The Scarlet Cord
Page 11
Could that really be her? And how much did Dr. Claussen know? Renata’s blood felt thick. She felt the Pitbull’s gunmetal against her waist. It was cold. She could have her finger on the trigger in less than five seconds. Darwin’s dart gun was also handy. Renata could easily paralyze the scientist without gunfire. Her fingers slowly unzipped the front of the messenger bag. She held the small weapon hidden in her hand as the conversation continued. The scientist was oblivious to Renata’s anxiety.
“So, the material is REN,” Adam repeated. “When you say material, what does that mean exactly?” he asked with feigned innocence. He looked at Renata. She hadn’t said a word since they had entered the lab.
Adam is doing a good job extracting information, she thought. Carefully Renata returned the weapon to the messenger bag without anyone noticing. These people weren’t a threat. They were just workers with a project to complete for someone else. She could play science teacher wife for a bit longer and see what more Adam could extract.
“Usually the material is from a biological source,” Dr. Claussen said, to answer Adam’s question.
“Biological, huh? So, a human or animal?” Renata hoped Adam wasn’t pushing too hard.
“Human is best because most synthesized drugs are for human consumption. REN is a human strain. It has some unique qualities that make it work well for this project.” Dr. Claussen had answered the question completely innocently. He didn’t seem to be hiding anything. Adam didn’t ask any more questions. The group had wandered back to the entrance of the lab.
“So, I’ll see you in a few weeks with the kids?” Dr. Claussen smiled like a grandfather.
“Looking forward to it, and nice meeting you,” Adam replied, shaking Claussen’s hand.
Casually, Renata and Adam walked back to the school. They passed the entrance and turned the corner to Renata’s car.
“So, what do you think now?” Adam asked.
At Tiffany’s
Was she getting paranoid? She swiveled in her office chair and looked out the window. Her slice of sky was cloudy today, like her mood. Renata looked closely at the key pendant Erik had given her. It hung softly around her neck. The key’s diamonds were clear and sparkly, reminding Renata of a chandelier. Her mocha skin was the perfect background to the most expensive piece of jewelry she had ever owned. Erik must really care to have spent so much on her.
Renata clasped the ornament in her fist and gave the key a light kiss. She absolutely loved it. Still, she was worried. Was Erik trustworthy? Could she trust anyone? Did he know about the REN project? And was she sure that the material was from her body? What if Adam was wrong? Plus, the key did seem a little exorbitant. Could there be a spy device inside the perfect charm, or was she going crazy?
It was always better to follow an idea, even just to prove it wrong. She wondered if Erik had bought it from the Tiffany’s gallery downtown. That would be the typical male way of shopping, a quick and right-in-front-of-their-eyes purchase. Perhaps she should give them a call and see if they had sold a key like hers recently. Any tampering would have taken time, and the piece might appear altered under the close eye of its makers. Renata was considering a tracking device or a wiretap, but it would have to be miniscule to fit inside. Maybe she was being overly cautious, but in the end she decided to go on the field trip over lunch to Union Square. She still had the little turquoise box in her purse with its certificate of authenticity.
The Tiffany building was an eleven-story edifice with an elegant façade of gray granite. Above the entrance stood a sculpted man holding a clock on his shoulders. He was brawny and naked, making Renata chuckle as she entered the showroom. Cool air and the special blue-green color that was Tiffany’s trademark made Renata feel elated. She hoped nothing was wrong with her treasure; the key was the first, and maybe the only, Tiffany item she would ever own.
The fancy saleswoman sailed toward her from behind the elegant display cases. Her hands rested over the most ornate diamond earrings Renata had ever seen. She imagined them cascading from her ears as she danced at a princess’s ball. Being a customer in Tiffany’s was almost as fantastic.
“Good morning. I dropped my pendant; could you check it to make sure it’s not damaged?” Renata asked as she unclipped the chain from under her hair. It made a small plink as she placed it on the glass case. Renata set the gift box next to it opening the lid. “The papers are inside.”
The saleswoman collected the key and paperwork with a dry smile.
