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Sharing a Mate

Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Of course not, small one—give us some credit,” Bron said, frowning. “Haven’t we told you we would never hurt you?”

  “Yes, but in this case I’m already hurting,” Kayla protested.

  “Just let us see it,” Sorin said. “According to the article I read on my holo-link, there might be a way to detach the base from the shafts inside you. It’ll be a lot easier to deal with the shafts without all the damn feathers in the way.”

  Kayla had to agree with that. Still, it was embarrassing to lay face down on the bed with her legs spread while Bron and Sorin examined her.

  “Here—I see a way. Let me go get the tool kit in the ship’s locker,” Bron exclaimed. He left and was back in a moment, holding a small orange case in his big hand. “All right now, Kayla, open your legs wide and Sorin, if you could spread her cheeks so I can work on her?”

  “Of course,” Sorin said smoothly.

  So Kayla had to open her legs as wide as she could and submit to having the Blood Kindred spread her ass cheeks as wide as possible while the big Beast Kindred worked on the mechanism that was thrust deep inside her. It was embarrassing but after everything the three of them had been through together, not quite as bad as it might have been. At least she didn’t feel like Sorin or Bron were judging her—they were just trying to help her. For which she was grateful since she never would have gotten the tail out on her own.

  She heard Bron cursing behind her as his big fingers brushed her outer pussy lips, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Damn fiddly little bits. Almost too small to see—let alone work with,” he growled.

  “You know, you are a microbiologist, Brother,” Sorin pointed out dryly. “Too small to see is supposed to be your wheelhouse.”

  “It’s different when you’re looking under a microscope,” Bron muttered. “It’s—ah! Got it!”

  There was a motion behind her and then the large metal handle with the feathers sprouting out of it was suddenly removed. Kayla felt it go with relief but there was one problem.

  “Um, guys,” she said, twisting her head around to look over her shoulder at them. “The, uh, wands—the shafts—are still inside me.”

  “We know,” Sorin told her. “We just had to get the feathers and the handle out of the way so we could work on them.”

  “Work on them? Work on them how?” Kayla demanded.

  She became aware that she was still spread out and completely open on the bed. And now that the feathers and handle were no longer in the way. Sorin and Bron had a totally unobstructed view of her pussy and her rosebud—both of which were tightly stretched around the black bases of the shafts buried inside her.

  “The article I read said you need a certain kind of lubricant to ease the shafts out of you,” Sorin murmured. As he spoke, he traced the round base of the black wand buried in her pussy with one gentle fingertip.

  Kayla shivered as his finger brushed lightly over her clit.

  “What…what kind of lubricant?” she said, her voice sounding a little shaky even to her. “I mean…can we get it here on Carnal Four?”

  “Hell yes, we can get it here. In fact, we’ve already got it,” Bron growled softly.

  “Then what—” Kayla started to ask but the words died in her throat when the big Beast Kindred leaned over her and traced the base of the shaft that was firmly lodged in her rosebud with his wet, warm tongue. “Ohhh…” she gasped, trying to wiggle away. “Bron what…what are you doing?”

  “He’s licking you,” Sorin murmured. “Saliva—male saliva. That’s the only lubricant that can loosen the shafts inside you.”

  Bron looked up. “Not true—I thought you said the article also said precum and cum could be used too.”

  “You’ve already come in our lady’s ass once tonight, Bron, and it was a somewhat traumatic experience for her,” Sorin responded, frowning. “I thought we agreed that it would be much more gentle…and pleasurable for Kayla if we licked her instead.”

  “I’m not complaining.” Bron held up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “I’ve been wanting to taste her ass and pussy pretty much from the first minute we met her. I’m just saying what the article said.”

  Kayla had been laying there speechless as they argued but now she found her voice.

  “You…you two want to…to lick me to get these things out?”

  She couldn’t help the way her voice trembled and her heart started racing at the thought.

  “Mmm, yes we do, baby.” Bron leaned over her spread bottom and lapped at her rosebud once more, eagerly, making Kayla shiver.

