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Lies That Blind

Page 20

by Diana Rose Wilson

  She squealed and struggled but he didn’t let her up, and he didn’t hurt her. Well, there was some discomfort with his weight pressed down on her and the less than gentle bites but nothing broke the skin. Oh, but how she secretly wanted him to. Leave a real scar on her.

  “Stop. Stop! Let me breathe a second,” she cried and he relented, peering at her with interested, wild eyes. His ears perked forward. Panting, she reached out and stroked a hand between his eyes and rubbed at one ear as he purred louder.

  Now that she had a moment to look at him, she could admire more than just the size and power of him. She traced one of the swirling spots on his shoulder, enjoying how the touch sent little shadows and sparkles up between her fingers.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered. “Fluffy pussycat.” She took his jaws in both hands and ruffled through the fur.

  He purred louder, eyes half lidding in smug pleasure, and bumped his head against hers. His tail swished lazily, tossing out bursts of shimmering twinkles through the air, and he just as gracefully changed back. And her Christopher was there, pinning her down and smiling at her.

  “You are beautiful and wild. You are heaven on fire.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him. “I wish I could run wild with you,” she admitted and whispered, “you are so amazing.”

  “You will. Once you get a moment to rest and recover and learn how to do it. It’s not safe to try until you are fully recovered.” His voice lowered as he kissed the corner of her lips. “I can’t wait to show you everything.”

  Everything. It seemed like she hardly had time to see anything with the constant drama so far. She still had rooms in the house she didn’t have time to explore. He stroked his hand through her hair, gathering a handful of curls in a tight squeeze.

  Letting out a puff of breath, she asked, “Before I get swept away by your sexiness again, I want to ask what happened to Daniel McNabb. Mano didn’t—”

  “No. Oh no. He just scared the piss out of him and stripped the energy and talent from that vest. It couldn’t have felt very good but I hear Grammy looked him over. Mambo barely scratched him. The damage done was from dicking around with energy that didn’t belong to him. They are still trying to figure out who the pelt came from.”

  “You mean, it really might have come from one of you? Your—um…Tribe mates?” she asked, shuddering at the thought.

  Christopher nodded, glancing away. “It isn’t from someone local. We would know if one of ours here was missing. We will bring it to the gathering of the Tribes. It’s bigger than just our little valley.” He tipped his head and watched her. “Grammy and my parents are having a long sit down with him to find out more details. Still haven’t heard from Joey but Derek is trying to find him. Things will be all right now. Back to normal.”

  “So, just regular people shifting into cats and sword fighting?” she suggested. “Wand-measuring contests?”

  “You’re the one with the scepter, Lady Welton,” he murmured and kissed her shoulder, playfully pulling the sheet down her body. “Oh, we’ll have so much free time. There will be horseback riding lessons. Sword lessons. Music lessons.”

  “Oh, God. I don’t have that much free time.” She squirmed and tried to keep the sheet up but he was too fast and stripped the fabric off her in a flourish. “What instrument do you play?”

  “The harmonica,” he teased and kissed her breast, licking the nipple before she squirmed out of reach.



  Together they rolled across the bed and back again, the sheets and blankets kicked aside. Their joined laughter filled the space. It was so good to laugh and wrestle with this strong, carefree man.

  At last, he pinned her down on her stomach, his strong body covering hers and the hard steel of his cock nuzzled her ass.

  She arched upward toward him as he straddled her hips from behind. “I want you,” she whispered, looking over a shoulder at him.

  “How do you want me, kitten?”

  Her hands caught his, fingers twined together, and she stretched forward, pulling him with her. “Take me like this? I’ve never—”

  “I haven’t either,” he whispered against the nape of her neck. “Lift your hips, Sunkist.”

  She did so with a playful amount of writhing that made him growl eagerly. He didn’t pull his hands from hers.

