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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 18

by Maggie Ryan

  The party was a haze to Rebekah as she was passed from person to person. She made sure that Zeke was comfortable from the depths of the chair he'd settled into to enjoy the wedding.

  "I'm fine, Mrs. Justice," he said. "Now, go on enjoy your special day because I can state for a fact that I've never see that man happier than he is today."

  She kissed his cheek and then danced until her feet began to ache. She and Jeb had both grown up in Culpepper Cove but while he had come to know many of its residents as an adult, she'd not truly mingled among them since her childhood. They didn't seem to hesitate to let her know they knew her far better and Jeb was the recipient of many a story about how the little McTavish lass had been quick to dip into mischief but had indeed grown into quite a beautiful woman.

  "You'd think I'd been nothing but an ugly, naughty, little troll," Rebekah had huffed after one older man pinched her cheek and said she was a 'cutie' even with all those freckles.

  "They are just remembering the past in their own ways," Jeb said with a chuckle. "Did you really open the livery stalls and release the horses?"

  "Um, I don't remember," Rebekah said. "But, if I did, I'm sure I had a very good reason."

  He laughed and they sat down to a bounty that seemed unending. Nettie had spent days cooking and though Rebekah had been concerned there would be a mountain of food remaining, she watched it disappear. The town knew a good thing when it came and none were about to miss sampling any dish that Nettie had touched. The cake was delicious. Layer upon layer of white cake separated with a sweet frosting with thimbleberry puree had everyone moaning and accepting another slice.

  "Enjoy it," Rebekah said, lifting a forkful to her husband's lips. "Nettie said this was the last of the berries."

  "Good thing I know where to find more," Jeb said, accepting the bite and then returning the favor and feeding her.

  It was a couple of hours later when Jeb turned around after shaking Lawrence's hand. "I can't thank you enough for officiating."

  "You're welcome," Black said, before pushing through the door. The crowd had gradually thinned as the evening wore on.

  Jeb turned to find he was the only person in the room. "Red?" he called but when the only sound he heard was a ringing and not her voice, he began to walk towards the noise. Entering the kitchen, he discovered their friends working at the task of cleaning up from the wedding. "Anyone know what happened to my bride?"

  Shrugs were his answer until the sound repeated, much louder this time. His eyes lifted to the wall to see one bell rocking back and forth. Moving closer, he saw a name had been written on a card below the bell. A grin lit his face as the bell continued to clang and he read the words, Ruby Red.

  "Ah, so that's where my honeybee has flown. You are a very naughty girl, Mrs. Justice," he murmured, turning to leave, not even hearing the giggles that followed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rebekah hoped that the bell was clanging downstairs. All she could hear was the pounding in her ears as her heart beat faster and faster. "Please, God, don't let him be mad," she whispered, tugging on the bell pull again. What was taking him so long? If he didn't show up soon, she was quite sure she'd pass out from nerves. The sound of boots stomping down the hall had her releasing the cord and assuming the pose she'd decided upon.

  She heard the door opening and taking a deep breath, turned to look over her shoulder. Turning slowly, her resolve almost left her until she saw the widening of his eyes. Her hands released her shoulders and her arms uncrossed, falling at her sides. She forgot to breathe as his eyes raked up and down her body and her nipples, already puckered from the chill of the room, tightened and began to throb as she watched his Adam's apple bob with his own swallow.


  Jeb couldn't believe the sight before him. The innocent bride was gone; replaced by a siren who stood half naked in the center of the room. Red curls that had flowed down her bare back to curl at her waist, now draped across her shoulders, partially covering but not obscuring the most beautiful breasts he'd ever seen. They were round and full, begging for his palms to cup them and nipples the color of thimbleberries were tight and begging to be suckled. His cock had instantly swollen, throbbing behind its confinement.

  "Sweet Jesus," he murmured.

  "Please, don't be mad," she whispered. "I just…"

  "Red, I'm not mad," he said, kicking the door closed behind him and taking a step towards her. "You are absolutely magnificent."

