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Skin Deep

Page 5

by Alicia White

  When Damon felt her body relax and her breathing even out, he realized that she was asleep. He moved slightly, wanting to touch her more, wanting to look at her now that his eyes had adjusted to the dark room. She looked so fragile and innocent. He could see track marks running down her cheek, and he realized that she had cried. He felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest, and he shut his eyes. What had seemed so amazing only moments ago felt ruined now. Did he push her too hard? Should he have talked to her instead of trying to seduce her?

  Damon lay down and closed his eyes. He didn’t know what to do. He felt lost, more now than he had ever before. He rubbed his eyes hard and thought about his options. He didn’t want to wake her, but he didn’t think he would be able to just go to sleep, not now that he knew that she had been crying. He hugged her once more then let go of her and rolled out of bed slowly, not wanting to wake her up.

  He grabbed his clothes off the floor and walked out of her bedroom. He got dressed in the hall. After he was dressed, he leaned against the doorframe and stared at her. She didn’t move once, and he wondered if she missed him as much as he missed her. Holding her in his arms was the only thing he ever wanted to do. He dreamed about waking up with her, and now that wasn’t going to happen. It was hard to swallow past the lump in his throat. He felt sick to his stomach.

  Damon looked at her one last time and turned around, heading toward the front door. He couldn’t talk to her now. He wasn’t going to wake her up. He shut the door behind him and used his key to lock up. He went to his apartment across the hall, walked in, and threw his eyes on the counter. He went straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer. He stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter and downed the beer.

  He didn’t even taste it. He was too focused on Selene and what had happened today. He had to work the following day so he went into the living room and sat down on his couch. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, knowing that if he didn’t get some rest he would be useless at work. He dreaded going to work and possibly running into Mr. Elias, but he didn’t have a choice. He hoped that Selene would take the time to tell him what had happened as well. He needed to know what she felt and thought about their relationship.

  Chapter 5

  Selene woke up and stretched. Her head was pounding, and she groaned. She moved around and realized that she was in bed alone. She pulled the covers back and looked around the room, wondering where Damon was. Did he leave during the night? Maybe he had to go home to get ready for work? She climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror and saw her makeup all over her face. She felt like a mess and was actually relieved that Damon wasn’t here to see her.

  She walked over to the shower and started the hot water. As soon as it was hot and the steam was billowing, she stepped in and let the water hit her. She grabbed the soap and scrubbed her body, knowing she probably didn’t have enough time to relax under the water for too long. She went through her normal routine, thinking about Damon and Nicholas. She knew she didn’t need to think about Nicholas, though, since their next appointment wasn’t for a while. Damon, on the other hand, she knew she would see him today. They worked at the same casino, and they lived across the hall for each other. They also had a relationship and never went longer than a day without talking.

  She felt better knowing that he would always be in her life. They would talk about last night and then everything would be back to normal. Selene shut off the shower, grabbed a towel, and dried herself off. Her first stop when she left her apartment would be the coffee shop on the corner. She needed a large latte more than she needed anything else. She hung up the towel and walked to her closet, grabbing a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and her black combat boots. She dressed in a hurry and applied a light layer of makeup.

  Selene grabbed her purse and keys and headed out the door. She jumped in her car and adjusted the seat, smiling when she thought about Damon. She started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Her first stop was the coffee shop. She went through the drive-thru and grabbed her usual before pulling out and heading toward the Olympus casino. She hoped that she would run into Damon. There was so much that she needed to say.

  Pictures of last night flashed through her mind, and she really wished that Damon wouldn’t have left. She wanted to wake up in his arms, she wanted to kiss him and tell him how much he meant to her. Could a real relationship work between them? She smiled as she parked in the employee lot, grabbed her coffee, and walked straight to Skin Deep Ink.

  * * * *

  Nicholas leaned back in his chair and stared at his wall of TV screens. He knew Selene’s schedule by heart, and she was never late. When her car pulled into the lot, he smiled. She was right on time. She practically skipped to the shop, and he wondered what had happened after Damon took her from the art show. Did they go home together? Did they make love?

  He checked his watch again, knowing that Damon would be at his office soon. He had changed Damon’s normal duties, and he hoped there wouldn’t be any issues. He was putting his plan into motion today. He wanted to take Damon to The Club first, and then hopefully they could work together and come up with a plan. He hoped convincing Damon wouldn’t be too difficult to do.

  When Nicholas heard a knock at the door, he stood up and grabbed his jacket, buttoning it quickly before striding toward the door. When he opened the door, Damon was standing straight, his posture perfect, with his large hands clasped behind his back. He was an imposing figure to anyone who didn’t know him. Nicholas appreciated the fact that he was always respectful, dedicated to his job, and loyal. Damon had been working on his security team for a while now, and he knew he did his job well.

  “I hope you don’t mind being my driver today. There are a few things I need to do.” Nicholas watched as Damon nodded his head once. That was the only response he got. He arched a brow and Damon moved, giving him space to pass. Nicholas walked past him and headed toward the elevator. Even if Damon was upset, he needed him to be on the same side if his plan was going to work.

