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Dark Warriors: A Dark Lands Anthology

Page 11

by Autumn Dawn

  To her surprise, he winked. “I’ll have it brought along so you can decide where to put it.” Guiding her with a light hand at the small of her back, he led her through the hallways and to a central courtyard she’d never seen. In the twilight, flower-shaped lamps on poles spouted flame, illuminating the fragrant hedges and fruit trees. A night bird sang softly in the trees, accompanying the tinkling fountain in front of a table for two. Diamonds of flame dotted the velvet-black sky, lending atmosphere to the warm evening. A divan had been set up to one side, inviting an after-diner nap before a tulip shaped firebox.

  “Do you like it?”

  Breathless, Vana smiled at him. “It’s beautiful! I love it.”

  Pleasure lit his smile. “It’s yours. This will be your private sanctuary from now on.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I’m pleased you like it.”

  “You’re giving me a garden?” How novel, and incredibly touching that he’d gone through all the trouble. Maybe there was a soft spot in him after all. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

  “That was all I hoped for,” he said smoothly, leading her to the table. He pulled out her chair and took his seat as a servant poured drinks and another set a tray of spiced meat aflame. Vana laughed in delight and gladly accepted a serving of the still sizzling dish.

  “Oh, this is good. I think you’re trying to make me tipsy,” she commented, trying a sip of the alcoholic slushy. “Is the fruit salad spiked, too?”

  Dagon laughed. “There are more efficient ways to intoxicate you, if that’s what I wished.” He looked meaningfully at her lips.

  She wagged a finger at him. “That would be cheating.”

  “This is one realm where I write my own rules,” he countered, offering her a bite of nut-crusted seafood. When her eyes widened in surprised delight, he said, “It’s made from the same nut that makes adoc. I thought you’d like it.”

  “You thought right. Thank you.”

  He regarded her thoughtfully. “Do you remember your words regarding judging women by a trial of peers?”

  “Yes. Somebody needs to. You can’t let them just get away with murder.”

  “I thought you’d feel that way. That’s why I’ve appointed a new women’s justice: you.”


  “Who is better qualified? You’re well educated, compassionate and levelheaded. It’s a position well suited to a future Tzara.”

  His theory had so many holes in it that she hardly knew where to start. “I’m not your Tzara!”

  “You will be.” Implacable purpose gave his tone steel. It was clear what future he’d decided on.

  Unnerved, she chose not to rock that boat further. “I haven’t been to law school.”

  “I will gladly teach you our laws. It will be…quality time, don’t you think?” His eyes twinkled.

  Oh, that sounded like fun. Hurrah, hurrah. “I might be the most terrible judge there ever was. I’m not willing to risk it.”

  “I’m Tzar. I can always replace you. Besides, my council and I will serve as your advisers. I’m not turning you loose completely uncensored.”

  Effectively hamstrung, she slumped in her chair. “I was really quite happy with my research.”

  Dagon toasted her with his drink. “Welcome to leadership.”

  In spite of her annoyance, he coaxed her onto the couch to watch the stars, pointing out the unfamiliar constellations and planets. He told her the name of the night bird and fetched a fragrant flower for her hair. The servants had long since left, taking the dinner trays with them.

  Dagon traced her cheek with the flower. “You are the last woman I will ever lie in this garden with.”

  It was so poignant, so achingly final, that her heart ticked in alarm. “What do you mean? Are you sick?”

  “I don’t want to lie with another woman, in my garden or anywhere else,” he whispered against her lips. His lashes brushed her cheek. “Be mine, adajah mene.” He kissed her softly. “Be mine.”

  Either it was the night bird, or the stars, or the slumbering fire in his kiss, but she wanted him. Every one of Kelsa’s words flew out of her head at the feel of his hand running down her arm, twining with her fingers. Unexpected joy ignited her desire, made her kiss him back with eager passion. Needing no more encouragement, he half-covered her with his body and drove her on, murmuring enticements in her ear.

  It was more than she could bear. “Dagon! Oh, yes.”

