but she did have a pocket. With Peterson in the lead and Sanders continuing to force march her towards the trees, she began dropping thimbleberries. She'd never had a chance to feed them to Jeb and could only
pray that they wouldn't be gobbled up by squirrels or other critters before someone saw the trail.

  "Why did you have to kill him?" she asked, dropping another berry. "He never did anything to you."

  "Man was too stupid to put his money in the bank and too damn selfish to share," Sanders said with a snicker that made her skin crawl. "You made it so easy with dropping that knife and trying to hide it with that fancy handkerchief. What sort of man walks around with his initials on a damn snot rag?"

  "A man who loved that his mother embroidered a simple square of linen in order to make it special for her son, that's who," she wanted to say but wouldn't sully the gift by doing so.

  "Seems the sheriff is just as stupid as you are. You leave us a murder weapon and he leaves his calling card. Hell, when Peterson got out of jail and told me the story about your little theft, it was like fate. We got more gold in one day than we have in months of mining."

  "But it wasn't yours," she said, only to hear him laugh again.

  "Hell, neither was the mine but both are now."

  "Stop jabbering," Peterson said, stopping and turning around. "Let's get the horses and get out of here."

  "Not before I teach this one a proper lesson."

  "You don't have time for that. I'm not gonna sit around while you fuck her. You can wait till we get up in the hills."

  Rebekah felt her blood turn to ice water. Though she'd been afraid they would kill her, hearing that Sanders planned on raping her first had her almost wishing she was already dead.

  Please, God, please help me. If I have to die, then take me fast. Don't let him… him have me. It would kill Jeb. I'm so sorry for everything. Please, keep Jeb safe and let him know how very, very much I loved him.

  Her prayer was interrupted as she was again lifted off her feet to be thrown face down over the back of a horse, the saddle horn digging into her stomach. Sanders mounted behind her. ""I suggest you be still or I'll tie your hands and feet. "It's a long way down to the ground and would hurt if you fell off face first. He pulled her head back by her braid. "And I'd be really angry if your pretty little face got scratched."

  She nodded and he released her hair, kicking his horse to begin their journey. Hearing a bird begin to call for its mate had her remembering Nettie's words. It wasn't time to give up. It was time to fight for the life she so desperately wanted to share with Jeb. She slowly allowed the berries remaining in her hand to drop one by one as they rode and prayed that she'd manage to get to the rest in her pocket before the distance was too far to track their progress.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gabriel, Jeb and Zeke all looked up when the door to the jail slammed against the wall and women piled inside.

  "She's gone!" Della cried.

  "Who's gone?" Tanner asked though Jeb instantly feared he knew exactly who Della meant.

  His fear was confirmed when Dottie said, "Ruby. We searched everywhere but she isn't in the saloon."

  Amy spoke up next. "Nettie had the picnic basket ready but Ruby never came to get it."

  "When was the last time anyone saw her?" Jeb asked, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the bars.

  "Not long ago," Dottie said. "I saw her dusting the card tables…"

  "And I saw her go into the bathing room," Amy added. "I was coming down for lunch…"

  Tanner pulled the keys off their hook and slid one into the lock on the cell. When Jeb glanced at him, the deputy shook his head. "Fuck the mayor. I'd rather he fire me than to have you beat my ass when he lets you out."

  Jeb didn't say a word, just stepped from the cell and went to the desk. Opening the bottom drawer, he pulled out his gun belt and strapped it on. Grabbing a box of bullets, he dumped several into his hand, shoving them into his pocket.

  "I'll get the horses and meet you at the saloon," Tanner said, adding bullets to his own pocket.

  Gabriel and Jeb told the girls to come and they all ran out the door and down the street. Bursting through the bat-wing doors, Jeb almost slammed into John.

  "I got here to find everyone frantic," John said. "While Opal filled me in on what's happening, the other girls went through every room again. She's not here." Jeb nodded and headed straight towards the bathing room.

  "She's not there," Opal said.

  "Anyone check the privy?" Jeb asked and at their shocked expressions, he had his answer. The group followed him outside and watched as the door to the outhouse was practically wrenched free. The interior was empty. Jeb's head swiveled as he looked around the yard and then dropped as he scanned the ground.

  "She was taken from right here," he said, squatting to examine the ground. Gabriel squatted beside him and nodded.

  "There's a much larger, deeper print back here," John said. "I'm betting whoever took her was hiding behind the outhouse waiting for her to come out."

  "I never thought to tell the girls not to go to the privy alone. Damn it!" Gabriel said, slamming his hand against the side of the outhouse.

  "That's my girl."

