BJARNI_Elementals MC

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BJARNI_Elementals MC Page 13

by Alexi Ferreira

  I’m still laughing to myself when Jasmine walks in from her nap. She’s now taking afternoon naps as all the guys insisted that she needed more rest. She had confessed to me that it was easier to just go and nap than fight with all of them, and that she had started to enjoy her naps. After explaining to her the reason why I’m laughing, she also starts to chuckle but then she goes completely still, I know from experience that she has gone into a trance. I get paper and charcoal from a drawer where Jasmine had shown me she kept some just in case. I bring it towards her and sit her on one of the kitchen chairs.

  As I place it in her hand she starts to draw. Breathing in deeply I place my hand on her shoulder in comfort when I start to feel a vision come upon me.

  I hear a voice calling to me as if from far, then I hear Celmund’s voice. “You’re supposed to be looking after them. Where the fuck, were you?”

  “Fuck off, they aren’t babies besides; Jas was taking a nap and Gabriela was busy baking!” Ceric responds in an angry voice. “How’s Jas doing?” I hear him ask.

  “She’s still drawing,” Celmund responds.

  “Gabriela, come on Sweetheart.” I feel his fingers stroking my hair. “I think that she’s coming back,” he call’s to Celmund. Opening my eyes, I see Ceric’s worried face above me, it looks like sometime during my vision someone put me in a chair.

  “What happened Sweetheart? I nearly had a heart attack when I walked in and saw you standing there like a statue and Jas painting away, oblivious to everything. Do you want your man to make mincemeat out of me?” he asks teasingly but I can still see the worry in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I placed … my hand on Jasmine when she started to paint … and then I got a vision, like I was seeing what she was painting.” I try to explain but my head is still dizzy, I’m confused at what exactly I had seen. Even though I’m a bit dizzy I want to go and see what Jasmine is painting, to confirm whether what I was seeing is from her vision.

  Just as I’m about to get up, Ceric’s phone rings. “Fuck! He’s phoning me again!” I hear him grumble as he places the phone to his ear. “What’s up Brother?” he asks in a jovial voice.

  “Your woman is fine, stop harassing her,” he teases. Looking down at my phone I see I have three missed calls from Bjarni. “Fine, she’s here.” Ceric groans as he passes the phone to me.

  “Hey,” I answer. I don’t want to worry him, so I try and keep my answers short so he won’t notice anything odd about what I might say. I know that after a vision I’m usually disorientated for a little while and don’t always make sense.

  “Why aren’t you answering your phone Baby Girl?” I hear worry in his voice. “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Sorry,” I respond. What else did he ask? “Okay” I hope I’m making sense. There’s silence on the other end, I thought he had disconnected the call and am about to give the phone back to Ceric when he talks again.

  “Let me talk to Ceric!” I hand the phone to him, looking around to find Celmund hovering over Jasmine as she draws.

  “There’s nothing wrong, calm the fuck down!” I hear Ceric’s exasperated voice. “She just had a vision, okay.” Looking up I see Ceric is listening to something Bjarni is telling him. “She touched Jas, and before you ask; I don’t know why. Jas is busy painting. Your girl says she thinks her vision came from whatever Jas is seeing.” I could hear Bjarni’s voice from where I was sitting. He sounded upset.

  “No, we haven’t told him. Do you think it’s going to help while she is still painting?” They must be talking about Jasmine. Again I try to stand up and this time I feel like my legs are my own. As I take a step towards Jasmine, I feel a strong arm around my waist supporting my weight. Looking at Ceric I see he must have finished his conversation with Bjarni as he isn’t on the phone anymore.

  “Your man is pissed Sweetheart as if this is our fault!” he grumbles, placing me on a chair right next to Jasmine. I take hold of his hand before he can draw away.

  “Thank you Ceric.” At my words his addictive smile appears. He draws closer and kisses my forehead.