“And can you tell me when it was purchased?” Renata called after the lady as she started to head toward the back room.
“Of course, I’ll be right back.” The lady went into a closed door in the back of the shop.
Renata felt naked without the key. She wandered around looking at the jewelry. The keys on display were the same size as hers, but they had more diamonds. Their prices ranged from $2,100 to $3,900 not including the chain. Renata thought her key was prettier than the others even if it was more modest. She sank into her feelings of being loved and appreciated by Erik. Renata felt guilty about not trusting his intentions.
“Excuse me, here’s your key. It’s in perfect condition, and it didn’t need polishing because it was purchased on Monday morning. They arrive sparkling.” The saleswoman returned the key and paperwork to Renata, and she refastened it around her neck. Erik must have bought it right after saying ‘good morning’ to her. He would have dropped it off at the office and left the message with Katrina before catching his flight to Chicago. There was nothing dishonest about it at all. Renata sighed, relieved to be able to trust Erik again.
A Tryst
The next morning Renata slept in and arrived at her desk by ten. Katrina showed up with hot coffee at five after. She must have been waiting for me, Renata thought.
“Here you go,” Katrina said, handing her the steaming mug. “Mr. Lundgren said he can meet you for lunch.” She was addressing the carpet, acting like a twelve-year-old.
“Thank you, Katrina.” Renata wanted her to know that she had done well. Maybe the girl would gain some confidence from her praise. Lunch with Erik will be a good mouthful, she joked inwardly. And it will be an opportunity to thank him properly, in person, for the jewelry.
Renata saw she had an email from Darwin. He had sent a set of photos showing close-ups of the stump fields and seed growth. The stumps had green stalks around the edges, which was a good sign. If they produced more trunks with bark to harvest, Fitzer would be very happy. Hopefully that bark would have the same or greater potency as the baby yohimbe plants. Darwin would oversee the planting of the remainder of the Guatemalan farm, and Renata would make another trip down in three months. Meanwhile, he would keep her updated. He had signed the email as usual with a simple D, but he added: Esperanza dice, cuidado con el fuego. His mother said to be careful of fire? What the hell did that mean?
There was a manly knock on her door.
“Can I help you, sir?” Renata gave Erik a pussycat grin. “Please sit down.” Erik sat in her client chair. “Are you looking for something?” She lifted the trinket from her cleavage and leaned over him, dangling the key.
Gently he held the gift between his lips before saying, “Maybe you can help me, Miss. You see, I’ve been out of town and fear I may be locked out. Do you, perchance, have my key?”
He walked to the door and locked it. Renata shivered in anticipation. She loved a tall man. Erik strode over to her chair and looked Renata up and down. She wanted to climb him and devour his lips, but she knew that wouldn’t be very ladylike.
Instead she said, “How did the fair city of Chicago treat you?” He put his mouth on hers, giving her a deep kiss, and Renata felt her pulse accelerate. The desk was smooth and cool as Erik pushed her onto it, finding his way under her skirt and into her panties. Damn, his hands felt good. Renata was stifling her moans as Erik stroked her less and less gently.
“Chicago, Chicago. Let’s see, girl.�
�� Erik grinned boldly as he continued to hold her clit between two fingers, gently teasing it in a circle. He put his middle finger in her G spot. Today Erik wanted her to cum, and Renata was under his control. She covered her mouth with her own hand to quiet her pleasure. Erik stopped his seduction and started talking again.
“I went for a bike ride with my friend Robert.” The words were meant to be a delay, but it was too late. Renata wrapped her legs around him and threw her head back, wanting to roar.
Waves of pleasure enveloped her before she looked up and met her lover’s eyes. Erik’s words sank in. Did he say Robert?
“Robert Johnson?” asked Renata.
“Yes, my biking buddy,” Erik answered without caring. He unclipped his belt and opened his slacks. His dick was perfect and hard and very distracting. He grabbed her hips and thrust deeply. Renata was still soaring from her climax. Erik shut his eyes and began fucking her in a steady rhythm.
