BJARNI_Elementals MC

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BJARNI_Elementals MC Page 14

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Oh Great One, get on with it and stop pissing me off!” I growl, glaring at him teasingly. Gabriela starts giggling at our playfulness. Draco is shaking his head with a slight smile on his face.

  “Well … if you insist. I have hacked into the main frame and will look through all the intersection cameras, that way I can follow his progress until I find where he’s staying. I am also waiting to link his number plate to a tracking system, if I get a hit I will know exactly where he is always. I doubt he will change cars now.” He finished with a big smile on his face.

  I wouldn’t confirm what Gabriela said, but Celmund was good and soon we should have a hit on where to find the son of a bitch. He wants to monopolize my woman and threaten my brothers. Well soon he would learn who he’s messing with.

  As I’m about to walk out Draco calls us back. “Celmund has received the Reba device, I want him to measure Gabriela’s energy levels.” What the hell? We had discussed this at the meeting. I told them I didn’t want Gabriela poked and prodded for their little experiment.

  Apparently, the Reba device measures a body’s energetic field in the physical, mental, emotional and casual energy fields of the body. This system was developed in Switzerland also, allowing the device to measure the energy in a person’s energy centres or Chakras.

  Celmund had explained that the Reba device uses a poly frequency spectrum to measure both qualitative and quantitative energy, to confront the body with neutral vibrations and that it wouldn’t hurt or affect Gabriela in any way.

  “What do you mean by measuring my energy levels?” she asks looking around at the three of us.

  “Draco, I don’t want her tested!” I insist, walking up to him. “You knew what my feelings were about this and you still had to mention it in front of her.” I accuse him. My anger is mounting my hands are fisted and I’m going to punch him soon for his scheming ways.

  “You know that we have to know how they are doing it, and the only way is by doing this.” Draco answers calmly. “If there was another way I would do it, but there isn’t.”

  “Will someone tell me what’s happening?” Gabriela questions. I nearly laugh when I see her stamp her foot.

  “We had asked Bjarni and Wulf to measure your energy levels to find out how the Keres are finding the women that have gifts, but your men here Bjarni and Wulf don’t want you and Jasmine to go through the testing. Even though I understand where they are coming from and I wish I didn’t have to do this, it’s the only way. But if you don’t want to be tested we will abide by your decision.” Draco answers her, I really feel like punching him. He puts it in such a way that she will feel obligated to agree.

  “Will it hurt?” she asks.

  “No!” I state. I take hold of her hand and start guiding her out of the computer room.

  “Bjarni wait! I want to help. If all I have to do is get tested it will be fine.” She starts to back away from me and back into the room, she looks around at Draco and Celmund waiting for a reply to her question.

  “You won’t feel a thing, it’s like taking photos. I don’t even have to touch you. The issue is that I must measure your energy when you are normal and then when you are having a vision. That is what your man and Wulf have an issue with,” Celmund explains to her. Hopefully, now that she understands she will walk out of here with me.

  “That doesn’t seem too bad,” she answers turning back to me. “Bjarni, it will be okay. I have had so many visions throughout the years that one more won’t make a difference. Please don’t be upset about this, it is a minor thing to do, if I can help somehow.” She is now back in front of me with her hand stroking my face. Damn woman knows I can’t refuse her anything, so I nod to her and glare at Draco.

  “This better not hurt her in any way!” I growl at them so they know that I’m not fucking around.

  “Cool, Sweetheart please sit down over there in that chair for me!” Celmund calls out and points to one of the chairs by the table. I pull out a chair to sit next to her but Celmund asks me to move over as he doesn’t want to get my energy levels mixed with hers. They are really pushing their luck, but seeing that Gabriela wants to do this, I go and stand by the wall and observe.

  After a minute Celmund sets up a device that looks just like a camera and starts to click away then looks at his computer screen and back to clicking away. “I’m finished with these figures, now I need you to have a vision.” At his words Gabriela bursts out laughing.

  “Yes Sir, is that all you want?” she teases, shaking her head. “There is only one problem, I have to touch someone to have a vision and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get any with you.”