  When the elevator doors opened with a quiet ding sound, Nicholas stepped in and Damon quickly followed. He stared at their reflections, noting all the differences between them. Damon was a wall of muscle with a shaved head and tattoos running up his arms. He also looked rough and dangerous. Nicholas saw himself as a clean-cut businessman, and even though he had a darker side, he didn’t show it often. Could two very different men share the same woman? He started to second-guess himself and then realized that if he didn’t at least try, he would have regrets.

  “I had the valet bring the car down. It’s waiting for us out front,” Damon said when the doors opened. The casino was already buzzing with people, bright colors flashing and music playing throughout the place. He always loved being in the middle of the chaos, experiencing the excitement. That’s the reason he originally purchased the once-dying place and turned it into the Olympus. He smiled at all the regulars as he passed with Damon at his side. They walked out the front doors, and the warm air surrounded him.

  The valet opened the back passenger door, and Nicholas got into the BMW X6. The leather seats molded to his body, and he stretched out his legs, letting himself relax fully into the seat. When the door closed, he took a deep breath and enjoyed the new-car smell that still lingered. When the front driver’s door opened, he kept his expression neutral and didn’t say anything until they were off casino property.

  “Where to?” Damon asked.

  “Have you ever heard of a place called The Club?” Nicholas asked. His curiosity piqued when Damon looked in the rearview mirror at him.

  “Yeah.” Damon didn’t say anything more, so he didn’t push, just nodded and let him drive.

  Driving down the strip in the day was so different from being out at night. A night in Vegas always felt so magical, with bright lights, music, laughter, and people streaming in and out of the city. He stared out the window, watching the strip whiz by. They left the city area and
ended up in the industrial district. They drove through a maze of large, dark buildings until they reached their destination. Damon pulled out a small remote and clicked the button. He watched the large metal gate open. He looked at Damon in the rearview mirror and nodded his head.

  Members and shareholders were the only ones who were able to park under the building, a privilege since he had given lots of money to make this place what it was today. The Club was a place that had no rules when it came to kink. As long as all the people involved were consensual adults, nothing else mattered. The Club was usually filled with men and women who loved BDSM and ménage relationships, a place to fulfill fantasies or to just be surrounded by like-minded people.

  Nicholas got out of the car as soon as Damon shut off the engine. He waited until Damon got out. They stared at each other for a minute, and Nicholas wondered what thoughts were going through Damon’s mind.

  “I wanted to show you something.” Nicholas didn’t elaborate. He waited.

  “In there?” Damon nodded toward the door, and Nicholas could tell that he was curious but also a little concerned. Damon looked around, noting all the cars, the exits, and then he finally nodded. “Okay.”

  Nicholas walked toward the door and knew that Damon was following him. The sound of his boots hitting the ground echoed. He could only imagine what Damon was thinking and feeling. He remembered his first time coming to The Club. He was nervous and anxious. His stomach had been in knots. He had only barely gotten out of college and was still trying to figure out what he wanted in life and in a relationship. His older cousins brought him to The Club, hoping to educate him, and that first night, he watched a truly amazing show that changed his life.

  He had wanted the whole ménage lifestyle from the beginning. He loved watching a woman get pleasure from him, but also get pleasure from her other lover as well. He imagined Selene lying between them. He wanted to fill her pussy, and Damon could fill her ass. They would work together, loving her body, making her come. He felt his cock jerk in his pants, and he realized that he needed to change his train of thought.

  He opened the metal door and stepped to the side, allowing Damon to walk in first. The lights were on, and the place was practically empty. Nicholas knew that there were a few members using the private rooms. His cousins were here with their woman. He wanted to show Damon what they could have, not just tell him. He walked down the long hallway and opened one of the viewing room doors. This way they could watch without being seen. He didn’t want to intrude on the group, just wanted to be able to watch Damon and see what he thought of the scene. Would he be disgusted? Would he be interested? He let the questions play through his mind as he took a seat facing a huge mirror.

  After Damon sat down, he pushed a button, and the screen opened, letting them view a large room with a plush bed in the center. Nicholas was glad that his cousins had arrived early. Their woman was tied down to the bed, and they were both pleasuring her. He had seen this all before, so he looked at Damon, wanting to see his response.

  * * * *

  Damon sat back in the comfortable chair and watched the show unfold in front of him. He felt a little uncomfortable sitting next to Mr. Elias watching two men pleasure one woman. He wasn’t sure what all of this meant. He felt like he was in a movie theater watching a show, except this wasn’t a movie, this was real, and he could hear the woman moaning and begging the men for more.

  He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. He watched as one man ate her pussy while the other sucked her nipples, alternating from one to the other. She couldn’t move. Her arms and legs were spread apart and tied to the bed posts. Her muscles strained, and she wiggled on the bed, pouting when she couldn’t pull herself free from the binds.

  “Put your cock in me. Please. I need more.” Her head moved from side to side, and Damon held his breath wondering what was going to happen. “I need both of you.” Her voice changed and dripped with desire. He knew she was on edge, her back arched, and she went from begging to demanding in moments. They started untying her, moving her body, and Damon knew what was going to happen.