  Looking away from him I see that Jasmine is now sitting still. I think she’s finished drawing whatever she was drawing. Moving slightly on my chair I appraise her picture. I did have the vision from what she was seeing. How is that possible, I had never felt anything from Jasmine before when I touched her? Now when she went into a trance I had a vision.

  Celmund is talking softly to her and she’s responding. She seems to be fine; her head isn’t in the clouds like mine is. “Jasmine!” she turns when I call out to her.

  “Gabriela, I’m sorry, did I frighten you?” she sounds worried. From what Bjarni had told me Jasmine used to be very self-conscious about her visions. Apparently she still is if anyone besides the men see her having one. I hope she feels comfortable enough around me to not feel self-conscious anymore.

  “No not at all. After all I was kind of out of it too.” At my answer, she looks at me confused, so I explain what happened. The funny thing is that she had touched my hand when she had turned around and I hadn’t felt anything from her so it must happen only when she’s having a vision. Now looking at her picture I ask her to explain what she had seen.

  “Well I think it’s the Keres MC warehouse. I see men lying around hurt and our men looking around. I see a woman but our men can’t find her. I know she’s in a room with no light but I didn’t see where the room is. I did see the door to the room and that it has a keypad to get in. I don’t know what the password is though. I did see that the door is rigged with explosives from the inside. If it is opened incorrectly, the whole place will explode.” She’s looking at the picture of the girl as she speaks, a worried look on her face.

  “This is so unreal, it seems like I saw what you didn’t see. I saw a shed outside a warehouse now that you mention it, could be the Keres club house. There were a few bikes outside. In the shed, there are shelves of paint and odds and ends. Behind one of the shelves is a false panel where packages are hidden, I’m not sure, but it looks like drugs. On the floor, there’s a carpet that hides a trapdoor. Once the trapdoor is open there are stairs that lead to a corridor with cell-like rooms. The last door is where the girl is kept. The password for the door is one four one three.” Jasmine and I are looking at each other in surprise. We both had a vision about the same thing but with different information.

  “Aria,” we both say at the same time. Then we start laughing, that is the name of the girl and we both know that she is Brandr’s mate.

  “Fuck me!” Ceric says looking at both of us in awe.

  “That’s so sweet and you are hot but I am going to have to decline, you see Bjarni is really good in bed.” Jasmine and I burst out laughing at Ceric’s open mouth as he stares at me. At Celmund’s chuckle I look over at him, he has headphones on and I notice that he’s speaking into them, I’m sure he’s telling the guys what we saw.

  “Very funny Pipsqueak.” Ceric quips but he’s also laughing now. “This is amazing, I’m just curious to know if Wulf and Bjarni are going to find it amazing too,” he teases, knowing that Wulf worries about Jasmine when she gets her trances. Jasmine is worried that it could affect the baby somehow. I know Bjarni worries when someone touches me, but I don’t think he will mind so much if I can help them out with what I see.

  “If you carry on teasing us I’m not giving you any of the milk tarts I made for you,” I tell Ceric. At my threat, he turns puppy eyes on me as if I would fall for that. I laugh so hard at his silliness that I must hold my sides as I open the container that is sitting on the table with the mini milk tarts.

  It’s another two hours before Celmund finds Jasmine and me playing darts with Ceric in the entertainment room. He informs us that the men should be here in another ten minutes, and that they have found Aria and were bringing her home with them.

  We all make our way to the garage just as we hear the first bike enter. A few minutes later the men are all dismounting and taking off their helmets
. I throw myself at Bjarni as he walks towards me. He lifts me up under my arms and kisses me while holding me up. This man of mine is so unbelievably strong, just the thought of that makes me horny. I place my legs around his waist as he starts to walk into the compound holding me now under my ass.

  “Meeting in ten minutes,” I hear Draco call out, as we reach the courtyard. Bjarni groans which makes me laugh against his neck. It’s so good to have someone that you know cares about you and who will always be there for you no matter what. As Bjarni is placing me on my feet I see Brandr walking past carrying a woman with straight black hair, I’m guessing this must be Aria.