  "I am?"

  "Yes, Mrs. Justice, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He saw her smile and understood that she'd not truly known how her decision to greet him would be met. What she needed to know was that he couldn't have imagined a more perfect expression of her mischievous side combined with the woman who was about to give herself into his hands.

  He began to undress, loving that she couldn't seem to decide whether she should avert her eyes or keep them on him as he kicked off his boots and shrugged out of his jacket. She began to tremble as he removed his vest and began to work the buttons of his shirt. It hit the floor and he moved to remove his pants.

  "Don't," he said when her eyes slammed shut. "I want you to see how very much I love you. Just the sight of you has me ready to claim you as my wife." Her eyelids fluttered open and he pushed down his pants, setting his cock free.

  "Oh God," she said, her arms moving to cover her breasts again. "I-I don't think…"

  "You don't have to think," Jeb said, stepping free of his clothing. "You just have to feel, Red."

  "I-I don't know what to do," she whispered. "Opal didn't say…"

  "I'll teach you," he promised, stepping a bit closer. "Put your hands down, Red. It's time for you to show me what's beneath that red petticoat. Take it off."

  He watched as her arms lowered and her fingers moved to the satin bow at her waist. He held his breath as she tugged it free. "Look at me, Red. Let me see your beautiful face."

  She lifted her face to him and he saw that the brave woman had fled. Her bottom lip was quivering until she stilled it by capturing it with her teeth.

  "I love you, Mrs. Justice," he said, taking the final two steps to her. "I will love you forever and I will love making love to you for the rest of my life." He cupped her face in his hands and bent to give her a gentle kiss, pleased when she released her lip and kissed him back. He deepened the kiss until with a soft moan, she lifted her arms to wrap around his neck and he felt the softness of the red petticoat as it slid down between their bodies to puddle on the floor. Lifting her, he carried her to the bed and laid her down, joining her but never once releasing his mouth from hers. He waited until her body arched into him and her moans became more insistent before he moved his lips to begin kissing a trail down her body.

  He spent a few minutes kissing the swell of each breast before capturing a turgid nipple into his mouth and suckling.

  "Oh, God," she moaned, fingers wrapping themselves in his hair as she arched again. Her nipples were hard as unripened berries they'd picked as children and yet tasted as sweet as those they'd fed each other during their picnic. Moving to her other nipple, he tugged on it after laving it with broad strokes of his tongue, drawing another moan and earning another tug on his hair. Reaching up, he captured her hand, entwining her fingers with his before lifting his mouth and finding hers again.

  "I love you, Red," he said, sliding a hand down her flat belly to play with the red curls covering her sex. "I'm going to love you and make you mine. I'll try not to hurt you…"

  "Take me, Jeb. I want to learn all you have to teach me."

  His hand stroked a bit further to find her slippery, her body ready for his possession. He swallowed her startled cry when his fingers played over the nubbin of her clitoris, not stopping until she arched sharply and cried out her first culmination into his mouth. Lifting his head, he brushed his lips across her cheek.

  "That's just the beginning," he promised, using his hand to press her legs further apart and settling between
them. With his cock at her entrance, he bent to kiss her again before moving into her. She gasped and stiffened, her free hand lifting to press against his shoulder but he gave another thrust and broke through her maidenhead before lifting his lips from hers. "Shh, that's all the pain, I promise. The rest will be pleasure."

  He took his time, ignoring his need until he felt her relax beneath him. Her hand no longer tried to push him away but instead, tried to pull him closer. When her legs lifted to wrap around his waist, he smiled and rocked a bit faster.

  "Oh, Jeb, I-I never thought… oh, God!" Her soft cries and murmurs were music to his ears as he loved her. Feeling his balls tighten, he moved his hand to once more stroke her clitoris, wanting to share the ultimate pleasure with her.

