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Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1)

Page 1

by Stephany Wallace



  About the Author

  Written by Stephany Wallace

  Next from Stephany Wallace




  Chapter 1. Useful Allies

  Chapter 2. The Art Of War

  Chapter 3. Avra

  Chapter 4. Royal Politics

  Chapter 5. One More Night

  Chapter 6. A Man’s Quest

  Chapter 7. Welcomed Memories

  Chapter 8. Lost

  Chapter 9. Dragon Ashes

  Chapter 10. Twist of Fate


  A note from the Author


  Reproducing this book without permission from the author or the publisher is an infringement of its copyright. This book is a work of fiction. The names characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to any actual events or persons, living or dead, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2018 Stephany Wallace

  All rights reserved.


  Edited by Stephany Wallace.

  Proofread By Meghan Johnson

  Cover Design by Stephany Wallace. All Rights Reserved. Interior Design and Formatting By Stephany Wallace. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical

  articles and reviews.

  An S.W. Creative Publishing publication: March 2018


  Bestselling Author Stephany Wallace, published her debut novels Hidden Magic, (Paranormal Romance), and Chasing Time, (Adult Contemporary Romance), in late 2016. However, she has actually been writing since she was about 12 years old.

  Thanks to the influence of her Literature Professor who was also a poet, she began to write Poetry, which allowed her passion for writing to grow. Writing songs followed as her love extended to music. An artist, at heart and soul, She enjoys all forms of Art and occasionally indulges in drawing, playing her guitar, singing, and of course writing.

  As any die-hard Star Wars and Disney fan would naturally do, she moved to Orlando to be closer to Disney a few years back, where she lives happily ever after with her family.

  Shortly after her NPR debut, she won two awards as Best Debut Author 2016, Hidden Magic won the award for Best Debut Novel and her “Oh so #CynfullyDelicious” character Cynwrig Bresall won Best Book Boyfriend From Another Country. Stephany also released Forsaken Souls, a Runes Universe Novella, and has just published the last and fifth book in her Ancient Magic Series, Absolute Magic. So don’t forget to check it out.

  She is currently preparing to release Broken kingdom, the second book in her brand new series, The Winter Court Chronicles, with which will be live April 27th, 2018. A story of the three princes of the Winter Court, their journey to discover the truth about their past, and conquer extraordinary love.

  She has several books in the works for publication in 2018

  So stay tuned!

  You can stalk her, I mean follow her here, to know a bit more about her and her upcoming books:

  Join her Newsletter!


  New Adult Paranormal Romance


  Ancient Magic Series:

  *Renewed Magic, book 2.

  *Unwanted Magic, Eisha’s story, book3.

  *Worthy of Magic, Art’s story, book4.

  *Absolute Magic, book5.


  Runes Universe: (Kindle World)

  *Forsaken Souls,

  A Runes Universe Novella


  The Winter Court Chronicles:

  Forgotten Kingdom, book1.

  Broken Kingdom, book2. ( Coming April 27th 2018).

  Everlasting Kingdom, book3. ( Coming 2018).


  Adult Contemporary Romance

  A Love Through Time Series:

  *Chasing Time, book 1.

  *Destined Time, book 2.

  Somewhere Inside Series

  *Somewhere Inside My Mind, book 1.

  *Somewhere Inside My Past, book2.

  (Coming May 2018).

  To check out Steph’s other books feel free to visit her Author Pages:

  Paranormal Romance:

  Website | AmazonUS |Amazon UK

  Contemporary Romance:

  Website |AmazonUS |Amazon UK



  The Winter Court Chronicles, Book2

  Coming April 27th

  Three Brothers. A shattered kingdom.

  A truth that will change everything.

  After the shocking events that forced Kyr to leave the Winter Court, Ash steps up to defend the kingdom and protect his brother, Nyx.


  As the pillars that held him fall apart, he sets out to finish the quest his brother started, only to end up in the last place he expected, the human realm, where a mysterious woman disrupts his mission.


  Forced to face his own truth, Ash will have to decide which path to follow. Find the next piece of the puzzle and return to his brothers, or give into a desire that could cost him everything.

  *Readers who enjoyed A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Iron fey, and Game of Thrones will love Forgotten Kingdom.

  *This book is recommended for readers 16 and older due to extra sexy book boyfriends.

  Preorder Today!

  Exclusively on Amazon, FREE on KU!

  Amazon US

  Amazon UK


  To true love, in all its forms.


  To the person that listened to my crazy ideas, for hours and shared with his love about the beautiful Fae. Thank you so much Shawn Wood for being with me at the beginning of this journey, and staying with me through every step. I Love you #SawnieLove


  To the group of unexpected friends life has gifted me. Thank you for believing in me, supporting me and helping me through this journey every day. Kallie Kennon, Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez, Hollian Rickman, Shawn Wood, Andie Ryder and Meghan S. Johnson. THANK YOU. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you all.


  To my Omega Reader: Andie Ryder. Thank you for helping me clean the story of crazy typos.