Robert Johnson? Renata thought. But isn’t he dead?
“Renata, Renata!” Erik was moving faster, and he thrust for the deepest part of her, but Renata was unreachable. She was shocked to hear that Robert was alive. Robert’s pedophilia and his attempted murder of her filled her mind. Meanwhile, Erik was fucking her obliviously. He groaned deeply. Renata felt guilty that she wasn’t paying attention. Erik withdrew, spent, even though his penis was still hard. Renata noticed wrinkles on his jaw that she had not seen before.
Erik held her tight and whispered her name while blowing gently into her ear. Then he fastened his pants and pulled up her skirt. “You want get a bite to eat?” he asked.
“No thanks, my stomach doesn’t feel great, actually.” And it didn’t; she felt nauseous and afraid. Robert’s return had affected her badly. She wanted Erik to leave.
“Can I bring you something?” Erik was humming a tune Renata couldn’t recognize. How could he be completely immune to her feelings? He had no idea what the mention of Robert Johnson had done to her. Wasn’t Robert dead and gone? He hadn’t been breathing on that hotel floor, she was sure of it!
“See ya soon.” Erik winked as he left.
Renata held a frozen smile, containing her anguish. She was sweating, and her heart was pounding. So, she wasn’t a murderer after all? She should be relieved, but she wasn’t. Had he been watching her all this time? Renata could barely breathe. She wanted to hide, hide deep inside herself where no one could find her. Her hands were shaking against her desk. From above, she saw herself falling apart. This cannot happen, she commanded herself. Do some zazen. Be strong and fearless, Renata!
Kenny Does His Job
They’d told him he would be finished by now, and now they wanted more. Sure, Kenny could use the extra ten grand, but he didn’t really have a choice. Fitzer had him by the balls; they could easily accuse him of raping Renata, even though it was what they’d told him to do. He wondered if their claim that Renata’s orgasm was important for the bio sample was even true. Yet why would they lie? And Renata had responded willingly. She even seemed to want more, so he could probably claim the sex was consensual if he needed to. Cameroon was far away, and there were no witnesses. No one could prove anything, and nothing bad was going to happen; at least that’s what he kept telling himself.
Kenny was tired of Renata; she put him on edge. Now he had to follow her in addition to the surveillance he was doing with the device he had placed in her apartment. Kenny grumbled to himself as he followed her to Tiffany’s, work, and then home again. Sometimes she went to the gym, bought a pint of Häagen Dasz, or walked her dog. He was glad when Renata drove somewhere because he could sit back and watch her car tracker on a screen. That was easier than pounding the sidewalk and watching someone’s mundane life.
Renata was especially energetic at this moment, and Kenny had to keep up while staying hidden. Spying had totally lost its glamour. He was hung over, and he wished the woman would just go home and relax. But despite his prayers, she kept walking. Renata started to meander slowly in and out of shops, although Kenny noted that she didn’t buy anything.
According to Adam’s plan, Renata wandered around the Haight-Ashbury district and pretended to shop. An import store caught her eye, so she stepped inside. The place was filled with piles of Rastafarian fabrics and Tibetan sculptures. It smelled like sandalwood. A pair of dangly emerald earrings caught her attention. They were only $14, so she bought them. Renata continued around the store, picking up this and that. She paused to study her bulletproof dress in the mirror. This had seemed like the right day to wear it. The dress was snug and sexy. She caressed her weapon inside her purse. Renata was enjoying Adam’s crazy plan; she felt like a warrior on a secret mission.
Meanwhile, Adam was on guard. He was tracking Kenny while he followed Renata. Adam was seriously worried about her. She didn’t seem aware of the danger she was in or the implications of what Fitzer was up to. All of this ran though his mind day and night, but he knew if he told Renata everything he had discovered, she would consider him crazy. On the other hand, he couldn’t watch over her day and night, either. That would make him a stalker like that asshole, Kenny.
