Pure White Rose: A Dark Romance (Rose and Thorn Book 2)
Page 14
“You don’t understand why she’s mad at you?” Pia turned her attention back to me. “Do you even have to ask?”
“What?” I managed to get out, staring at her with contempt. “As if I did something wrong?”
“You took her man,” Pia cried out.
“He was never hers, to begin with,” I got out through gritted teeth. “He’s fucking mine. And you two both seem clueless to the fact that he doesn’t want to have jack shit to do with either of you. So you better just give up now, before you’ve embarrassed yourself further.”
The guard gripped me tighter and I wrestled uselessly against his rough touch.
“And if you think you won’t get punished for this,” I went on darkly. “You’re fucking stupid, Pia. As soon as Thorn gets back and realizes what you’ve done to me, you’ll be in deep shit.”
“We’ll see,” she said cockily, smirking at me. “I’ve been at his side for longer, you bitch. You have no idea what we’ve been through together.”
She opened her mouth to go on, but I cut her off, saying, “Actually, don’t waste your breath, because I don’t give a shit. If Thorn wants to tell me that’s fine, but I don’t want to hear another lie from your lips ever again. So just fucking save it for someone that actually gives a damn.”
“My, my,” Pia smirked at me. “Looks like the little bitch does have a spine after all! Maybe I’ll start walking all over you in shorter heels now.”
“Don’t care either way,” I told her darkly. “Because I have the only thing you’ve ever wanted, and you’re never getting it back.”
We stared at each other with obvious contempt flowing freely between us. Of course, Thorn had to choose that moment to walk into the room, the tension growing as the guard loosened his grip of my arms.
“What the fuck’s going on here?” Thorn growled, and I twisted out of the guard’s reach, glaring at him over my shoulder.
Thorn strode right up to the guard first, grabbing his head and slamming him headfirst into the wall. The man groaned and rubbed his forehead as Thorn let go of him, grabbing him by the nape of his neck and growling a warning I didn’t hear into his ear. Next, he approached us, reaching out for me to join him. I cowered under his arm and he held me close as he turned his wrath on Pia.
“Don’t think I won’t punish you again,” he told her angrily. “And if last night wasn’t a good enough lesson, trust me, I have plenty of other things I can throw at you to make you obey me.”
She looked sheepish as he kissed the top of my head tenderly.
“I don’t care who you sleep with, Pia,” Thorn went on. “The guards do as I tell them despite your little fucking bribes. And if you don’t fucking stop, I’m going to tear you apart piece by piece. And I’m going to fucking enjoy you collapsing to a pile of nothing. You got that? I don’t want you to ever so much as say a bad word to my woman. Nod if you understand.”
She didn’t dare look at me, though I could tell she was desperate to do it, her eyes dancing over Thorn’s features. She nodded swiftly, without saying a word.
“Good,” Thorn ground out. “Now move the fuck out of our way.”
She stepped aside, and Thorn led me out through the door and towards the rose garden I’d come to know so well. It was still a place of secrets, of unspoken stories that he would eventually reveal to me. But it was no longer frightening, the thorns and brambles of the bushes not scaring me anymore. Now it seemed more like a place of refuge, perhaps just as Thorn had intended.
He didn’t stop walking once we were standing among the roses. He kept on going until we were at the edge of the cliff, and sat down on the rocks, his feet dangling above the precipice. He reached out to me, and I stared at him with surprise, my heart beating impossibly fast.
“What if I fall?” I whispered fear setting into my bones.
“I’ll catch you,” he said simply, and I took his hand, sitting on the edge with him.
My foot caught on a rock and several pebbles tumbled down into the ocean. The view was incredible, the smell of the sea overwhelming in my nose. It was the freest I had felt since I’d been with him, even compared to my second trip to London. My mind was suddenly clear. There were no thoughts of Amber, no worries about Pia or Carina. There were just the two of us, and I leaned against Thorn as we stared at the water below us.
“I hope you’re prepared for the life ahead of you,” Thorn told me softly. “Things are going to change for you very soon.”
I stared at his chiseled, handsome profile with my heart pounding.
“What do you mean?” I finally dared ask.
“You’ll start traveling with me,” he told me. “Instead of Pia. You’ll be my partner in everything. Parties, social gatherings, charities, every trip I go on, you’ll be with me. Unless it’s impossible, you will always be by my side. Would you like that, Rose?”
“Yes,” I whispered. I was telling him the truth. I desperately wanted him to want me with him at all times, just like I wanted him. “I really would, Master.”
“Good girl,” he muttered absent-mindedly, his fingers stroking my knee as he stared across the sea. “Soon, I will tell you more. Help you understand me, and this place better.”
“Thank you,” I said. “I would love to know anything you can tell me.”
He gave me a gentle smile, stroking a flyaway strand of hair from my face.
“My beautiful girl,” he muttered, and I blushed at the tone of his voice.
He stroked me as if I were a porcelain doll, his motions gentle, his caress oh so sweet. I couldn’t get enough of it.
“Harlow,” he muttered, and I looked into his eyes sharply. He never called me that. “Do you know what tonight is?”
