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Leo: Zodiac Killers #9

Page 14

by WL Knightly

Raven made a sound of frustration. “I’ll have to get a hotel room.”

  He could tell she was scrambling for what to do. “I’ll loan you the money if you’re strapped.” He knew that with her losing her job after the shooting, she didn’t have a lot of money.

  “It’s just a bad time. I’m broke. I just sent out my rent and the back rent that I owed.”

  “Hey, this stuff never happens when we’re prepared. Do you need me to buy you a ticket? I have you covered, okay?”

  “I’ll pay you back.” She said in a soft voice. “Thank you for being there for him.”

  He didn’t like the idea of her going to a hotel, especially if the murder was meant for her. “I’ll make sure you have a guard, too. That you’re both safe.”

  “I’m not worried about me,” she said. “I’m worried about Noah. What will happen to him?”

  He took a few steps away from the boy and lowered his voice. “I won’t let him out of my sight unless I know where he is and who he’s with. They are going to want to question him, Raven. Hopefully, he saw who did this.”

  “I’m going to pack a bag and head to the airport.”

  “I’ll have your ticket waiting.”

  “You’re a good man, Darek. The best.” She ended the call, and he turned around and looked at the little boy. He looked so small with the covers wrapped around him, and Darek knew he needed to get the kid somewhere he could get him some food and away from the chaos in the other room.

  “Are you hungry, Noah? Thirsty?”

  The little boy looked up at him, not saying a word. He looked to the door like he knew what was happening in the other room.

  “Want to get out of here?” He knew the paramedics would want to look him over, and he had to follow protocol.

  He nodded, his lips still pressed into a tight line.

  “I’m going to take you out of here, okay? We’ll get you checked over, and then I’ll get you some breakfast while we wait for your auntie to come. It might take her a while. She’s got to get in a big plane and fly over to get you.” He thought if he kept talking it would distract the child from all of the chatter in the other room.

  “There are a lot of people out there, and we don’t want them to see us leave. So, what we’re going to do is put this blanket around us and go really fast like a car, okay?”

  Noah nodded. Darek lifted him up in his arms and wrapped the blanket around them. Then he covered Noah’s face and hurried as fast as he could with the boy hanging on to him for dear life.

  When they got out of the house, he held him in his lap while the EMTs checked him over.

  In the distance, he saw Lizzy standing by one of the cars. She had someone on the phone, and she was chewing their ass out. He knew he should be in there working the case with her, but career or not, he couldn’t let Raven or the boy down.

  Chapter 22


  “Wake up, beauty, it’s time to log into this thing again.” Bay pushed the laptop across his lap and into Brandy’s. She had dozed off next to him, and he had let the computer sleep while he looked at the messages and photographs on the old phone.

  She moaned and stretched and gave Bay a big smile before typing in the password.

  Carter didn’t know how much more shit he could listen to between the two of them, but as long as they were getting along and Bay didn’t want to try to kill her before he got his money, he wouldn’t complain.

  He had looked at so many naked photos that when he closed his eyes, all he saw were nipples.

  Bay had returned the previous day, and the three had stayed in the living room the entire night, going through papers and photos. He had made sure Brandy dozed off before he did and was thankful for being a light sleeper. He didn’t want her to tell Bay about their little deal, and so far, he’d managed to keep the other man in the dark. More money for the two of them.

  “Anyone want coffee?” Carter asked, getting to his feet.

  “I do,” said Brandy. “Hold the poison and extra sugar?” She was so sweet to Bay, all she had to do was stick her finger in her mug.

  “I like mine with a little cream,” said Bay, not looking his way. “Thanks, Carter.”

  “Did you find anything to tell you who the woman is?” asked Brandy as Carter listened in from the kitchen.

  Before Bay could respond, Carter’s phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned. He’d missed several calls. “What the hell is wrong with my phone?”

  “The signal is weak in the house. You think that’s bad? Justin had a scrambler to make it worse, but I turned it off. You still have to go out onto the porch.”

  “That’s not at all convenient,” mumbled Carter as he left the coffee brewing and walked outside, where the crisp morning air filled his lungs. The place was amazing. He wondered what it would be like to live there all the time, with the beautiful view and the sound of the river flowing in the distance. It was heaven on earth.

  He dialed the number back and waited for Eddie to answer. “Carter?”

  “Yes, of course, it’s me. What’s going on?”

  “The brethren have been in a meeting all morning, that’s what.”

  “What for? There wasn’t a meeting on the books.”

  “There have been claims made against you. A woman is even claiming to be pregnant with your child!”

  “What? Who?”

  “Ava Lindsey, but she’s not the only one. Keely Milton, she’s come forward too. Apparently, the women got to talking and decided it was time the church pay for their silence.”

  “I’m working on that now.”

  “What?” screamed Eddie. “You knew about this, and you left town? Were you even working with the NYPD?”

  Carter’s gut was in knots. “Yes, I did, but the man I was supposed to interview hung himself in prison, and I’ve had to stay a little longer than expected.”

  “The hotel says you checked out two days ago.”

  Shit. “I’m staying with a friend. And I don’ appreciate being treated like a child, Eddie.”