  Thanks to my Beta Readers: Jaime Lingerfelt Rodriguez Kallie Kennon, Hollian Rickman, & Shawn Wood, for being excited about every single chapter and helping me with the little things I miss while creating these crazy worlds. #WriterStruggles.


  Thank you to my ARC TEAM for their support. I love you all.


  Thank you to my family for believing in me. I love you guys!


  Remy Martin Cognac Louis XIII

  Starbucks coffee




  •Arthlae Isa glinhir tay: Alight

  •Bearoth nirda tayon istataesata eldasirev naycirueth, arthunird neleth vaerun palarta raetar: Bond to its essence, and never part.

  •Celrae ossawen nay: Crown

  •Dilrunarta Galothnae Kuru: Dragon Wings’ Cloak

  •Faeosrae Ostar Evaista Galdormay Karisagul Dothmor: The Forgotten Kingdom shall be once again

; •Istamae Othren: Eternal Outlands

  •Ista Starhimar Bor Daeosnay Etha: It shall be done

  •Laethay Une Sata Curayossa Sae: grant us safe passage.

  •Mirya Daeevath: My dear Friend

  •Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis: Magic Aura Crystal,

  •Pereleva cirith ossa uthsae: Precious

  •Sorhal istaeth LaeDa: Shield

  •Tirayan narensata faeossa mir, taros uthaeren taerineth starevlae far: Transform to your true self.

  •Yaevastra orfay Bellirosmae: The Year of the Bloom




  Oldest son of King Laeroth, of the Winter Court.

  Next in line for the throne,

  Commander of the Dark Army.

  “Welcome to your new home, Summer Princess.”

  I declared, nodding the guards forwards. Gallai and Kahina held the princess’ arms and dragged her through the corridor of the dungeon.

  The Princess’ ocean blue eyes filled with anger—it made them even more striking. Her softly tanned skin glistened with her perspiration, and a few loose waves of her light auburn hair clung to her skin. I raised two fingers, signaling the guards to stop as they passed me. Her back straightened as her defiant stare bore into mine.

  “You will not get away with this, Kyr. The Queen will soon realize we’ve been taken, and she will lead the army to rescue us.” My gaze followed the small voice to her lady in waiting who was struggling against the guards’ hold.

  “Don’t waste your voice on this mongrel. There is no use.” The Summer Princess conveyed, and I smirked.

  “Your servant should mind her manners. We are in my kingdom now.”

  “She’s not my servant! She’s my friend.”

  I ignored her response and my gaze returned to her maid. “What is your name?”

  “Marigold,” She said, dryly.

  “Marigold, Your Highness.” Kahina corrected, practically snarling at her. “You will address the prince with respect!” Marigold whimpered, as Kah’s hold tightened on her delicate arm.

  “Now, now, Kah. That is not necessary. You will upset the Summer Princess.”

  “My name is Aura Lenora, daughter of Queen Abella Lenora ruler of the Summer Court, and…”

  “I know, I know. And the light of the flowerbeds, in the sunny field’s honey waterfalls, and whatever other flowery thing you Summer Faeries love naming yourselves.” I smiled as the flames of anger ignited in her eyes. I had never seen eyes quite like hers.

  “You ignorant baboon! You have no notion of what you have done. Your Kingdom is doomed. It will take the Queen no more than a week to gather her army and come for you. My mother will see me free.”

  I raised my eyebrows intrigued. “The Summer Queen herself, come to my court? Well, that would bring me the deepest joy. We shall throw a ball in her honor.” I looked at Gallai. “Take them to the east wing, and place them in the chamber the ladies have prepared for them. Make sure they are treated with the respect they deserve and let go of their arms. I am sure they can walk for themselves.”

  The princess’ eyes clouded in confusion as she pulled her arms free from the guards’ hold. She rubbed the reddened skin while her gaze went to the dark cell to her right, then to me.

  “You prepared a chamber in the castle for us?”

  “Why, of course. You are Princess Aura Lenora, daughter of Queen Abella Lenora ruler of the Summer Court.” I said, repeating her words. “I would not dare throw you in a dungeon.”

  “Then why have you brought us down here? Is this madness?”

  I smirked. “I prefer to call it strategy.” Her eyes widened as she realized she had given me the information I required. “Take them to their chambers. Have the ladies I appointed to their care draw them a bath, and dress them in the finest linens. The Princess and her maid shall join us for dinner tonight. They are our esteemed guests, after all.”

  I took Aura’s hand and kissed it while her stunned eyes followed my every move. I smiled, bowed my head, and turned on my heel, walking away.

  “The king has requested your presence in the throne room, my prince.”

  Laurel informed me once I cleared the great hall. I pulled at the fingers of my riding gloves, taking them off, and handed them to her along with my Dilrunarta Galothnae Kuru—Dragon Wings’ Cloak.

  “Very well. I shall go at once. Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.” She bowed and walked towards the west wing where the royal chambers were located.