  He moaned brokenly when she spread her thighs for him to slip between. Together they moved and rocked. Her pussy was slick and hot already from the playing and his cock still arched proudly upward. They didn’t use hands to guide him. It was a perfect grinding into each other with low whimpers of, “Higher,” and “Almost,” and “Just like that,” and “Oh. There. There. Oh, yes.”

  “Oh, yes!”

  When his cock nuzzled against her entrance, they both cried out in satisfaction and pleasure. He kissed her shoulder, up to her ear. “Oh, Gods, Frankie.” He nibbled her there while he very slowly eased into her. His thick cock head teased in and out of her with delicious slapping sounds.

  She screamed into the bedding as she came around his cock head and only when she started to spiral down from the climax did he shove deeper into her and steadily fuck into her clutching sex.

  His cock pulsed with his pounding heart. She felt him through her spine, thrumming against her as his furred chest pressed flush to her back. At last, he sheathed himself fully into her and rocked deep into her pussy, pushing her forward with a snarl of pleasure.

  This was slow, sweet sex. Purring into her neck and into her ear, he told her how wonderful she was. He asked her to tell him how she liked it. His voice was a deep and sexy growl against her skin. “Your pussy feels so hungry, kitten. I’m going to feed it so much cum. I have so much to give you, Sunkist. My Sunkist.”

  Every inch drew out until he nearly slipped free of her and for a pounding couple of heartbeats he poised there, murmuring softly in a language she didn’t understand. She couldn’t make out the words but the meaning behind them was clear enough. They were filled with praise and reverence before he shifted and pushed back into her.

  This was making love, she realized with heat in her cheeks. Her heart hammered in time with his.

  Her fingers squeezed through his as she cried out into the soft linens. It was the most beautiful experience of her life.

  “Oh, Christopher. Yes! I…I’m right there.”

  “Don’t hold back. Let me feel you. I’ve got you.” He squeezed carefully around her fingers with his own.

  He circled his hips around, moving in one direction, and then the other before jerking back and shoving into her in time with her gasp and tightening of her pussy around him. He growled in a broken, “Fuck. Yes!” And again, he pumped into her, moving in shorter, steady pulses until they were both sweating and moaning out on the edge of their release.

  She cried out his name as she came. His careful, tender lovemaking had her curling her toes more than the most brutal, rough sex she could imagine. The pleasure crawled up her thighs and tightened her pussy in a spasm of fire and heat that consumed everything for a moment.

  His snarling roar of pleasure echoed her cry as he thrust deep into her with a final hard pump of his hips. His cock swelled and throbbed, bucking into her, and she swore she could feel the heat of him gushing deeper and deeper into her greedy sex. All of him. Yes! She wanted all of him.

  Her head buzzed with the bell-ringing gong as she melted under him, loving how his body pinned her down, his breath against her shoulder, peaches and cream, and the wilderness of cedar and sandalwood.

  They cuddled like that for several shuddering moments. Catching their breaths, they snuggled together with his cock still deep inside her. He carefully untangled his fingers from hers and he stroked up her arms, massaged her back.

  “You are like my star chart,” Christopher whispered as he pushed her thick curls up from her shoulder and exposed the nape of her neck. His warm mouth pressed to the spot along her hairline and then ki
ssed down her spine at each vertebra.

  She smiled, turning to look over her shoulder, but he was too attentive to the task of trying to kiss every freckle. He connected them with his skillful fingers. Her toes curled with lazy pleasure and she muffled her moan into the pillow.

  “I never want you to stop,” she whispered and bowed up her shoulders toward him as he massaged into a particularly tight spot.

  Delicately he extracted himself from her, their sighs and groans mingling together. He continued to kiss her spine, his breath warm on her skin.

  “My little star,” he purred and traced along each of her shoulders. “I like how the freckles here make crescent moons. And here, along your back, it’s like a sword. And here—oh, here.” He kissed along the cleft of her ass and she squirmed. “A completely different sort of star.”

