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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 16

by Maggie Ryan

  "Son, you're buzzin' around the wrong honeybee."

  "Nope, I'm showing my appreciation to the Queen," Jeb countered. "If you hadn't wanted to make pies, we wouldn't have gone berry picking and Red wouldn't have had any to leave a trail."

  "Or, he's just trying to butter you up," Rebekah said, from the doorway. "After all, he never did get lunch."

  Nettie hugged her and when released, Rebekah told her that it had been the birds and her story that had her determined to fight for her life. "You are a very special woman, Miss Nettie. Your stories offer so very much."

  "Only for those who choose to listen," Nettie said. "Now, everyone sit down. I've been cookin' all afternoon waiting for you to get home." They settled around tables in the dining room, passing platters and bowls as Jeb, Gabriel and John filled them in on the search. "Every time I eat a thimbleberry, I'm going to remember how clever Red is," Jeb said.

  Rebekah smiled and stood only to move to him, climbing into his lap as Nettie put a slice of pie before them. He fed her every other bite, and Jeb hoped that this would allow the much fonder memories of their berry picking to replace the fear she must have felt as each berry slipped from her fingers as she prayed he'd find them.

  Mayor Rockwell joined them and Jeb was quick to state that he accepted all the blame for any broken rules.

  "Some rules were made to be broken," William said, accepting a plate from Amy. "You and Tanner did everything necessary to take two outlaws off the streets. The doc said he'll make a full recovery. I know it'll be a while until he's fully healed, but I want to recommend Tanner for the position of Sheriff at Dry Creek. Their man wants to retire and though it'll mean you'll be short handed…"

  "I'll manage," Jeb said instantly. "Tanner deserves to move up and we'll spread the word for a new deputy. In fact, we may need two as the town continues to grow."

  It was growing late but no one really wanted to break up the party. It wasn't until Rebekah began to yawn hugely that Jeb said, "It's time for you to get to bed."

  "I'm not tired," Rebekah said, causing quite a few chuckles to sound from around the table.

  Jeb knew that was a lie and yet he couldn't see fit to scold her. Instead, he bent until their foreheads touched. "Go on, honey. As long as the mayor is ignoring the rules, how about I promise to come tuck you in?"

  He adored seeing her cheeks flush as she nodded.


  Jewel accompanied Rebekah to her room and helped her into her nightgown. Rebekah shook her head when the woman turned back the covers and patted the mattress. Sinking onto the bed, Jewel watched as Rebekah began to pace back and forth across the room.

  "Honey, you're safe now," Jewel said. "I promise no one will hurt you here."

  "I feel just awful," Rebekah said. "Everyone is being so kind and yet this is all my fault. None of this would have happened if I hadn't been so stubborn about retrieving the money Mr. March owed me. He… he died for a lousy two dollars! And the miner; he was just a man trying to find his dream and was lef… left all alone in a cold, dark cave!"

  "None of that was your fault, Ruby. Sanders and Peterson are to blame…"

  "No! They'd have never known that Mr. March didn't trust banks if I hadn't been caught that night. If I hadn't taken that knife…" Rebekah whirled to face Jewel, her hands clenched in the fabric of her nightgown.

  "I'm going to get a gun!"

  "A gun?"

  She turned back to find Jeb in the doorway. "Red, you most certainly are not going to get a gun."

  "I am and you can't stop me!" she yelled, her tone shrill.

  "Honey, a gun wouldn't have stopped any of this from happening," Jeb said, stepping into the room, Rebekah easily avoiding his hand that was reaching for her.

  "A gun would have been better than fucking berries!"

  "Red, that's enough," Jeb said. "Listen, I know you are upset. It's been a horrid day but, honey, you are safe now. It's over."

  "It's not over! Deputy Tanner almost died because of me. It could have been you or John or, God, it would have been my fault if Miss Jewel was left without Mr. Gabe…"

  "Sweetie, Zeke will recover…"

  "And stop calling me sweetie and honey! I don't deserve all this kindness. I put good people into danger because I was too scared you'd all know I was really a thief after all."