  “What about one of the prospects or a Jezebel?” Draco asks.

  “She’s not touching any of the prospects!” Even though I know it would be an innocent touch, I don’t want my woman touching another man.

  “I guess it’s a Jezebel then.” Draco grunts shaking his head, and walks out of the room. About five minutes later he walks back in with Gloria. Gloria seems surprised to see all of us in the room, I’m guessing she thought she was doing something else with Draco. “Draco, what’s going on?” she asks.

  “Nothing much, I just need you to sit next to Gabriela for a moment. We are testing some equipment, and Celmund needs two women,” Draco responds easily, winking at her.

  At his explanation, she goes to sit next to Gabriela, smiling at her and then at Celmund who is behind the device. I see Celmund nod to Gabriela and then she pats Gloria’s hand and let’s go as if she is just reassuring her.

  “Okay Gloria that’s all I needed, thanks you can leave,” Celmund states while he carries on clicking the device and looking at his computer screen. Draco guides Gloria out of the room while she tries to entice him. Gabriela is sitting on her chair with that vacant stare she gets when she gets a vision.

  “Are you done yet?” I want to go to my woman and comfort her. I don’t like her in distress and even though she said it wasn’t so bad, I know that some of the visions she has, drain her and affect her emotionally. As soon as Celmund nods, I am next to her, taking her in my arms and whispering to her.

  “Are you okay Baby Girl?” I ask, as soon as she starts to blink her eyes and concentrates on me. She nods, placing her face against my neck. She breaths in deeply. After a few minutes, she pulls away and gives us a tremulous smile.

  “Did it work?” she asks. I can see she is still slightly dazed.

  “Yes, it did, thank you Beautiful,” Celmund replies still looking at his computer. “I will compare your details with Jasmine’s if Wulf ever comes around and lets us test her; and then we will see if we are on the right track.”

  “Gloria’s in trouble, someone’s going to kill her,” Gabriela says in a whisper, looking at me with a haunted look in her eyes.

  “What do you mean, going to kill her?” I ask, surprised at her comment.

  “I saw a man choking her. It seemed like she knew him but I don’t know who it was or where, as my touch was too brief.” I can see the vision has perturbed her and that is why I didn’t want her to do this, but if what she saw is true we need to keep an eye on Gloria.

  “Don’t worry Sweetheart, we will keep an eye on her now that we know she’s in danger.” Draco had come back into the room after escorting Gloria out of the room, just in time to hear Gabriela’s statement.

  “Would you be able to tell us what the guy looks like?” Celmund asks.

  “No, I’m sorry he was in darkness. I could just see his hands around her neck as he choked her,” she answers dejectedly.

  “It’s okay Baby Girl you did well. Don’t worry about it. Nothing will happen to her now that we know. Come on let’s go, you’ve had enough.”

  I pick Gabriela up and make my way towards the kitchen. I need to feed her. I had tired her out last night and this morning we had gone directly to Celmund, before we could even eat. She must be ravenous, I know I am and with her close to me like this it’s not just for food.

nbsp; Chapter 17

  The music is blaring, the booze is flowing and I think I’m going to go blind by the end of the night. Everywhere I look I see men that are made for pleasure. “You’d better close your mouth or they might think you’re waiting for something to be put in there.” I hear Jasmine teasing me as she giggles.

  “Are you freaking kidding! Have you seen these guys? My eyes have had mini-orgasms since I saw the first one walking in. I was just getting used to not drooling with our guys around, and now we have a new God parade going on.” I hear her laughing so hard at my silliness that I’m worried she’s going to pop this child right here.

  “Just make sure Bjarni doesn’t catch you drooling over any of them, or we will have some deaths, and I for one don’t feel like mopping up blood today,” she teases, sticking her tongue out at me.

  “Oh! He won’t catch me because as soon as that man enters this room my eyes are only for him. These guys might be gods, but none of them can compare with Bjarni. Have you seen my man’s body; he can put a steel rod to shame.” And we both burst out laughing again. Bjarni and Wulf were called by Draco; all three of them disappearing into the compound leaving Ceric to guard us.