  "Come for me, Red," he said, breathing the words into her ear before nipping her earlobe. His thrusts became harder, longer, and deeper as his fingers played until she stiffened, her head thrashed on the pillow and she exploded, the contractions of her pussy gripping his cock until he shouted and joined her. Not wanting to crush her, he rolled to his back, pulling her with him as they remained connected. The only sound for several moments was their breathing as it gradually calmed. He opened his eyes to see her looking down at him, a smile of wonder on her face.

  "Can we do that again?"

  He chuckled and brought her mouth down to his, kissing her deeply before releasing her. "Yes, wife, we can do that again but I need a few minutes to recover."

  "How many?" she asked, a finger swirling through the hair on his chest.

  "You are quite the greedy little girl aren't you?" he teased, his hands moving to cup her bottom.

  "Oh, I forgot," she teased, squirming a bit. "You are so much older than I am." She squealed when he popped her bottom.

  "Thanks for reminding me, Red," he said, running his hand across the spot he'd swatted. "I almost forgot something very important."

  "Really? I can't imagine what it could be. If you ask me, I think everything was absolutely perfect!"

  Hearing a clock begin to chime, Jeb, shook his head and moved until he was sitting up against the headboard. She gasped as she felt him slip from her, her face coloring but he just grinned as he repositioned her until she was face down over his lap.

  "Wait!" she cried, her hands moving to cover her rear. "I thought you weren't mad about the petticoat! I swear I wore it just this once and only for you!"

  "I loved the petticoat, Red, and you will keep one… but I will be the only one to ever see it."

  "Then why do I get the feeling you're going to spank me anyway?" she asked, her head turned up to look at him.

  "Because I am," he answered, easily capturing both of her wrists in one of his hands and pinning them at the small of her back.

  "But why?"

  "Red, you seem to forget, it's your birthday." His reminder was accompanied by his first strike and she yelped, her hips bucking. "Settle down, wife. Girls who take their birthday spankings well will be rewarded."

  Her eyes showed her uncertainty of his promise and she yelped again when the second stroke landed on her other cheek. He felt his cock twitch and begin to lengthen as he placed two more swats. Evidently, his birthday girl felt it too. Her hand moved to wrap around it as her head turned back. "Are you teaching me that every spanking will have you ready to love me?"

  "I've got a thousand lessons to teach you, Red. Some will be a puzzle you can spend the rest of your life trying to solve." By the time he'd landed eighteen swats, nine on each globe of her bottom and a final one in the center to wish her luck in the coming year, he was more than ready to turn her again. This time, he positioned her to straddle him, his cock filling her and causing her to gasp with every inch.

  "You feel… bigger," she said, groaning as he pushed again and again until he was balls deep, her hot buttocks resting on his thighs. "God," she moaned, leaning her forehead against his. "I love you, Sheriff."

  "And I love you, Mrs. Sheriff," he said, holding her waist and teaching her how to find and give pleasure as she rode him. Once she found her rhythm, he played with her nipples, rubbing and flicking them, rolling them between his fingers before pulling them a bit as she arched back, silently asking for more until he had to grasp her waist again as he thrust up into her, their cries of bliss once again joining together.

  Jeb smiled as she collapsed against him, her cheek pressed to his chest which was heaving. His hands stroked down her back, patting against plump buttocks that he'd never tire of caressing or spanking when needed. She had made him the happiest man alive and he'd do all that he could to make sure she knew how very grateful he was. He bent to kiss the top of her head with the sound of her soft yawn.

  "Again?" he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  "Sleep," she murmured, another yawn causing him to chuckle. He lifted her free and tucked her onto her side, lying down and pulling her into his body.

  "Yes, sleep, Red," he murmured, reaching to tug the covers up over them both. "There is always tomorrow and the next day and the next…" Her soft snore told him that she'd found the sandman before him and the little wiggle of her ass and her soft moan when he cupped her breast told him that she was going to be a very apt pupil.


  "What's that noise?" Rebekah asked, attempting to pull her pillow over her head.

  Jeb's chuckle and his pull against the pillow had her turning to him. "That's the sound of breakfast," he said, bending to kiss her before tossing back the covers and rising from the bed.