  “Christopher,” she gasped and twisted around, rolling onto her back and maneuvering to evade his strong grip. She relished the strength in him, and adored how he allowed her this win when she knew he could have held her. Instead, he grabbed her leg and pulled it toward him, growling as he plied it with rough nibbles.

  “An unexplored constellation, I see.” He leered at her and held her fast, with one hand, batting away her kicking foot with the other. He didn’t flinch at the force she used and didn’t shy from her. He simply blocked her strikes and swatted them easily away.

  She blushed furiously. “Where no man has gone before,” she assured him.

  “Mine either.” He grinned and winked.

  “You better bet if you want mine, I’m having yours.”

  That made him blush and shocked him so badly that he missed blocking her kick. Her heel connected with his jaw. He grunted in pain, blinking before barking out a laugh as he released her.

  “Oh shit. Shit! I’m sorry.” She sat up, horrified.

  His laughter roared up from behind his hands and he playfully coiled away from her. “Mercy. Mercy!”

  “I’m sorry!” She leaned in to try to see where she’d connected with him, pulling his hands away from his face. “Right in the dimple.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t lose the whole foot.” He grinned at her, twining fingers with hers. He tipped his cheek for her to see the mark she’d left on him. As she fussed and crooned over him, his eyes softened. “I’m fine, Frankie. You can’t break me.”

  It delighted her. He delighted her. “How do you do it?” she asked. Pushing him onto his back she crawled up his body to straddle and cuddle into him.

  “Good food,” he said, and she wasn’t sure if he was teasing her or not.

  She kissed his face while straddling his hips. “You look mauled,” she whispered and grinned at him. She smoothed her fingers along his dimples, wanting to memorize him with her touch. Her heart sang, feeling light and bright.

  She would have to untangle from him soon. They would have to return to reality.

  He smoothed his hand along the curve of her ass and gave her a steady squeeze as she tightened her hold on him. “I’m not going anywhere,” he said firmly. “Well, work, but after work—” His eyes twinkled with promise. “I am yours.” He kissed the corner of her lips. “We should go skinny dipping in the pool tonight.”

  “I didn’t think cats like water,” she teased, squirming when he pinched her ass.

  “Oh, kitten, you have no idea. We should go surfing.”

  “Didn’t you almost drown as a child?” she asked him, brushing her knuckle over the bruise she’d made on his jaw from her kick.

  “I’m a much stronger swimmer now.”

  “From your swim with sharks?” she teased.

  He grinned toothily at her and nodded.

  “Ugh, you’re impossible.” When she pushed back, he didn’t restrain her, and she admired the bite marks she’d given his shoulder the day before. They were quite satisfyingly bright. Several other marks would show even with his chef coat.

  Noticing her admiration, he sniffed quietly. “Are you content with the marks?” Tipping his head to one side, he offered out his neck with a playful wink.

  “You could use a few more.” She felt deeply satisfied but noticed that he was looking her over in turn. “Are you content with the marks?”

  He growled approval and pulled her in closer. “You are perfect.” He kissed her, lingering and sweet. His chest was solid and warm against her breasts, a safe, unyielding wall.

  The kiss broke a long time after her toes were suitably curled. “Perhaps you will let me show you how perfect,” he growled.

  She surprised herself by letting him.

  Several times.

  Chapter 26

  Culture Shock

  Sophia, Vivianne and Juan were already cleaning the bar when Frankie arrived. She paused at the door to stare at them.

  “What are you doing here?” Frankie asked the women, who looked as though they could benefit from a long rest after the evening’s showdown of rival gangs.

  Witch gangs.

  Vivianne was pale but her posture relaxed when Frankie came in. “I couldn’t stay in bed. I was going stir crazy. Helping clean up here is better than stewing in guilt,” she said.

  “Frankie-baby, you’re glowing,” Juan drawled and gave her a thumbs-up. “Look at us, all banged up but still in the trenches. Amy would appreciate this.” He didn’t bring up the events of the previous night. He didn’t need to. The blood had been cleaned but the coppery scent lingered.