  “I really didn’t need to hear that,” Ceric groans good naturedly as he stands with his back to us, right in front of the table we are both sitting at. Jasmine and I are wearing our kutts, but the men are still looking, even though there are woman of all shapes and sizes half-naked or completely naked dancing in front of them and some even rubbing against them. Earlier on I had even seen one of them giving a guy a blow job right here in front of everyone.

  “Well no one told you to be listening to our conversation. You’re only supposed to be guarding us,” Jasmine teases.

  “Yeah trust me Doll after hearing about Bjarni’s steel rod, I’m going to wash out my ears with the strongest detergent I can find!” he teases, looking back at us. “It’s nice to know though that women consider us Gods.”

  Just then I see our men walking in, Bjarni is wearing a black T-shirt that shows off his handsome body, with Indigo blue jeans that hug his rock-hard thighs and sexy ass. Just seeing him walking towards me makes my juices flow. I smile at him as he is stopped by one of the guys from another chapter.

  As he stands there chatting and looking at me, I decide to play with him by blowing him a kiss, his lips lift up slightly on one side and he winks. Excusing himself, he makes his way towards our table, but as he is about to reach me, one of the Jezebels throws herself at him. I see his face cloud in anger. He takes her by the arms and pushes her away, saying something to her. I notice her mouth pouting. Why the hell do some women do that? She looks like she smells something she doesn’t like. It doesn’t look sexy at all. Her fingers go towards his chest but he catches her hand before it can reach him. Shaking his head, he turns her around and lightly pushes her towards one of the other guys that are standing close to him.

  Seeing another woman touching him fills me with such rage that I swear I’m seeing everything in red. If she had continued to try and touch him I would have gone and scratched her eyes out, the bitch!

  When he finally reaches our table, he picks me up off my chair and sits me on his lap. “So, what did I miss?” he asks clamping one of his arms around my waist, while the other is stroking my leg under my short mini dress. I have already had a few drinks and can feel that I’m a little tipsy, leaning back against him, I rub my ass against his hard crotch; hearing him groan against my ear, as he nips at it.

  “Steel rods,” I hear Ceric answer as he is now sitting at our table with Wulf and Jasmine. I hear Jasmine splutter as she was about to take a sip from her water bottle when he answered. My eyes pop open and I stare at him in shock, would he really tell the guys about our conversation.

  “Steel rods?” Wulf asks in confusion as he pats Jasmine on her back until she stops choking on her water. I can feel Bjarni looking at him in curiosity as I’m sure he felt me tense at Ceric’s answer.

  “Yeah, I believe Bjarni has one!” Ceric answers innocently.

  “Where do I have a steel ...?” Bjarni is questioning Ceric when he realises what he’s implying and then Wulf and he guffaw in reaction. They laugh even more when they see Jasmine’s and my embarrassment. When Bjarni starts to calm, he turns my face slightly to look at him. “Baby Girl, I’m so glad you realise how hard you make me.” He teases and is off again laughing at my blush.

  The men are still laughing when one of the guys from another chapter approaches to chat to Wulf. By the way that Bjarni and Wulf greet him, I can see that they are good friends. He has the most amazing piercing blue eyes, with small plaits on either side of his long hair. Looking at him I can just envision a Viking from the olden days, he’s even wearing gold arm bands around his massive biceps. When he turns his eyes towards me I feel friction go down my spine. This man is dangerous; you could feel the energy radiating from him.

  “I’m getting worried about you guys, you are all falling like flies. Never thought I would see you with your own mate, Brother.” He teases Bjarni, looking at me with an appreciative stare.

  “Keep your eyes to yourself Tor, this one is mine. I feel sorry for the woman that lands up with you, she will have to know martial arts to beat up all the women after your ass,” Bjarni teases.

  “You’re just jealous you don’t have an ass like mine!” he growls mockingly.

  “Yeah, yeah as long as I don’t get as big a head as yours,” Bjarni answers. “Tor, I want you to meet Gabriela my mate. Baby Girl this is Tor, president of our Cape Town chapter.” Tor nods as I greet him.