  “Give yourself to me,” he whispered. His touch moved inside her loose shirt and closed about her breast, making her arch with ecstasy. “Offer me your body.”

  “Yes.” She no longer knew what she was saying, but if it kept him doing what he was doing, she was all for it.

  “Good.” As suddenly as he’d started, he withdrew, leaving her burning.

  She gaped at him. Not again! “What do you think you’re doing? Finish this!”

  He looked at her, breathing hard. “I will not. Not until we’re wed.” He looked longingly down her body. “I won’t take your innocence tonight.”

  Sputtering with indignation, she said, “Fine! But come back here and do something! You can’t leave me hanging like this.” The tension hurt.

  When he just stood there, looking unsure, she realized that he didn’t understand what she meant. She wanted to slap her forehead when she realized he’d never had a woman to practice foreplay on. Apparently her lover was an arsonist, not a fireman.

  Time to change that. Vana grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the couch.

  “I can’t touch you and not finish this,” he began, trying to soothe her.

  It was embarrassing, but it looked as if she had to educate him. Virgin she might be, but she’d grown up in the USA. Between books, magazines and television, it was impossible to be completely innocent in that culture. She quickly kissed him quiet. “With your hand,” she said meaningfully, guiding his hand to the juncture of her legs.

  He cocked his head and caressed her experimentally through the fabric of her harem pants.

  Vana moaned. Then she reached for him, and Tzar Dagon learned a whole new groove. Clothes were shed in a heated rush as he quickly learned what pleased her. She tried to return the favor, but he brushed her hands away, too intent on his own exploration to let her distract him. When he parted her raised knees and simply looked, Vana closed her eyes and trembled, unable to bear the erotic sight. But since he was looking, she whispered a suggestion that had him sucking in a breath.

  “Do they?” Watching her intently, he gently touched her core, then brought the damp fingers to his mouth and tasted.

  Moaning at the sight, Vana shut her eyes and quivered as his lips started at her knee and went on a journey that culminated in a flashover of pleasure. She twisted and squirmed, fighting to get away, fighting to ride the fire. And when he moaned against her center…the man was a born lover.

  It was a long, long time before he finally let her rest, slumped in his arms.

  “I thank you for your suggestion,” he purred in her ear. “I can’t wait to do it again.”

  Exhausted though she was, the words made her squirm with renewed sparks. “Stop,” she pleaded, unable to contemplate another round. She just couldn’t take that kind of pleasure again so soon.

  “You taste like every man’s fantasy,” he whispered, nibbling her ear. His hands started to roam again.

  Groaning in defeat, she turned to him. “Why don’t I pleasure you this time?”

  He gently moved her hands away. “Tomorrow, you may touch me all you wish. After we wed. I don’t trust myself now.”

  She tried to form words, but her brain was foggy. Had she agreed to marry him? Maybe not in so many words, but she knew he would have taken her actions at face value.

  “We need to take you inside. There will be talk enough as it is, and I won’t subject you to more.” He kissed her and pulled her up, practically dressing her. They walked back to her room, where the guards at her door studiously
ignored them, looking away as Dagon pulled her into a passionate kiss.

  “Tomorrow,” he said, half threat, half promise. Then he left her wobbling on the threshold.

  Unable to think straight, she watched him go and stumbled into her room. Sprawling on her bed, she stared at nothing and tried not to shiver as she contemplated the delights the morning would bring.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Kelsa demanded.

  Vana closed her ears to her friend as she braided her hair and fixed her sons’ beads on the ends. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Kelsa paced. “He’ll never let you go back home now.”

  “I am home.”

  “Don’t say things like that! You’re creeping me out.” With a shaking hand, Kelsa pushed her bangs away from her face. “I thought you were going to make him court you. What happened to that?”

  A secret smile played across Vana’s lips. “Check it off the list.” Taking pity on her freaked out friend, Vana crossed the room and put her arm around her. “Look, bud. I love you. I value your advice, but this time, I need to make my own choice. Just for the record, maybe you should take a closer look at Kynan. You’re looking for a man, and he’s better than anything you’ve ever dragged home.”