  “Is she okay?” I ask, looking up at Bjarni.

  “She’s a bit banged up and I think in shock, but she should be fine, Bion will have a look at her. How are you doing Baby Girl after your vision?” his concerned look is touching. Bjarni can be deadly but with me he’s always caring and protective.

  “I’m good, did the information that we gave you help?”

  “It sure did, you two are our secret weapon.” He says in a teasing voice but then his eyes go cold as he continues. “If we hadn’t known about the trapdoor and the explosives we would have definitely missed it and she might have died along with some of us.” I place my head on his chest and hug him tight around his waist. I feel him kiss the top of my head while he hugs me close.

  “I have to go Baby Girl. This meeting shouldn’t take too long. I will meet you back in our room.” He kisses me once more and then is striding towards the computer room where the other men are already entering except for Brandr.

  This has been quite a day, but the most important is that all the men are back safe and that they had found Aria.

  Chapter 16

  Two weeks after the issue at the bakery and the retrieval of Aria, things had calmed down. We were all waiting for retaliation from the Keres, but so far nothing had happened. The strange thing about our attack on their clubhouse was that most of the men there were human. Something was going on, the Keres were taking on humans whereas before they hadn’t. That makes us believe that they are planning something big where the men will be dispensable.

  We are having a party tonight and some of our other chapters are coming in; also for most of the brothers to let off some steam. I received Gabriela’s kutte yesterday. I want to make sure she is wearing it tonight, so everyone knows who she belongs to.

  “Morning.” I feel Gabriela’s breath against my chest as she speaks. She is sprawled over me, I have noticed that this is her favourite position to sleep. My woman is so hot, I’m already hard even after the marathon we had during the night, only falling asleep a couple of hours ago. We both groan as she moves and her pussy rubs against my cock.

  “Mmm, I can’t believe you’re up to it again,” she giggles. I feel her hand move down between our bodies taking hold of my cock. Fuck! If I don’t stop her now we will be here for the rest of the morning. After sharing blood last night my Baby Girl went a bit wild, I smile to myself thinking of the way she rode me. Placing my hand around hers I pull her hand away reluctantly, I know that she must be tender from the night we had.

  “Why are you stopping me?” she asks, looking up at me with a frown. I lean down and touch her clit tenderly seeing her flinch.

  “That’s why, you’re too tender. I will run you a nice hot bath and then we need to go and meet with Celmund.”

  After our bath Gabriela is still in the bathroom when I pull out her kutte. I had hidden the kutte at the top of our cupboard when I had received it so she wouldn’t find it before the time. I now place it on the bed next to the amber stone chain that is identical to mine but with a smaller stone that I want to give her. All the Elemental brothers have a birthstone that contains part of their essence, when an Elemental child is born, a few weeks after its birth a ritual is performed where drops of the child’s and the parent’s blood is mixed together with sand and forged into two semi-precious stones. One is for the child and the other is for the child’s mate when they find them.

  This stone protects the energy of the person that is using it, especially from the Keres and their hypnotic mind control. I am only able to give Gabriela the stone now because we have shared blood and the stone will not harm her in any way after she is carrying my essence in her veins. The stone will also sicken anyone that touches it besides the two of us.

  I hear my woman making her way into the room and then stop, looking over at her I see her staring at the bed where I have the kutte and the stone with the intricate silver chain.

  “Is that for me?” her voice is shocked. I see the fight she is having with herself not to cry.

  “Come here Baby Girl.” She is wearing a tight little red T-shirt that moulds her breasts and tight black jeans hugging her sexy ass. She is showing off way too much of her body. It’s a good thing she’s going to be wearing my kutte that will hide her curves. Picking up the kutte, I help her put it on, once I see how perfect it looks on her and the way the words stand out PROPERTY OF BJARNI I smile, now everyone at the party will know whom she belongs to.

  Picking up the chain from the bed, I see her staring at it, then up at me. I have explained to her before what getting a replica of our stone means. I see a tear slip down her cheek as I place the chain over her head and lay the stone against her heart.