  "Jeb, you're naked!" she said, her eyes widening as she took in his form as he strode across the room. He had the most amazing body and hers quickened as the events of how he'd loved her filled her heart. She had to admit she was a bit disappointed as he picked up his pants and pulled them on. Smiling, she sat up, pulling the sheet to her chin as he went to the door.

  "Thank you," Jeb said, accepting the tray that Jewel had brought up. "This looks delicious." He closed the door and returned to the bed, setting the tray down before removing his pants and joining his wife in the bed.

  Rebekah felt torn between the aromas coming from the tray and the sight of his cock as it was already lifting. She blushed when he chuckled and moved to sit beside her. "Food first," he said, "you are going to need your strength."

  Delicious shivers ran through her, hardening her nipples as she accepted the cup of coffee from him. "I'm not really hungry," she said, her eyes dropping to where the sheet was tenting.

  "Only good girls who eat their breakfast get to go to class," Jeb said, tugging the sheet down to bare her breasts before taking his own cup and drinking. Rebekah stopped complaining when he lifted a hot beignet to her lips. He laughed as she took a bite and a shower of powdered sugar drifted onto her chest. Returning the fried pastry to the plate, he leaned over and she moaned as his tongue flicked out to lick the powder from her skin.

  Spying a pot of honey, her brow furrowed. "Why honey? These are really sweet enough."

  "The powdered sugar is for you, the honey is for me," Jeb said, cryptically.

  "What does that mean?"

  "Just finish your breakfast, Red. As I said, you'll need your strength." She sighed but her tummy grumbled as if in agreement and her giggle continued as he cleaned her of any dusting of sugar that drifted south.

  They sat, feeding each other tidbits of pastry, eggs and crisp bacon until the plates contained only crumbs. "I'm done," she said, batting her eyelashes."

  "Well, I've only just begun," he said.

  Her tummy didn't rumble but it did flip when he pushed aside the covers and once more climbed from the bed. She watched as he put the tray on the bedside table. "It takes more than even Miss Nettie's cooking for a man to feel totally sated."

  When he moved toward his scattered clothing, she said, "You don't need to go downstairs to ask for more. I can just pull the bell and request another tray."

  "No, I have all I need right here." She had no idea what he meant when he picked up his
vest and tossed it onto the bed before reaching out and grabbing her legs and pulling her down the bed until she was lying flat on her back.

  She turned her head to watch him reach for the tray and then flushed hotly with the realization that she was face to face with his cock. Her gasp had him pausing in whatever it was he was doing and looking down.

  "Like what you see?"

  "I remember being thrashed trying to see what a man looked like," she said, lifting her eyes to his, knowing that he could easily see the tight buds of her breasts. "I'm thinking that if Pa had let me see, I would have been terrified. You are huge!"

  Jeb chuckled and shook his head. "Remember you said that the first time we go skinny dipping."


  "We'll save that lesson for later," Jeb said, giving her a grin that had her pussy growing even damper. "Close your eyes and don't move."


  "Trust me, Red," he said, bending to kiss the tip of her nose.

  She shut her eyes and when he ordered her to lift her hands above her head, she did so.

  "I will never hurt you," Jeb said though she had never once thought he would.

  She felt her fingers being guided around the iron rails of the headboard. "Just relax, hang on, and most of all… enjoy." Rebekah nodded, her heart racing and yet her body ready for whatever her husband wished her to experience. She felt the bed sag a bit when he joined her and gasped when she felt her legs being coaxed apart. This she knew and was ready to have him filling her again. But instead of feeling the head of his cock, she felt him settle between her legs and her eyes opened to see him kneeling on his heels.

  "Uh uh," he said. "No peeking. Need I remind you what happens to naughty students? Oh, and I might add that in my classroom, they not only get their little bottoms spanked, they get to stand in the corner and display that spanked bottom to their teacher." Her eyes slammed shut as her cheeks heated with the instant image his words had painted in her mind.


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