  Kelsa shuddered. “He’s an alien. My alien abductor, at that.”

  “How is that worse than Sam from the tattoo parlor, with all his significant parts pierced and a tattoo of a naked woman eating a hotdog on his butt?”

  “At least he was an Earthling,” Kelsa grumbled. Even she didn’t look convinced of her logic, though.

  “Uh, huh. Look, hon…why don’t you just let go a little? Haven’t you noticed that the newly wed women around here walk around with smiles on their faces? Jen looks radiant, and the looks she exchanges with Ser are enough to set the room afire. Marriage can be a good thing with the right guy.” As she talked, Vana steered Kelsa out the door to her waiting escort. “Be happy for me. I’ll see you at the ceremony.”

  Given no choice, Kelsa made her way to the wedding chamber, glowering all the way. Young men were setting up a table full of delicacies, one of which was the infamous adoc. Convinced it was an aphrodisiac, she’d refused to try it, blaming it for Vana’s madness. Grumbling under her breath, she frowned at the drummers lining the aisle, vowing that nobody was going to get her to march down it.

  Nobody showed up and claimed the spot by her side.

  “Hello, little bird. Enjoying the party?” Kynan looked at her with sizzling blue eyes warm with appreciation. This time he was in a sleeveless duster with a gilt-edged Chinese collar over blue leather armor. Even at a wedding, the man was armed.

  Fighting a wash of betraying color, Kelsa kept her face averted and her lips straight. “No.” Helpless anger swirled through her, demanded she do something. But what could she do? This was Vana’s choice.

  Kynan studied her for a moment and took her hand. “Walk with me.” Ignoring her black expression, he took her hand and guided her through the crowd, deftly avoiding anyone who looked like they wanted to chat. The moment they gained the deserted balcony, he backed her into a corner and kissed her senseless. He didn’t stop until she was dazed and boneless. Once she was limp in his arms, he pulled back and studied her face, breathing hard. “Better. You can’t view your best friend’s wedding with a cloud on your face.” He glanced toward the door. “Come on, they’re about to start.” He towed her back in.

  Completely discomposed, Kelsa let him do it, unable to summon the wits to protest. She hadn’t known any man could kiss like that. The minute he’d kissed her, she’d taken flight, and now her heart was beating like the little bird he’d called her. How was she supposed to hold off a man who could steal her very thoughts? Suspicious, she frowned at him. Was mind melting an alien trick?

  He caught her look and grinned, but whatever he was about to say was drowned by the rising drumbeat, signaling the start of the wedding.

  Vana’s heart beat fast as she walked solemnly down the aisle on Dagon’s arm. Anticipation made her tremble as she saw Ser, Kynan and two others holding the pieces to their wedding booth.

  Dagon looked at her and his eyes glowed. He took her hands as his friends assembled the booth, enclosing them in complete privacy. Without words, he slowly threaded his hands through her hair and took her mouth in a conqueror’s kiss.

  He’d never really kissed her. Shivers wracked Vana’s body as she realized how different this moment was, how focused he was. He was her lord now, and he was intent on having his due.

  She pulled her mouth away, gasped, “Dagon!”

  “It’s expected,” he murmured, parting her robe, revealing her naked body beneath. The robe fell, leaving her fully exposed. His soon followed, forming a soft carpet. He laid her down.

  “D-dagon. I’m not…” She was, but here, now?

  The drums swelled around them, drowning out the crowd, enveloping them in sound.

  “I will pleasure my bride.” Wild desire and implacable purpose burned in Dagon’s eyes. Her lover rose above her and parted her naked thighs with one knee, entering his wife.

  Even there, in midst of ecstasy, he was careful with her. Slick and wet with helpless passion, she was still tight, untried. He shuddered as he held back, refusing to give in, coaxing her gently until the fire consumed them, shooting them over the edge.

  Vana swore that she had died and been reborn, like the phoenix that raises from the ashes a new and bright creation. She couldn’t move, didn’t want to, and by the way he was slumped, Dagon didn’t either. Still, it was he who stirred and brought her woozily to her feet. With gentle kisses, he eased his robe onto her body and donned hers. Then he signaled his friends to lower the booth.