  The sound of my boots hitting the white marble floors reverberated through the otherwise silent hallway. The guards that stood along the way bowed once they noticed my presence, and I nodded acknowledging their respects. The sudden noise of high heels on the marble called my attention. A young woman hurried out of the throne room. She was human, which brought my steps to a halt.

  Humans were not typically welcomed in the realm of the Fae.

  Her eyes briefly settled on me as she pulled the hood of her black cloak over her head, covering her face in shadows. Nevertheless, the brief image of her face had stayed with me. Her green eyes, creamy skin, and heart-shaped lips stood out. I had never seen her before. She rushed passed me, without even acknowledging my presence. My eyes looked at her form as she rounded the hallway. She wasn’t just any human, I gathered.

  She was a Druid.

  “Prince Kyr has arrived, Your Highness.”

  Mitah, the royal usher, announced the moment I stepped into the throne room. Father’s eyes settled on me.

  “My son, I’m glad you have arrived. What is the result of your ambitious endeavor?” He asked, rising from his throne and opening his arms wide to receive me.

  I smiled, kneeling before him. “Excellence, my king. We have captured the Summer Princess.” My eyes briefly fell on Avrielle, as she stepped away from my father’s side.

  “I harbored no doubts you would return triumphant, son. You are a force to be reckoned with, and my pride.”

  I stood and accepted his embrace. “Thank you, Father. It will take the Summer Queen a week to gather her army and come for Princess Aura. When she does, we will be ready.”

  “Marvelous.” He answered, patting my cheek and sat back on the throne.

  “How may I be of service?”

  “We have just received news that the prophecy of the High Priest and Priestess of the Order of the Druids has begun.”

  My eyes widened. “That is excellent news, Father. We have been waiting quite a long time for this.” The presence of the Druid girl made perfect sense now. “I’m at your service for whatever you may need of me.”

  “I have advised the king that the best course of action is to extend a visit to the High Priest and Priestess and pledge our unconditional alliance to them.” Avrielle’s melodic voice pulled my attention back to her. “We are to offer the High Priestess a gift. An invaluable one, only we can provide.” Light violet eyes looked straight into mine, and she raised an eyebrow, as though waiting for me to contradict her.

  I smirked. “Brilliant. Excellent advise as always, Avrielle.” She smiled, pleased by my answer. My gaze returned to father. “I shall gather my brothers and visit the White Haunted Mountain at once. We will obtain the most precious form of the Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis crystal we can find, and leave to the Druid Village.”

  “I rest at ease, son, for I know all is in your hands.”

  “Ista Starhimar Bor Daeosnay Etha”—It shall be done.

  I stood, bowed to him and Avrielle, and then turned leaving the throne room.

  “I’ll need my ceremonial armor and cloak, and have the maids draw me a bath. I shall get my brothers,” I said to Laurel as I stepped into the hallway.

  “Yes, my prince.”

  “Do you know where my brother Ash is?”

  “In his chambers, my prince.”

  “I assume he’s not alone?” I asked, looking at her over my shoulder as we made our way through the c

  She blushed. “No, my prince. He’s not. I saw him enter his chambers with two of the Duchess’ ladies.”

  I sighed shaking my head. “And my brother, Nyx? Don’t answer that.” I looked at her once more, and she smiled. “He’s in the great library,” we said in unison. I chuckled. “Have them ready our horses too. We will leave soon.”

  “As you wish.”

  I nodded in salute to the female guards outside my brother’s room and reached for the door. The scene that greeted me when I walked in was not an unfamiliar one. Neither was the magic inside. I felt the slowing of time the moment I entered. My gaze roamed the room. Two beautiful women sat on the chaise caressing each other while another stood by the window. Their striking naked bodies were scarcely covered by the white gauze robes they wore, as they waited their turn to please the prince. They smiled and bowed, rising from their place and walked towards me. My brother sat in bed while a female rocked back and forth on his lap. Her hair swayed graciously on her back, with every movement of her body. Another one sat behind him, kissing his neck. Her hands moved on his chest, embracing him.

  I sighed. “Doesn’t this ever get tiresome, brother?”

  He laughed. “Never. I’m glad you have returned. Did you come back with your precious new possession?”

  “I have… you should have been there, Ash. Then victory would also be yours. You could use some of Father’s grace.”

  “Ah, but you are mistaken. His grace was made only for you. Besides, I have more important things to take care of.”

  I smiled at the female that stood beside me and began kissing my neck. Her hands slipped under my suit and stroked my chest. The other stood before me and started to undo the buttons of my trousers.

  “Won’t you join us, Kyr? They are eager to please.”

  “We are, Your Highness.” The females confirmed in a singing voice.

  The woman who stood before me slipped her hand into my pants, holding me. I smiled and removed her hand, kissing it. “Another time, perhaps.”

  Ash stood and walked towards the bar while I fixed my clothes. He took a glass filled with liquor and took a sip. “Ahh. Scotch, the drink of the Gods.” Taking one more sip, he placed the empty glass down.


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