  “I give you a part of my essence to protect and enhance your energy. By wearing this amber, you will always have a piece of me with you. You are now part of my blood, my soul, my very essence. I ask that you wear this always to remind you of our bond and the love that I hold for you.” She’s now openly crying.

  “You love me?” she asked, now looking down at the floor with the tears running down her face.

  “Don’t cry Baby Girl, you know it breaks my heart to see you cry. I thought this would make you happy, not sad. And of course, I love you, you are my very existence. Without you I will be completely lost.” She looks up at me, still crying but now with a big goofy smile on her face and then she jumps into my arms, hugging me around my neck. I can feel the wetness of her cheek against my neck as she nuzzles into it.

  “I love you too Bjarni.” Her words feel like they pierce my heart and entwine throughout my body into all my cells with such force that for a minute I’m sure I have lost my breath with the force of the feelings coursing through me. I hug her close, never wanting to let go.

  We are still nuzzling together when we hear her phone ringing. I let her go and she heads towards the bed where her phone is lying.

  “Hello!” she calls into the phone. I know that something isn’t right as soon as I see her tense and the smile leave her face.

  “Why are you phoning me? Leave me alone.” My fury grows when I realise who it is, we have been looking for him since Burkhart lost him. Celmund had found the car outside a Motel, but when we got there he was long gone. Catching her eye, I motion for her to put the phone on speaker.

  “You should know by now Sweetheart, that you are mine. I will never let you go. Don’t tell me that you are happy living with those low life’s!” he sneers. If I could I would push my hand through the phone and ring his presumptuous neck.

  “They have higher standards then you. Why are you following me? You know I don’t want anything to do with you!” Her voice is angry as she answers the fucker.

  “Well let’s say either you come willingly or I’ll make your new friends pay. How would you like to visit them all in jail?” The son of a bitch really thinks I would ever let her anywhere near him. When I get hold of him, because I will, and soon, I’m going to make him squeal, the fucker!

  “You can’t touch them, so leave me alone and go back to whichever gutter you crawled out of!” Gabriela screams at him then disconnects the call. I turn and punch the bathroom door, instantly a dent appears even though all the doors in the compound are reinforced with steel. I take in deep breaths, calming the fury racing through my body. When I feel a measure of calmness, I turn and walk towards her.

“Don’t worry about him Baby Girl, you did well. Let’s go see if Celmund manged to pick-up his location from the call.” I see she has her hand wrapped around the stone that I have just given her; this pleases me as it shows that it brings her comfort without her even realizing it. She doesn’t say anything until we are on our way.

  As I guide her through the bedroom door with my hand on her ass, she asks me if his threat has any substance.

  “He can’t hurt us, don’t worry okay,” I assure her as we walk into the computer room to find Celmund and Draco siting behind one of his computers.

  “Did you hear the call?” I ask as soon as we enter.

  “Yip. He phoned from a pay phone,” Celmund responds without turning around.

  “Motherfucker! We need to catch this son of a bitch. If we don’t catch him soon, I’m changing my woman’s phone number. I won’t have him upsetting her again.” I feel her hand on my chest trying to calm me.

  “It’s okay, if this is the only way we have of catching him I don’t mind taking his calls,” she admits to me.

  “You might not need to, look here!” Celmund calls, moving away from the computer he is working on. “I hacked into the cameras across the street from that phone booth, look here, when he leaves he gets into this white Chevy.” Celmund has a huge smile on his face.

  “Wow! You’re really good,” Gabriela states in awe.

  “Thanks Beautiful, that’s what they all tell me.” He quips with a deep laugh and a wink at her.

  “Don’t give him a bigger head then he already has Baby Girl, he’s already obnoxious enough as he is,” I tease. Placing my arm around her shoulders I bring her closer to me, kissing her forehead.

  “Hey, are you being mean to me? Well I guess I won’t tell you what else I can do,” he grumbles good naturedly.


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