  Massive cheers and shouts of joy met their emergence as man and wife. Vana blushed, unable to meet anyone’s eyes. Before his friends could tease them, Dagon scooped her into his arms and kissed her silly. Roars of approval met his display as he carried her out of the room.

  They were halfway to his chamber when she thought to say, “I thought we were supposed to stay?”

  “You winced,” he said between kisses. “You need a hot bath, not a loud party. I’ll duck in later. Besides…I’m still hungry.”

  He entered his room and carried her to the bath. “Not very social of you,” she teased as he filled the giant tub.

  “They’ll be relieved to know the Tzara is well and truly mine. Much will be forgiven for that.” Like a starving man, he kissed her, over and over, stripping off their clothes before sliding into the water with her. Once there, he took her again, whispering, “I can’t stop. You are so beautiful.”

  “Okay.” Too busy taking advantage of his helpless passion, she couldn’t say anything else. She might be tender, but she wasn’t dead. Who could refuse such tempting adoration?

  Again he climaxed, groaning as her body shuddered with release. This time he held her tenderly, murmuring her name over and over as he stroked her back. Minutes passed, and his body stirred again.

  He looked at her helplessly. “Adajah, I’m sorry. Perhaps you should rest while I join the wedding party. My body will not be still.” Reluctantly, he withdrew, apologizing as she winced.

  Vana laughed. Shyly, she stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers. “It’s all right. You’re very sweet.”

  He nibbled her fingers, smiling warningly. “Don’t get me started.” He helped her from the tub and dried her off, taking his time about it.

  Giggling, Vana reminded him, “I thought you were leaving?”

  Disgruntled at the reminder, he reluctantly stopped and carried her to the bed. “Sleep,” he told her, tucking her in. “Heal quickly. We have a lot of time to make up for.” Still naked, he stood up, smiling at her in triumph and sweet affection; if that was the emotion glowing in his eyes. He collected his robe and eased out the door.

  Vana closed her eyes and snuggled under the covers, smiling. Kelsa needed to get a clue.

  Ever the opportunist, Kelsa snuck out thro
ugh the kitchens, while all eyes had been on the ceremony. No one had to tell her what was happening after the curtains went up, though exactly what was going on within, she didn’t want to know. Since the only way to prevent getting first hand experience was to duck out now, she ran while the running was good. Luck was with her, for Kynan “the hawk” was busy helping with the ceremony. He’d never notice her leaving, and he’d likely be too busy celebrating to look for her right after. Too bad Vana was in the wedding booth he manned.

  Pangs of regret almost slowed her step, but Kelsa fought them off. Vana had made her choice. It twisted her heart to leave her here, but short of dragging her kicking and screaming, there was no way out of it. Cherry, Clarissa and a few of the others were making a break for it tonight. They were her best chance of making it out, and she had to take it.

  When no one was looking, she darted out the kitchen door and into a deserted side yard. As expected, there was the loose grate, right behind some prickly berry bushes. She’d discovered it by accident one day when she’d dropped a cup in the bushes. The others should have already made it to their grates, and they were supposed to meet up in the ductwork and make their way to the gateway in the center of the citadel. Vana had told her all about it…closing her eyes on a wash of emotion; Kelsa wiggled the first screw loose.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Kelsa yelped and jumped up, dropping the big screw on the ground. “Kynan! I thought you were busy.” She tried for a disarming smile, but it came out rather sickly.

  He nudged the loose screw with his boot. “So I see.” He considered the grate. “It might interest you to know that there are spiders in the ductwork. We try to keep the population down, but they like to hide in the dark; it’s good hunting for insects, you see.”

  Averting her eyes, Kelsa tried to look nonchalant, but she shivered. She hated spiders. “Hm.”

  Still looking at her with that weighted gaze, he added, “Our citadel is huge. There are miles of ducts running through it, and all of the restricted areas have sensors. It’s odd that I should see you out here now, considering that a group of women tripped the sensors not an hour ago. It seems they were trying to escape.”


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