  Jeb ran his hand through his hair and Jewel stood from where she'd taken a seat on the bed. "We know you aren't a thief, Ruby, but I also know that until you forgive yourself, there isn't anything we can say to convince you that we have forgiven you and that we love you very much." Crossing the room, she placed her hand on Jeb's arm. "Sometimes the thing that needs to be done hurts our hearts but is the only path towards moving forward." The door closed softly behind her, leaving the couple just a few feet apart and yet to Rebekah, the distance felt as insurmountable as the deepest gorge.

  She felt all twisted inside and had no idea how to fix herself. Looking up at him, she shook her head. "Help me… please, Jeb, make the pain go away."

  Nodding, he reached out his hand and this time, she took it and allowed him to draw her to him. "I promise it's going to be all right, little one."

  "But I can't think and I hurt so badly inside. I'm so scared to close my eyes…"

  "Shh, we'll fix it together, Red."

  He led her to the bed but didn't attempt to lift the sheet to let her slip underneath. Instead, he pulled her to stand in front of him. "I want you to understand that no matter what you think, you are not responsible for anything that happened. Sanders and Peterson were outlaws, Red. They were bad men long before they came to Culpepper Cove. You saw the poster. They were wanted for robbery and murder. It was just an act of fate that had Peterson in the cell that night to hear about you getting the money owed you." She attempted to speak but he shook his head.

  "Red, I'm not saying you are totally innocent. Yes, you made mistakes but then, so did I."

  "You did?"

  "Yes. My mistake was in letting you off so easy that night. If I'd done my duty, I would have given you a spanking for even being in the laundry."

  "But Mr. Gabe did spank me," she said.

  "Yes, but that was for lying to him and Miss Jewel. I was too soft when I should have been hard. If I had turned you over my knees, I'm quite sure you would have confessed to having taken the knife when it pricked your finger. By allowing you to get away with your first bad choice, I basically opened the door to allow you to continue making the wrong decisions."

  She leaned into his palm when it moved to cup her cheek. "But you aren't going to make that mistake again, are you?"

  "No, Red, I'm not. Just as I want you to learn from your mistakes, I need to learn from mine. Can you tell me why I'm going to spank you tonight?"

  Shuffling her feet, her eyes dropping to the ground, she realized two things. First, her stomach had stopped aching and second, this man had to truly care for her if he'd take the time to talk to her and to make sure she had what she needed even if it that was a painful bottom. She also knew that though she'd been involved at the beginning of the awful sequence of events, she was not responsible for how they played out.

  "You're going to spank me because I should have told you about the knife."

  "You understand that I'm not spanking you for any other reason?"


  "Yes, what?"

  She couldn't help but smile at the memory of how stubborn she'd been the first time he'd asked her that question. Lifting her eyes to his, she said, "Yes, sir, I understand. It isn't my fault that Sanders and Peterson did what they did. It was horrible and I can feel sad, but it isn't my fault."

  "Good girl," Jeb said. "Let this spanking rid you of all the guilt you feel inside. I'm going to turn your little bottom red, Red…"

  She slapped a hand over her mouth when a giggle escaped and his brow lifted before he shook his head and chuckled. "I think you have the picture. Over my lap now."

  "Yes, sir," she said, lowering herself
over his knees, her hands braced against the floorboards.

  Her face flushed as he pulled her nightgown up and before she could worry that her bloomers would be lowered, his hand descended onto her bottom. It was unlike any spanking she'd ever experienced. As the strokes continued to light a fire in her backside, her heart lightened. Perhaps it was unusual in that she felt she deserved so much more than a mere spanking or perhaps it was because for the first time in her life, she was being disciplined by a man who she knew would die for her, but for whatever reason, she accepted each swat and let it dissolve the guilt that had been building since her rescue.


  Jeb continued to lay crisp swat after crisp swat across her bottom until he could discern the glow he'd built through the thin fabric of her bloomers. It was hard to punish the woman he almost lost and yet he knew that this was exactly what she needed. Satisfied that he'd made his point, he lifted her and cradled her against his chest.