“No,” I said softly, and he gave me a kind smile as he continued to stroke my skin.
“Tonight,” he went on, purposefully stretching the words to make me even more anxious. “Well, tonight is the night you get punished for running away.”
“I…” I started, but he pressed a finger against my lips.
“No arguing, no buts,” he said. “I’ve let you get away with too much, my little rose. If you want to earn your name back, you’re going to have to work for it. Meet me out here tonight at midnight. Are you able to do that?”
“Yes,” I whispered as softly as I could manage.
My eyes were filled with fear as I looked at him.
“Anything,” I went on. “Anything for you.”
Chapter 22
A dress had arrived for me, but there were no heels this time.
I opened the smaller cardboard box first, finding a pair of gorgeous gold sandals that laced up my calves. I got ready with shaky fingers, applying makeup the way I’d been taught to. I had no idea what lay in store for me, but I wanted to see what Thorn had prepared. I know I would walk away broken in one way or another, but it didn’t mean I didn’t want to dress up for him. I wanted to look prettier than I’d ever been, in fact.
I didn’t let myself look at the bigger box until I was ready. I’d curled my hair and let it fall freely down my shoulders and back, just the way Thorn liked it. My makeup was done with the mascara I kept aside, knowing it ran black every time I cried. I knew Thorn liked that, too. I painted my lips and cheeks pink and finally opened the larger cardboard box, gasping when I saw the dress inside.
It was simple, like one I’d worn before. I knew Thorn liked shimmering fabrics and metallics on me, but this dress was simple and beautiful in its graceful cut. It was long, with a long slit all the way up my thigh, made of a gorgeous white silk and draping perfectly over my body, giving the illusion of bigger breasts and round hips that I still didn’t really have. I realized as I slipped it on it had been days since I’d danced, and I hoped Thorn wouldn’t take my lessons with Marchante away from me now that I was back.
Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I left my room and found the hallway lit up with electric tealight candles. They led me all the way outside on
to the cliffs, and I was surprised to find no one else around. If this had happened just a week ago, I would have been tempted to use the opportunity to get away. But that night, all I wanted to do was follow the tealights towards my destination and see what Thorn had prepared for me.
I stepped outside into the cool evening air, the white silk feeling luxurious against my skin. I’d scrubbed and shaved in the shower, and my skin glistened with the healthy dose of lotion I’d applied to it. I thought I looked more beautiful than ever before, and I hoped Thorn would notice too. I wasn’t afraid yet, though I felt my own nerves in the pit of my stomach, reminding me that things would only get harder for me that night.
I followed the tealights, the grass outside just a little too long, brushing against my ankles as I made my way through the path he’d made for me. The way there felt more like a romantic stroll than a punishment, but I knew better than to be fooled by Thorn again.
The night was balmy and beautiful, the stars twinkling in the indigo sky.
I rounded the corner and saw him standing next to a table laid out for two. He was wearing one of his suits, looking impeccable as always, and my heart surged at the sight of him. I desperately wanted to be closer to him, to hold his hand and have him tell me how much he cared for me. My heart hammered in my chest as I made my way towards him, and he pulled out a chair for me.
“Hello, beautiful,” he growled, and I sat down across from him, feasting upon his handsome features. “I’m glad you could join me.”
If he was playing a game, he was doing a damn fine job of it.
We fell into an easy conversation as he uncovered our plates, presenting a gorgeous meal cooked just for us. There was no one around, no maids or guards or anyone. I was grateful for it, especially after the previous night and what he’d made me do. I glanced at him over the table, the electric candles illuminated in his eyes as he stared at me openly.
Suddenly, I had nothing left to say, my mouth dry as I cut my steak.
“Don’t be afraid,” Thorn told me gently. “I just want to talk for starters. Is that alright?”
I was surprised, he never asked for permission. But I knew better than to question him, so I just nodded and continued eating.
“I wanted to talk to you about something that changed my life,” he went on. “Someone that came into my life and changed everything. Do you know who I’m talking about, Harlow?”
I shook my head, inwardly praying that it wouldn’t be Pia.
“It was Ellis,” he said simply, and my heart lurched at the mention of his name. “He was only twenty-six to my thirty-nine, Harlow. I felt such a responsibility for him. I think it’s the same way you feel about Amber, am I right?”
I nodded reluctantly, too emotional to trust myself to answer.
“I cared for him deeply,” Thorn went on. “I think I saw him as part of my family - the family I’d lost over the years. I’ll tell you about that, too. Did you know my father was a gardener? He worked right here, at the Mansion. His employer was a cruel man who treated me and my father horribly. Years later, I bought the house from him when he went into debt. And I’ll never forget the look on his face when he realized who bought it from him.”
He smirked at the memory and I cocked my head to the side, saying, “Seems a little vengeful.”
“You could say that,” Thorn laughed out loud. “But for me, it was symbolic. I was younger back then, cockier. And I wanted to have what I’d admired my entire childhood. The man I bought the house from shot himself a week after the sale.”
He kept on eating, but my fork clattered down as he ate. I’d suddenly lost my appetite.
