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A Little Harmless Rumor

Page 9

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Why do you think that?” Randy asked as he slipped a hand down her spine again. Emma followed the action then looked at Sean. They shared another private look; she turned back to Jaime.

  “I think that he would not want to come here. It’s Sean home base. Plus, it isn’t good for us to sit around. We have been doing that too long. It doesn’t bother me, but it is driving Sean into doing stupid things.”

  There was no doubting from the tone in her voice the barb had been meant for Jaime and Randy.

  “So, you just want to go out and hope he abducts you?” Jaime asked, embarrassed that her voice had risen. Way to show how professional she was.

  Sean shook his head. “No, that’s not the plan at all. I take it that Letov knows my habits, knows I’ll end up at Rough ‘n Ready. It would take just a couple of nights before he’d pop up.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  Sean blinked and confusion filled his gaze. Dammit, he really didn’t understand. After everything they had been through, he was just ready to offer himself up on a platter. Worse, he expected her to just go along with it.

  “Jaime, I have it under control.” He had gentled his tone as if he were talking to someone on the edge about to go over, which she was. She had just gotten him back, and now he expected her to give him up. “We’ll go in with mics, and I’ll have a GPS tracker on.”

  Emma took over for her brother, but she didn’t even try to soften her voice. “I will take care of all that. We’ve been thinking the man would show up here for months. Now we can back him in the corner, and we can all go back to our normal lives.”

  “I will not allow it,” Jaime said before she could stop herself.

  She could not seem to get her emotions back under control. Everyone stilled and looked at her. Jaime could feel every bit of her control snapping under the pressure. A man who had tried to kill both of them before was hell bent on killing Sean. The idea of dangling him like a big, juicy piece of meat for Letov to come eat was not acceptable.

  “Babe, it’s the only way to do it,” Randy said. He didn’t look any happier with the situation than she was, but he was going along with it just like Jaime had thought.

  “There has to be a different way,” she said. Jaime knew she was grasping at straws, but she didn’t give a bloody damn.

  Sean went to her and took her hand. “There isn’t.”

  “You could just go into hiding.”

  Even she could hear the desperation in her voice, but she didn’t care. She was desperate. Jaime knew she wasn't being rational. She didn’t give a bloody damn.

  “That won’t help the situation.”

  She yanked her hand away from him, and took a step back. “No.”

  He looked at Randy and motioned with his head.

  “Hey, why don’t we go get you something to eat?” Randy asked.

  “Because I’m not hungry,” Emma said. Jaime turned to say something terribly nasty, but she realized Sean’s sister wasn’t being an ass. She looked genuinely confused by the suggestion.

  “Come on, Taylor,” Del said. “Your brother and Jaime need to talk.”

  She looked at Randy and shook her head. “I never understand why people just don’t say what they mean.”

  Randy tossed them a smile as he followed Del and Emma as they bickered their way into another area of the house.

  “Do you want to tell me what this is about?” Sean asked.

  She couldn’t compose words in her head yet. Right now she just wanted to find a gun and shoot him for being so damned oblivious. Which, she knew made her sound mental, but she didn’t give a damn.

  “You don’t understand why I am mad?”

  He studied her for a second. “I get that you don’t want to take a chance on a dangerous situation.”

  “On a dangerous situation?”

  Oh, bloody hell, when had her voice gotten so high and squeaky? She sounded like an outraged fishwife.

  “Yeah, but I’m the one in the crosshairs, so you don’t have to worry.”

  She opened her mouth then snapped it shut. His mouth curved, which turned into a chuckle.

  “As I live and breathe, Jaime Alexander is speechless.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t joke. Not about this. I can’t lose you, Sean. The idea that I almost lost you and had no idea is enough to freeze my blood. I just got you back. We just got you back. Now you want to run out there…”

  She couldn’t continue. Tears burned the backs of her eyes as she looked away.

  “Hey, Jaime,” he said, his voice gentle and he took her hand again. “Look at me.”

  She did as he asked, just as the first tear escaped. “I know you think I am some kind of Amazon, but I am not. I can’t deal with this.”

  He wiped her tears away. “You can deal with it. The three of us can accomplish anything.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t play it down.”

  “You will be there. Del will be on board, and you don’t know this about Emma, but she’s a genius, truly. IQ and everything to go with it. Her specialty is codes and plans. So, with you and Randy, plus Del and Emma on backup, we can do this.”

  She tried to yank away from him, but he kept her close and cupped her face with both hands.

  “We have to do this. I want a life with you and with Randy. We can’t do that with this bastard controlling our every thought. If we don’t take a stand right now, there will be a shadow over us. We will never be free.”

  She couldn’t fault his reasoning, but she wasn’t truly rational at the moment.

  “New identities, with new backstory. We could start over.”

  He shook his head. “I will not hide behind a false name. We deserve to live a free life. You deserve it.”

  She couldn’t help the fresh rush of tears. “Damn.”