  Rocking her gently, he pressed kisses upon her hair, murmuring that it was over and that she was forgiven. He was a bit concerned that she had yet to cry, giving only soft yelps and the occasional whimper during her spanking. Hopefully, one day she'd know that there was no shame in crying in front of him but she was a stubborn little thing. It was his hope that she'd allow herself the cleansing of tears once she was assured of privacy. When he stood with the intention of tucking her into bed, she clung to him tighter.

  "Honey, you need to get some sleep. You're exhausted."

  "No, please, don't leave me," she said. "I… I don't want to be alone."

  "Honey, it wouldn't be right for me to stay. God knows I don't want to but…"

  "Just hold me for a little while? Please."

  He didn't have the heart to deny her. Nodding, he set her from him only long enough to remove his boots and pull the chair close to the bed. He was a strong man but he wasn't sure he'd be able to control himself if he allowed himself to stay on the bed. The moment he was seated, she scrambled onto his lap.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he tucked her head beneath his chin, his feet propped on the bed. She snuggled into him as if attempting to banish even a single inch of space between them. Bending, he placed a kiss on top of her head. "I love you Red," he said softly. "I love you so very much."

  "I love you, too. I-I was ready to die if I had to but what scared me the most was that Sanders would tou… touch me. It was so awful when he kissed me…"

  "Shh," Jeb said, his earlier anger again flowing through him at the thought of what that man had both done and threatened. "You are safe now, Red. I've got you and I won't ever let you go."

  He was very relieved when her slight quivering became far more pronounced as the damn opened and the tensions of the day were finally released. He tightened his hold, giving soothing sounds as his hand stroked up and down her back while she sobbed. She'd been so very strong for so long. She'd had to face not only the horror of being taken but the threat of being raped and murdered. By the time that threat was gone, she'd changed. Her fear of blood hadn't kept her from assisting Zeke and her intense fear of thunderstorms hadn't kept her from wanting nothing more than to return to the place that had indeed become her home. Her family had become those beneath this very roof and he was grateful for every single one of them.

  When her sobs began to lessen, he lifted her chin with his fingertips and bent down to kiss her forehead and then, his touch as soft as a butterfly's wing, he kissed each cheek and the tip of her nose before pressing his lips gently against hers. Pulling away, he was grateful the look he'd seen in her eyes as she talked about Sanders had disappeared.

  Her hand lifted to cup his cheek. "Thank you, Jeb. Not just for finding and saving me, but for knowing what I needed to forgive myself."

  "There is nowhere on this earth that I would not go to find you," he said, "and there will never be a single moment that I won't love you, Red." He kissed her forehead and patted her bottom. "And, just so you know, there will not be a time that you can be naughty and not pay for that naughtiness over my lap."

  "So I guess the leniency about rules…"

  "Doesn't pertain to you," he finished, this time kissing her lips and loving how she pressed herself against him.

  "For now, just know that you are safe, little one. I have you and have no plans on leaving you." Tilting her head back, his lips descended upon hers and as they kissed, he knew that this one woman, this feisty little redhead was the other half of his soul. He'd willingly give his life for hers and yet would far rather they spend every day God granted them, sharing their lives together. She snuggled into him again and he felt her body relax as he continued to stroke her arm and her back, twisting strands of her red hair around his fingers. Leaning his head back against the chair, he closed his eyes. He was counting the days remaining until her birthday, the day he'd make sure she knew where she belonged. Yes, she belonged right where she was and he would belong to her until he drew his very last breath.


  "Should we move her?" Jewel whispered to Gabriel as they stood in the doorway.

  "No, they are fine where they are," Gabriel said, grinning as Jewel moved across to the bed and picked up the quilt, carefully draping it over the sleeping couple.

  They stepped out into the hall and Jewel slipped into Gabriel's arms. "We were so very lucky," she whispered. "We could have lost so many of those we love."

  Gabriel bent and placed a kiss on her blonde curls. "Yes, but we didn't. It just reminds me that every day is a gift. And, chiquita, it reminds me that I never was one to be patient when it comes to opening my gifts."

  She smiled as he took her hand and led her through the dark saloon. Once in their room, he bent to kiss her, their need to reaffirm that all was well having her keen as he slowly removed each piece of her clothing.