“He had a son,” Thorn went on. “A son who came to me, because he had nowhere else to go. And I saw more of myself in the young man than I did of his father, so I decided to be the graceful one and help him. I felt guilty about his father’s death and I wanted to be a better man. Little did I know what kind of trouble he would get me into. That he would hurt you… that he would betray my trust and end up dying at my hand.”
“Ellis,” I whispered, and Thorn nodded slowly and thoughtfully. “He betrayed you.”
“He did,” Thorn went on. “And the betrayal hurt even more because I truly trusted him. There were only two people I trusted implicitly, and in the past year, both of them have let me down completely. Even I feel alone sometimes in this world, Harlow. Even I feel out of place.”
He finished his meal as I looked on, and then pushed his chair back, offering me his hand.
“Come with me,” he said. “Let me show you something.”
We started walking slowly, my arm in his, and my head resting on his shoulder.
“Was the other person Pia?” I finally asked, and Thorn nodded.
“You will find out more about her soon,” he promised me “But she was… an integral part of my life. Until she let me down and broke my fucking heart. Made me cruel. Made me the man I am today.”
We came to a stop amidst the roses, and he took my hand in his and held it close.
“What did she do?” I asked softly.
“A story for another time,” he said with a gentle smile. “But just like you, Harlow, she made a mistake. I offered her to pay for it by doing something for me. Did you know Pia is afraid of heights?”
I gave him a surprised look, shaking my head and not understanding where he was going. “No, I wasn’t aware of that.”
“I gave her a choice,” Thorn went on. “I told her she was free to leave me and start a life of her own. Or she could face her fear for me. Become a stronger person. And I would consider keeping her. You will have the same choice tonight.”
The possibility of him letting me go filled me with fear, and I turned my eyes to him, begging him to reconsider.
“What did you ask her to do?” I asked shakily, and Thorn motioned towards the cliffs.
“I asked her to jump,” he admitted. “I asked her to take a leap, and promised her I’d keep her safe if she did.”
I covered my mouth with my palm as I glanced at the cliffs.
“But…” I whispered. “We’re so high up here… it’s a long way down.”
“It is,” he said. “But she was at a point in her life where she needed to face her fears. I was doing it for her just as much as I was doing it for myself. I wanted to show her she had a choice. I wanted to show her her own strength. Except, she didn’t do it.”
“Didn’t jump?” I asked, and he shook his head. “Is it safe?”
“It is,” he said simply. “You just have to jump across the rocks below.”
The idea filled me with fear, and suddenly I realized maybe he’d want me to do the same. He seemed to sense my discomfort and cocked his head at me as I spoke up.
“If you want me to jump…” I started, my eyes flitting over his face. “I… I will.”
He stared at me, smoothing my hair down thoughtfully.
“I don’t want you to jump,” he said soothingly. “I have a different choice for you, my little rose. One tailor-made for you. One that isn’t about you, or me as a person. It’s about us, and choosing each other over anything else in the world.”
His words made sense, but still made me nervous, and I did my best to give him a brave smile which made him chuckle.
“Come with me, Harlow,” he said, and I followed him towards the edge of the cliffs.
Any other day I would be afraid, but he’d promised me I wouldn’t have to jump, and I believed him. But even if he changed his mind, I had accepted deep down that I was ready to do it. I would face any fear for him. I would do it all to give him what we both wanted most in the world - to be with one another.
He had set up a blanket surrounded by several paper lanterns on the cliffs, and I gave him a smile as we made our way over there. He motioned for me to lie down, and I did. He slipped his suit jacket off and joined me, his fingers absent-mindedly going through my hair as we stared into one another’s eyes. It truly felt like the calm before a storm, the m
oment before lightning struck, the moment that changed everything.
“Are you ready, little rose?” he asked me gently. “Are you ready to make your choice?”
“Yes,” I whispered in response, already knowing I would do anything and everything to end up in his arms again. “I’m ready.”
“I want to make love to you one last time,” he said, and a shiver went down my spine when I heard him call it that.
It had always been fucking with Thorn, never making love. This made me reconsider things, and for a couple of seconds, my heart pounded with irrational fear.
“Tell me you want it,” he prompted me gently, and I stared up at him, the reflection of the starry sky in his eyes blinding. “Tell me you want me to make love to you, Harlow.”
“I do,” I whispered. “I want it.”
“What else do you want?” he taunted me, and I blinked fast before opening my mouth.
“I want to hear it,” I admitted.
“Hear what?” his voice was barely audible.
“Hear that you love me,” I managed to get out, blushing fiercely as soon as the words left my lips. “I want to hear you say it.”
Chapter 23
I needed to put my cock inside her.
Harlow Granger had never looked more beautiful than she did that night, lying on a soft blanket with her hair fanned out around her and her eyes frightened. I knew we would both remember that night forever, commit it to our memories and never look back after the decision she was about to make. Even though I was sure about her feelings for me, I was nervous. I needed her to make the right choice for both of us, and what worried me was that I wasn’t even convinced what that was myself.
There was no doubt that we were hurting each other, and hurting alone. But my only hope was I could make things a little bit better for Harlow. That I could teach her to let go, and let me take care of her when no one else would. I hoped that she trusted me enough to let me in close, and let me take care of her.