  One of the men lay down, and the other man grabbed her hips and helped impale her on the hard cock. She moaned deep, and her body accepted the length. She started riding him in a frenzy, before the man behind her slapped her ass and stopped her progress. He pushed her shoulders down, grabbed a tube, and squirted the contents on his fingers. It didn’t take long before he was working one, two, and then three fingers into her ass. She moaned and shifted, trying to move on his fingers, but with the hand on her back, she couldn’t completely move. The man lined up his cock with her hole and pushed inside, one inch at a time. She panted and stopped moving until both men were fully inside her body. They started out slow, building up a rhythm until the woman was being pushed back and forth between their cocks.

  Damon shifted in his seat, his cock thickening in his pants. He didn’t know which position excited him more, thrusting his cock into a tight, puckered ass or having a beautiful, soft pussy.

  It didn’t take long before the woman’s back arched and she shrieked in pleasure. Her expression was pure bliss, and Damon couldn’t take his eyes off her face. The men pounded into her body harder. He could hear their slick skin slapping and their moans and panting. Minutes later, another small scream passed her lips, and both of the men climaxed at the same time. The three of them remained huddled together, kissing and touching each other, until the screen closed.

  Damon leaned back in his chair and remained silent. He had no idea what to say. He just kept staring at the two-way mirror waiting to hear what Mr. Elias would say. After the performance, he decided to call him Nicholas. There was no reason to be formal after this.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I brought you here or at least wondering why I had you watch,” Nicholas said, and Damon turned his body around, wanting to have this conversation face-to-face. It was obvious that Nicholas had some reasonable explanation. He wasn’t sure he should thank him for the show, so instead he waited for him to continue.

  “Those men, they are my cousins, and the woman is their wife. I asked them to come here so that I could show you their relationship dynamic. This club isn’t just about BDSM, it’s about ménage relationships. When I look at them together, I envy them.” Damon stared at Nicholas, confused about how he fit into this whole picture. Why would this man share this personal information?

  “It’s because of Selene that I’m showing you this lifestyle.” Damon knew the look on his face changed, and Nicholas shook his head and continued before he could say anything. He wanted to protest, he wanted to get up and walk away, but he decided to sit and listen to what Nicholas had to say. “I’ve known since college that this was the type of relationship that I wanted to have. I make it my business to know all my employees, and I kept seeing you and Selene together. It made me wonder if you were both in a relationship, and then I did some research and I found out how you both knew each other.”

  “Our relationship is none of your business.” Damon ground his teeth together, wondering what kind of sick notions Nicholas had gathered. He felt sick to his stomach thinking about Selene and what might be said. She hated when people knew too much about them, hated when people talked about them.

  “I’m not saying anything negative. I didn’t bring you here to talk about you both. I brought you to talk about the three of us. I like that you both care about each other and that you have a past. I just want to be a part of the future. For a year now, we’ve been flirting, and slowly it turned into more. I really care about her, and I think that if we work together, we could make this work and we could make her happy.”

  Damon started shaking his head. He couldn’t find the right words, but he knew that he didn’t want to share Selene regardless of how sexy the scene was that he just watched. Could he really watch another man touch Selene? Would that turn him on or would he want to kill Nicholas? He tried to picture in the three of them in his head.

  “I’m not sure how this would work? I–I don’t even know what to say,” Damon said.

  “When it comes to ménage relationships, there needs to be clear and concise rules, and there needs to be 100 percent honesty.” Nicholas stood up then and walked toward the large window. He leaned his back against it and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “What kind of rules?” Damon asked as he leaned back in the chair, watching him closely.

  “We need to make sure that we are on the same page when it comes to Selene. I’ve seen lots of ménage relationships flourish and a few fail. We can’t let Selene get in between us. We need to create a solid front. We work together, and she gets to have both of us. The best part is that we don’t have to fight over her, and when one of us can’t be around, she won’t be alone. I think this could work. Are you willing to give it a try?”

  Damon let Nicholas’s words run through his mind. He had made some progress on the Selene front last night, but then things hadn’t ended quite so great. He still hadn’t talked to her this morning, and he wasn’t sure if everything would be okay. Did he want to make a deal with Nicholas? Could he have Selene all to himself?

  “I need to think about this. I’ve never heard of ménage relationships, only ménage sexual encounters. I’m still not sure how this would work long-term. Would we live together? Is this just a sex thing?” Damon would never do anything to hurt Selene, and right now, he wasn’t sure this whole scene would make her happy.

  “I want to make sure you have all the facts so that you can really think about this. A ménage relationship won’t be easy, but the end result is the two of us working together to make sure Selene has everything she needs and desires. I would hope that we could all live together, not at the hotel but at my house far away from the strip. Our relationship wouldn’t be anybody’s business, and I don’t really care what people think anyway. When we are at home or we’re here, we can all be completely open. Hell, I’d be open at the casino, too.” Nicholas’s words were sincere, and Damon studied his face.


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