  “I’ve known you since you were a child, in case you’ve forgotten, so I know the difference. Skipping out on your responsibilities is childish! Fucking a member of the church who isn’t your wife is childish. Should I go on?”

  “Look, we’ll just demand a paternity test and buy some time.”

  “We haven’t let this get to your wife yet or the rest of the members, but the church is talking about replacing you with a fresh new face. Someone that everyone loves and who hasn’t had their dick in half the congregation. They’re talking about giving it to Todd. He’s a good family man and more deserving, besides. While you’ve been diddling, he’s been winning people’s hearts and stepping up his game.”

  He had never heard Eddie be so angry toward him, not even when he’d fucked up in the past, but those times had been nothing like this.

  “I’m sorry. I’m going to make it better! I’ll call you later!” He hit the end button, not wanting to hear the disappointment in Eddie’s tone again. He looked at his contacts and dialed Ava’s number.

  He couldn’t believe after all they’d been through, after all he’d promised to do, she had gone behind his back and made this move.

  She answered in a quiet voice. “Hello, Carter.”

  “How could you do this to me? I am here trying to get your fucking money, and you shit all over my life?”

  “What about my life, Carter?”

  “Are you really pregnant? Or is this just some elaborate scheme you two planned to come against me?”

  Ava huffed. “You mean Keely? I saw that bitch leaving your office the other day. She admitted to fucking you.”

  “And so what? You and she got together and decided to turn me in? She meant nothing to me, and she came onto me first. You know that woman like my power, Ava. They see me as a challenge. I failed when it came to Keely, I’ll admit that, but it’s not because I don’t love you. I would have done anything for you.” He was so angry
he could strangle her. And now he had to do damage control.

  “Don’t tell me that now, you piece of shit! If you wanted to show me you loved me, you should have given me the job I wanted. I applied for it before you idiots did away with the position, and that job should have been mine.”

  “And that’s my fault? Why hurt me, Ava? If you claim to love me?”

  “I do love you.” She began to cry. “But it wasn’t enough. You know, I put up with Adrian, mostly because she’s so boring that I can’t see you really enjoying her company, much less being infatuated or in love with her. But I can’t take it when you don’t stop at that. You just had to have another woman too. And you had to make it that slutty Keely Milton.”

  “Don’t go through with this, Ava. Tell them that you lied, leave the church, and I’ll line your pockets out of my own. I’ll take care of you for life, angel.”

  “What about Keely? She’ll never withdraw. She said you failed to send her some money she needed, and now she’s being evicted.”

  Carter thought about the money he’d sent. He hadn’t sent the other half he’d promised. He’d been so distracted by the trip and had left before she’d come back to see him. “Fuck,” he whispered.

  “Listen to you. You’re not even the man I fell in love with anymore.”

  “I’m just angry and hurt, Ava. I love you, and now it’s all gone to hell. And Keely is lying. I didn’t owe her shit. She tried to take things further than a little slap and tickle and got upset when she was refused.” He’d never admit to anything more.

  “What about the child?”

  Carter’s face grew warm. “Are you really pregnant, Ava?” He hadn’t really considered she could be telling the truth about that.

  “Yes. It’s why I was so upset that I’d been laid off. I hoped to keep it a secret for a while, at least until it was too late to abort it. I was afraid you’d make me.”

  Carter wasn’t sure what he felt. He was going to be a father. He knew Ava hadn’t been with any other men. She’d been too obsessed with him, and he kept her so well-bedded she didn’t have time for anyone else in her life.

  “Ruining me isn’t going to help any of us.” He should have cut her loose months ago. But part of him couldn’t help but know that the baby was going to change his life for the better.

  If he took the money and ran, he could take Ava with him and raise their child with her, or he could stay with the church and let it crumble. He didn’t know what to do. He looked up and saw through the window where Bay and Brandy were laughing together. Bay’s fake laugh was even creepier than his smile.

  “I’ve got to go, Ava. I’m begging you not to say another word. I’ll be home soon, and we’ll deal with it then. I want to be in your life. Both of you.”

  “Fine. I won’t do anything else until I hear back from you.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief and ended the call with another “I love you” he didn’t really mean.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said. “Stupid fucking bitches.” He took a deep breath and walked into the house where Bay and Brandy were sipping coffee on the sofa.

  “I see the coffee’s made.” Carter walked to the kitchen to get himself a cup.

  Bay turned his head, giving him a narrowed stare. “Yeah, Brandy took care of it. So, what was that all about?”

  “Just a few things at work that needed my approval.”

  “It sounded pretty serious,” said Bay. “I thought you were screaming at one point. It was like music to my ears.”

  Brandy laughed.

  “How long is this all going to take? Because I’d like to get back early if possible.” Carter’s whole world was falling apart, and he needed the fortune to make it all better. With him having his own fortune, one the church couldn’t touch, he’d be fine no matter what they decided to do with him.

  “We should be good to leave tomorrow. The store papers are all that’s holding us up. I’ve got all of the other files sent to my email, so I can finish up from the comfort of home.”