  His mouth curved. “No. I like seeing you like this.”

  “You like me miserable?”

  He shook his head. “No. Human. Touchable.”

  He leaned down and brushed his mouth over hers.

  She sighed and leaned closer to deepen the kiss. He did, slipping his tongue between her lips. When he pulled back, she slowly opened her eyes.

  “I love you, Jaime.”

  She heard a noise behind Sean. He turned and Randy was standing there. Sean gave her one last squeeze before he walked to Randy. Without hesitation, he cupped Randy’s face the same way, then kissed him.

  When he pulled back, he said, “I love you, too, Randy. But now, we have to get rid of this bastard so we can get on with our lives. I need your help.” He looked back at Jaime. “Both of you. It could be all done in just a few days, and then we can talk about where we go from here.”

  Randy glanced back at her. “Jaime?”

  She wanted to say no, but she knew no matter what she said, Sean would go ahead with his plan. There was no way to make him change his mind. If Randy and she were there, they could at least keep him safe.

  She nodded and walked to them. She kissed first Sean then Randy.

  “But, after this, I get a real vacation.”

  * * *

  “I didn’t expect Jaime to freak out like that,” Emma said once they were alone. She had asked to talk to him privately, and Sean had learned to pay attention when she requested something. She didn’t do it that often.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You talk about her like she’s some kind of tough woman.”

  “She is.”

  “It’s only logical that you are the bait. Letov feels that you are the reason his son is dead.”

  “He is dead because of me.”

  “One could argue that it is his fault. That you ended up killing his son because he was hell bent on revenge. “

  “I guess you could.”

  “Maybe he feels guilty, and he’s acting out going after you because he knows at the heart of it, that he had his son killed.”

  “I thought you didn’t believe in analysis.”

  “I don’t.
I think it is as plausible as voodoo, but other people do.” She shrugged. “I thought it would make you feel better.”

  He smiled, then it faded. He studied her for a long moment. She’d been spending too much time indoors and her insomnia was back. “What’s up? You’re not sleeping.”

  She sighed and walked to the window. “I’m having the dreams again.”

  He couldn’t imagine surviving what she did at the age of fifteen. Saying she lost her parents in a Tsunami just didn’t cover what she had been through. “You should talk to someone about them.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m talking about it to you.”

  “I know you don’t believe in therapy.”

  “Doesn’t work.”

  It was his turn to sigh. “You could get some sleeping pills.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve tried them before. The nightmare just continues.”

  He didn’t know what to say about that. So much about her was foreign to him. She wasn’t that big. She looked like her mother from the pictures she had shown him. Petite, with short black hair, and those green eyes. Many people made a mistake when they discounted her. But living on the streets for months after the Tsunami had toughened her up. And he regretted that. Fifteen-year-old girls should be plotting fun with their friends, and not wandering the desolate landscape left after the disaster. He wished he could have been there to protect her. Therefore, he did the one thing he knew his mother would have done. He walked to her and slid his arm over her shoulder and stood beside her.

  “Del was saying that he has a friend I can stay with.”

  “He does?”

  She nodded. “Cat. Says she works for him.”

  “Oh, yeah, Cat.” He thought of the best sharp shooter of the Task Force. She was a no nonsense law woman, who would be able to protect anyone. “She would definitely be able to protect you.”

  “You seem to think I need protecting. I don’t understand why.”

  She seemed so tough, and she was, but he couldn’t help the need he felt to protect her. It was stamped into his DNA.

  “It’s what big brothers do.”

  She nodded. “We need to end this now.”

  “Tomorrow night Randy, Jaime, and I will go to Rough ‘n Ready, do everything to call attention to me. Letov won’t be able to resist.”

  She nodded. “Make sure they watch your six.”

  He smiled as he kissed the top of her head. Emma was completely infatuated with NCIS. “I will.”

  She leaned closer and relished the moment. They had so few of them, and this would be one he remembered forever. They stood there in silence and watched the lights shimmer in the pool. They definitely needed to end it so that all of them could have more moments like this to remember.


  Jaime watched Emma work on her laptop, still stunned by the turn of events. Sean had always been secretive, but as their relationship had progressed, she thought he had been more open. Now, she knew there were probably other things he had kept hidden from her. The fact that he knew Royce was her father was bad enough. She wondered just how long Sean had kept that little secret.

  “Is there a reason you keep staring at me?” Emma asked, not taking her attention away from the screen.

  Jaime still wasn’t sure how to take Emma. Sean might have been secretive, but he had always been so giving with his affection. Emma seemed to be the direct opposite. “No. I’m just wondering how many other secrets your brother has.”

  “And your father. I understand being irritated with Sean, but he had no idea until after you dumped him. He had no reason to tell you.”

  It took a few seconds for Jaime to catch on to the dig. There was no anger in Emma’s voice, and she continued to work as if she hadn’t just blamed Jaime for hurting Sean.

  “I don’t believe you should be passing judgment on things you know nothing about.”