  “Very much,” Sorin assured her. “But also, we need to. The article I read said that the longer the shafts stay in your pussy and ass, the more pain and irritation you’ll have when they finally come out.”

  Kayla bit her lip. Even a week ago this kind of scenario would have been unthinkable except in her guilty fantasies. Now it seemed it was a necessity.

  Well, at least I know I’m squeaky clean down there, she told herself. After an hour-long shower and using up all the soap trying to get the damn tail out, she could hardly be otherwise.

  “All…all right,” she whispered at last. “I…I guess it’s okay.”

  “If it makes you nervous, I can promise we’ll keep it as, uh, businesslike as possible,” Sorin told her. “Bron and I will just lick around the bases of the shafts…we won’t taste your clit or your inner folds if you don’t want us to.”

  “It’s business, not pleasure,” Bron said. “We have to get those things out of you, small one.”

  Kayla nodded, feeling a strange mixture of relief and regret.

  “All right. But how…?”

  “We thought it would be best if you stood between us while Bron and I sat on the floor at your feet,” Sorin said. “That way both of us can reach you at the same time.”

  “You’ve, uh, really got this all planned out, huh?” Kayla asked shakily as they helped her to her feet.

  “We had plenty of time to talk about it while you tried to deal with things yourself in the fresher without asking us for help.” Bron sounded reproachful.

  “Sorry, guys.” Kayla tried to laugh but it came out sounding more nervous than funny. “I, uh, didn’t know I needed this kind of help.”

  “This kind of help, as you put it, is a Kindred specialty,” Sorin reminded her as he led her to a clear spot on the bedroom floor. “We need to taste our lady’s pussy—remember?”

  “And ass.” Bron sounded positively hungry. “But of course, we’ll keep it all business,” he added quickly. “Just like Sorin promised.”

  The two of them had changed back into their regular tight black leather trousers but Kayla could see the thick bulges of their shafts straining against the tough fabric. Clearly helping her this way would be no hardship for them even if they did keep it businesslike, as they kept promising.

  Which means I should try to relax, she told herself—but she felt too nervous. She hadn’t been with a man who actually wanted to go down in a long time—probably not since her under-grad years. And even then the guy in question hadn’t been very good at it.

  Something told her that Bron and Sorin were experts.

  “Here, hold onto this clothes-rack,” Sorin told her. Reaching to the ceiling, he pulled down a folding metal bar that looked a little like a trapeze. It must be for holding hanging clothes since there was no closet in the small bedroom, but it made a perfectly good place for Kayla to grip while her guys worked on her.

  “Now…” Sorin and Bron both sat on the floor with Sorin in front and Bron behind her. Their height put their mouths at just the right level.

  Just the right level to lick my pussy, Kayla thought, her heart skipping a beat. Oh my God, I can’t believe we’re doing this!

  “Relax, sweetheart,” Sorin was in front of her, stroking her thighs with his big hands. “I know this is a necessity but we’ll be gentle. And as I promised, I won’t lap your sweet little clit.”

“You…you won’t?” Kayla reached up to grab the cold metal of the clothes-rack, incredibly aware of how naked and open she was between her guys.

  “No.” Sorin frowned. “Not unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Kayla wanted to ask why it would be necessary to lick and suck her throbbing clit when the shaft that was lodged in her was lower, in the entrance to her pussy. But before she could speak, Bron was already spreading her cheeks again with his big, warm hands.

  “Gods, small one—you have an incredibly lush ass,” he rumbled. “Here, Sorin—we need to open her so I can get to her.”

  “Of course, Brother. This way, leelah.” Sorin lifted Kayla’s left leg and hooked her thigh over one of his broad shoulders. This has the effect of spreading open her pussy and ass in a way that made her heart pound at her vulnerability. “Ready now,” he said to Bron. “As one?”

  “As one,” the big Beast Kindred agreed and then they both pressed close to Kayla and two hot mouths were caressing her pussy entrance and her rosebud at the same time.

  Kayla gasped and threw back her head as she felt her men tasting her. God, it felt incredible—two hot, wet tongues lapping at her most intimate flesh at once. As they did it, Bron was making animalistic growls of satisfaction and Sorin was making a low humming sound of what appeared to be pure pleasure. Clearly both of them were enjoying themselves.