  Ignoring the remark about her glowing, she said, “You should all be resting. The bar isn’t even open yet. And they say I’m the stubborn one.”

  “You are the stubborn one. You’re here too,” Sophia reminded her, putting her little hands onto her hips.

  “Point,” Frankie sighed and noticed the new token sitting on the bar. A pretty silver castle with delicate flags flying on all the towers. Small accents of rose gold made a filigree design around various open windows and down the open drawbridge.

  Vivianne’s voice trembled. “That’s mine. If you’ll accept it. I know I’ve been horrible to you but… I hope you’ll not reject it, or me.”

  When Frankie looked from the token to Vivianne, the woman pressed her shaking fist to her chest and held her gaze. Their eyes met and this time, Frankie didn’t keep up her wall. When the bright fire leaped forward in greeting, the dark-haired woman’s mouth fell open. “Dear Gods,” she breathed, wrenching her gaze away as though she’d been dazzled by the sun.

  “I didn’t have the benefit of a proper education,” Frankie explained. “So, I am still getting the hang of all the details. I take full responsibility for my ignorance and if you can forgive that, I can forgive your slip too.”

  Vivianne sputtered at Frankie’s apology. Eyes averted, she whispered, “Thank you for your mercy, Lady.” She murmured, clearly relieved.

  “Let’s not get all emotional.” Frankie turned away to hide her blush and tucked the lovely little castle on the shelf near Sophia’s pink horse.

  Oliver didn’t show up, and there were no calls on the messages for him either. Sitting behind her desk, she pondered his behavior the day before. She just picked up the phone to call Derek and find out how their conversation went when a knock on the door distracted her.

  “Frankie?” Sophia came in. “There’s someone here asking for you.” The blonde’s eyes were wide.

  “Not more punks, is it?” she asked as she followed Sophia.

  “I…am not exactly sure. He looks like trouble to me.”

  Frankie blinked at the man at the bar.

  The thug had his chin thrust forward with a silent air of belligerence. Itching for a fight. His hulking mass was squeezed into a suit several sizes too small for him. The outdated style stretched uncomfortably across his muscular shoulders.

  Dave Yarrow.

  She blinked a second time as though the action might change the image before her.

  His freshly shaved scalp gleamed but a haze of gold dusted his strong jaw and chin. Scars decorated his features in
silver and pink grooves and his big nose had been broken at least twice that she could remember, giving it his trademark profile.

  A big pack sat at his feet.

  Sophia and Vivianne both regarded her expectantly. “Well?” they asked together.

  “That is Dave,” she said, as though it explained everything.

  Sophia gave her arm a squeeze of encouragement but her gaze looked troubled.

  His blue gaze drifted around the room, seeming to cut into everything they touched. Nothing met his stone-faced approval. She wondered what he expected. For a moment, she chewed at her fingernail and then sighed to herself.

  Not so many days ago, she had looked down her nose at this place too.

  Stepping out of her hiding place, she marched up to him, putting on her friendliest expression.

  His rough features softened with relief when he saw her, but it only took a single heartbeat for it to change. She watched him register her bruises and cuts with a fighter’s calculated measure, then his blue gaze flared with rage.

  “Frankie. You have a lot of nerve,” his voice rumbled like the engine of a tank. When he stood, she thought she heard a few seams of his antique jacket popping.

  “Good to see you too, Dave. Thirsty?” She motioned to the bar but didn’t take her eyes off him.

  He bristled like he wanted to hit something. She gave him a warning look. This was not a game he wanted to play with her.

  Registering her threat, he averted his eyes, jaw champing and grinding as he got his temper under control. Her shoulders relaxed but she didn’t let down her guard.

  “I had to see you. You sounded fucking horrible on the phone. What the actual hell is going on?” He kept his voice low, head tipped toward her.

  She stared right back at him. “You came all this way because you had to see me?”


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