  The men are still chatting when suddenly the music stops and Draco calls everyone’s attention. “Brothers this won’t take long, firstly I would like to welcome you all to our home I hope you are enjoying yourselves.” He signals to Cassius who moves towards him with a kutte in his hand. “Secondly I’m patching one of our boys in today. Gunner, where are you?” I look around and see Gunner’s surprised look as he comes around the bar towards Draco. Draco holds out the kutte to him. “Welcome to the family, you have proved yourself these last two years that you have been with us. I hope that this patch will mean as much to you as it does to all of us here, you are now a brother for always.”

  The men hold up their drinks in a toast as Gunner puts on his kutte. Once it’s on, they all start to call out to him but Draco holds up his hand and they all go quiet again. “Thirdly as you might have noticed another one of our brothers has found his mate, I want to wish them all the happiness and welcome Gabriela into the family. To Bjarni and Gabriela.” There is clapping and lewd suggestions. Bjarni turns me on his lap taking my lips in a possessive kiss that takes my breath away.

  The music comes back on while we are still kissing but suddenly it falls quiet again. “I have just been informed that the cops are at the gate, there’s going to be a raid. Everything that shouldn’t be here give to Celmund, now. You can get it back later.” He looks around at everyone, making sure they hear him. “All mated couples I want you in the compound, follow Wulf. Celmund I want you with them, when everyone is in, lock it down.” When he’s finished everyone is moving.

  Besides Bjarni and I, there are only another three couples. Wulf and Jasmine and two more from the Johannesburg Chapter. Celmund is the last to enter with a box full of weapons. He’s already on his laptop locking the compound down. There’s no way the cops will know that we’re in here. When the compound is locked down the metal shutters are brought down on the doors and then false panels are slotted in front of the doors that look just like the walls. No one would ever know where the doors are.

  “Sons of bitches! Why would they come here today? We haven’t had a raid in years!” Celmund asks walking towards his computer room.

  “Ladies, why don’t you go into the entertainment room while we wait for them to leave?” Wulf suggests, whispering something in Jasmine’s ear. I see her nod and then stroke his face before she starts to guide the other two women away from the men.r />
  Looking up at Bjarni before I follow them I see that he has the same idea that I have, I’m sure Craig called the cops on us. “Don’t worry Baby Girl, they won’t find anything. This is just a scaring tactic from his side.” Bjarni reassures me while he kisses my forehead. “Go on, I will be with you soon.” He assures, patting my ass as I turn.

  “Bjarni, I need you now brother!” I hear Celmund call to him from the computer room, as I walk towards the other women.

  The women are sitting on the couches chatting when I walk in. They seem relaxed as if they have been through this before and it isn’t anything important. We have been here for about twenty minutes when Bjarni comes to get me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as he rushes us towards the computer room.

  “I need you to confirm something for us, there is a car outside our gates that we think is Craig’s. It isn’t the same one as the one we saw at the phone booth earlier. The image isn’t that great so we can’t tell if it’s him, maybe you will be able to tell.” Bjarni’s explaining as we walk in, Wulf and the other two men are sitting at the table looking at the screens where we can see the cops talking to the men and women that are outside. On another screen, we can see a dark car parked under a tree on the main road in front of the gates that lead to the compound.

  “Hey Sweetheart, I’m going to try and zoom in as much as I can without losing the quality of the image. Just take your time and let us know if he could be your stalker!” Celmund calls out from the side where he’s sitting, surrounded by his computers.

  I draw closer to the screen, trying to see anything that will tell me that it’s Craig. The inside of the car is very dark so we can hardly see who’s in there. And then I see what I was looking for. “It’s him!” I state staring at the screen.

  “How can you tell?” Wulf askes, his attention is now on the screen that I’m looking at.

  “You see that shiny thing, which looks like it could be on the steering wheel. It looks like a ring that Craig always wears, I have never seen him without it.” Wulf nods at my explanation. Bjarni places his arms around my waist from behind and pulls me flush against his body. “You did well Baby Girl, this finishes today.” He promises against my ear.


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