  The only problem was, it didn’t seem to be working.

  Sorin was the first to notice. He pulled back, frowning and reached over to tap Bron on the shoulder.

  “Mine’s not a bit loose, Brother—yours?” he asked, frowning at the base of the black shaft he was trying to pull from Kayla’s pussy.

  “No,” Bron admitted. “But we can keep trying,” he added hungrily. “Kayla’s sweet ass is fucking amazing.”

  “Eating her ass and pussy isn’t the point,” Sorin reminded him. “Getting these damn shafts out of her is.”

  “Well maybe eating her—pleasuring her—should be the point,” Bron rumbled. “Fuck being businesslike. Didn’t the article say if the female has an orgasm that also helps to loosen the bond?”

  “It did.” Sorin nodded thoughtfully.

  “It…it did?” Kayla asked, her voice coming out in a breathless little whisper.

  “I’m afraid so, leelah. I know we’ve pushed a lot of your boundaries tonight and I’m sorry for that,” Sorin murmured. “But I’m afraid you have no choice but to spread your pussy for me and let me lap your clit to make you come. It’s the only way this can work.”

  “God!” His hot words and the way the big Blood Kindred was looking at her made Kayla feel like her heart was pounding in every part of her body.

  “It’s all right, baby,” Bron murmured from behind her, caressing her ass cheeks lovingly. “Sorin will be gentle with you.” He looked at the Blood Kindred. “Mind your fangs, Brother.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Sorin assured him. “I can lap our lady’s pussy and make her come without putting so much as a scratch on her.”

  “Do it then,” Kayla whispered, giving in completely at last, just as she had when she’d agreed to take the head of Bron’s cock first in her pussy and then in her ass at the club. “Do it, boys—make me come.”

  Her words were all they needed.

  With a hungry growl, she felt Bron spread her cheeks again and lap long and hot and wet over her trembling rosebud. Sorin, on the other hand, concentrated on her clit this time.

  Sucking the throbbing button into his mouth, the Blood Kindred traced it slowly with the tip of his tongue. Though Kayla felt the sharp points of his fangs bracketing the sensitive little bump he was as good as his word and didn’t even scratch her with them. Instead he just kept up the long, slow licking, in stark contrast to Bron’s hard, hungry lapping.

  Sparks of pleasure shot through her. She felt like she was being consumed…completely devoured by her men and it was the best feeling she’d ever had. Their bonding scents rose around her—Bron’s rich and dark and spicy and Sorin’s icy and fresh. They mixed together, filling her senses until she felt like she might explode from pleasure and need.

  Suddenly it was too much. Kayla felt like they’d been teasing her for hours—starting before the three of them had even left for the club. She remembered Bron’s soft kiss on her pussy and Sorin’s gentle fingers spreading her and slipping deep inside her while he put the marking cream on her. Then bending over and letting Bron slip the broad head of his cock deep into her pussy before he pressed it to her rosebud and filled her with his hot seed.

  The hot memories and the incredible sensations she was experiencing as both her guys lapped and sucked and tasted her overwhelmed Kayla and she found herself coming—coming so hard she saw stars dancing in front of her eyes as she cried out her pleasure.

  “Bron…Sorin…oh God…oh yes!” she moaned. She lost her grip on the clothes rack and would have fallen but four strong hands held her up, keeping her from collapsing between them.

  “Easy, small one—we’ve got you,” she heard Bron rumble. “I think she’s ready, Sorin.”

  “Here too,” came the reply. “As one, Bron—pull them out.”

  Kayla gave a little cry as the twin shafts at last came free of her rosebud and pussy and then Bron and Sorin were supporting her to the bed and laying her in the center to recover.

  She lay on the firm mattress, naked and panting, feeling newly emptied and aching below as her guys spoke in low, concerned voices.

  “That was rough on her,” she heard Sorin say, worry in his voice.

  “I’ve never seen our lady come so hard,” Bron agreed.