Adam tugged on the waistband of his jeans. They were loose, so he notched his belt tighter. He looked around, but there was no Kenny. He walked toward the import store Renata had entered. Ah, there was Kenny: slouching on the corner like a weasel, with his cap pulled way down. Kenny yawned and shifted from foot to foot. He looked tired and pale. It seemed obvious that he wasn’t following Renata on his own initiative.
Suddenly, Kenny looked straight at Adam, and time froze for a split second. Without warning, the military man marched directly over to the reporter. Adam stood like a deer in the headlights.
“Stay the fuck away from me or I will mess you up, you fucker!” Kenny shouted. He grabbed Adam’s t-shirt and tightened the collar around his neck. Adam didn’t fight back. “And stay the fuck away from Renata too, you stupid nerd!” Kenny spit the words into Adam’s face, his breath sour and stale. “Get lost, now!” Kenny pressed his fist into Adam’s chest, making him gasp.
Meanwhile, Renata was in the shop, clueless to the drama going on outside. Adam was shaken. He hated direct confrontation and hadn’t been in a physical fight since grade school. Adam turned heel and went down the subway stairs away from Kenny. What had he gotten into? Renata wasn’t his girlfriend or anything. They hadn’t fooled around since Guatemala; they hadn’t even kissed. Was Renata paranoid about the HIV? It seemed like she still liked him. Adam was sweating as he got on the train toward home. Truth was, he hadn’t felt horny at all lately. Of course, he really liked Renata as a friend – a close friend. Adam settled into a seat next to a man holding a briefcase. There were so many people living in the city. It was overwhelming.
Renata is someone I could love or be in love with if things were different, he mused. The drone and screeching of the subway penetrated his thoughts. Adam knew Renata outclassed him with her fancy job and lifestyle. Maybe it was a better idea to abandon ship and leave her to her fate, but right now she could be in danger with that thug following her. He couldn’t let her down.
Be careful – I had to get on home. Meet tomorrow lunch at Destinations. Noon? Adam texted. Destinations would be a safe location. Kenny never followed her inside places, and Adam would use the south entrance to meet her in the rooftop restaurant. Adam decided he would settle things tomorrow with Renata. He would tell her everything and let her decide what to do.
Renata’s phone whistled, and she read Adam’s text. What a drama queen. She’d meet him tomorrow, then. She hoped he would give her a medical update.
It was Saturday. Renata was enjoying her excursion, and she wasn’t in a hurry to end it. Kenny was a little dweeb, and she wasn’t scared of him one bit. Renata put her hand in her purse and placed her finger on the Pitbull’s trigger. It was loaded.
Yohimbe and DNA
Lunch was cathartic. That’s how it felt for Adam, anyway. On
the rooftop deck he told Renata all he knew and all he believed was possible. Renata patiently indulged him, not sure where the line between truth and crazy conspiracy theories lay.
Adam had tried to start at the beginning. “Remember how I told you I saw a post from a German who got fired from Fitzer?” he asked her.
“Yeah.” The spring rolls had just arrived, and Renata was eating one as Adam talked.
“Well, I’ve been emailing him. He said that Fitzer Corporation was working on a female sexual enhancement pill. Big pharmaceuticals had saturated the market with low-testosterone drugs, so there was lots of competition. That’s what inspired some genius at Fitzer to come up with female Viagra. My friend – his name is Wilhelm – said that Fitzer’s scientists analyzed various herbal formulas. Most contained yohimbe as their active ingredient. Fitzer found the tree had positive results on females, much like that of Viagra and Cialis for men. That’s when they contacted Agri-Gen and created the Guatemalan farm project. Your project.”
Renata filled her plate with pad thai. The peanut sauce wasn’t as good as she’d hoped. Adam was making sense, but he hadn’t told her anything she didn’t already know.
He went on. “Thing was, Wilhelm and his associate isolated the bacterium inside the organic yohimbe. He felt it would be a cheaper and more viable option for the drug. The problem was that the lifespan of the bacterium was only a fraction of a second. Though they could test it in a millisecond, and it was viable, there was no way to mass-produce such an unstable specimen. Are you following me?” Adam paused to eat a spring roll, the first food he had touched since they sat down.