  “Good,” Carter said. “I’m ready to get back to the hotel.”

  Brandy gave him a cold stare like she couldn’t wait either. “I should get down to the store. It’s time to open up.”

  Chapter 23


  Darek stood across the room while Noah was being evaluated by children’s services. They wanted to see if he was well enough to be questioned before they let anyone give him the third degree on a more in-depth level.

  He hadn’t talked much, just one-word requests, and he hadn’t eaten anything, even though Darek sent out for donuts and chocolate milk.

  Lizzy walked into the office, surprising Darek. She was supposed to be working on the scene, and he hoped that nothing bad had happened. “What’s going on? Any good news?”

  “No, they called me down here to check on you.”

  “Who is they?” He looked up to the desk, and the woman behind it averted her eyes. “Are you kidding? Why pull you away from the investigation?”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “They’ve taken Honey’s body to the medical examiners, and the forensics team is scouring the house for evidence, and then we’ll have to lock it up once the blood is cleaned. The landlord is pissed off. I think Raven is going to be evicted, but the good news is, he can’t make her move her things until the investigation is done.”

  “Wow, thanks.”

  “Yeah, I thought you might like to pass that along.” She folded her arms and stared across at Noah. “When will she be here?”

  “She should be here any minute.” He looked at her and noticed her discomfort. “I’m sorry. I know this is horrible timing and puts you in an awkward position.”

  Lizzy turned and put her hand on his arm. “It’s no worse than the last position you put me in with her, but I’m a big girl, and I can take it.” She gave a shrug.

  “Then, how come you look like you want to murder someone?”

  She took a deep breath. “Did you have to call her ‘baby’?”

  Darek gave her a sideward look. He hadn’t done that, had he? “I don’t even remember saying it. If I did, it was a slip. I’m sorry.”

  “You know you can’t leave with him, right?”


  “With Noah. You can’t take him out of here, and they’ll only let Raven take him if they think that she’s going to be safe. They know there’s a chance that Raven was the intended victim.”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. “How do they know that?”

  “Because I told them. They needed to know. She’s not this child’s safest option, and neither are you.”

  “How could you do that? I promised to help Raven and Noah. I told this kid that his auntie was going to take him home with her.” His temper flared, and his voice grew louder. “They can’t just stick him anywhere.”

  “This is why they asked me to come down. They knew you’d act like this, and let me tell you, being angry here isn’t going to do you any good either.”

  About that time, footsteps sounded behind him, and he turned to see Raven running across the lobby. “Darek!”

  She saw Lizzy and stopped short of a hug, but she reached out and held his arm, the other hand over her mouth’s twisted expression. “Where is he?” She looked over about that time and spotted Noah behind the glass. “He looks like his mother. Do I need to do anything for Honey? Make arrangements right away, or—dammit, I’m lost.”

  “It’ll be okay, just calm down,” he said, making damned sure not to call her “baby” or to be too touchy-feely, even though he wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her.

  “When can I take Noah home? I know he’s got to be worn out. Did he have any breakfast?”

  “He wouldn’t eat. I bought him some donuts and milk, and he didn’t touch it.”

  Lizzy took a deep breath and pulled Darek aside. “You need to explain things to her. Do it now. Don’t let it wait.”

  When she backed away, Raven had her arms crossed, and
her eyes narrowed. “Is something wrong?” Her question was for Lizzy. Raven hadn’t forgotten the way she’d been treated by the woman, and she probably had a good idea that Darek was back with her.

  Lizzy gritted her teeth, and when her mouth opened, Darek stepped in front of her. “It’s just that they probably won’t let you take him.”

  “What? I’ve come all this way. I’m not leaving without Noah. I understand if I have to stay in town, but he’s my family. I’m all he has left.”

  “And you’re a danger to him,” said Lizzy, raking her hand through her dark hair.

  “I beg your pardon,” said Raven.

  “You’ve not only been questioned in a murder investigation, but now you could have been the intended victim. Child services are not going to let you take Noah under those conditions.”

  Darek gave her an apologetic look. “I’m going to do all I can.”

  Raven fell against him and sobbed. “Can I at least see him, talk to him?”

  “Of course you can.” He patted her on the back, and when his eyes met Lizzy’s, she shook her head, walked over to the glass, and gave it a tap.

  The counselor got up from talking to Noah and opened the door. After the two women whispered to one another, the woman shook her head and approached.

  “You’re Noah’s aunt?”

  “Yes, his mother is my cousin, and she’s like a sister to me. We were raised together.”

  “I’m Marty Wallace. I’ve been assigned to Noah’s case.”

  “When can I take him home with me?”

  Marty frowned. “I’m afraid that might take some time. I’d like for Noah to stay with you eventually, but until we clear your situation with the police department and can determine that your lifestyle isn’t a danger to the child’s health and safety, then he’ll stay in protective custody.”

  Raven nodded. “How’s he doing? When can I see him?”

  “He’s doing good. I’m hoping he might open up a little, but so far, all I have determined is that he did, in fact, see his mother’s body. Whether or not he saw the killer, that will be something for us to determine later. I don’t want to pressure him so soon after the trauma.”


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