  She shrugged and continued to pound on the keys. “I know he didn’t feel comfortable enough about contacting you. That’s enough.”

  “He was trying to protect me.”

  Emma finally turned to face her. “He doesn’t think you can handle it.”

  That slap hurt more than the last one. “I can handle it.”

  “You can’t have it both ways. He didn’t trust you, or he thinks you are a liability. Either way, just know this: If you hurt him again, I will ruin your life.”

  Jaime snorted, but her smile faded when Emma kept staring at her. “Did you just threaten me?”

  Emma didn’t hesitate giving her answer. “Yes.”

  “I was trained to kill with my bare hands.”

  The younger woman studied her. “And I not only took out Sean but also Delano. They are bigger.”

  “You would have to get the jump on me.”

  “Ah, but see, that’s where I got you beat. I might not be as good in a physical confrontation, but I can ruin your life online. I am a world class hacker.”

  From the way she talked, Jaime was pretty sure Emma was proud of her threat.

  “Before you knew what happened, I will have erased your entire life. The one I will give you will force you to hide. No way to travel or earn money. Stranded with a name that will be a weight around your neck. So, just remember that. Oh, and tell Randy he’s on the line too. I will not hesitate to ruin you both if you hurt him.”

  Jaime studied the younger woman and realized that she was being dead honest. She would do anything to protect her brother. It kind of irritated her, but knowing Emma cared so much about Sean was heartwarming. They had both lost so much early in life, and it was good that they could have each other.



  Emma turned back to her computer and started to work again. She was definitely an odd duck, but she could handle that. Emma was honest and that was something Jaime found priceless.

  Sean came back into the room and looked at Emma with a frown. “What are you doing?”

  “Checking stuff.”

  Sean must have been accustomed to answers like that because he took it in stride.

  “Del said he’s ready to take you to Cat’s.”

  Emma said nothing as she continued to work. Sean looked at Jaime. “So nice to be paid attention to.”

  The sigh Emma released told Jaime she was irritated with having to explain herself. Jaime was pretty sure Emma rarely had to do that.

  “Emma?” Sean asked.

  “You said we couldn’t find Lassiter. I’m looking for him.”

  Sean moved closer, as did Jaime.

  “You have a bead on him?” Sean asked.

  She shook her head and glanced at Jaime.

  “Well, don’t start being considerate. I wouldn’t know how to react,” Jaime said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

  “It isn’t that I am not considerate. It’s that I don’t always know how to act in social situations. You, on the other hand, do, and so you are the one being inconsiderate,” Emma said.

  Jaime blinked. She had just been talked down to by a little slip of a girl. Well, not girl, but a tiny woman.

  “Listen, we don’t have time for this,” Del said. “What do you have, Taylor?”

  For some reason, Emma’s ruffled feathers seemed to calm. She drew in a deep breath and answered. “It’s that there is no activity at all. Nothing on his credit cards or passport. You gave me three names…does he have any more than that?”

  Sean looked Jaime. “Do you know of any?”

  She shook her head, realizing what Sean had said was definitely possible. Royce was missing.

  “Do you have anyone else to contact?” Emma asked.

  “No.” She cleared her throat, but the knot was still there. “Not really. You know how he works, Sean.”

  Randy walked in. “What’s up?”

  “Royce is really missing.”

  He glanced at Sean. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. Not just off the grid but truly missing,” Sean said.

p; “Now, don’t get all mental on me,” Emma said. “I said the chances are high that he is missing. But, if I know anything about Royce Lassiter, it’s that he is always working the game. Just give me a few hours and I can make sure.”

  “You need to do it at Cat’s though,” Del said. Del and Sean shared a look that told her there was a lot more going on.

  Emma frowned. “I want to continue working here.”

  “Too bad, Taylor,” Del said.

  Emma didn’t spare him a glance. She turned to face the computer and started working again. Sean apparently knew how to handle her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. She paused in what she was doing and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she seemed to gather herself and opened her eyes.


  Del stepped in at that point. Jaime had only just met the man, but she didn’t think this was normal behavior for him. He seemed preoccupied with Emma, but then, the woman did break his nose. If Jaime had been in his position, she would keep a keen on Emma.

  “Let’s go, Taylor.”

  Emma slanted the man a dirty look. “I don’t like that you talk to me like I am a recruit,” she said as she hit a few more keys, then shut the top to her laptop.

  Del said nothing to that as he waited, he looked at Sean and nodded. Sean let loose a breath and Jaime realized that during all of this, Sean had had one worry, and that had been Emma.

  Jaime didn’t exactly know how to feel about that, but she wanted to know more. Once they were alone, Randy and she could make sure they learned the whole story.

  * * *

  It took than less than ten minutes for Sean to get Emma out the door and on her way with Del. He hadn’t had enough time with her, and he was already regretting making her go off to hide. It was the best thing for both of them to get her out the door and off with Del. Still, he wanted her there where he could see her.


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