  "I thought you said you weren't patient," Jewel complained as he trapped her hands with his when she attempted to help him unbutton the small buttons of her blouse.

  "Did I forget to mention that I believe half the fun is in the unwrapping?" Gabe asked. When he'd unfastened them all, he pushed the halves aside, exposing the swell of her breasts above her corset.

  She half moaned, half groaned when he pinned both hands with one of his at the small of her back. His lips nibbled on hers and then on her neck, slowly moving down her chest until the tip of his tongue took a swipe across the pale skin. She trembled as he pursed his lips and gently blew across the wetness. Running his thumb over her corset, he found the hard tips of her nipples. "Seems I have yet more to unwrap," he said, pulling at the bow at the top of her corset.

  "Naughty," he whispered after releasing her hand to loosen the laces. "Hands behind your back, chiquita." When she'd obeyed, he tugged the cups of her corset down to expose the turgid nipples he'd teased. Bending his head, he again licked with his tongue first, his warm breath causing each to pucker further and her moans to deepen. Capturing one bud with his lips, he suckled and her hands moved to cup his head, arching to offer him more. He moved from peak to peak until her legs began to tremble. Only then did he remove the rest of her clothing, leaving her standing nude before him.

  "Were you the same as I?" he asked, grinning down at her. "Did you savor each glimpse as you slowly folded back…"

  "Hell, no!" Jewel said, her hands pushing his coat off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor as she moved on to unbuttoning his vest and then his shirt. "I much prefer removing any obstacles as quickly as possible," she continued, unbuttoning his placket and kneeling to pull his pants down to his ankles. As he stepped out, she looked up and smiled. "I was the girl who couldn't wait to play with her new toys."

  His hand pressed against the back of her head as she bent forward. This time it was his groan that filled the room as the tip of her tongue peeked out and began to take long, slow sweeps up and down his length. His fingers tangled in her hair as she pleasured him until he felt his balls tighten. Bending, he pulled her away, the look on her face causing his heart
to skip a beat and his cock to jerk as if protesting its removal from the warmth that had surrounded it so beautifully.

  Helping her to stand, he lifted her onto the bed where he took his time, his lips moving down her body, kissing and nibbling on her skin until she was lifting her hips.

  "Take me, Gabe. Fill me with your love."

  Gabriel was glad to obey, sliding into her with a determined slowness that had her hands gripping his buttocks, drawing him closer until he'd filled her completely. "Te amo, chica de oro," he murmured, bending over her to take her mouth. Their lovemaking remained soft and slow. Her legs wrapped around his back, her hands gripping his as they connected in all ways, grateful that they were safe and together as they shared the gift of love as one.


  Dawn was breaking when Jeb awoke. Carefully standing, he laid Rebekah down on the bed. The sight of the quilt that had been covering them spoke of Jewel's care and he smiled as he transferred it to cover Rebekah's slim body. He bent to kiss her cheek, shushing her softly when she whimpered a bit. "Shh, sleep, Red. Dream of me." Jeb waited until her brow softened, tucking the quilt around her before picking up his boots and stepping from the room. Silence surrounded him as he took a seat on a settee and pulled his boots on.

  "How is she?" a soft voice inquired.

  Looking up, he saw Nettie in the dim light of the lantern she was holding.

  "I think she'll be fine," he said, running his hands through his hair. "She's sleeping now."

  Nettie nodded. "It might take a while, but just as those poultices helped her hand heal faster, knowing that she is so loved will heal the hurt."

  "I hope so," Jeb said as he stood. "It kills me to know how terrified she was. Tell her I'll be back in a bit. I need to check on Zeke and make my rounds."

  "I know you men want to think you are beyond needing mothering, but I don't believe it'll hurt to let me get you a cup of coffee before you go."

  Jeb chuckled and nodded, following the cook through to the kitchen. He had not one but two cups of coffee before pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Thanks, Nettie." He slipped out the side door, smiling as he remembered this was where he'd first kissed the woman he'd just left after holding her all night. Yes, he had duties to attend to, but he also had a far more personal mission.


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