  “It was because the two of us were working on her at once.” Sorin’s voice was soft. “Neither one of us could have done this alone, Bron—she needed both of us.”

  “If you’re talking about the way we’ve been sharing her, that’s a fucking necessity but only for now.” The Beast Kindred’s voice was a low growl. “As soon as we get those damn blossoms and make an antidote—”

  “I know, you’ll want her to choose.” There was a note of bitterness in the Blood Kindred’s voice that tore at Kayla’s heart, despite the pain she was having between her legs.

  “What did you think would happen—that we would mate her together?” Bron scoffed. “Think of it, Sorin—it wouldn’t just be like Twin Kindred sharing a female. It would be the two of us mated to her but to each other as well. Is that what you want, to be mated to another male?”

  Sorin cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I—”

  “Of course not,” Bron answered for him. “Your sire and mine would both shit a brick if we announced such a joining. Yours because your family is phobic about males being close to each other and mine because it’s wrong for Beast Kindred to share females. Tell me I’m wrong!”

  “You’re not wrong,” Sorin said reluctantly. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean…” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what I meant.”

  “As long as you know this arrangement is just temporary,” Bron growled. “I wouldn’t share Kayla with you or anyone if I had a choice.”

  “I know that. I feel the same,” Sorin said, and sighed. “I just hate like all the Seven Hells that we’re going to lose each other.”

  “We’ll still be friends.” But there was no certainty in Bron’s deep voice.

  “If I wind up with Kayla and you have to watch the two of us together in the lab, knowing how badly you still want her, you think we’ll still be friends?” Sorin snapped.

  “And who says you’ll end up with her?” Bron’s voice was a low, dangerous growl. “If she has to choose between us—”

  Kayla interrupted them with a low groan. At once the bickering stopped and both the blond head and the dark turned toward her.

  “Leelah are you well?” Sorin asked anxiously.

  “Small one, are you all right? What’s wrong?” Bron rumbled.

  Kayla moaned again.

  “Hurts,” she whispered an
d pointed to the spot between her thighs where she had so recently been filled. “Hurts so much…”

  As they had been arguing over her, the aching left by the two black handles of the feather-tail had been growing inside her. It had been getting worse and worse until now she felt like she could hardly stand it.

  I wish they would have left the damn things in if this is what taking them out does to me, she thought miserably. It’s awful!

  “She must be having the residual pains the article talked about,” Sorin said, frowning.

  “How can we soothe her? Should we lick her again?” Bron asked anxiously.

  “No,” Kayla moaned. It wasn’t that she didn’t love their mouths on her but she knew instinctively that wasn’t what she needed right now.

  Besides the pain, she felt cold and naked and alone on the big bed as the two guys she loved most in the world argued and fought, making her feel frightened and sad. I don’t want the three of us to lose each other, she thought, feeling tears rise to burn her eyes. I don’t want to lose either of them!

  “I need you,” she told them, motioning weakly with one arm. “I need both of you near me—please.”

  They started to lay down on either side of her but when the leather of their trousers brushed her legs, Kayla moaned and pushed them away. She felt so sensitive and achy below the waist she didn’t think she could stand anything but their bare skin against hers.

  “Take them off,” she ordered. “Both of you. And then get close—I’m cold.”

  “Of course, leelah,” Sorin murmured and Bron rumbled an assent as the two of them stripped naked and then climbed back into the bed with her.

  Kayla gave a little moan as the two big, male bodies came in contact with her own again. Bron was behind her, lying on his right side and she turned instinctively to fit her bottom into the curve of his big body. Sorin lay on his left side, facing her. Kayla reached for him and pulled him closer, giving a sigh of relief at the feeling of all four of their muscular arms enfolding her.

  But something still wasn’t right—she needed more to ease the ache left by the black shafts.

  She could feel Bron’s long, thick cock branding her ass as the Beast Kindred pressed against her from behind. Instinctively, she reached for him and, lifting one of her thighs, moved him down until his thickness was resting between her legs, nestled against her outer pussy lips. That felt good—felt right—but still, she needed more.


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