  Rising from his squat, Gabriel turned towards Jeb only to see him reach for something on the ground.

  "What the hell is that?"

  "It's a thimbleberry," Jeb answered, rolling the fruit between his fingers before walking several feet forward and bending again. "Red is trying to leave us a trail."

  "Good girl," Gabriel said before turning to John. "We'll follow the trail. When Zeke gets here with the horses, tell him to follow the berries."

  "Will do," John promised before shooing the girls back towards the building. Jeb continued to move towards the tree line, his eyes on the ground.

  The two men yelled as movement drew their eyes but it was only to see the squirrel who had indeed stolen the next berry, scolding them from the safety of his perch. "Fuck!" Gabriel said.

  Jeb quickened his steps as if fearing that the squirrel's friends would join him in destroying the trail.

  They reached a small clearing. "They hid their horses here," Gabriel said, pointing to the ground where hoof marks had churned up the drying mud. "We know they're heading away from town but that still leaves a lot of possibilities to cover."

  Jeb scanned the area around them. "I still say that they are prospectors. Peterson had money to pay his share of that liquor. We'll stick to the plan to head for the mountains."

  "I agree and knowing your gal, Ruby is gonna do her best to continue to try to mark her trail."

  Zeke and John joined them with the horses. Mounting, they headed out, their eyes always scanning as their horses began climbing into the foothills of the Sierra mountains.


  Rebekah squealed as the horse carrying her and her captor stumbled and she began to slide forward. She gritted her teeth as Sanders yanked her back by the back of her dress, the collar biting painfully into the tender skin of her throat.

  He chuckled and she seethed as he patted her backside once he'd dragged her back into position. She'd dropped her last berry several yards back and couldn't manage to get her hands into her pockets to grab more. Spying the stirrup beneath her head, she carefully reached for the buckle. With his boot heel pushing against it to maintain his seat as the horse began to climb, she devised a new plan. If she could loosen it even the slightest, when he pushed against it again, it might slip enough to have him need to stop and adjust it. No one wanted to have their footing unstable when riding. If she were lucky, his foot could slip through the stirrup and he could fall and be dragged by the horse. Though she'd fall as well, it would be worth it to see the man bouncing over roots and rocks that had caused his horse to stumble.

  It took a few minutes as she worked the leather tongue loose from the buckle's teeth. With a lunge from the horse she yelped and grabbed at Sanders' pant cuff, using the opportunity to pull his foot forward. Her reward wasn't a fall but another slap to her backside. "Be still."

  Deciding her plan was futile, she said, "Can't I sit up? The saddle horn is making my stomach hurt." His silence told of his lack of concern a
bout her comfort. She began to wiggle and complain, tugging at his leg as if she just couldn't settle in any sort of position and remain still. Finally, he was the one to give a cry of surprise as his left boot heel slid off its hook on the stirrup.

  "Fuck! I said to be still!" He said, tugging her back again before he pulled his horse to a stop.

  "What's the problem?" Peterson said.

  "She's squirming like a snake and all her tugging on my pants has my foot slipping," Sanders complained.

  "Let her sit up," Peterson said. "We've got a long way to go and I'm sick of listening to her whine."

  Peterson rode back and dismounted, handing his reins to his partner and dragging Rebekah off the horse.

  Seeing an opportunity, she said, "I need to um, use the… make my…"

  "Piss?" Sanders asked crudely. "Did you forget we grabbed you from the outhouse, or do you think we're just stupid?"

  "Neither," Rebekah said, moving her hand to her stomach. "But, I do need to use the necessary. Unless you won't care if I have an accident riding with you…"

  "Fine," Sanders said, then yelled as he put all his weight on his left foot to dismount, managing not to fall only because Peterson reached out and grabbed him. "What the hell!"

  "Hey, you didn't give me time to fix the damn stirrup," Peterson said.

  "Well, fix it while I take her into the bushes."

  "To pee, not to fuck," Peterson said. "We need to get back, get the rest of our stuff and get as far away as we can. I don't want to be around when her lover boy finds she's really missing and not just occupied with another man."

  "No worries," Sanders said, grabbing her arm. "She'll pee fast, won't you, girlie?"

  Rebekah didn't bother to answer the rude question. She allowed him to yank her to a group of bushes. "You've got two minutes."

  "Aren't you gonna turn around?"

  His laugh had her stomach flipping. "What? You trying to make me believe whores are shy?"

  "Maybe not all of them, but I can't go with you watching. She shrugged as if she no longer cared. "We might as well go back and hope that all this jostling doesn't cause my bladder to…"


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